Unigames Committee Meeting #34 - 23/10/2020

by Autumn Brough 23/10/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #34 - 23/10/2020


  • Alistair "only person in the room to recognise the USSR national anthem"
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Josh
  • Gwen
  • Kyle


Meeting scheduled: 11:30am

Meeting open: 11:42


President's Report (Alistair):

  • it has been a busy fucking week
  • i have had many meetings and assessments and others, and as such little time for action items
  • went to the SOC meeting (p good!)
  • this meeting time is hectic

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • When I dream at night all I see is constitutional amendments
  • Did a bonch of constitutional amendments
  • Went to a SOC meeting
  • Gave constructive criticism on the Tenancy contract we were emailed so hard I got a Tenancy Consultation Meeting called for Monday next week
  • Helped Jackie with grants
  • Won Quiz Night and also Bulbasaur socks

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • shoutout to my table who got second, only 3.5 points behind the first table!!!!!
  • also want everyone to know i got home and was hungry and just had three slices of cheese bc i didn't know what else i could eat lol
  • and then i made the meeting event
  • quiz night was really good..........
  • did a deposit and reimbursed people also
  • did semester grant!!! it was genuinely kinda fun to work on?
  • account balance: $2,047.07

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • organised the delta rune oneshot
  • did ogm administrative actions
  • we kicked ass at quiz night (lol at the nerds who came 1st though)

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • hey whores (liam didn't let me say this at quiznight :((
  • I bought the last of the board games, they are all now on their way
  • I still owe a debt to tactics
  • made and ran quiz night, it was a ball, wrap up meeting will happen
  • two hours until OGM is plenty enough time to write a report
  • i broke my fast on quiznight bribes

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • went to quiz night it was rlly good, i came 4th with all of my freshers!
  • in the last week i managed to get my fresher table together
  • we all went as pirates and looked fantastic and then i went as boy george by accident
  • the freshers are alive
  • im stealing some templates from amelia about how to write an ogm report

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • officially not a student anymore ooop
    • went to quiz, came 3rd (woo), a little tired
    • board games is this Monday get hype!!! (again) (they're new!!)
  • Gwen:
    • came a close 2nd at quiz night HELL YEAH
    • Shiny new board game night is on Monday, see you all there
  • Josh:
    • Jackie Shan very disappointed in my quiz team don’t feel like they pulled their weight
    • Oh yeah and I’m keen to do a casual commander sometime if people are keen
  • Kyle:
    • Quiz night went off
    • Need to make painting day event

Past action Items:


Set up sealed league - not done Message profcomp people - done Manage the notes from meeting with complaints - done


Halloween battles (along with Jackie) - put to the wayside, ongoing


Halloween battles (along with Taylor) - wayside Have a semester grant scan party this weekend - done!!!


Email the deltagreen EMP - not done Crosspost on discord - done Make a feedback post for Roleplay and Relay (along with Emerald) - not done Make a relay wrapup post - not done Send out an agenda on Monday - done Fixe the typo - done


Make a feedback post for Roleplay and Relay (along with Autumn) - not done Make a post about game removals - not done


Manage the terrain donations - done Organise a painting day - not done


Organise next board games - done


Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • New Games!! [Monday 26/10]:

    • Shiny board game night is next Monday, 4pm!
    • Yeah we're gonna play some new games, first day of study break
    • Come along ;o
  • Apparently a lot of ppl have been enjoying Junkart

    • Kyle steals jackie's joke about it being a wargame
    • Proposal to label the box since it doesn't have the name on the side

Jackie: Label junkart


  • Primarchs

  • Deltragreen oneshot [Monday 19/10]

    • Oneshot went well
    • Only 1 game fired
  • We're taking a break from RPGs for exams, the first thing after exams can be a oneshot

Magic: The Gavining

  • Sealed league [Starts 1/11]

Alistair: Put up advertising for sealed league


  • Terrain purchase

Kyle: Pick up the new terrain from OTP

  • Terrain donation
    • Kyle has been through the terrain, and there is some stuff we don't want
    • Kyle to communicate with the donors to give some of it back

Kyle: Handle the terrain donations

  • Painting day [3:30pm Thursday 29/10]

Kyle: Organise Painting day for thursday

Fresher Campaigns

  • They exist, the freshers are alive


Halloween 2019 [26/10/19]:

  • It's being worked on
  • RN aoibhinn has offered to help if we can hang around til the end of November
  • Radio silence from others
  • Ave sent through some files and screenshots
  • Taylor plans to get on Will Corbett's case

Book Buy [Thursday 1/10, after committee meeting]:

  • Everything has been bought
  • Next week, Emerald returns to tactics to repay her debt
  • Callout emerald for not managing to find a seller for provincia romana when it took alistair 1 google search (soz emerald)

Emerald: Book buy book buy

Relay [Saturday 10/10]:

Autumn: Urgently put up a wrapup post

Emerald: Make a google form for roleplay feedback

Autumn: Make a google form for relay feedback

Quiz Night [Thursday 22/10]:

  • Lightmittie update
    • Not a lot to say before the wrapup meeting

Kyle: Make a feedback form covering both event and questions

  • Darkmittie update
    • Four ppl got the don bradman question wrong, and they were the MCs
    • Jackie: "Is that the baseball question?"

Emerald: Send all the questions to alistair

OGM [1pm Friday 23/10]:

  • It's IN AN HOUR
  • Taylor has been updating her constitutional revision, and made a big post last night detailing how she intends to work through it with the meeting
  • We will be using The Stack

Taylor: Finalise your notes for OGM

CAMP in 3D [20/11-23/11]:

  • All of the tickets have officially been allocated
  • Just waiting on Emerald and Jarcus
  • Marky has delayed phase 5 and thus we will likely be unable to use the final 14 tickets
  • The waitlist is still a thing and alistair has communicated that it'll be used if someone drops out
  • Gwen is at the front of the waitlist lol

Alistair: Encourage ppl to keep us updated if they can't make it to camp

Room Update:

  • Broken light


  • Paid:

    • $994.95 to Taylor
    • plus $28 to Taylor for membership stickers
    • $50 to Kyle
    • $320 to Alistair
    • $445.56 to Jackie
    • $895.05 to Emerald
    • plus $120.45 to Emerald for the rest of the board games
  • and that's why we have such a low balance


  • Tenancy Reallocations
    • Tenancy sent through a new contract for our room
    • It has an extra section added to it, providing Tenancy a clause to terminate contracts without due process. A bunch of the protections that we have had for the past few years have been removed.
    • We have also not received an updated list of allocations since the appeals went through, something we have requested (and been promised) before.
    • The terms of the contract wouldn't expire until Oct 2023. The next reallocation is in Feb 2023 so this will need to be figured out.
    • Tenancy meeting on Monday, at our request

Alistair, Taylor: Attend tenancy meeting

  • Semester grants
    • They're due TONIGHT
    • But we have a new receipt

Jackie: Submit semester grant

  • SOC Meeting [Tues 20/10/20]

    • Nice and short half-hour SOC meeting
    • One club didn't rock up and then the vegans got roasted
    • Next one is in November
  • Best Club award

Alistair: Get our award reprinted

General Business:


  • We've got the projects from both prof comp teams
    • We just need to mark them, and...

Alistair, Taylor: Deal with the prof comp projects

First Aid Course

  • No udpates
  • We're going to need to do some recruiting from the member base

Jackie: Recruit additional ppl for first aid course

Library Item Removal

Emerald: Post about library removals

Meeting with complaints

  • Alistair has sent emails and got stuff done!

Member Privacy

  • A member has submitted a request to have their details removed from the member database for privacy issues
    • Discussion of the practicality and usage of various types of contact info, phone vs email
    • Concerns raised about the potential for committee members to abuse their power to access member info
    • Question of whether this is an issue of collecting member info or reining in committee members

Alistair, Taylor: Dig into a regulation or constitutional amendment for member privacy

Autumn: Talk to member about privacy

Meeting closed: 12:43

-- This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Put up advertising for sealed league

Encourage ppl to keep us updated if they can't make it to camp

Attend tenancy meeting (along with Taylor)

Get our award reprinted

Deal with the prof comp projects (along with Taylor)

Dig into a regulation or constitutional amendment for member privacy (along with Taylor)


Finalise your notes for OGM

Attend tenancy meeting (along with Alistair)

Deal with the prof comp projects (along with Alistair)

Dig into a regulation or constitutional amendment for member privacy (along with Alistair)


Label junkart

Submit semester grant

Recruit additional ppl for first aid course


Urgently put up a wrapup post

Make a google form for relay feedback

Talk to member about privacy


Book buy book buy

Make a google form for roleplay feedback

Send all the questions to alistair

Post about library removals


Pick up the new terrain from OTP

Handle the terrain donations

Organise Painting day for thursday

Make a feedback form covering both event and questions