Unigames Committee Meeting #31 - 14/10/2019
by Donald Sutherland
14th Oct 2019
Unigames Committee Meeting #31 - 14/10/2019
- Alaura
- Aoibhinn
- Taylor
- Alistair
- Amelia
- Kyle
- Emerald
- Donald
- Elana
- none
Meeting open: 12.22 AM
President's Report:
- What up, I'm now 2 job Alaura, possibly 3 after tomorrow.
- Other then that Minimal committee stuff
Vice-President's Report:
Usual: sent emails and went to subcom meetings
no updates
Treasurer's Report:
- Account balance: $2552.75
- My computer isn't working? nope its unifi
- Went to guild ball, went to relay for life and got injured
- Finally got my hair dyed it cost 8 hours
Secretary's Report:
- no report submitted
Librarian's Report:
- Overdue items: spirit island and loveletter large
- Emerald and I were the only ones left at relay for life by the end so we got the total to 420
- Legs Oof
- Updated the book buy post with the date.
- Larp things
Fresher Rep's Report!:
- Had a hectic weekend with many things happening so I didn't get anything done aah
OCM reports
- legs hurt
Past action Items:
- Chat with Winslade about future scheduling - not done
- Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover - not done
- Forward old alcohol agreement stuff to Manjedal including EMP & RMP - not done
- Look into Unigames solo Mega-Game-esque events a la Primarchs - not done
- Do a full financial breakdown of camp - not done
- Decide budget for book buy - not done
- Follow up on grants - not done
- Get in contact with Jacob to find out what is going on with future grants - not done
- Get on top of shirts - not done
- Distribute the sealed league prizes - not done
- Make an archive guide - not done
- Make a post about the guild bathrooms - not done
- Draw up a collab procedure document - not done
Usual Suspects:
- Spoopy games happening on the 15th
- >Alaura: come in to run spook games
- Chill study break boardgame night?
- Co-op games
- Alaura can run it
- >Colin: put up study break event up
- Dread happened last week
- Game of 6
- No One-shots til after exams
- Stuff needs to be returned to Tactics still
- >Taylor: return magic stuff to tactics
- >Donald: Distribute the sealed league prizes
- Throne of Eldraine sealed league may be popular
- Likely should occur post exams/holiday sealed league
- >Alaura & Donald: organise advertising for holiday sealed league
- Measuring cupboards for new mini storages now
- The new boxes will fit!
- Post exams competetive games planned
- Prizes will cost $12 total
- >Aoibhinn: EMP for wargames event/teach Kyle
- >Alaura & Donald: Advertising for wargaming
Fresher Campaigns
- >Amelia: Follow up on Steven and Merlin's resolved games
- Collab procedure:
- >Colin: Draw up a collab procedure document
- >Aoibhinn: Watch out for board game events to snipe clubs for collabs
CAMP - Fiends and Fae (Un-Redacted!) [21st-24th June 2019]:
- >Alaura: Chat with Winslade about future scheduling
- >Aoibhinn: Look into Unigames solo Mega-Game-esque events a la Primarchs
- >Alaura: Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover
- >Taylor: Do a full financial breakdown of camp
- Reps: Colin, Emerald + Elana, Aoibhinn
- Next one is this weekend
- Committee needs to push engagement
- Borrow out tresle table needs to be done on friday
OGM [10th September]:
- Is Kyle on committee yet?
-Taylor talked to them, it got lost
- >Donald: resend the changes to soc-secretary
Charity Vigil [28th/29th September]:
- Reps: Colin, Taylor
- Fine has been reduced to $140
- UCC wants it to be split among the clubs
- The subcommittee never agreed to the fine as they were not alerted to its existence, insufficent research done by UCC
- As part of the initial agreement the clubs put in a pool of $10 each and was set aside as misc operating expenses
- This money was to go to charity if not used
- If the fine can be paid straight to the charity we are happy for this money to be used
- Motion: Contingency money going towards to fine to the guild
- 3 for, 4 against, motion does not pass
-Motion: Contingency money going towards the fine If the fine is treated as a dontation
- Unanimous, motion passes
- >Taylor: Talk to UCC about why we are not comfortable to pay the fine
- Unigames and Unisfa made far more of a loss in food sales which go to the charity, UCC is able to absorb the fine far better than this club
- >Taylor: send Charity Vigil receipts to James
Relay for Life [12th/13th October]:
- Reps: Taylor + Elana, Emerald
- We have a list of complaints
- Having Guild Ball the night before negatively affected sign ups and turn up
- Early bird ending early makes the event inaccessible to students
- Sign ups closing midday a week before the event, with only 2 days notice again made the event less accessible
- The site map was released the morning of with no official boundaries for site allocations
- Our 4 teams were collated into one team space
- We were then given more spaces post being informed of this is
- The shirts are non-UV protected we were not told this when asked to donate money for the shirt
- The fencing was initially set up in some places overlapping with the track
- The entrances and exits were not lined up with exits onto Oak lawn, people were not able enter the centre with out crossing the walkng lanes
- The running lane did not have enough gaps to exit if you got tired or injured, half of the lap was blocked off without escape
- Due to semester break being later there is too much line up with people doing assessments and study, The event was in week 10
- Us going to Guild ball meant many of us came late to set up
- This contributed to the space being set up as separate clubs instead of organising it more efficiently for sitting/sleeping ect
- It was also less communal
- We did not put up a schedule which negatively impacted us as we didn't know when people were turning up/leaving
- Also meant we got less engagement when doing boardgames on the track
- We need a smaller table for smaller player numbers
- Cameron Hall won Best Team Spirit but no-one was there to recieve it
- tdlr: successful fundraising but low turn out and lap total
- >Taylor: send on this feedback to relay organisers
MCW - Multicultral Week [17th October]:
- We have a stall, 6PM-10PM
- It's in Oak Lawn its this week
- A few gatekeepers have signed up to help out
- We should take down cheap soft drinks if we can
- Amelia has an esky and can buy drinks/ice
- If that happens Amelia is happy to absorb ice costs
- Need tobring down detol/hand wipes as there will also be
Cameron Hall-oween [26th October]:
- Reps: Aoibhinn, Amelia
- Budget will be approved by circular
- Under 10 tickets sold but the event is going ahead, many people have expressed wanting to buy at the door
- Unigames suggests doing early bird next year to avoid this
Book Buy Semester 2:
- >Taylor: Decide budget for book buy
- Monday the 21st at 6pm
Summer LARP:
- Reps: Alistair, Elana, Emerald
- Writers' meeting went well
- Non subcom people turned up!
- Sponsors are being looked into
- Red Bull/V/Gateorade can be looked into
- Last LARP1001 on 16th Nov event will promote Summer LARP
Un-Charity Vigil:
- Don't need to look at this until Hall-oween is done
- February
[REDACTED] 2020:
- Tentative date: 19th-22nd of June 2020
- >Alaura: forward old alcohol agreement stuff to Manjedal including EMP & RMP BY NEXT WEEK
FilAus Incident:
- Not recieved our apology
Tenancy cupboard allocations:
- No updates
- No updates
- ???
- >Taylor: Follow up on grants
- >Taylor: Get in contact with Jacob to find out what is going on with grants
- Next SOC meeting: 16th October
- Elections this time
- Also a Treasurers' summit
- Things to bring up next meeting
- mailing list
- Our constitution has not been aproved with amendments
- RO policy
- Next tenancy meeting was supposed to be on Wednesday but is instead in November.
- >Taylor: Write up an email with our concerns
- Things to bring up next meeting:
- None of the work orders are being done
- Lights in loft and in CHall fire escape are problematic
- Our floor is sinking
- Full reallocation details
- Bathrooms - holidays/after-hours-access, also we have 24 hour access year round
- Not enough meetings this year
- Who on the tenancy committee is still a voting member?
- How's the elevator going?
- Loft bins - no bin bags, no cleaning contract for upstairs, we need cleaning supplies
- Busy bees should not be held in study break after a long weekend, makes it difficult to organise people to clean/attend meeting
- We never got a common spaces list
- None of the work orders are being done
- Next tenancy meeting on the 20th Nov
- Unisfa had bees
- >Taylor: contact Irene about the stairway lights
Room Update:
- Alaura is compiling a shortlist
Bunnings things (summer job):
- Fridge Whiteboard
- Still need more magnets
- Noodles
- We still need to put them up
- Floor felt
- We got some floor felt
- Tiny whiteboard
- For long-term borrowing things
- President's picture
- Need the same type of magnets for the picture
- Alternatively just tape it to the filing cabinet.
- Fridge Whiteboard
Wargaming shelf (summer job):
Colin: Get perspex
- Storage solutions (summer job)
- Things with lids
- Need to move old folders into filing cabinet
- We have magic "proxies" that we don't know what they are and they need to be sorted and stored appropriately
- Storage boxes for minis are $21 each and have removable sections
- none
General Business:
- Ongoing
New T-Shirts:
- >Taylor: Get on top of shirts
- >Donald: Make an archive guide
Board games guide:
- Nothing received yet
Food run:
- We need one
- Amelia can do one Thursday afternoon
Campus Toilets:
- >Donald: Make a post about the guild bathrooms
Prof Comp
- Meeting today
Discord things (summer jobs):
- Ongoing
- The way we do handovers need to change
- We currently treat the wrap-up meeting minutes as the "handover"
- This is a bad idea
- Make a document for each event, and copy and edit those documents each year
- Taylor will test these changes with Charity Vigil
Donald: Make a list of summer jobs
Meeting closed: 13:43PM