Unigames Committee Meeting #30 - 22/09/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 22/09/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #30 - 22/09/2021


  • Alistair
  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gwen
  • Vikrum
  • Amber
  • Chris
  • Nina
  • Texas


  • Ethan


Meeting scheduled: 1:00pm

Meeting open: 1:25pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • halfway thru 14.5 out of 24 hours of polls
  • roleplay for life this weekend
  • still got polls
  • panto prod week next week
  • jesus i'm busy
  • got sealed league stuff ready
  • prerelease stuff is in cupboard
  • also yikes i have work this afternoon
    • alistair then leaves the meeting

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • Dearest Guinevere
  • Please vote
  • Please vote
  • I've looked at gaming tables
  • Organised Roleplay
    • There's going to be pizza
  • Was Hall-o-ween meeting in the last week?
    • Oh shit it was
  • Please vote, I love you all so much, thank you for reading the minutes

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • hope everyone has voted in guild elections
  • you have until tomorrow 5pm
  • emails have been written
  • going to the socpac meeting tonight
  • looked at the wip best prez app
  • friend assumed i was running for guild when i asked them to pls come down to vote :((
  • Jackie is a guild hack (by association)
    • NO I AM NOT - jackie
  • account balance: $7,914.23

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • After copious amounts of technical difficulties, the newsletter finally got sent out today
  • Quiz night wrap up meeting happened
  • In assignment hell till Sunday, when prod week immediately begins.......
  • I hope y'all have bought your tickets to panto

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • hi
  • I'm finally free to do things
  • will be getting on getting on halloween
  • library stuff is underway for real this time
  • what feeling is stronger, Alistair's disdain for voter apathy or his need for me to vote for him?

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • is at a driving test

Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):

  • Amber:
    • Finished Mid-Sem Exams
      • Terrified that due to shenanigans my end of year tests are worth 80% of two of my subjects
    • Contacted GMs for One-Shot night
    • Did Quiz Night wrap up meeting
    • I have been approved by Centrelink
    • Won at Magic Pre-Release
      • Got the 2nd and 0th most valuable cards of the set
    • e, got it
    • Got The Transient in Slay the Spire.
  • Chris:
    • went to relay meeting
    • 1 midsem test done
    • getting ready for gming hell weekend (actually looking forward to it though)
    • speaking of which, fresher campaign is kicking off next monday with session 1 and i'm so excited!
    • me, being a nerd, has decided to just teach myself basic topology
    • singular yike
  • Texas:
    • had my 1 rest day for this week yesterday and it was nice
    • did roleplay scheduling and post, pizza post will be after meeting
    • called a variable 'value1' and was physically removed from the room
    • not much else happened, but everyone who can should come to roleplay
    • 1?... 2?... 3 dragons
  • Nina:
    • EMP for week 9 board games has been approved, now to create the events!
    • Had a Cam-Hall-o-ween meeting last week, we've decided to hold it in the tav, on the 21st of october for a date!
    • now that ive completed another year around the sun, i just wanted to thank you all for having me on committee, for reading my long ass reports and putting up with my dumb ass jokes, youre all super cool people.
    • especially you the person reading these minute rn (picture me pointing at you) good job staying informed about club goings on!!
    • anyway that's me done xx

Past action Items:


Sealed League - done

Large-scale borrowing regs - not done


Pick up Midnight Hunt packs and sleeves for Battle for Rokugon - done by Alistair

Look into tables - done


Envirogrant stuff - kinda

Email Multicultural Society about board games - done

Email Panto about board games - done


Newsletter - done


Painting day - not done


Mutants and Masterminds One Shot - done


Board games discord post - done


Tell Friday afternoon campaigns that they can't use the big table next week - done


(Everyone) Put self on food run roster - eh


  • no updates


  • no updates

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • World Building Board Games [Friday 17/9 5pm]

    • Had 7 people
    • It was a good time
  • Board Games for Week 9 [Tuesday 28/9 5pm]

    • EMP is done

Nina: Week 9 Board Games Event and Discord Announcement


  • Come to Roleplay!

  • Week 10 One Shot - Mutants and Masterminds [Friday 8/10 5pm]

    • EMP is not submitted yet
    • GMs are contacted, still might need another

Amber: Mutants and Masterminds Event and Announcement

Magic: The Gavining

  • Midnight Hunt Prerelease

    • It happened
    • Not very high turn out, but understandable
  • Sealed League [27/9 Monday till 10/10 Sunday]

    • Starting on September 27th


  • Painting Day [Week 8 Thursday 23/09 1pm]
    • No event up?
    • It's still happening though
    • Vikrum will put up the event now
    • The event is up

Fresher Campaigns

  • Chris' is starting on Monday
  • Vikrum had one drop out


Quiz Night [Thursday 2/9 7pm]:

  • Had the wrap up meeting on Saturday
  • We discussed feedback
  • We made a profit!
    • Distribution is in the drive
    • Panto had all the money and so is paying clubs their profit split
    • Profit split: $154.68
    • Budget has been voted to be passed
  • Improvements for next quiz night were discussed
    • Knowing subcom regs is important!
  • A handover doc is being made

Jackie: Send Liam Unigames Guild bank deets

Roleplay for Life [Sat 25/9 - Sun 26/9]

  • This weekend!
  • Come! Spend money for charity!
  • All advertising is organised
  • Schedule is complete and posted in the event
  • Texas will do food run on the saturday before
    • Milks will be bought (but onlt the ones on sale)
    • Many chockie milk
    • Many iced coffee
    • Also buy Red Eyes... all of them
  • Pizza run is being advertised tonight
    • It will happen on Saturday night
    • Pizza order in by 5pm, it should arrive by 6pm

Texas: Roleplay food run

Unigames Goes to Kung Fu Pandalorian [Week 9 Friday 1/10]

Relay for Life [Sat 02/10 - Sun 03/10]

  • Sign up!
  • Team meeting happened this week
    • We'll be getting site map for Relay some time soon
    • We need to bring our own marquee
  • There will be a flash sale on until this Friday! Entry will be half price! Only $20!

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ The Tav [Thursday 21/10 7pm]

  • A meeting happened on Thursday
  • Date and venue has been decided on by the subcom
  • Opinions were expressed, words were spoken
    • Jackie breathes heavily through her nose
    • Emerald drove in just to berate people, but then the meeting conveniently finished just before she got there
  • Committee votes to pass the date and venue

Pyramid Camp 2021 [19/11/21 - 22/11/21]

  • Tickets are on sale!
  • Buy ticket! Buy ticket!
  • We have sold 4 tickets
  • Quiz night prizes?
    • Unigames 2x D6s x2
    • Mash up set of gaming dice from out myriad of dice
    • Wooden spoon: Monopoly tokens?


  • Unsubmitted:
    • $569.89 to Jackie for food run


  • Semester Grants

    • No breakdown yet
  • Envirogrant

Jackie: Envirogrant (at least 50 words)

  • Best Club award

    • Due next week
  • Best prez award

    • Due next week
  • Tenancy Consultaton and Inspection

    • October 7th
  • SOC Meeting

    • Tonight!
    • Emerald and Jackie are going

Alistair: Submit best club award

General Business:


  • Wait until tenancy meeting

Room Update

  • Table
    • Emerald looked at tables... lots of tables
    • First option (The Paladin from Gameway) is still the best in Emerald's opinion
      • cupholders, acyrllic sheet, cheap shipping, removable legs, table toppper
      • About $6000
    • Table Flippers option is similar to the above, but just not as good
    • The European artisnal table is beautiful but exuberantly expensive
    • There are some concerns about spending $6000 on a table all at once
      • We might wait till uncharity to raise money specifically for the table
    • Why not just get a normal table? Why a gaming table?
      • Cuz it's cool


  • Classification system
    • Vikrum looked at the website, unfortunately it's going to be a slow manual entering for the library
    • Entering the library is a job that can be saved for the summer

Food runs

  • Milk run on Saturday for roleplay (done by Texas)
  • Food run next week (done by Vikrum and Amber)
  • Relay food run (done by Jackie and driver)
    • Relay food run budget of $70 has been approved by committee


  • Newsletter went out today!


Alistair: Large-scale borrowing regs

Westmarche Campaign

  • We have a form for GMs:
    • https://forms.gle/DvqCNr3uMY2WD4Sr9

Board Games with Multicultural Society

  • Wednesday 29th September, they just want us to bring games 12-2 (during meeting time)
    • Vikrum will bring the games

Jackie: Email back Multicultural Society

Board Games with Panto

  • No reply yet

Meeting closed: 2:47pm