Unigames Committee Meeting #39 - 29/11/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 29/11/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #39 - 29/11/2021


  • Alistair
  • Jackie
  • Gwen
  • Vikrum
  • Texas
  • Amber
  • Chris
  • Nina


  • Emerald
  • Ethan


Meeting scheduled: 5:00pm

Meeting open: 5:17pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Jesus fucking Christ it's so hot
    • I'm dying
    • It's disgusting
  • Managed to work 20 hours in 3 days
    • My feet are... sore
  • I will presumably be working every night this week, next week and then it's panto
    • And by panto we mean "compulsory seminars"
  • Unit results... yay
  • Returned pre-release stuff

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald got work
  • insert vague statements about being excited to see wizard costumes

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • i have half a thanksgiving turkey in my fridge
  • done some basic camp stuff but still waiting on a couple invoices
  • but i have basic numbers for profit (not including snacks)
  • finally have no more events i am so free
  • (remembers book buy)
  • account balance: $8,584.10

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • Skewered teddybears for party purposes
  • Newsletter went out yesterday!
  • I've updated the logo on the website!(Thanks Gozz)
    • There's also a bunch of other outdated content, but I'll get to that in webkeeping

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • Nothing

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • Specialist appointment

Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):

  • Amber:
    • Moved out with minimal causalities
    • Still have no internet for my desktop
    • Started going to the gym
    • Went to Emerald's birthday party
    • Been in Magic fudge brain
  • Chris:
    • Got absolutely stepped on by Cynthia (in pokemon)
    • No I'm not complaining
    • Stardew Valley the RPG is being conceptualized
  • Nina:
    • Made cursed potions at Emerald's party
    • Surprisingly I did better in my units than I expected
    • My god its too hot, please sun, go away
  • Texas:
    • forgot last week but 4 people all wore for glory shirts on last day of camp
    • helped amber move
    • chugged from big jug (it's like 5L minimum guys it holds so much) at party
    • deep fried some turkeys
    • 1 dragon/s

Past action Items:


Make post about gatekeeper reset next Monday - done

Return pre-release stuff - done

Large-scale borrowing regs - not done


Camp things (along with Jackie) - in progress


Camp things (along with Emerald) - in progress


Newsletter - done


Torchbearer one-shot - not done

IGA dump snack chats - not done


Post camp board games - done


  • Resets today
  • Current Gatekeepers:
    • Cam, Jazz, Maia, Logan/Lillian, Jack, Autumn, Amelia, Freyja


  • no updates

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Dungeon Crawls and Tavern Brawls – Fantasy Boardgames [1pm Wednesday 1/12/21]
    • It's happening on Wednesday!


  • Torchbearer One-shot [Tuesday 07/12/2021]
    • That needs to happen soon

Vikrum: Torchbearer one shot

Magic: The Gavining

  • Crimson Vow Pre-release [11am Sunday 14th November]
    • Pre-release stuff is in


  • Primarch day
    • Probably putting it off till January so we can get a better idea of what Winslade wants to do

Fresher Campaigns

  • no updates


Cameron Hall-o-ween @ The Tav [Thursday 21/10 7pm]

  • Committees need to approve budget

Nina: Poke cameron hall-o-ween discord

Pyramid Camp 2021 [5pm Friday 19/11/21 - 10am Monday 22/11/21]

  • Wrap up meeting will hopefully be this week (Friday?)
  • Jackie has basic numbers:
    • Excluding snacks: $814.96 made, ~$271.653 per club

Genghis Con [21/1/22 - 23/1/22]

Alistair: Email Genghis Con people


  • Unsubmitted
    • $315 to Alistair for pre-release


  • Semester grant
    • No updates
  • Envirogrant
    • No updates

General Business:

Room Update

  • Table
    • No updates


  • Classification system
    • Vikrum is going to start this week
    • Committee is invited to help out

Vikrum: Library classification

Food runs

  • When is next food run? I don't know

IGA Dump Snacks

Vikrum: IGA dump snack chats


  • The website needs updating

Gwen: Website updates


Alistair: Large-scale borrowing regs

Westmarche Campaign

  • No updates
  • Form for GMs:
    • https://forms.gle/DvqCNr3uMY2WD4Sr9

Meeting closed: 5:50pm