Unigames Committee Meeting #3 - 21/03/2022

by Ethan Gibson 21/03/22

Unigames Committee Meeting #3 - 21/03/2022

tags: committee meeting 2022


  • Emerald (Discord)
  • Jackie
  • Texas (Discord)
  • Gibbi
  • Luna
  • Hannah
  • Chris
  • Connor
  • David
  • Jazz
  • Alistair



Meeting scheduled: 5:00Pm

Meeting open: 5:05Pm


President's Report (Emerald):

  • Hi Emerald
  • Hi gibbi,
    • So the fresher welcome went well i think
    • fuck that was my whole report no no no
    • jackie you do yours and we'll come back
  • Emerald is back
  • Hi gibbi,
    • So the fresher welcome went well I think
    • We have lots to think about in terms of discord events
    • Lots of freshers
    • House has quantum covid
    • Emerald is excited for one-shot
      • An actual one this time not a 2 year campaign
      • there is only 4 lines of prep
        • Jackie: So only half a year campaign

Vice-President's Report (Jackie):

  • i have a written assignment due this sunday
    • I’m sure this won’t negatively impact me /s
  • attended fresher welcome & did a dominion lets play
  • organising dnd oneshot stuff w connor, have things i wanna talk abt
  • overlooking charity vigil subcom like some sorta evil sorcerer
  • also some things abt [REDACTED] that i think we should quickly discuss!

Treasurer's Report (Texas):

  • boss called me 4 days in a row asking if i could cover a shift like 2 hours later
  • registered for slt
  • food run with gibbi, raised unigames taxes
  • played obscurio! good game
  • acting single mum for my sister so not at meeting physically (maybe discord?)
  • need to work on my handwriting for the nice guild finance people
  • helped at fresher welcome and played some games. have a couple of thoughts about the sites we used
  • joined joint [redacted] discord
  • account balance: $9,043.91

Secretary's Report (Gibbi):

  • Wrote up Gm form and set up fresher campaign server
  • Sleeby
  • Didnt get to go to fresher welcome
  • Charity Vigil things
  • I have 1 Huebert
  • Went on Food run with Texas

Librarian's Report (Luna):

  • I have been in self isolation, Emerald mandated rest, and Hannah mandated not stressing, since Tuesday.
  • About what I've done... See above.

Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah):

  • Posted the Fresher Welcome reminder
  • Showed up and vibed to the music and also tried doing the duotrigordle
  • I now have two (2) magic cards

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Connor, David, Jazz):

  • Chris:
    • signed some people up! (welcome freshsers!)
    • rip 80c cans
    • fresher welcome was fun! good vibes
    • dnd one shot time! looking forward to seeing how that goes
    • get sleep everyone, don't be me
  • Connor:
    • Eyyyy, how’s it going?
    • Fresher welcome was a great success, freshers seemed to have a lot of fun
    • Working on getting DND one-shot night ready, very excited to run that
    • Sent in my photo n everything else for the fridge
    • Hope everyone’s studies are going well through these first few weeks 🙏
    • Is at the table
  • David:

    • sussy
    • Thanks for attending Fresher Welcome everyone! Had a great time, really enjoyed running the smaller games like Love Letter and Splendor. Learned how to play Hanabi as well, very cool!
    • $1 cans, noooooooooo :sadge:
    • Still investigating options to reaffix tiles to floor - current two options are contact adhesive or GRATUITOUS amounts of tape.
    • Stay gamer peeps DABS
  • Jazz:

    • website doesn't hate me anymore!!! (thank you donald <33)
    • went to fresher welcome, it was fun
    • obscurio is dope and i have a worse short term memory than I remembered
    • joined redacted discord
    • also can Confirm website doesn't hate me bc successfully did a sign up this morning

Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==3.75/4== Meetings
  • Alistair waited 5 hours for furniture and then it arrived fully constructed
  • He is sad he did not get to construct his furniture
    • Emerald: Have you considered deconstructing it?

Past action Items:

Emerald Aindow:

Make Post and write descriptions - Done

Jackie Shan:

Set up Channels - Done

(with Connor) Message GMs for information and let them know that the level is set to 3 - Done

Organise things with Amelia for enviro collab event. - Done

Ethan Gibson:

Message GMs - Done

Connor Brennan:

(with Jackie) Message GMs for information and let them know that the level is set to 3 - Done


Read Online Events handover - Done 11/11

Send preferred name prounoun image and hehe funny line to Jackie ASAP - Done 10/11 (Emerald is late)

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Fresher Welcome -- [Week 3 - Thursday 17/03/2022]

    • It happened
    • About 15 to 20 attendees including organisers
      • Difficult to track due to online attendance
      • 7 ish freshers
    • Jackie: Any thoughts about fresher welcome and/or the online format
    • Hannah: The only thing that happened while I was there confusion was when a fresher joined the lobby to join werewolf while no one had signed up
    • David: there wasnt much polling it was largely on a whim
    • Jackie: Polling was someting that happened in our earlier online events in 2020
    • Jazz: The population was big enough for polling to not be necessary
    • Jackie: I think that the on a whim nature fit this event due to the large attendance size
    • Chris: Polling might be more worth it for smaller events such as regular boardgame night
    • Jazz: people have also requested more online events
    • Emerald: I apologise if im repeating chris at all
      • I think this was pretty good
      • Quite a good workable format for boardgames especially smaller ones
      • Would be eager to begin doing weekly/fortnightly online boardgame events
      • Low planning/committment for attendees as well as pandemic safe
      • We have the novelty for the first couple times before it gets old
      • Asks committee to consider bringing back table top tuesdays
    • Texas has some points:
      • netgames.io is definitely the best site to use. its user friendly and has a variety of games.
      • was good time, thought it went well. i think at one point the freshers all ended up stuck together with no idea how to play the game they were in so not ideal/ a bunch were with connor
  • Tabletop Tuesdays

    • Is an online event run on Tabletop Simulator (TTS) where members play rotating boardgames differing each week.
    • Jackie: this is an event we ran in 2020 due to our events being online
      • TTS is excellent
      • However it is a paid for app
      • We did this on top of our regular events as to not split the memberbase
    • Luna raises concerns about having the event on the same day everyweek
    • Emerald: It was on tuesday due to the fact that it was run almost exclusively by me
      • If we bring it back we can discuss a rotation for both date and runner
    • Jazz: If we skip friday then we have a monthly day rotation
    • Emerald: Advertising it as midweek boardgames might be good
    • Liz (A member) suggests running it monthly as weekly could result in burnout
    • Emerald: Who would be interested in running this event?
      • Chris volunteers to run it
    • Alistair: When we ran this previously TTS went on sale for like 4 for $40 and I got one of those and only gave 2 away so I have an additonal copy for half the price on steam.
      • Chris volunteers
      • (Alistair comes from across the room)

Emerald, Chris: Set up and Run Tabletop Tuesdays

  • Next boardgame event - [Week 5]
    • Jackie: The next two events should be online so that we can keep Covid safe
    • David: I am not sure how we can differentiate it from fresher welcome
    • Emerald: I volunteer David to run this event
    • David accepts being thrown under the bus

David: Make announcement for next Boardgame Event


  • DND One shot night -- [Week 4 - Thursday 24/03/2022]
    • It's happening this week
    • GMs
      • Emerald
      • Connor
      • Freyja
      • GAVIN
      • Josh (Not Moncaster)
    • Jackie has set up channels
    • Jackie has thoughts:
      • Do we want to be fine with theatre of the mind for people who dont know how to use roll 20
        • Winslade (A member) brought up the difficulty of both teaching dnd in additon to teaching roll 20
        • No one has too many problems with theatre of the mind
        • The biggest difficulty will be writing character sheets
      • Do we want to put things up early with signups or wait till the night
        • In terms of managing character sheets and assignments
    • Jazz suggests having early cjaracter sheets for people who don't know dnd
    • Freyja (A member): we should put up character sheets early to prevent a 2 hour queue from the event starting with the making of a roll 20 account character sheet etc...
      • So unless things are up in advance getting things actually started sounds like GMing hell
    • Emerald: Sadly that is how these nights typically run we sit there and help people make characters for a while
      • Seperating players by character sheet completion
        • I.e. completed sheet table and blank sheet table
      • Alistair: Thats what I do every time i run the DnD one shot just do that.
    • Emerald: What about DnD beyond
    • Chris: It's very premium
    • David: As a starter to Dnd its a great start
    • Gibbi: Doesnt think that people who already know how to play dnd will need to interact with the premium nature of DnD beyond
    • Emerald: It will naturally split up players by experience levels
    • Connor: Is happy running theatre of mind and blank sheet
    • Jackie: depends on the nature of your one shot
      • If its rp heavy the combat numbers and rules matter less.
    • Announcement should go up tonight

Emerald, Connor: Put up One shot night annoucement including pointing players to help channels as necessary

  • Channels and one shots descriptions will go up tonight although they wont be open until the event
  • Emerald: if you are really keen to not use roll 20 then perhaps they can use a chess board or something on the gm's end.

Jackie: Message Gavin about dnd oneshot stuff and set channels up

  • Monster of the Week One-shot night - [Week 6]

    • We should start thinking about our first online rpg event
    • Jackie: We did microscope last year
      • Only requires sheets and no Gms
    • Emerald: Should be noted that this is still 2 weeks away
      • We could run a more popular one like monster of the week or call of cthulu
      • Leaning towards monster of the week as it is rules light and helps with theatre of the mind
    • Luna: Out first couple rpgs sould be popular rpgs that lean towards rules light and theatre of the mind
    • Texas: agrees with monster of the week
  • Committee has discussion about OCMs running boardgames and RPG events

Magic: The Gavining

  • Intro To Magic
    • Shelved until in person events
  • New Capenna Prerelease
    • Email tactics about prerelease

Ethan: email tactics about prerelease


  • Intro to Wargaming
    • Shelved until in person events

Fresher Campaigns

  • Gibbi has messaged GMs as well as set up a discord server for communicating with them
    • Delegate to ~~Gavin~~ Fresher Rep

Hannah: Do fresher campaigns and ask gibbi for help

Upcoming Events:

Charity Vigil

  • First meeting will occur this Friday at 11am in Unigames
    • Reps are Gibbi and Connor

Unigames [REDACTED] "I"

  • Leave assigning activities till next week
  • need to contact guild and manjedal
    • About concerns about pandemic
    • Specifically Covid management plans
    • As well as guild opinions on camps
    • Emerald and Jackie will do Emp in one night
    • Alistair: You shouldnt need to contact manjedal
      • it is on them to contact us and return our deposit if we can't use their campsite
  • A name needs to be decided at some point

    Emerald, Jackie: Email guild about camp questions

Far Future Events

Quiz Night


Roleplay for Life

Relay for Life



Uncharity vigil


  • Approved
    • 129.25 to Emerald for Book Buy
    • 985.60 to Jackie for Shirt Order
  • Pending
    • 300.00 to Emerald for Book Buy
  • Unsubmitted
    • 434.70 to Texas for food run


Best Club Award

  • No updates
    • Please give us OUR money

Semester grant

  • No updates


  • No updates

General Business:


No new Gatekeepers approved


No new Webkeepers approved

Room Update

Air Conditioning
  • No Updates


  • Not this week
  • Next week


Classification system
  • Luna has received nothing from vikrum

  • Card Sleeves

    • No Updates
    • Still needs to be purchased

      Chris: Purchase card sleeves and check with Luna

Food runs

  • One happened this week
Price Changes
  • pies at 2.50 is their non sale value so we can only get them at price or better so poggers
  • stocking timtams for $2.50/$3 since they go on sale for half price very regularly could be good (put them back on the menu)
  • thinking about raising choc/confectionary bags to $3.50 bc same issue as cans of even on sale is over price so we cant get the good ones
  • 50c increase on both choc/confectionary bags?


  • No Updates

Shirt Stuff

  • No Updates

S4EA + Unigames Board Games

  • Planned dates are in like 6 weeks (may 7th and may 14th)

Committeee Business

Meeting closed: 6:37PM