Unigames Committee Meeting #38 - 21/11/2023

by Joshua Annison 21/11/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #38 - 21/11/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbi
  • Connor
  • Josh
  • David
  • Chris
  • Hannah
  • Emerald
  • James
  • Oscar


  • Gen


Meeting scheduled: 4:00PM

Meeting open: 4:20PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • joint camp'd
  • warmb'd
  • city trip'd
  • probably other stuff
  • morbillion grant
  • happy day 21 of NQACTvember

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • went to joint camp
  • painting guide is done (real)
  • magic trivia night getting rescheduled

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • Camps Joever ;-;
    • Standing ovation for Nic
    • Congratulations
  • Minutes will be done tonight, had a case of family emergencies to deal with
  • I love planechase! /s
  • Taught Jackie about mewing
  • Worlds Update:

Librarian's Report (David):

  • very much not enjoying No Shit (in my own house) November
  • obtained green belt in kobudo
  • also went to camp (yay)

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James, Oscar):

  • Chris:

    • "aaaUGHHH..?" - Chris
  • Hannah:

    • camp happened
    • spent 6 hours in da kitchen
    • had a great time peeling apples while listening to the league worlds finals
    • hope everyone else also had a good time!
    • also remember to stay hydrated this week especially
  • James:

    • Went to camp
    • Warhammer 40k event tomorrow. Spectators are welcome
    • Hyped for the heatwave, it’s been too cold recently
  • Oscar:

    • friendship ended with camp, now holidays is my best friend
    • i can't believe people would rather crush the hopes and dreams of every eight year old ever than have megalodons exist
    • i think i left my towel at ern halliday? unsure
    • drink water or i'll kill you
    • 344 days til Halloween

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==14/39 (35.90% WR)== Meeting
    • Busy mewing
    • Might be here

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • Return Ixalan Prerelease - Done

  • Continue to merch it up - Almost done

  • Do tenancy application form - Done (very long)


  • SNOM advertising - Not Done

  • Advertising for MTG Trivia Night - Postponed

  • Write up painting guide - Done


  • Write BotCT noise handout sheet - Not Done


  • SAP Advertising - Tonight

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Chris' Worldbuilding Games (Mid-December)
  • Will be done shortly


L5R RPG - ???
  • Waiting on work schedules


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quick play guide for Otharri in the next week or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so (31 "so"s)
  • Probably done by end of sem
  • Ixalan after exams
Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • Ixalan box for $200
  • Haven't actually got it yet
New Capenna Draft - 2nd of December
  • Advertising up later this week

Gibbi: New Capenna Draft advertising

SNOM - 26th of November
  • Also after exams

Gibbi: SNOM advertising

MTG Trivia Night - At some point soon
  • With Rhondie and Mani, looking at ezone facilities

Gibbi: Advertising for MTG Trivia Night

Pokemon TCG

November SAP - 26th of November @ 11ish-2
  • Advertising done tonight

Chris: SAP Advertising


End of Semester Warhammer 10e Open w/ Matt - 22nd of November @ 8:30am-4:30pm
  • Its tomorrow, spectators welcome
  • Ezone learning studio 111 ezone north

Fresher Campaigns

  • Responses
    • Most wrapping up, a few continuing
    • Harry is back

Cerberus Camp 2023 - 17th of November - 20th of November

  • It happened
  • Food :thumbsup:
    • Burgers were soooo good
    • Portions for pesto were small on account of baby bowls
    • Other portions were very good
    • Still need less carrot
    • A lot of bread leftovers
    • Donated to guild food pantry :)
  • Facebook only carpooling thread
    • People didn't know
    • It was in the advertising
    • Maybe mention more next time
  • Advertising
    • A lot of info about whats at camp and not actually about camp info
    • Facebook is better for this probably
      • We can do larger explanations on the facebook thread so that clubs don't send out 1 morbillion announcements
    • Maybe have some descriptions to read in the info pack
    • Maybe a schedule in an announcement
  • Trope talks didn't happen
    • Probably needs an announcements that it got cancelled
  • Following the roster a bit more
  • Oneshots
    • Don't think anything that got played
  • Schedule put up on pinboard would be cool
    • Also lets people go and see it and add themselves to oneshots/boardgames etc
  • Assassins
    • Brittle pegs
    • Maybe need new ones
    • Bulldog clips
    • Hairclips
    • Being outside and playing boardgames rule change
      • Probably a good idea for Ern Halliday specifically
  • Larp felt short
    • Ran until lunch, was packed up after lunch because people were not interested
    • Kids run around, and then immediately get sausages, in hand
    • It was just really hot :sweat:
    • Meals were on time, may have made things feel wack
  • New debates format
    • Was good
    • Enjoyed
    • Slightly more structured while still being silly
    • Debate sign up should have probably be in a better place for more exposure
  • Rockband was on map but not on camp
    • It happens
  • Last joint camp meeting next week
  • Venue: Dorms were good :)
  • Feedback form released tomorrow
  • Unigames camp tips
    • Pesto instead of bolognese
      • Less work (i think so)

40th Anniversary - 20th of October

  • Invoice for photos has been received
    • has been paid
  • Bag received :money_mouth_face:
  • Jackie warehouse room
  • Still waiting on stickers and charms
  • still need to produce the token
  • paid the eventbrite money into Unigames account :money_mouth_face:

Jackie: Continue to merch it up

Uncharity Vigil

  • Subcom should be together soon
  • Gibbi will make a discord

Far Future Events

O'Day 2024 - Friday 23rd of February 11:00AM - 3PM

  • Jackie wants to push "girls get girls" hard
  • Will ask to be put next to our buddy clubs
    • :nail_care:

      Jackie: Sign up for O'Day


  • Approved
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $471.88 to Jackie for Stickers & Lanyard Keychain
    • $10 to Emerald for Candlestick
    • $451.60 to Connor for Food Run
    • $??? to Josh for Painting PPE
    • $??? Joint camp receipts? (May be handled by UCC)
    • $520 to Jackie for Ixalan Prerelease



  • Reallocation form is submitted
  • Jackie wrote a lot


Semester Grants
  • Initial result:
    • $6000
  • Cool ass SOC Trez

General Business:


  • Welcome new gatekeeper!
    • Harry Trumble


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

Key Change
  • Has been done
  • We now have 4 keys
    • Prez Key
    • Exec lockbox
    • Normal lockbox
    • VPKey real?
  • Will need to update regs
New Kallax
  • Nupdates
New Printed Banner
  • Nupdates


Book Buy 2: Electric Boogaloo - 4th of December
Library Note Whiteboard
  • It's here and is up!
  • We now have spare tabs
David's Archival 'Stuff'
  • Nupdates
BotC Noise
  • In Poggers

    Gen: Write BotCT noise handout sheet

Gibbi: Print and laminate painting guide

Food runs

  • What if we just bought all the leftovers :eyes:
    • We would still need more
  • Thursday Gen and Gosh food run?
    • Or maybe Gackie


  • Donald working on big update

Committee Business

  • OGM whenisgood will be happening
Meeting Time
  • Everyone is fine with Mondays except James, who ~~DOESN'T~~ want to attend homestuck
  • 4PM Monday or Tuesday
  • 4PM Monday call

Meeting closed: 6:17 PM