Unigames Committee Meeting #3 - 18/03/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 18/03/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #3 - 18/03/2021


  • Alistair
  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gwen
  • Vikrum
  • Ethan
  • Amber
  • Chris
  • Nina
  • Texas


Meeting scheduled: 7pm

Meeting open: 7:12pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • monkey goblins, they're mokey goblins
  • At 5:47pm today the Emergency Kazoo was blown for the first time outside of testing
    • While transporting the food run into the room a box of vonk was dropped. There was only one survivor
  • I met with Callum from whogivesabuck, talked about potential charities and advertising things
  • It has certainly been a week
  • I'm so tired rip
  • monkey goblins, they're monkey goblins

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • i have been wracked by physical pain all week is this taylors curse continuing?? perhaps.
  • talked through west marches with gibby, he's putting in the hard yards
  • posted several events and made several posts
  • talked through library things with vikrum he's been hard at work
  • jackie is mean to me right now
  • PROSH is next week come be silly im gonna wear bunny ears
  • thank you for reading the minutes, have a fantastic week!!

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • so many things happen
  • why
  • attended the SOCPAC meeting
  • working on charity vigil, 2 weeks remain (screaming)
  • went on a food run today, why are CH people gremlins
  • also finished the committee poster
  • got the domain registration done
  • account balance: $10,071.41
  • happy 2 year anniversary to alistair eating an apple pie which i was so traumatised by that i legit forgot about it (gwen you can remove this point if you want)
    • I didn't remove it

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • Bothered Kieran successfully so that he helped out with Intro to Wargaming
  • Took Unigames to a sleepover at my house where she got a cool bath. Now she is shiny
  • Discovered that I will be on a farm for another big Unigames event :(

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • A cursed food run was committed
  • Why do rich people drive like they don't own expensive cars and are also part time monkey goblins
  • Spoke to a bunch of professional librarians about the nuances of cataloguing non-book items, with mixed results
  • Sighed at least once looking at the library before fixing it, please let the records state that I did
  • Was in the vicinity of the Intro to Wargaming night

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • Do firefighting on fresher campaigns
  • Added new signups to fresher campaigns
  • Ran intro to wargaming
  • Excellent attendance with 11 people
  • Made sales spreadsheet for sales
  • Almost got doored by Gwen and Alistair
    • he wasn't going to his clas!
  • Made discord for Westmarche
  • Made some basic Westmarche decisions
  • Went on first food run very exciting
  • Saw Vikrum break exactly zero road rules.

Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):

  • Amber:

    • Bought and deliver white primer (renumeration needed, $26.35)
    • Alistar said he would pay 20c a box of Vonk.
    • Started helping with the Westmarche project.
    • Helped unloading for the food run, and somehow hurt my ribs.
  • Chris:

  • Created Facebook event for the Monster of the Week One-shot night tomorrow

    • Created character for my fresher campaign. Ad Eva looks like a fantastic system
    • learned that my discord profile pic apparently looks nothing like me so now I need a new one (any suggestions?)
    • bought some new dice (a few average dice, d20 rolls well). They look better than they roll
  • Nina:

    • Got doored by emerald for an awful pun during my dnd session.
      • with context it was an appropiate move by Emerald
    • unironically preferred Jackie's meme poster for Charity Vigil, much to her dismay
    • Did the EMP and emailed about loft booking for next week's board game event: "Nature Night"
    • posted fb and discord announcements for the night
    • i have a car now!! So fingers crossed i'll get going on food runs and stocking the clubroom up with violet crumble in no time!
    • also assignments are happening i guess??? Currently drowning in work.
  • Texas:

  • this is my formal apology for accidentally @ing the entirety of unigames. mistakes were made and I am a fool it (probably) won't happen again by me
    • played some dnd that was fun(someone rolled snake eyes and almost killed their familiar)
    • had a lecture in 2020 fresher guide font and couldn't focus

Past action Items:


Contact successful and unsuccessful gatekeeper/webkeeper applicants - done

Meet with "Who Gives a Buck" (along with Jackie) - done

Do camp EMP and preliminary discussions (along with Emerald, Jackie) - not done

Make camp names poll (along with Emerald, Jackie) - not done

Deal with closed items - done

Email about mounting things - not done

Discuss digitalising library (along with Emerald, Vikrum) - kinda

Write Large Scale Borrowing regulations - not done

Continue subcommittee regulations with Taylor - not done


Make Artemis LAN event - done

Do camp EMP and preliminary discussions (along with Alistair, Jackie) - not done

Make camp names poll (along with Alistair, Jackie) - not done

Discuss digitalising library (along with Alistair, Vikrum) - kinda

Make pretty intro post to Westmarch (along with Ethan) - kinda


Meet with "Who Gives a Buck" (along with Alistair) - not done

Do camp EMP and preliminary discussions (along with Alistair, Emerald) - not done

Make camp names poll (along with Alistair, Emerald) - not done

Buy the website domain - done


Bother Kieran for Intro to Wargaming - done


Discuss digitalising library (along with Alistair, Emerald) - done


Make Intro to Wargaming event - done x2

Contact 8th Fresher GM and other fresher campaign shenanigans - done

Make Westmarch Campaign interest poll on Facebook - postponed

Make pretty intro post to Westmarch (along with Emerald) - kinda


Buy a can of white primer from Tactics - done


Re-contact Monster of the Week GMs - done

Contact CoC GMs and organise the One Shot for week 6 - not done


Organise Week 5 Board Game Night - done


(Taylor) Write your bloody handover! - not done

(All) Send a photo and a funny joke to Jackie on discord - done


Alistair: Contact successful and unsuccessful gatekeeper applicants


  • no updates

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Nature Night [Week 5 26/3 5pm]
    • Board games... lots of board games
      • all nature themed
    • Emerald learns how to say "cuckoo"
  • Week 7 Board Games

Texas: Organise week 7 board games


  • Monster of the Week One Shot [Friday 19th March 5pm - 10pm Week 4]

    • it's tomorrow
    • Merlin, Emerald and Nina are our GMs
  • Call of Cthulu One Shot [Week 6]

Chris: Contact GMs

Magic: The Gavining

  • Strixhaven Pre-release is scheduled for April 18th
    • Hell yeah wizard school


  • Intro to Wargaming [Wednesday 17th March 5pm Week 4]
    • 11 people showed!
      • Incredible!
    • Alistair learnt wargames
  • We should do more wargaming events e.g. Mordheim

Ethan: Contact Kieran about wargaming events Ethan: Contact Kyle about terrain

Fresher Campaigns

  • Some messages need to go out and things
  • Potentailly setting up 9th campaign based on applications

Ethan: Continue fresher campaign shenanigans


PROSH Olympics [1-2pm Tuesday 16/3/21]:

  • We only got like 4 people and we needed 6 :(
  • Big F
  • Hopefully we don't get shafted on location

Artemis LAN [Saturday 1pm 20/3/21]

  • It's happening on Saturday!
  • Come along for some fun times with computers and space ships

PROSH [Wednesday 5am 24/3/21]:

  • Come along!
  • It's a unique uni experience that is a fun time
  • Our theme: "bugs and bunnies"
    • If you're struggling to find a costume just get some bunny ears
  • Most of committee are cowards, but peer pressure is occuring

Charity Vigil [Probably Sat 3/4/21 - Sun 4/4/21]:

  • We have a budget to approve
    • Approved
  • What activities do we wanna run?
    • Board games
      • $1 to play a board game etc.
    • One shots
      • We need to organise these
      • Pay to win style
    • Planechase (Magic)
  • Raffle prizes
    • We normally ask different places for prizes and they give us a goodie bag
    • Alistair proposes we have a prize budget of $50
      • Jackie will determine how much to spend after emailing Tactics
    • 3 Unigames d6s will be prizes
  • Auctions could exist for items such as the last Unigames maroon shirt that wouldn't be a good raffle prize

Jackie: Email Tactics about Charity vigil raffle prizes Jackie, Ethan: Ask charity subcommittee about possible auction

Swancon [24/4/21 - 26/4/21]:

  • Alistair emailed Rob & Leece
    • They want people to teach Pandemic

Alistair: Email Swancon people about Pandemic teachers

Unigames "H" [REDACTED] [Friday 16/7/21 - Monday 19/7/21]:

  • We can outsource potential names with a poll or we can think of a cool name ourselves

Alistair: Put up committee only camp names poll Alistair, Emerald, Jackie: EMP... for camp... camp EMP

Quiz Night [Probably Friday 20/8 or 27/8]:

  • We should book the Tav

Alistair: Bother ICONS about Quiz Night date so Tav booking can happen

Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 4/9 - Sun 5/9]:

  • the distant future

Relay for Life [October]:

  • no more distant future

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ 77 Social [Thursday 21/10/21]:

  • so very distant future

Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [19/11/21 - 22/11/21]:

  • Merlin booked Manjedal and Jarcus paid the invoice
    • Invoice was $990
    • We have written up a transfer of $330 to UCC
  • We need subcommittee reps
    • Jackie, Emerald and Texas probably


Pending: - $264.80 for food run to Jackie - $20 for clock to Nina - $26.35 white primer to Amber - $330 Collab [REDACTED] deposit to UCC - $52.50 domain registration to Jackie - $548.35 for food run to Jackie


  • SOC Meeting

    • O Day voucher money will come after O Day grants
    • Cameon Hall locks and keys will be ready to pick up next week
    • Busy bee rosters available next week
    • Corridor door has been removed hole emoji
  • Elevator

    • No update
  • Semester grants

    • Haven't bothered Aiden
  • O Day Grant

    • Due on 26th March Friday
  • Best Club award

    • :(

General Business:

Room Update

  • No updates

Student Leadership Training:

  • April training is full
  • Next training is in July before camp


  • Vikrum had a chat with Donald
  • Vikrum speaking to librarians:
    • Our library does not have a lot of diversity like other libraries, so we can be more specific with categories
    • Vikrum is working through suggestions from people


  • Domain Purchase
    • It has been purchased
    • Hopefully we'll use it soon


Alistair: Them regulations

Fridge Poster

  • They're ready
  • It's very cool

Alistair: Print and laminate fridge posters

Westmarch Campaign

  • Settings have been narrowed down
    • Homebrew has been ruled out for obvious reasons
    • Faerun has been ruled out because it's Faerun
  • There is now a discord channel

Ethan: Continue Westmarch things

Meeting closed: 8:26pm