Unigames Committee Meeting #38 - 26/11/2024
Unigames Committee Meeting #38 - 26/11/2024
tags: committee meeting 2024
- Josh
- Connor
- Jack
- Chris
- Gen
- Cooper
- Jeremy
- Nix
- Oscar
- Jackie
- Nene
Meeting scheduled: 4:00PM
Meeting open: 4:09PM
President's Report (Josh):
- Absolute Cinema
- Camp was bussin bussin fr fr
- Time to do all those things we put off until after camp
Vice President's Report (Connor):
- Joint Camp happened! Thank you everyone for a good weekend! Recovery still ensuing :DD
- BoTC in just under a week! :OO
- Ra is my new favourite game!
Treasurer's Report (Jack):
- camp ova!!!
- hopefully everyone liked the pie
- paranoia had record turnout (3)
Netbank Balance: $9,368.59 Commbank Balance: $3950.66 Mid-Meeting Commbank Update: $3950.96
Secretary's Report (Chris):
- Joint Camp happened!!
- Yippee!
- Come build some worlds on friday
- It's world-building games time!
Librarian's Report (Gen):
- Camp happened and was very fun!
- Have been doing alot of library entry
- have been frothing at the mouth over Wicked: The Musical: The Movie
Fresher Rep's Report (Cooper):
- Went to freaky camp. Broke my freakin phone. Only passed 1 freakin unit. Failed my freakin drivin test. Freakin hell
OCMs' Reports (Jeremy, Nene, Nix, Oscar):
- Jeremy :
- no report given
- Nene:
- im literally miku
- hey have you guys heard it's miku expo tonight?
- i guess i went to camp but im also going to miku
- no fortnite wins. miku not in fortnite
- Nix:
- where are my dice james
- camp happened. I guess.
- Oscar:
- what is this feeling?
- so sudden and new
- we love antidepressants, we lukewarm camp
- what is this feeling?
Immediate Past President's Report (Jackie):
Attendance Count - 37/38 (97%) - just finished helping josh with the tactics email - attended camp and helped with rice emergency - "they hate me for my rice expertise" - still working on the phoenix cover, should be done by end of this week for real actually this time - last week of NQACTvember 🙁
Past Action Items:
Action Items:
Message Tactics about Pre-releases (nope)
EMP and Advertising for MTG Foundations Jumpstart (in poggers)
work on MTG club decks (in poggers)
Work on Precon League Administration (in poggers)
Post an announcement about the on-selling or trading of Counterfeit cards (done)
Talk to Tactics about Blood Bowl tournament sets (not done)
Write official assassins rules (the handover version) (done)
(with Connor and Jackie) Do another food run this week (not done)
Whenisgood for Holiday Meeting Time (not done)
Advertisement for BoTC 2 (ongoing)
(with Josh and Jackie) Do another food run this week (not done)
(with Jackie) Make Bank Transfer Usage Guide (not done)
Distribute profit from Dice Bag Workshop (in pogress)
Advertisement for World-Building Games (done)
Investigate organisation of old records (not done)
Do another Newsletter (not done)
EMP and Advertising for Book Buy Games (not done)
(with Nix) Temporary Blood Bowl miniature protection (in poggers)
Get paint stripper and paints for the club (not done)
Go through the metal minis in the monolith (not done)
Repair damaged games (in poggers)
Enter Imperium Maledictum into the library (done)
Advertising for Combined TCG Extravaganza (done)
EMP and Advertising for Into the Odd One-shot Night (not done)
Organise Monolith and Kallax (in poggers)
(with Gen) Temporary Blood Bowl miniature protection (in poggers)
(with Josh and Connor) Do another food run this week (not done)
(with Connor) Make Bank Transfer Usage Guide (in poggers)
Usual Suspects
Board Games
BotC Event 2 - Monday 2/12 @ 11am
- the sequel
- storytellers:
- Beginner game
- Angus
- Ash
- Advanced game
- James
- Bryce
- Lara (potentially)
- Beginner game
- Advertising going up during this meeting
World-Building Games Event - Friday 29/11 @ 3pm
- This Friday!!!
- Games:
- Microscope
- Mappa Imperium
- Terraforming Mars
- Junkart
- The Quiet Year
Book Buy Games Event - Friday 6/12 @ 12pm
- next friday!!
- nupdates > Gen: EMP and Advertising for Book Buy Games
Mark of the Odd One-shot Night - Week of the 9th of December
- Systems:
- Into the Odd
- Mausritter
- Start time somewhere between 1-3pm > Nene: EMP and Advertising for Mark of the Odd One-shot Night
Warhammer RPG Oneshot Night - Early January (TBC)
Nix: Contact GMs for Warhammer RPGs
Booster Box Buying Bhenanigans
- We currently have 1.2 Foundations Boxes
Magic: The Gathering
Good Games Morley Pre-releases
- nupdates
- Got an email from Dan Good Games
- They're happy to facilitate events and prizing.
- $55 with 4 boosters per player of prizing.
- Main request from Good Games is that if we run prereleases through them we do so consistently
- provide some form of advertisement for them
- We already do this in our Fresher Guide with Tactics, so this is very feasible, and we were probably going to think about doing this anyway for Good Games
- They're happy to facilitate events and prizing.
- Previous discussion:
- Dan Good Games has contacted us about potentially running a pre-release at UWA
- Prerelease Price and Prizing
- Previous discussion:
- Dan Good Games has contacted us about potentially running a pre-release at UWA
- Prerelease Price and Prizing
- Tactics: $60 Pre-release kit, 2 packs per person
- Good-games: $55 Pre-release kit, 2-8 packs per person (depending on attendance)
- Good Games are also potentially interested in running Drafts through us. > Josh: Message Tactics about Pre-releases
Aetherdrift Pre-release
- Might happen eventually
- next year
Foundations Jumpstart - Tuesday 17/12
- Foundations is coming alongside a Jumpstart set
- People have asked if we are going to run Jumpstart
- Between Foundations Pre-release and Camp we would need to run it early January, instead of the Draft
- Another option is running it a week after the TCG extravaganza as a follow-up event
- The Jumpstart and SNC draft poll have received around 20 votes each, so both events would be viable > Josh: Advertising for MTG Foundations Jumpstart
MTG Club Deck Updates
- nupdates
- Missing Cards
- Horde of Notions deck is still missing a card
- Mani has sent through a list of changes to the club decks
- Josh is looking over the changes and has some things he would like to change (about the changes)
- details about how the deck changes are working available in previous minutes
- We sell old cards for store credit
- use store credit to buy new cards
- We reimburse Mani for anything he needs to pay out of pocket
- waiting for final version of deck changes to fit budget
- We are in the process of updating the other club decks
Josh: work on MTG club decks
MTG Precon League
- Got a bunch of stuff for committee to look at over the next week
- Previous Discussion:
- Precon League is a competition in which participants take preconstructed commander decks and upgrade them with a limited budget over the course of multiple rounds.
- Good Games will contact us regarding prizing
- Based on previous participation of around ~16 players, if we up the price to $10 for entry, we can up prizing to about $160
- Feedback on prizing from last precon league was that it was rather lackluster
- Suggested to work out the details of point allocation before finalising how we do prizing for the event
- Also suggested that each player gets at least one pack for prizing regardless of league results
- Gibbi has also suggested that we include prizes like Sleeves and Deck Boxes > Josh: Work on Precon League Administration
- Based on previous participation of around ~16 players, if we up the price to $10 for entry, we can up prizing to about $160
Streets of New Capenna Draft - January (Date TBA)
- We have a box of New Capenna in the monolith, will do a draft
MTG Counterfeit vs Proxies
- Announcement has been posted
Pokemon TCG
Pokemon Decks
- nupdates
- 3 of the 4 decks have been resleeved
- Ogerpon deck
- Toxicroak deck
- Charizard deck
- Still waiting to resleeve the gardevoir deck
- Suggested to put future discussion of deck updates alongside book buy
Combined TCG Extravaganza - Wednesday 4/12 @ 4pm
- Advertising is up!
- Will set up tables in the loft for people to pitch their cardgames
- Event with multiple TCG formats (Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Flesh and Blood)
- Donald is willing to help run Flesh and Blood games
- Josh can run Shadowverse: Evolve
- Chris, Jeremy, Nene will run some Pokemans
- Jackie willing to bring some Keyforge
- Angus interested for Yu-Gi-Oh
Next Warhammer Tournament - January (Date TBA)
- nupdates
- Matt has expressed interest in running another tournament
- Details will follow
Warhammer Materials
- It is now After Book Buy
- Unbuilt terrain to be built and stored in the tub under the money box soon
- Didn't get Spearhead: Fire and Jade for book buy
- Discussed whether we would try to include it as an uncharity goal
- Committee is of the position that it would be better as a splat buy than an uncharity goal
- Discussed whether we would try to include it as an uncharity goal
Blood Bowl
Round 8 is under way
- nearly done!
Cam is still willing to paint the minis
- it is now after camp
- Games Workshop has been distributing tournament sets to Local Game Stores
- We don't know much about the details, so it may be worth contacting Tactics or GW to see if there is a way we can get access to this > Gen, Nix: Temporary Blood Bowl miniature protection > Josh: Talk to Tactics about Blood Bowl tournament sets > Nix: Talk to Cam about possible painting event
Wargaming Budget
- Objective markers can be done after camp (by Jackie)
- There are alternatives that we can discusee in case Jackie has too much to do or otherwise can't do this
Beyond Odyssey
- Local company that runs tournaments
- They have been messaged, but they haven't responded yet
Fresher Campaigns
- "Yeah! cool" - Cooper
Cameron Hall Minecraft SMP
- reps: Connor, Nene
- nupdates
Cameron Hall Quiz Night - 12/9 @ 7pm @ The Tav
- nupdates
- waiting to be distributed to us
Joint Camp
- Camp happened!n
- Assigning events and other things to committee members
- Larp
- Chris
- Nix
- Food Run
- Connor
- Jeremy
- mysterious third car
- to arrive super early
- Library
- Josh's "le-big" car
- to arrive by around 4pm
- Josh's "le-big" car
- Larp
- Subcommittee Reps are Jack, Cooper, Connor
- Camp leaders: Connor, Finn, Gary
- Feedback:
- Events:
- Larp:
- pretty poggin
- In future, bring out proper larp equipment earlier if it is available, so people get the opportunity to play with both
- Beans need to be re-bagged
- No injuries
- Assassins:
- Smaller game
- May be due to more long boardgames being played
- Ran pretty smoothly
- No big issues
- Winner was David
- Smaller game
- Quiz Night:
- Lower turnout
- "Freaky" Round was received well
- works well for camp, won't work as well for Cam Hall Quiz Night
- Big point difference between the first and last teams and the teams in the middle
- Maybe we shouldn't start with the programming questsions
- UCC round did seem pretty acessible though
- Some tables had extra people which may have had an effect on smaller teams forming
- We'll see what the feedback form says about this
- Debates:
- didn't happen again
- Larp:
- Food:
- Friday Dinner - Burgers
- Smooth
- Easy
- Burger Bar
- Need to make sure in future that RSA people are not rostered on Food
- Make sure that people rostered on RSA are able to be found
- "Mince da onions so the patty don't fall apart" - Josh
- The Vegetarian options were good
- Saturday Lunch - Sausage Sizzle
- Larpers were still going when they were told food was ready for a while
- Timing for Sausage Sizzle has been consistently a problem for larpers for a while
- We should avoid running Capture the Flag if we know Lunch is nearly ready
- Improving communication between chefs and people running Larp will help
- Saturday Dinner - Fried Rice
- Aside from the issues that were had it was pretty easy
- There were issues because of the kitchen itself
- Due to some quick thinking (Thanks Jackie), we were able to fix the recipe
- Recipe could use
- Toppings Feedback:
- More Egg
- Was just done on the grill
- got good feedback
- Substitute ham for bacon
- Could provide more access to seasoning
- More Egg
- Sunday Lunch - Big Breakfast
- They forgor the beans
- The Thick Bacon Incident??
- So much bacon, not enough sausage
- budget 2 sausage per attendee per sausage meal
- Some of the vegan bacon was undercooked, some of it was overcooked
- may be due to grill heating up
- Suggested that leftover bacon be used for Shepherd's pie
- some debate about this
- Sunday Dinner - Shepherd's Pie
- There were only three people scheduled, there shoud have been more
- Some complaints about it smelling like cigarettes
- idk chief we don't know how this one happened, but it might be due to one of the pots
- It could also be the worcestershire sauce beinga dded too early
- this might be something we change in the future
- there was a prep group that set things up before cooking...?
- With the numbers necessary for Shepherd's pie, it got a little cramped
- Maybe a cooking layout problem
- We recommend to future subcommittees that they be more stringent about not being in the kitchen if you do not need to be there
- Monday Breakfast - Grilled Cheese
- They were good
- Amount made was good
- Other Breakfast
- No feedback so far
- General feedback for Ern Halliday camps:
- they can do catering
- it may be worth continuing to check whether this is more economical than cooking ourselves
- General Cooking feedback:
- Jack's Suggestion:
- Moving Big Breakfast to saturday
- at end of Larp
- use extra bacon for fried rice
- Moving Big Breakfast to saturday
- Drain Cycle button was not being pressed after each meal, and it was getting nasty, despite initial advice not to
- apparently this is not was said, so there might be a communication issue there
- New Dishwasher
- More scheduling detail for meals may help with being able to tell how many people need to be doing tasks at the same time
- Kitchen Cleaning
- Keeping a list of things to Clean
- Knowing where cleaning resources are
- Jack's Suggestion:
- Friday Dinner - Burgers
- Other cleaning
- there should be a readily available cleaning list
- Carpooling thread wasn't particularly accessible
- discussing whether carpooling thread should be in more places
- On one hand, there was not much interaction with the facebook post which indicates that maybe we need it in more places
- There's an argument which suggests that having the carpooling thread in the individual discords will create echo chambers where there are people willing to give lifts and people looking for lifts in different places without seeing each other
- discussing whether carpooling thread should be in more places
- Events:
Dice Bag Workshop - 15/9 at 1-5PM @ Ezone Central 207
- Waiting on receiving money from UWASCA > Jack: Distribute profit from Dice Bag Workshop
Far Future Events
Uncharity Vigil
- UWASCA has sent reps to the discord server
- Going to organise first meeting very early so we sort out any issues further ahead of time
- Time to start cooking
- Reps: Josh, Jeremy
- Received a message from the Convenor for Swancon
- They are looking for a boardgames co-ordinator for their committee for next year, wondering if any of us are interested
- We can make a post about this
- They also are interested in running a boardgames room and are looking for volunteers
- Approved
- $286.35 to Josh for Duskmourn Prerelease
- $705.50 to Josh for Foundations Prerelease
- $10 to Josh for Brooms
- $368.80 to Connor for 25/10 Food Run
- $294.70 to Connor for 5/11 Food Run
- Pending
- Unsubmitted
- $7.99 to Winslade for Paper Towels
- $674.90 to Gen for Tactics Book Buy Order
- $69.90 to Gen for Zoo Vadis order
- $82.90 to Gen for Into the Odd order
- $43.44 to UWASCA for Dicebag Workshop
- No more UCC Webcams (for now), Kelvin got back to us
- All cool to host our cameras on UCC's server as long as we have a written agreement with UCC about it.
- Talked with Gary
- This will be fine to host cameras on UCC servers, but won't be set up until after he is done with exam
- waiting for Gary to be less busy to sort this out
- Josh will check in with Gary again
- mostly just waiting for Kelvin to work on it
- Josh will check in with Gary again
General Business
- No new Gatekeepers
- No new Webkeepers
Room Updates
- Nene has gone through the monolith and made a list of things that they were unsure of the reason they were there (nupdates)
- To go through to check which things still need to be there
- e.g. the foam mini protection that we aren't sure if we are going to use
- To go through to check which things still need to be there
- Reorganisation of Mini Shelf
- Plastic Drawers for Blood Bowl Minis
- Half of the Elves are built
- Need a specific (non-standard) size of shelf for the minis
- Currently they are being stored in a borrowed mini case
- Box of metal minis in the monolith (Nupdates)
- We have separated out the broken minis from various locations
- Otherwise we can strip these minis and put them in with the other unpainted minis
- Would also free up space
- We should get some new paint stripper for the club
- Bloodbowl team painting
- New plan is to paint all of the new Blood Bowl minis black (temporarily) and using the bases to differentiatate between teams and positionals > Gen: Get paint stripper and paints for the club > Gen: Go through the metal minis in the monolith > Nene: Organise Monolith and Kallax
Ikea Chair Update
- To be done the week after camp
- It is the week after camp
- Josh will have "Da Big Car"
- Josh to organise this in the committee chat after meeting today
- Josh, Connor, Nene and Jackie went to Ikea, ruled out some chair options
- We have decided on the Teodores chairs for the clubroom
- "froggy chair"
- Number of Chairs: 16
- We may run a Uncharity Goal for chair cushions
- Black chairs not available, so we have agreed on the dark blue colour
- Will check again now some time has passed
Busy Bee
- Early December
Sem 2 Book Buy - Wednesday 13/11 @ 3.30pm
- It happened!
- Games entered:
- Games received but not entered:
- Bohnanza
- Entered
- Coup Reformation
- Entered
- Ra
- Entered
- Ars Magica
- Entered
- Mausritter Box Set
- Entered
- Beyond the Sun
- Entered
- Dwarf Blood Bowl Team
- Entered
- Elven Union Blood Bowl Team
- Entered
- Into the Odd
- Entered
- Zoo Vadis
- Currently Not Entered
- Bohnanza
- Games waiting for tactics:
- Kill Team starter set
- High Society
- For the Queen
Painting the Blood Bowl Minis
- will follow up with the Blood Bowl Minis people
- Cam and Lily
- Followed up with Lily about the Blood Bowl Mini colours
- Black and Purple with Gold Metallic Highlights
- Cam will paint the minis after exams
- As the plan was for the other team to be purple, we may decide the other team colour at this upcoming uncharity vigil. > Josh: Talk with Cam about painting the blood bowl minis
New MTG Welcome Set
- to replace our current starter decks which are a little old
- We'll get the Duskmourn welcome set > Oscar: Email Tactics about the Duskmourn welcome set
Chess Clock and other Upkeep items
- Might not be necessary to put in the book buy
- Book buy is not the context to purchase these resources
- A Chess Clock is a useful resource for some of our games that we can just buy (it doesn't need to be bought in a book buy)
- Glue as well
- obtained
- A knife
- obtained > Gen: Look for a chess clock on Amazon
- Glue as well
Food Runs
Josh, Connor, Jackie: Do another food run this week
Phoenix Revival
- ITS A LIVING (real)
- (it's cooking)
- It is very close to being done
Uploading Old Minutes
- No updates (Last discussed: meeting #26)
Organising Old Records
- No updates > Chris: Investigate organisation of old records
- No updates
- will do this week > Chris: Do another Newsletter
Committee Business
Implementing Bank Transactions
- Jackie and Connor are cooking
- Donald has agreed to implement a transaction log, with it accessible via the entry form (for bank transfer refs)
- Jackie is writing a couple of things
- A small usage guide for bank transfers (done, needs proofreading)
- A section in the wall box book for bank transfer tracking (done)
- A longer guide with justification
- When implemented, we'll do an in-person gatekeeper training on how to use the Bank Transfer > Jackie, Connor: Make Bank Transfer Usage Guide
New Meeting Time
- Whenisgood for Holiday Meeting Time > Josh: Whenisgood for Holiday Meeting Time
Meeting closed: 6:11PM