Unigames Committee Meeting #33 - 15/10/2020

by Autumn Brough 15/10/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #33 - 15/10/2020


  • Alistair
  • Taylor (discord)
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Josh "not allowed to die"
  • Gwen
  • Kyle (discord)


Meeting scheduled: 6:00pm

Meeting open: 6:10pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Things have been occurring
  • Camp has SOLD OUT!!!!
  • Went to go pick up Magic product so that's done in time for grants
  • Unsure when I'll start the Sealed League bc of exams
  • We'll need to move next week's meeting bc of Quiz Night
  • Ahhh next week is busy af

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • Me every year: I’m going to train for relay for life so I don’t get injured
  • Also me every year: [doesn’t train for relay for life and gets injured]
  • Me: surprised pikachu
  • did relay
  • played many track games
  • put through the roleplay for life cash donation (gib money pls)
  • went to camp meeting
  • done some ogm-related shenanigans
  • found out there’s a bitmoji of a d20 with your face on it

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • i've been working on sem grant! will be bringing the folder with me home over the weekend to do scanning
  • (realisation that we have to speedrun next week's meeting because we all have to go to quiz night)
  • gwen ran a v good uni space games board games event! me and emerald played as one team in wingspan and won in our hearts
  • also relay for life happened! big thank u to everyone who came ❤
  • also my dnd character was almost assassinated by her friend
    • (gwen)
  • account balance: $3,282.68
    • with a duckload to come out

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • relay for life was chill as hell
  • delta green is organised
  • makes a confusing egg metaphor
  • quiz is the largest egg

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • hey teens and non teens too
  • this week I did two fantastic achievements
  • I spent hundreds of dollars for the sake of the club and bought books and games
  • more importantly I got street parking just off hay street it was insane
  • played wingspan
  • died in d&d please send condolences
  • also quiz night is next week come and buy me gifts for points

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • relay was fun, i still hurt??
  • i was going to go to a boardgames night but woke up at 3pm and needed to go back to sleep
  • got really far around the oval in classic games tumbling towers

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
      • computer error noise Ash.exe not found
      • "braap" noise described as "weak sauce" and "like a sheep"
      • alice is educated on what dialup sounds like
    • btw get hype for quiz night!!!!
    • that's an order!!!
  • GJosh:
    • i have
      • NOTHING
        • to report
  • Gwen:
    • Josh was late to the meeting so I get to talk about UWASCA today!
    • We has our first Collab wrap up meeting, Cam is handling finances and we’ll work our profit when’s he has done all that
    • talk of a possible cloak making workshop?
    • “Uni Games” Board games was fun, we played some award winning games and some people won (like me)
    • Can’t wait to play all the new games
  • Kyle:
    • Terrain is almost finished production
    • Made a post about Unigames merch
    • proposed painting day 29nd october?

Past action Items:


-- This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Remeber the health potion - done

Hassle UCC about camp tickets - done

Post our best club application for people to adore - not done

Follow up with complaints about notes - done


Harass the halloween reps (along with Jackie) - not done

Slap the Roleplay donation onto the relay page - done

Remember your littol table - done

Do constitution please miss vice pwesident - in the works

Follow up with relevant parties regarding complaints and OGM - done


Harass the halloween reps (along with Taylor) - not done

Reber your esky - done

Semester grant semester grant - in progress

Organise a first aid course - not done


Organise deltagreen oneshot - done

Get in contact with the other captains to organise a shop - done

Fix the capitsalistion on the webbed site!!!!! - not done


Do the purchasing for book buy - mostly done


Yell at people about quiz posters - done


  • Elana is now a gatekeeper

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Uni Space Games [4pm Wed 14/10]:

    • Award winning games were played
    • Two tables at the peak
    • Games were played!
    • Everyone ended up having to leave a bit early
    • Wingspan got good reviews, junk heart was played
  • Board games in two weeks: New Games!! [Monday 26/10]:

    • Gwen to organise

Gwen: Organise next


  • Primarchs

  • Deltragreen oneshot [Monday 19/10]

    • Autumn submitted the EMP via the website but the submission message is not to be trusted
    • Ellie, Jack and Merlin have been recruited as GMs

Autumn: Email the deltagreen EMP

Autumn: Crosspost on discord

  • Subsequent RPG oneshot [three weeks from now]:
    • It will be the first week of exams - let's take a break

Magic: The Gavining

  • Sealed league
    • Don't wanna start this coming Monday bc that's too short notice - so let's start the subsequent Monday
    • The league is played in 2 week spans so we can trust people to squeeze in 2 games between their exams

Alistair: Set up sealed league


  • Terrain purchase

    • Is incoming!!
    • It's in the last stage of production
  • Terrain donation

    • We received offers of terrain donation from Jo and Declan
    • Declan's terrain has made its way to the roon, Jo's gear needs picking up
    • Kyle to evaluate the value of the sets to the club

Kyle: Manage the terrain donations

  • Painting day [3:30pm Thursday 29/10]

Kyle: Organise a painting day

Fresher Campaigns

  • "yes"


Halloween 2019 [26/10/19]:

  • Waiting on someone to sit down with Jackie and Taylor to illuminate them on how the budget works

Taylor, Jackie: Halloween battles

Book Buy [Thursday 1/10, after committee meeting]:

  • Emerald has acquired some of the games!!
  • Some are still on hold at tactics, others are on their way via postage
  • They can't be longterm borrowed until 27/10
  • Come along to board games night on 26/10!!

UWASCA Crafternoon Collab [1pm-3:30pm Saturday 3/10]:

  • Currently waiting on Unisfa to finalise the budget

Relay [Saturday 10/10]:

Autumn, Emerald: Make a feedback post for Roleplay and Relay

  • Relay happened! It was good and chill! We did a bunch of stuff!
  • Our current donation total is $3777
  • The watermelon did not get eaten
  • Thank you to everyone who contributed to Roleplay or Relay in any regard!!!! <3 <3 <3
  • Check out the #relay channel on the discord for all the fun photos of mid-track board games

Autumn: Make a relay wrapup post

Quiz Night [Thursday 22/10]:

  • Lightmittie update

    • We just got a fresh set of tickets to sell in the clubroom
    • All the ducks are in a row for quiz night to pop off
    • Posters have been updated with accurate prices!!
    • 39 tickets have been sold so far, 61 still up for grabs
    • 70 is a LOT
    • Unigames have sold 17
  • Darkmittie update

    • Question writing is all done
    • "How's the powerpoint" "I started it :)"
    • "We don't give them out the questions like some obscene test"

OGM [1pm Friday 23/10]:

  • 👁️👁️👁️👁️🌀🌀🌀🌀🧿🧿🧿🧿You are all going to be here🧿🧿🧿🧿🌀🌀🌀🌀👁️👁️👁️👁️
  • Submissions for motions and constitutional amendments close on Sunday

Autumn: Send out an agenda on Monday

CAMP in 3D [20/11-23/11]:

  • Just as we polished off our schedules, someone informed us they were no longer able to make it
  • Fixes have been fixed
  • Camp has sold out (yaaaaayyyy)
  • Another wave of 14 tickets will be released (depending on the rulings of Marky McGowan 😘 )
  • Go to https://bit.ly/CampWaitList to reserve your ticket ;o
    • Putting your name on the waitlist doesn't mean you have to buy a ticket or pay a deposit, just means you get first pick

Room Update:

  • Broken light


  • Pending:
    • $994.95 to Taylor for the roleplay donation
    • $50 to Kyle for quiz night prizes
    • $320 to Alistair for mtg product
    • $53.31 + $392.25 = $445.56 to Jackie for food runs
    • $895.05 to Emerald for book buy


  • Tenancy Reallocations

    • No udpate
  • Semester grants

Jackie: Have a semester grant scan party this weekend

  • SOC Meeting [Tues 20/10/20]

    • Alistair will be attending
  • Best Club applications

    • It'll get archived eventually

General Business:


Alistair: Message profcomp people

Autumn: Fixe the typo

First Aid Course

  • Jackie has had 5 people get back to her, waiting on 2 more and 1 maybe
  • we will need to advertise

Meeting with complaints

Alistair: Manage the notes from meeting with complaints

Meeting next week

  • Quiz night clashes with our regular meeting spot
  • Meeting rearranged to [11am Friday 23/10]

Library Item Removal

  • Emerald moves to remove these items from the library:
    • Seasons
    • Gamma World
    • Twilight The Movie Board Game
    • The Twilight Saga: Eclipse: The Movie Board Game
  • Emerald is looking into other games

Emerald: Make a post about game removals

Meeting closed: 7:00pm