Unigames Committee Meeting #35 - 29/10/2020

by Autumn Brough 29/10/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #35 - 29/10/2020


  • Alistair "bad and naughty exec"
  • Taylor (discord)
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Josh
  • Gwen (discord)
  • Kyle


Meeting scheduled:

Meeting open: 6:03pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • did the ogm (oagghh that waas only a week ago)
  • tenancy happened, did that, there are things being sorted
  • put up the sealed league, people can enter that now! concerned about numbers
  • went to a panto BGM

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • sorry autumn for not writing my report earlier
  • grant has been submitted!
  • and then immediately got nerfed w a minor cold
  • study week screaming
  • did a food run today w alice!
  • i would like,, grant money soon.....
  • account balance: $903.67

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • minuted the OGM

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • don't ask me about my action items i don't remember my action items
  • i got 69 in bowling and photographic proof
  • i actually did two of my action items i bought all the book buys and sent alistair questions
  • provinica romania came in come play it
  • i chastisted the gatekeepers for their bad board game stacking
    • "please put this one before i love you good bye"
  • i love you goodbye

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • did the ogm and helped jackie with a food run
  • shiny new board games night happened!
    • everyone play junkart

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • good on us OCMs for actually submitting reports
    • big brrr energy
    • gl to all those who have exams
    • also gl to those who dont, everyone deserves luck
    • did play a game at Monday's event, forgot what it was called but was very fun !!
  • Gwen:
    • played some new board games on Monday and had a good time.
    • last minute dropped out of the 40k tournament in favour of studying for exams (sorry Kyle)
    • Josh BEGGED to get to say stuff about Crafternoon Collab wrap up things, so out of the kindness of my heart, I'm gonna let you all here the update not from me, but from josh
  • Josh:
    • $160.49 revenue for crafternoon, $55 for booking, $20 for printing and $9 for wipes and bags for a total profit of 76.49 or $35.50 per club
  • Kyle:
    • Still doing quiznight wrapups, had some decent reviews of it,
    • Will go locker some ucc and unisfa nerds to get their ticket sales data on Thurs
    • Terrain turned out to be a 40 min drive from me so it's getting here some time next week
    • WATC next weekend trying to figure out favorable matchups
    • Saw some old photos on my phone from the event that I first interacted with at unigames and it gave me inspiration for some summer events

Past action Items:


Put up advertising for sealed league - done

Encourage ppl to keep us updated if they can't make it to camp - done

Attend tenancy meeting (along with Taylor) - done

Get our award reprinted - ongoing

Deal with the prof comp projects (along with Taylor) - ongoing

Dig into a regulation or constitutional amendment for member privacy (along with Taylor) - not done


Finalise your notes for OGM - done

Attend tenancy meeting (along with Alistair) - done

Deal with the prof comp projects (along with Alistair) - ongoing

Dig into a regulation or constitutional amendment for member privacy (along with Alistair) - not done


Label junkart - temporary job

Submit semester grant - done (good)

Recruit additional ppl for first aid course - ongoing (almost)


Urgently put up a wrapup post - not done

Make a google form for relay feedback - not done

Talk to member about privacy - done


Book buy book buy - done

Make a google form for roleplay feedback - not done

Send all the questions to alistair - done

Post about library removals - done, but not the way you'd expect ;)


Pick up the new terrain from OTP - done

Handle the terrain donations - ongoing

Organise Painting day for thursday - yeah! please come!

Make a feedback form covering both event and questions - done


Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • New Games!! [Monday 26/10]:
    • At most 2 tables, it went really well!
    • Ppl engaged with the games, really liked them!
    • Someone really wanted to play great western trail but it's too long

Jackie: Label junkart


  • Primarchs

  • We're taking a break from RPGs for exams, the first thing after exams can be a oneshot

Magic: The Gavining

  • Sealed league [Starts 1/11]
    • Alistair is gonna poke people
    • If you're interested in mtg, check out sealed league!!
    • You can also sponsor emerald and keep her cards?

Alistair: Do recruiting for sealed league


  • OTP Terrain purchase
    • It has arrived!!
    • Kyle needs to work his magics to make it pretty

Kyle: Process newly purchased terrain

  • Terrain donation
    • Everything has been gone through

Kyle: Contact terrain donation people

  • Painting day [3:30pm Friday 30/10]
    • It's tomorrow!!!

Fresher Campaigns

  • They exist


Halloween 2019 [26/10/19]:

  • Unisfa came around and gave people halloween money
  • Halloween is still not sorted since we dont have the money sorted out
  • It has now been One Year and Three Days since cameron halloween 2019 o7777

Book Buy [Thursday 1/10, after committee meeting]:

  • The debt to tactics is SETTLED, all of the things are paid for
  • Tactics now owes us a debt of boardgames that we're waiting to arrive
  • Still waiting on books (L5R and Tasha's cauldron) and Tayu

Relay [Saturday 10/10]:

  • A wrapup post did not get done
  • At this point if people care about feedback, they will tell

Quiz Night [Thursday 22/10]:

  • The wrapup meeting will happen once Kyle has managed to wrangle the quizmittiee into sending everyone their numbers to him

Kyle: Wrangle quizmittee into a wrapup

OGM [1pm Friday 23/10]:

  • It happened!!
  • Minutes have been released
  • Gozz has updated the github with the new constituion, we need to submit it to guild sooon

CAMP in 3D [20/11-23/11]:

  • Alistair goes around the room and prods ppl for certificates

Emerald: Send your food safety certificate


  • Bad news, Josh made a miscalculation in his report.
  • Profit to Unigames is $25. Well done team!!
  • Biggest expense was the room booking, we made $160 revenue. This is totally a sustainable event.

Room Update:

  • Broken light
    • Alistair bothered people about the light!!!
    • Who knows maybe something will happen


Pending: - $349 to Jackie for a food run

  • Dear jameson :pleading: :pleading: grant??


  • Tenancy Reallocations

    • We are waiting for the full map of reallocations
    • Allegedly the reallocations process has finished
    • Storage has also been done, we did not hear anything, but presumably we have kept our cupboards.
    • We are waiting on the tenancy contract to get rewritten before we sign anything. The one we were handed was based on the 2016 contract instead of the 2017 version and had several issues.
  • Semester grants

    • All of the extensions should be due tomorrow
    • Hopefully we'll get money soooon
    • Jameson? Pwease?? Gib dollar?
  • SOC Meeting [November, a day]:

    • It'll be on a day
      • in november
  • Best Club award

    • Still waiting

General Business:


  • Profcomp
    • It looks unlikely that we will be using either of the systems provided by the teams

Alistair, Taylor: Do marking for profcomp

First Aid Course

  • Please
    • Guys
      • Jackie just needs one more person

Jackie: Make first aid happen

Library Item Removal

  • The two twilight games have been claimed
  • If you are interested in Gamma World or Seasons then please come grab them

Meeting with complaints

  • No update

Member Privacy

Alistair, Taylor: Discuss policies

  • Continutation of discussion from last week
  • Discussion of the difficulties of our current signup sheet and the pros and cons of physical/digital signup sheets
  • It may be reasonable to delete each year's personal info at the end of the year
    • The phone numbers will remain in the borrowing book for library issues

Meeting closed: 6:48pm

-- This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Do recruiting for sealed league

Do marking for profcomp (along with Taylor)

Discuss policies (along with Taylor)


Do marking for profcomp (along with Alistair)

Discuss policies (along with Alistair)


Label junkart

Make first aid happen


Send your food safety certificate


Process newly purchased terrain

Contact terrain donation people

Wrangle quizmittee into a wrapup