Unigames Committee Meeting #36 - 05/11/2020

by Autumn Brough 05/11/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #36 - 05/11/2020


  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Josh "professional speedrun god"
  • Gwen


  • Kyle

Meeting scheduled: 6pm

Meeting open: 6:08pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • slowly dying but faster this time
  • got rejected from a clinical trial because my brain is full of hole
  • have an exam on saturday worth 74%
  • did a bunch of camp paperwork last night so that's mostly squared away
  • hopefully prof comp will have been marked by the start of the meeting
  • camp is in two weeks ahhh

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • exams! they exist. they're happening
  • i have one tomorrow! lol
  • good luck to everyone w exams left <333 i believe in you
  • almost forget abt camp meeting, attended camp meeting, ready to work on camp budget asap post final exam (monday)
  • not a lot of committee business done, mainly just opening netsuite and looking sadly at the account balance (send help/grants)
  • account balance: $903.67 help
  • i may update account balance by doing a withdrawal today, in which case i'll be SUPER sad every time i look at the account balance lol

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • doing a cool anime opening run away from all the responsibilities in my life

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • didnt do a report bc taylor overheated in the shower and got here late ("you can do them in advance") no i only do them in this room
  • i asked tactics about tashas

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • Not much happening for me this week. Exams are hard and scary, I don't know where stuff is. A bunch of fresher games (possibly just mine) are on hiatus, but that's just an exam thing. I think it was definitely a good idea to press pause on events this week.
    • "until recently i didnt know where winthrop hall is" (room-wide pain noises)

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • big brr brr vibes
    • camp is 2 weeks babeyyy!!!
  • Gwen:
    • yes, I'm here
  • Josh:
    • nothing to report
      • josh is speedrunning super mario odyssey before my very eyes
        • "this is RNG manipulation on the bird"
        • "autumn why does it keep eating my jumping"
  • Kyle:
    • i caught some heat stroke for painting day (R.I.P) in piece
    • WATC this weekend. a
    • quizmittie is trying to set up a wrap up but ucc is being difficult with their ticket sales and looks like they can only do this weekend for a meeting (a)

Past action Items:


Do recruiting for sealed league - limited success

Do marking for profcomp (along with Taylor) - limited success

Discuss policies (along with Taylor) - limited succ


Do marking for profcomp (along with Alistair) - limited success

Discuss policies (along with Alistair) - limited success


Label junkart - not done

Make first aid happen - struggle town


Send your food safety certificate - done


Process newly purchased terrain - working on it

Contact terrain donation people - it is a mystery

Wrangle quizmittee into a wrapup - happening


Usual Suspects

Board Games

Jackie: Label junkart


  • Primarchs

  • There is 1 week of exams left - we should plan an RPG night between exams and nights

    • Let's make it camp themed!
    • [Wednesday, 18/11]

Emerald: Organise a Kids on Bikes oneshot

Magic: The Gavining

  • Sealed league [Starts 1/11]
    • Event has been organised for next friday
    • Hopefully ppl will sign up on the day otherwise we will need to give refunds

Alistair: Message Kristof about sealed league


  • OTP Terrain purchase

    • Waiting on update
  • Terrain donation

    • Waiting on update
  • Painting day [3:30pm Friday 30/10]

    • We had 3 people here for painting day!
    • Kyle wasn't well so it was lucky they were vets who could handle themselves

Fresher Campaigns

  • Mostly on hiatus


Halloween 2019 [26/10/19]:

  • Huuuuuhhhhhhhhnnnnn yeah

Jackie: Halloween? Halloween?

Book Buy [Thursday 1/10, after committee meeting]:

  • Tashas has been delayed until December
  • We're still waiting on Path of Waves, Tayu has arrived and is at emerald's house
  • That covers everything!

Quiz Night [Thursday 22/10]:

  • Wrap up meeting this weekend ???

OGM [1pm Friday 23/10]:

  • Constitutional changes need to be submitted tomorrow (uh oh)

Alistair: Email about our constitution right now

Alistair, Autumn: Make constitutional changes

CAMP in 3D [20/11-23/11]:

  • Things are coming together


Room Update:

  • Broken light


Pending: - $100 to Alaura for camp ticket (physical cash) - $349 to Jackie for a food run

Emerald: Drive to alaura's for camp ticket reimbursement


  • Tenancy Reallocations

    • Stillll waiting
  • Semester grants

    • Jameson please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
  • SOC Meeting [Tuesday, 10/11]:

Alistair: Attend SOC meeting next week

  • Best Club award

General Business:


Alistair: Mark the profcomp marking

First Aid Course

  • Jackie has narrowed down the planned dates: [13/11, 16/11, 17/11, 18/11]
  • Is having trouble getting one more person

Library Item Removal

  • If you are interested in Gamma World or Seasons then please come grab them

Emerald: Post about library item removals

Member Privacy

  • Leaning towards the concept of wiping member data at the end of each committee year
  • Guild audit requires us to keep some data for 3 years so we will need to investigate that
  • This decision would most likely take the form of a regulation

Meeting closed: 6:28pm

This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Message Kristof about sealed league

Email about our constitution right now

Make constitutional changes (along with Autumn)

Attend SOC meeting next week

Mark the profcomp marking


Label junkart

Halloween? Halloween?


Make constitutional changes (along with Alistair)


Organise a Kids on Bikes oneshot

Drive to alaura's for camp ticket reimbursement

Post about library item removals