Unigames Committee Meeting #31 - 01/10/2020

by Autumn Brough 01/10/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #31 - 01/10/2020


  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Josh
  • Gwen
  • Kyle

Meeting scheduled: 6:00pm

Meeting open: 6:18pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Jumping straight from last week into study break has left me somewhat reeling
  • Someone left the padlock on backwards when I arrived today
  • Camp ticket sales are proceeding really well
  • Roleplay was a time, but fun and productive
  • B E S T C L U B 2 0 2 0

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • I honestly don’t know how to express in words how this week has been for me. Not only did I get to go on stage and collect Unigames’ best club award, I also got to see Roleplay for Life, an event I started in response to a Cam Locke shitpost while I was fresher rep, raise over $2500, which is around 20 times how much we raised at the first event in 2015. I am so proud of every single one of you.
  • had a chat with alaura about constitutioney thingies

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • roleplay for life was good!!!! but i felt Some Emotion watching the sun rise during alistair's paranoia game
  • huge thanks to everyone who came/watched and donated ❤
  • thanks to my lovely friends for bullying me during my dnd game, you fools it was all for charity in the end
  • WE WON BEST CLUB i keep on remembering oh my god
  • bunch of people have been reimbursed!
  • account balance: $1,222.89

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • expunged the bad slime
  • participated in roleplay for life which left the voice in my head stuck in cowboy mode for the whole next day
  • i sent a General meeting email
  • have been tootling around for relay for life

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • bro roleplay for life happened it was huge it was juicy all the other dms were fantastic we have huge money raised
  • I actually won paranoia which isn’t something the system actually allows
  • fuck idk some other days happened
  • which idiot past me made book buy immediately after roleplay
  • insert that ‘I have to do this thing’ ‘I really have to do this thing’ ‘if I don’t do this thing right now I’ll die!!’ ‘Oh that only took me 7 minutes’ comic about my book buy excel

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • This week I went on a date with Gwen.
  • Also went to some of roleplay
  • didnt go to the boardgames day today bc.. a) i had work and b) it didnt exist.
  • Gonna start working on making a fresher table for quiz (or a few). Anyone reading this who is a fresher, @ me for funzies, and also if u wanna help or come or join or whatever, or also if you cant. Just. do it. Don't let your dreams just do it.

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • congrats on ✨ b e s t c l u b ✨
    • also heard roleplay went well, couldnt go, wasnt in Perth :(((
    • ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
  • GJosh:
    • Gwen probably said everything
    • Roleplay good
    • UWASCA collaboration looking dicey (correction, is no longer dicey)
    • The walking dead in magic, what’s up with that?
  • Gwen:
    • Crafternoon Collab is THIS SATURDAY 1PM, get your tickets y'all!
    • We had a subcommittee meeting last night and everything seems on track
    • I'm sorry Josh for always stealing the Crafternoon Collab updates
    • Roleplay for life was INCREDIBLE, thank you to all who donated and lost sleep for the sake of charity
  • Kyle:
    • Planned out a painting day
    • Had a sickass date night watching evangelion
    • Quizmittie gang should have the posters printed by this meeting

Past action Items:


Return excess prerelease cards - done Pick up a booster box for the room - done Get constitutional changes before 16/10 (along with Taylor) - not done Get the light fixed, in your own time - not done Prof comp meeting (along with Taylor) - done Prof comp marking (along with Taylor) - done


Organise a halloween meeting (along with Jackie) - not done but big breakthrough Set up a Roleplay shopping list - done Get constitutional changes before 16/10 (along with Alistair) - vaguely started Email societies council about constitutions - doing RN Prof comp meeting (along with Alistair) - done Prof comp marking (along with Alistair) - done


Organise a halloween meeting (along with Taylor) - as above Organise a first aid course with the guild - difficulties


Do relay recruiting - just little Set up a relay discord channel - done Prepare a personal packing list - need to make a post Prepare a team packing list that we can then split between people - not done Email of OGM notice TONIGHT - done


Organise study break board games (along with Alice) - not done


Organise study break board games (along with Emerald) - not done


Organise a painting day in 2 weeks' time - done Get tickets in the club and inform gatekeepers of how to manage ticket sales - halfway done


Run paranoia game - it's in the works!


  • no udpate

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Study Break Board Games [Noon thurs 1/10]

    • oops
    • we all forgot
    • (except alice who had to work)
    • we did absolutely nothing, which is better than creating a phantom event
  • Uni Space Games [two weeks from now]:

    • Celebrate """Uni Games""" winning best club award with either space games or award winning games

Gwen: Organise Uni Space Games and do an EMP


  • Primarchs

  • Paranoia [Wednesday 7/10]

    Josh: Resend EMP for paranoia and run the game

  • Deltragreen oneshot [Three weeks from now]

    • This failed earlier when we were running online
    • We can totes get GMs now
    • Merlin walked in and gave approval

Autumn: Organise a delta green oneshot

Magic: The Gavining

  • Sealed league
    • We can run this, it will require more packs
    • Alistair has bought a box from tactics which means we need to source other boxes from Al's

Alistair, Jackie: Acquire mtg boxers for sealed league


  • Painting day [Tuesday 6/10]

    • Kyle has organised, please come!
  • The wargames chat has been more active

  • More wargaming stuff to talk about in book buy

Fresher Campaigns

  • fresher campaigns exist
  • the freshers are alive
  • most of them
  • some of their d and d characters have died


Halloween 2019:

  • Awoooooooo!!!!!!!!!
  • Aoibhinn at 2am last night hopped on the halloween chat with a photo of halloween money to give to the clubs
  • Aside from aoibhinn's money, Jarcus has some online ticket sales

Jackie: Halloween

Roleplay 4 Life [Sat 26/9 - Sun 27-9]:

  • It happened! We had a good time
  • Had pretty much wound down by 7am, just one table and very sleepy
  • Taylor's recommendation of running noon-midnight for both days of the weekend next year
  • Having a big schedule ahead of time worked really well for both players and GMs
  • We had a lot of big donations, games were monetised well
  • In the end we raised $1021.95 in cash, $1635 online, total $2656.95
  • Shorter timeslots worked really well - refreshing and allowed for more breaks and more games, and a more approachable stream
  • We didn't end up getting a chance to do a dry run with the stream, and there were technical difficulties as a result
  • DON'T EXPECT THE STREAM TO WORK EVER, if you can't be there several hours early then do it in the week leading up
  • Stream games need to be doing their setup a solid hour ahead of the room freeing up, so they can waltz straight in and play without a gap
  • Dinner runs were not particularly organised, we can be more organised or do a pizza runnnn
  • Make sure stream players are fed offstream
  • Onstream GMs being super planned (with players picked and characters genned) was important
  • All of your morning stream players MUST be rested up (or very confident in their steeliness)
  • Previously we had the computer set up on the couch, but this year the tech person didn't have easy access to the computer on the table. Let's go back to couch computer next time
  • shoutouts to the ppl who raided us

Book Buy [Thursday 1/10, after committee meeting]:

  • it's happening tonight!

UWASCA Collab [1pm-3:30pm Saturday 3/10]:

  • it's happening this weekend! please come!
  • ticket sales are going ok

Relay [Saturday 10/10]:

  • it's happening next weekend!!! please come!!!!
  • breakfast preferences must be got to autumn via fb poll in the next few days

Autumn: Make a relay promo post about relay Autumn: Ask each gatekeeper about relay Autumn: Make a relay personal packing list post

  • What will we need to do as our committee packing list?
    • A big slab of water
    • Stuff like muesli bars, fun snacks
    • A watermelon?
    • An esky
    • Picnic blankets

Quiz Night [Thursday 22/10]:

  • Lightmittie update
    • Posters are up!
    • But only in Cam Hall since we forgot to put the necessary logos
    • The ticket is more informational than the poster
    • 9 tix have been sold in unigames

Jackie: Make a gatekeepers post about how to sell tickets

  • Darkmittie update
    • Still chugging along
    • Chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga chugga

OGM [1pm Friday 23/10]:

Alistair: Resubmit the OGM EMP

  • Official notice has been sent out so people can submit agenda items

CAMP in 3D [20/11-23/11]:

  • We have one camp ticket left in the room (except for the one reserved for emerald)
  • Nonattending members will be lurking in the distance
  • Right now we have a scarcity of people with first aid - alistair, taylor and ash figure out which nights theyre doing
  • We have a lot more people with RSAs, that schedule is sorted out
  • Emergency drivers and chefs are sorted out

Room Update:

  • Broken light

Alistair: Get the light fixed, when you want


  • Pending:
    • Autumn: -$34.79
  • Reimbursed:
    • Alistair: $55 + $805 (prerelease) = $860
    • Alice: $79.10 + $223 (food run) = $302.10


  • Tenancy Reallocations

    • No udpates
  • Semester grants

    • Are due on 23/10 (day after quiz night)

Taylor, Jackie: Tackle semester grants early next week

  • SOC Meeting

    • Next meeting is [20/10]
  • Best Club applications

    • Taylor requests we observe that all responses to our victory can be categorised into normies saying Grats! and regulars saying "haha uni space games"
    • In Jacob's speech, he highlighted our consistency over many years, our ability to continue performing at a high quality despite the face of quarantine
    • We only achieved this thanks to committee, gatekeepers, past committees, general members, GMs, Discord users, and everyone else. Thank you <3
    • Taylor has received conflicting information about the value of the prize money. Sources have varied from $700 to >$1000

Alistair: Ask SOC for a revised certificate

General Business:


Autumn: Fix "UniGames" capitalisation on the website

  • Prof Comp
    • Marking and meeting have occurred

First Aid Course

  • Guild has been unresponsive when we ask about first aid

Alistair: Bother leigh about first aid courses

  • If we can't get a straightforward answer out of guild by next Monday, we'll book at CBD College

Meeting closed: 7:55 peem


-- This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Acquire mtg boxers for sealed league (along with Jackie)

Resubmit the OGM EMP

Get the light fixed, when you want

Ask SOC for a revised certificate

Bother leigh about first aid courses


Tackle semester grants early next week (along with Jackie)


Acquire mtg boxers for sealed league (along with Alistair)


Make a gatekeepers post about how to sell tickets

Tackle semester grants early next week (along with Taylor)


Organise a delta green oneshot

Make a relay promo post about relay

Ask each gatekeeper about relay

Make a relay personal packing list post

Fix "UniGames" capitalisation on the website


Resend EMP for paranoia and run the game


Organise Uni Space Games and do an EMP