Unigames Committee Meeting #32 - 21/10/2019

by Donald Sutherland 21/10/19

Unigames Committee Meeting #32 - 21/10/2019


  • Aoibhinn
  • Donald
  • Taylor
  • Alistair
  • Amelia
  • Kyle
  • Emerald


  • Alaura
  • Elana
  • Colin


  • none

Meeting open: 12:10 PM


President's Report:

  • Alaura has not submitted a report

Vice-President's Report:

  • Meetings and emails
  • Was a scrutineer


  • no updates

Treasurer's Report:

  • Account balance: $1572.75
  • Returned prerelease things
  • Gave vigil receipts to James
  • Sent off an email about the stairwell lights
  • Went to SOC meeting
  • Got an answer about RO rules
  • Got older

Secretary's Report:

  • Greetings
  • I am busy

Librarian's Report:

  • Overdue items: KofNY, Masquerade, 7 wonders
  • Worked on a bunch of book buy. Didn’t delete itself this time lmao.
  • That’s mostly it tbh

Fresher Rep's Report!:

  • My laptop died on Tuesday
  • I talked to the people I needed to talk to
  • And I have a new laptop
  • But I have had a time

OCM reports

  • No OCM reports

Past action Items:

  • Colin: put up study break event up - not done
  • Taylor: return magic stuff to tactics - done
  • Donald: Distribute the sealed league prizes - not done
  • Alaura & Donald: organise advertising for holiday sealed league - not done
  • Aoibhinn: EMP for wargames event/teach Kyle - not done
  • Alaura & Donald: Advertising for wargaming - not done
  • Amelia: Follow up on Steven and Merlin's resolved games - done
  • Colin: Draw up a collab procedure document - not done
  • Aoibhinn: Watch out for board game events to snipe clubs for collabs - done
  • Alaura: Chat with Winslade about future scheduling - not done
  • Aoibhinn: Look into Unigames solo Mega-Game-esque events a la Primarchs - ongoing
  • Alaura: Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover - not done
  • Taylor: Do a full financial breakdown of camp - not done
  • Donald: resend the changes to soc-secretary - done
  • Taylor: Talk to UCC about why we are not comfortable to pay the fine - done
  • Taylor: send Charity Vigil receipts to James - done
  • Taylor: send on this feedback to relay organisers - not done
  • Taylor: Decide budget for book buy - not done
  • Alaura: forward old alcohol agreement stuff to Manjedal including EMP & RMP BY NEXT WEEK - done
  • Taylor: Follow up on grants - not done
  • Taylor: Get in contact with Jacob to find out what is going on with grants - not done
  • Taylor: Write up an email with our concerns - not done
  • Taylor: contact Irene about the stairway lights - done
  • Colin: Get perspex - not done
  • Taylor: Get on top of shirts - not done
  • Donald: Make an archive guide - not done
  • Donald: Make a post about the guild bathrooms - not done


Usual Suspects:


  • Spoopy games happened
    • People came, we played games
  • Board games event for study break has not been put up yet
    • Happening durig study break at some point


  • After exam thing


  • A bunch of old-Unigames folks don't want their magic cards any more
  • Stuff has been returned to Tactics
  • Donald: Distribute the sealed league prizes

  • Throne of Eldraine sealed league may be popular
    • Likely should occur post exams/holiday sealed league
    • Alaura & Donald: organise advertising for holiday sealed league


  • Been working on making 3d printing models to make Bolt Action more accessible
  • Competitive event is still planned for after exams
    • Aoibhinn: EMP for wargames event/teach Kyle

    • Alaura & Donald: Advertising for wargaming

Fresher Campaigns

  • Both Merlin and Steven's games are confirmed RIP
  • Summer games should be starting after exams
    • We should probably get a google form set up for that
    • Amelia: Look into / post about summer games


  • Collab procedure:
    • Colin: Draw up a collab procedure document

  • Aoibhinn: Watch out for board game events to snipe clubs for collabs


CAMP - Fiends and Fae (Un-Redacted!) [21st-24th June 2019]:

  • Alaura: Chat with Winslade about future scheduling

  • Aoibhinn: Look into Unigames solo Mega-Game-esque events a la Primarchs

  • Alaura: Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover

  • Taylor: Do a full financial breakdown of camp


  • Reps: Colin, Emerald + Elana, Aoibhinn
  • The event occured but only one person showed up and no activities were run.
  • It was super hot.
  • Hopefully the next event will have a better turn out with it being after exams.

OGM [10th September]:

  • Is Kyle on committee yet?
    • No updates, the email is sent to them

Charity Vigil [28th/29th September]:

  • Reps: Colin, Taylor
  • Meeting happening on Thursday

Relay for Life [12th/13th October]:

  • Reps: Taylor + Elana, Emerald
  • Donations are still open
  • Taylor still has to send feedback through
    • Taylor: Send feedback to Relay for Life

  • Taylor: Chase up people who said they would donate

MCW - Multicultral Week [17th October]:

  • We had a stall
  • People came and played games
  • Some people gave us jellies
  • We gave away a fresher guide

Cameron Hall-oween [26th October]:

  • Reps: Aoibhinn, Amelia
  • Budget has no break-even points, which makes Taylor hesitant to approve it
  • Sign-ups seem good?
  • Some people have also offered to sponsor tickets
  • Should be a good event!

Book Buy Semester 2:

  • Taylor: Decide budget for book buy

  • Happening tonight at 6PM

Summer LARP:

  • Reps: Alistair, Elana, Emerald
  • EMP is not finished
    • Katherine wanted to wait until all quests are finished to book the venue
    • This isn't really nessecary, we can change EMPs after making them, and we need the EMP for advertising and venues.
  • We're doing ok. We could be in a better position, but we're not doomed.
  • Next meeting is happening on Friday.
  • Sponsors are being looked into
    • Red Bull/V/Gateorade can be looked into
  • Last LARP1001 on 16th Nov event will hopefully promote Summer LARP

Un-Charity Vigil:

  • Don't need to look at this until Hall-oween is done
  • February

[REDACTED] 2020:

  • Tentative date: 19th-22nd of June 2020
  • The thing has been sent. Please let us have alcohol.


  • FilAus Incident:

    • Not recieved our apology.
    • We would like to get it resovled by the end of the Guild calender year.
    • Aoibhinn: Send email to SOC re. FilAus

  • Tenancy cupboard allocations:

    • No updates
  • Elevator:

    • The Access Department OGM happened
    • The Access Department officially endorses having an elevator.
    • The University is losing hella money, and is cutting back on maintenance/renovations, so /shrug
  • Grants:

    • ???
    • Taylor: Do grants

    • Taylor: Get in contact with Jacob to find out what is going on with grants

  • SOC:

    • There was a meeting, and there were elections
    • RO situation is resolved
    • Next SOC meeting: Feb
  • Tenancy:

    • There's meant to be a meeting in November
    • UniSFA no longer has bees
    • Next tenancy meeting on the 20th Nov

Room Update:

  • Speakers:

    • Alaura is compiling a shortlist
  • Bunnings things (summer job):

    • Fridge Whiteboard
      • Still need more magnets
    • Noodles
      • We still need to put them up
    • Floor felt
      • We got some floor felt
    • Tiny whiteboard
      • For long-term borrowing things
    • President's picture
      • Need the same type of magnets for the picture
      • Alternatively just tape it to the filing cabinet.
  • Wargaming shelf (summer job):

    • Colin: Get perspex

  • Storage solutions (summer job)

    • Things with lids
    • Need to move old folders into filing cabinet
    • We have magic "proxies" that we don't know what they are and they need to be sorted and stored appropriately
  • Storage boxes for minis are $21 each and have removable sections

  • Cleaning the clubroom

    • Please clean the clubroom, please


  • There was a food run, but the receipt for it has been lost
  • It was paid for with club money already, and we have received change for it, so no reimbursement is required.
  • Amelia, Emerald: Look for food run receipt

General Business:

  • Embroidery:

    • Ongoing
  • New T-Shirts:

    • Taylor: Get on top of shirts

  • Archives:

    • Donald: Make an archive guide

  • Board games guide:

    • Nothing received yet
  • Food run:

    • Has been done
  • Campus Toilets:

    • Donald: Make a post about the guild bathrooms

  • Prof Comp

    • Meeting today
  • Discord things (summer jobs):

    • Ongoing
  • Handovers:

    • The way we do handovers need to change
    • We currently treat the wrap-up meeting minutes as the "handover"
    • This is a bad idea
    • Make a document for each event, and copy and edit those documents each year
    • Taylor will test these changes with Charity Vigil

Donald: Make a list of summer jobs

Meeting closed: 1:07PM


Action Items:


  • Organise advertising for holiday sealed league (along with Donald)
  • Advertising for wargaming (along with Donald)
  • Chat with Winslade about future scheduling
  • Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover


  • EMP for wargames event/teach Kyle
  • Watch out for board game events to snipe clubs for collabs
  • Look into Unigames solo Mega-Game-esque events a la Primarchs
  • Send email to SOC re. FilAus


  • Do a full financial breakdown of camp
  • Send feedback to Relay for Life
  • Chase up people who said they would donate
  • Decide budget for book buy
  • Do grants
  • Get in contact with Jacob to find out what is going on with grants
  • Get on top of shirts


  • Distribute the sealed league prizes
  • Organise advertising for holiday sealed league (along with Alaura)
  • Advertising for wargaming (along with Alaura)
  • Make an archive guide
  • Make a post about the guild bathrooms
  • Make a list of summer jobs


  • Look into / post about summer games
  • Look for food run receipt (along with Emerald)


  • Draw up a collab procedure document
  • Get perspex


  • Look for food run receipt (along with Amelia)