Unigames Committee Meeting #4 - 25/03/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 25/03/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #4 - 25/03/2021


  • Alistair
  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gwen
  • Ethan
  • Amber
  • Chris
  • Nina
  • Texas


  • Vikrum

Meeting scheduled: 7:15pm

Meeting open: 7:15pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • my brain is just the DVD Video logo bouncing around my head while making the minecraft zombie noise
    • Whenever it hits the corner I take damage
  • Had the first session of my fresher campaign and I got some neat kids + also Ethan
    • monkey goblins
  • I met with Student Assist about things
  • Had a funeral on the weekend which had a decent open bar
  • Tired from PROSH and I didn't even go rip
  • I sure do have assessments and action items that I've had to put off

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • Need to sleep,, need to eat,, miss my minecraft girlfriend (Petra, voiced by Ashley Johnson)
  • I ran PROSH! We had good turnout and a pleasant morning!
  • DM'd for the monster of the week one shot (9 people i dm'd for 9 people)
    • questions are raised as to whether the one shot is now a campaign
  • good luck with your mid semester tests everyone!
  • thank you to those reading the minutes

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • sleeby
  • almost hung overnight with prosh people
  • jesus christ have i done nothing this week???????
  • charity vigil things (happening)
  • emailed who gives a buck in disguise
  • vacuumed the room this morning
  • lmao guild finance getting tired of me putting in 5 reimbursements to myself at once
  • account balance: $8,829.41

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • i've started using a diary to organise my life for the first time
  • help
  • I now have merch from a different club
  • monkey goblins they're monkey goblins...

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • **commitee will now read this in unison:
  • The duality of uni being both incredibly slow and incredibly fast?
  • Not much librarying this week, did some sighing, did some striking which is unfortunate but hey, it happens nbd
  • Did some light West Marches things(I think) but that's about it
  • Oh, also wanna give a shoutout to Liz for letting me use her printing credit to print a bunch of MotW playbooks for the oneshot, love your work
  • **we successfully read this in unison

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • Contacted Kieran
  • Did not contact Kyle
  • Fresher Campaign Shenanigans continue
  • Watch as Jackie, Gozz and Keifer carry the subcommittee
    • Alistair's Note: Gwen can't spell Keifer and Alex touched the minutes
    • Gwen's note: IT WAS ETHAN WHO CAN'T SPELL
  • Westmarche decisions got made (woo!)
  • Went to fresher campaign, met a really cool guy called Alistair. Seems like he could be a good president one day, run for two terms even.
  • Did the one shot facebook post for charity
  • Watched other people go to prosh
  • Found out that guild event manager emailed me 2 weeks ago but it went straight to spam so...
  • Picked up Raffle Prizes

Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):

  • Amber:

    • Attended Monster of the Week One Shot Night, thank you to Chris for organising and Emerald for making an amazing experience.
    • Continued helping with the Westmarche project.
    • I really should stop thinking I can do things after double maths.
    • I love assessment week.
  • Chris:

  • Submitted EMP for Call of Cthulhu one shot night (Thursday the 1st of April)

    • MotW One shot night went well...? Surprising attendance
    • 1st fresher campaign session, featuring traumatic 14-year-olds and a bunnings robot
  • Nina:

    • DISCLAIMER: Nina's reports are essays (also called dummy thicc... only by Nina though)
    • Nature Night looks to have less of a turn out if the fb event is anything to go by (i know its not but i can hope ;( ) so it'll hopefully be v chilled and calming, which was kind of the point of the whole thing (hehe, my plan is coming to fruition...)
    • GM'ed MOTW, it went well!! The loft acoustics were terrible though, but other than that it was super fun Some key phrases: Monster murder mystery vibes, Toxic by Britney Spears, telepathic guilting of a child, day won with the power of friendship
    • Helped (I use the term loosely, I really didnt do much) Alex (Texas) with her EMP and loft booking, so like, blame me if anything goes wrong i guess
    • Attempted PROSH, made it til 3am, then went home, hope everyone had a great time!!
    • Slept
      • At this point after reading out most of her report Nina realised just how long it was
    • Managed to actually work on an assignment a good number of days before it's due!! Took me [redacted] years but ive finally figured out how! I'm super proud of it too
    • Games have been rounded up for Nature night and they are all there
  • Texas:

  • stole the idea for yeehaw games and rebranded it to Rootin' Tootin boardgames (thanks gwen): to be run Wk 7 friday
    • submitted emp for Rootin Tootin
    • booked loft for it tho
    • went to prosh! it was v fun even though i left early
    • sleep is for the weak and so is caffine
    • Vlad from Magicka is not a vampire
    • in possession of 2 dragons

Past action Items:


Contact successful and unsuccessful gatekeeper applicants - done

Email Swancon people about Pandemic teachers - not done

Put up committee only camp names poll - done

EMP... for camp... camp EMP (along with Emerald, Jackie) - not done

Bother ICONS about Quiz Night date so Tav booking can happen - not done

Them regulations - not done

Print and laminate fridge posters - not done


EMP... for camp... camp EMP (along with Alistair, Jackie) - not done


Email Tactics about Charity vigil raffle prizes- done

Ask charity subcommittee about possible auction (along with Ethan) - done

EMP... for camp... camp EMP (along with Alistair, Emerald) - not done


Contact Kieran about wargaming events -done

Contact Kyle about terrain - not done

Continue fresher campaign shenanigans - done

Ask charity subcommittee about possible auction (along with Jackie) - done

Continue Westmarch things - continue


Contact GMs - 66.6...% done


Organise week 7 board games - done


  • no updates


  • no updates

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Nature Night [Week 5 Friday 26/3 5pm]

    • organised
  • Rootin Tootin Board Games [Week 7 Friday 16/4 5pm]


  • Monster of the Week One Shot [Friday 19th March 5pm - 10pm Week 4]

    • went well
    • LOTS of people who had a good time
  • Call of Cthulu One Shot [Week 6 5pm Thursday 1st April]

  • Week 8 One Shot: Star Wars
    • Possible GMs: Gwen, Cam, Winslade, Stuart, Kieran

Chris: Contact Merlin Chris: Create facebook event and discord post for CoC Oneshot Chris: Contact Star Wars GMs

Magic: The Gavining

  • Strixhaven Pre-release is scheduled for April 18th
  • Event in study break?


  • Weekly wargame events will require Kyle to be contacted
  • Andrei is setting up a Mordheim thing on discord
    • If that gets enough traction then we won't need to do our own thing

Ethan: Contact Kyle about Wargame events

Fresher Campaigns

  • On track
  • Except for 3 people who don't have campaigns
  • People are happy :)


Artemis LAN [Saturday 1pm 20/3/21]

  • Amber was there and it was fun
  • But god awful hot

PROSH [Wednesday 5am 24/3/21]:

  • Emerald's video games are interupted for this message
  • It was alright with a couple overnight issues
  • Location and time confusion happened
    • The bus ran away
  • It wasn't too busy a morning but pleasant
  • Raised money for charity
  • PROSH had a lot of cum jokes... like a lot
  • Emerald continues video games

Emerald: Keep an eye out for a PROSH feedback form

Charity Vigil [Probably Sat 3/4/21 - Sun 4/4/21]:

  • It's happening
  • Jackie made the poster
  • We are supporting PICYS (Perth Intercity Youth Service)
  • We are going to auction of the last maroon shirt
  • Ethan is helping organise one shots
  • We will be donating fridge/drink income
    • Jackie proposes we put a cap of $200
    • But we love charity so we're not going to put a cap on it

Jackie: Start Charity Vigil advertising

Swancon [24/4/21 - 26/4/21]:

Alistair: Make a post to ask for Swancon volunteers

Unigames "H" [REDACTED] [Friday 16/7/21 - Monday 19/7/21]:

  • Alistair made a poll for camp names in the committee group
  • Current leaders: "Halflings and Harpies" and "Humans and Humans(variant)"
  • Many more ideas are thrown around

Alistair, Jackie, Emerald: Camp All: Vote for camp names Alistair: Make finalie camp names poll for committee

Quiz Night [Probably Friday 20/8 or 27/8]:

Alistair: Bother ICONS about quiz night

Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 4/9 - Sun 5/9]:

  • can chill

Relay for Life [October]:

  • can also chill

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ 77 Social [Thursday 21/10/21]:

  • see above

Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [19/11/21 - 22/11/21]:

  • no updates


Processed: - $264.80 for food run to Jackie - $20 for clock to Nina - $26.35 white primer to Amber - $330 Collab [REDACTED] deposit to UCC - $52.50 domain registration to Jackie - $548.35 for food run to Jackie

Jackie: Give people their money back


  • SOC Meeting

    • Super secret last minute SOC meeting scheduled for April 1st
    • It isn't a joke
    • Probably
    • Alistair will be there
  • Elevator

    • No update
  • Semester grants

    • no update
  • O Day Grant

    • Due on 26th March Friday
    • hopefully money soon
  • Best Club award

    • :(

General Business:

Room Update

Alistair: Get permission to do things in the room Ethan: Get double sided carpet tape from Bunnings Emerald: Research into IKEA cabinets Jackie: Determine whether the couch comes as a 2 seater Emerald: Bump Taylor about table


  • Vikrum isn't here
  • Big sad


  • Gozz did some work with the domain name


  • Alistair has not written the large scale borrowing regulations... but has written another one
  • It's a clubroom vacuuming regulation
    • The idea came from Jackie flexing on people
  • After vacuuming the clubroom, the member may be entitled to a good worth up to 80c
  • The room will need to be vacuumed roughly once a week

Gwen: Update regulations Alistair: Long term borrowing regulations

Fridge Poster

Alistair: fridge posters

Westmarch Campaign

  • Ethan has been doing many things with Emerald and Amber
  • It's all coming together

Ethan, Emerald: Write up Facebook post for Westmarch

Meeting closed: 8:12pm