Unigames Committee Meeting #3 - 22/03/2019

by Donald Sutherland 22/03/19

Unigames Committee Meeting #3 - 22/03/2019


  • Alaura
  • Aoibhinn
  • Taylor
  • Donald
  • Alistair
  • Brett
  • Elana
  • Gavin


  • Amelia
  • Jasmine


  • none

Meeting open: 11:18AM


President's Report:

  • Howdy
  • I didn't go to bed at 5AM, who told you that?
  • Prosh was good
  • Continued to work on the Camp EMP
  • Continued to talk to people re. feedback

Vice-President's Report:

  • Got sick and couldn't go to Prosh
  • Signed off on tenancy check
  • Went to a quiz meeting
  • Sent emails!

Treasurer's Report:

  • Account balance: $2090.12
  • I had to carry a new fridge up a flight of stairs with Gozz
  • I am not strong
  • Anyways, new fridge
  • Quiz stuff has happened
  • I did a food run, and it came in under budget
  • I've done stuff but I can't remember what that is

Secretary's Report:

  • By the end of today I might be on wheel
  • I submitted my quiz night poster to quizmittee
  • Mailing lists should be split up today as well.
  • There's a new markdown renderer on the website, which is pretty cool and pretty and cool.
  • Next project: Commitee action item tracker.

Librarian's Report:

  • Overdue items: None
  • Until maybe tonight, there's an item due then >:-D
  • Laura Hodge is meeting with the SwanCon people soon to ask things
  • I kidnapped a fresher into my fresher campaign
    • Everything turned out fine
  • Still looking at doing librarian handover with UniSFA
  • Please don't things that overhand the shelves on the bottom shelves so that they don't get kicked.
  • Also be aware that some games are not load bearing games.

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • Amelia was here half way through the meeting, no report was given.

Past action Items:


  • Play around with poster designs for Camp - not done
  • Continue to work on Camp EMP (along with Aoibhinn, Taylor, Gavin) - ongoing
  • Speak to Tenancy about lock (along with Gavin) - not done, probably will wait until after storage allocations
  • Get a dyslexia friendly font - can happen any time
  • Look into pauper interest by email - wait until mailing lists
  • Make a post about Prosh Olympics - done


  • Train Annique - done
  • Talk to head marshall about our feedback about locations - done
  • Continue to work on Camp EMP (along with Alaura, Taylor, Gavin) - ongoin


  • Continue to work on Camp EMP (along with Alaura, Aoibhinn, Gavin) - ongoing


  • Make event for Star Wars cube night - done


  • Get in contact with Laura - done


  • Make a post in wargamers about paint treatment - done


  • Make google gatekeeper form - unsure
  • Contact Will about being a Fresher GM - done


  • Continue to work on Camp EMP (along with Alaura, Aoibhinn, Taylor) - ongoing
  • Speak to Tenancy about lock (along with Alaura) - not done


  • Annique was trained
  • Szymon was added to the gatekeeper page after being approved, but not added. Whoops.

    Donald: Upload more membership forms


Usual Suspects:


  • Brett will become the proper board games person (probably) after GAMSAT.
  • BPhil Union wants to borrow a bunch of games
    • Wanting deception games (Avalon in particular Q_Q)


  • Star Wars one-shot is happening
    • Two GMs: Szymon and Winslade
    • Lewis is gonna help make character sheets


  • Star Wars cube was great
  • Big thanks to Nick Schurmann for donating + cutting it out
  • Sith Control ftw
  • Sealed league will start week 6.
  • Donald: Advertising for sealed league to go out ASAP

  • Donald: Advertising for prerelease to go out ASAP


  • Mordheim and Inquisimunda are going along as usual
  • Painting day is happening on Thursday at 1PM

Fresher Campaigns

  • Alistair kidnapped a fresher
  • A few issues have happened, and with Jasmine being sick there's been delays
  • Alistair and Elana are going to be taught how to manage fresher campaigns as well
  • Apart from that they're going well


Halloween Party:

  • Alaura has retuned the finance breakdown
  • With the reduction in security costs, $60.40 in extra profit
  • UniSFA has to pay each club $15.10 to redistribute costs
  • Alcohol has been sorted

Prosh Olympics [March 19th]:

  • We came third! (It should've been second.)
  • UEC took our preferred spot, so we took Fremantle

Prosh [March 20th]:

  • Alistair hard carried
  • Only five people, but we only knew our location the day before and it was in Fremantle, which is away
  • Extensive feedback has been delivered, regarding the location decisions and others.

Envoy Mega-Game [29th March]:

  • It is really close!
  • Alaura will try to put a post up about it
  • Alistair will try to help

Scitech - After Dark [April 6th]

  • Scitech theme is the Future, Dystopian Future specifically
  • They want about 3 GMs, three different systems
  • +1 info table, +1 table of something like Microscope?
  • Liam and/or Alistiar for Numenera
  • Ellie for Paranoia
  • Gavin for tentative D&D
  • Cam is exceptionally keen
  • Alaura for Microscope
  • Aoibhinn just as committee rep
  • Possible Taylor/Amelia/Donald/Brett
  • Questions to ask:
    • Info table: sign-ups for club or event?
    • Advertising: Are you ok with us brining material? Do you have any that you want us to put up?
    • What time for set-up?
    • What time do we have to be out by?
    • Four RPGs: is that ok?
    • What is the main demographic of After Dark?
    • Photography: Can we take photographs for our promotional material?

SwanCon [18th-22nd April]:

  • Alaura was messaged Laura Hodge
  • A bunch of questions have been asked
    • Volunteer passes allow access to the rest of the convention?
    • What timeslots do you want us for?
    • How long would you like us to be there?
    • If you want a "manager" or will you be providing one?
    • A list of games that will be there (to avoid double-ups)
    • How many volunteers do you want?
    • How far in advance do you need the names?
  • Venue is the Esplanade Hotel in Fremantle

Quiz Night [10th May]:

  • We have had out first meeting!
  • Subcommitee regulations weren't approved by all clubs first, heck.
  • Quiz night budget has been drafted.
  • Prizes: $50 per club
    • Plus some extra for the wooden spoon + table rounds
  • UCC reps:
    • James Myburgh (light)
    • Tom Almeda (dark)
  • UWAnime reps:
    • Lewis (light)
    • Samson (dark)
  • A bunch of logistical things are discussed
    • Prizes, food, venue capacity, etc.

CAMP - Fiends and Fae (Redacted) [21st-24th June]:

  • EMP in progress
  • Menu is discussed
  • Alaura,Aoibhinn,Taylor,Gavin: Organise appointments for Camp

  • Alaura: Clarify head chef + Camp leader situation

  • Alaura: Clarify head first aider + alcohol situation

Harry Potter LARP:

  • crickets

Room Update:

  • Door lock

    • Still in progress.
    • Will probably happen after storage applications
  • Fridge/freezer chaos

    • We have a new fridge and a new freezer!
    • Please treat them well.
    • Taylor: Post on gatekeepers about not writing on fridge/freezer

    • Alaura: Look at whiteboard wraps

  • Storage allocations

    • Appeal draft is still in progress
    • Taylor: Work on appeal draft

    • Alaura has sent an email to Taco, confirming that this is a draft
    • Once the official allocation list appears, we'll have two weeks to submit our formal appeal.
    • We also apparently have a mailbox?
      • We requested to not have a mailbox in 2011 and haven't changed our mind since.
  • Safety noodles

    • Table has been moved further away.
    • Alaura is looking at prices for replacement.
  • Busy Bee:

    • Due to the lack of notice for this most recent busy bee, no gatekeepers are in trouble for not sending apologies.
    • There is another busy bee on May 4th, which has now been posted.
    • Please make sure the room is kept clean during the week after the busy bee to make sure we pass any inspections.


  • Taylor: $200 for fridge/freezer
  • Gozz: ~$400 for food run
  • Alistair: ~$29ish for paints
    • Delayed, so it can be paid via transfer, not cash.

General Business:

  • Seperate mailing lists:
    • Should be happening today
  • Accessibility:
    • From a recent email: ``` Q: Will disability access come to Cameron Hall soon?

A: This issue has been flagged and we understand how much of a priority is. The higher ups in the Uni and Guild are also aware of this problem and we understand the need for an elevator in Cameron Hall. It's a very costly operation and requires a lot of bureaucracy, but I'm working on it and chipping away at the Uni block. ```

  • UCC Dispense Credit:

    • Felix is keen, but his commitee is not.
  • Selling the stickeez:

    • We have a full set.
    • We can sell it for at least $100.
    • Nice.
    • Committee is in favour.
    • Taylor: Sell Stickeez.

  • Committee photos:

    • Needs to happen
    • All committee members should submit a photo to Alaura.
    • If you want a photo taken, make an appointment with Alaura.
    • Aoibhinn: Get a list of gatekeepers for fridge.

  • Book buy:

    • Tentative book buy for the 26th April.

Meeting closed: 1:25PM


Action Items:


  • Organise appointments for Camp (along with Aoibhinn, Taylor, Gavin)
  • Clarify head chef + Camp leader situation
  • Clarify head first aider + alcohol situation
  • Look at whiteboard wraps


  • Organise appointments for Camp (along with Alaura, Taylor, Gavin)
  • Get a list of gatekeepers for fridge.


  • Organise appointments for Camp (along with Alaura, Aoibhinn, Gavin)
  • Post on gatekeepers about not writing on fridge/freezer
  • Work on appeal draft
  • Sell Stickeez.


  • Upload more membership forms
  • Advertising for sealed league to go out ASAP
  • Advertising for prerelease to go out ASAP


  • Organise appointments for Camp (along with Alaura, Aoibhinn, Taylor)