Unigames Committee Meeting #4 - 26/03/2020

by Autumn Brough 26/03/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #4 - 26/03/2020


  • Alistair Langton
  • Jackie Shan
  • Autumn Brough
  • Emerald Aindow
  • Alice Rosario
  • Ashleigh Saringer
  • Guinevere Sellner


  • Taylor Home
  • Kyle Barrow
  • Josh Moncaster


Meeting scheduled: 5pm Meeting open: 5:16pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Hnnnnnngggggggggg
  • It's only been four days
  • Talked to Merlin about Charity Vigil
  • Mostly playing stardew

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • "Something something tenancy"
  • "Something prosh"
  • "Shrug emoji"
  • Gozz: Doctor told her to take a few days off, she did not, it is going as well as you expect

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • I miss cameron hall
  • Submitted oday grants
  • Helped with microscope event
  • Did some detective work for someone that apparently dumped a game outside Cam Hall - still trying to figure it out account balance: $1493.57

Jackie: Solve the mystery of the game dumper

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • Had an existential moment about not being able to hug anyone for several months
  • Made announcements about the closure of cam hall
  • I helped organise and run microscope
  • I organised dominion night
  • I talked to unisfa about charity unvigil
  • Did a bit of work setting up new fresher allocations forms

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • Misses everyone so very dearly (and also very cameron hall by extension)
  • Looked into roll20
  • Book repairs have been interrupted by the big lock on the door
  • Cried a lot about animal crossing
  • Helped Josh practise Microscope
  • Overdue items: Lots and lots!

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • The freshers are alive!!!
    • This is a big win for Unigames
  • Misses cameron hall it's really sad
  • Online fresher campaigns in the works
  • Hasn't been online much due to dying

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • Missing the idiots once a week
    • Posted a new prosh event on facebook via online memes
    • Figured out the guidelines for the new prosh format
  • Gwen:
    • Haven't been doing much RIP mental health
    • Helped Josh practise microscope
  • Josh:
    • Apologies
  • Kyle:
    • Busy with getting married!!!!!!!!
      • Love you kyle

-"We're not asking people to google translate the minutes"

Past action Items:


Bring in secret hitler card sleeves - nope, the game was borrowed out

Ask presidents if they are interested in charity vigil - done!

Email manjedal to reschedule camp booking, check with presidents chat - not done

Alistair: Email manjedal to reschedule camp booking, check with presidents chat


Get started on setting up ONline Fresher Campaign GM recruitment (along with Autumn, Alice) - not done please get well soon

Do not give halloween a moment of mercy (along with Jackie) - not done please get well soon


Send an email about our oday stall explaining that the previous person is no longer a student - done, oday stall confusion has been resolved

Keep working on oday grants!! - done, submitted!

Do not give halloween a moment of mercy (along with Taylor) - progress has been made, old-hallomittee has been put under pressure

Write a pandemic note on the door (cthulu says wosh your hands) - not able to because the front door has been locked (cthulu says no entry)


Run a dominion night - set up the event for tomorrow

Get started on setting up ONline Fresher Campaign GM recruitment (along with Taylor, Alice) - started, made the signup forms, couple of tweaks need to be made

Do research into charities, reach out to unisfa reps (along with Kyle) - yep! contacted unisfa, brainstorming ideas

Make a post in facebook/discord announcing the handwashing rule / dice quarantine / library closure - made an announcement about the whole building shutting down over email, facebook and discord


Make us a roll20 account and investigate whether we could run club events - investigated into it: roll20 would be mediocre for us to do card games; roll20 would be bad if we wanted to lend out an account for GMs to use

Contact everyone currently borrowing a game and ask them to bring them back. - In the process! Not everyone has been contacted


Get started on setting up ONline Fresher Campaign GM recruitment (along with Taylor, Autumn) - Progress has been made

Kyle: - getting married (hell yeaaa)

Request an itemised invoice from Chessex

Investigate and set up Vassal

Do research into charities, reach out to unisfa reps (along with Autumn)

Josh: - helping kyle get married (not marrying kyle)

Set up a Microscope online RPG night to run next week - done

Be an Empired organiser. Ask GMs if they're interested. - ???


Post in the event on the 23rd to let people know they can donate - promoted prosh and telling people where to send money!


(All) Add your photo to the drive folder that Autumn is linking on facebook - 5/10. this doesn't really matter any more though


  • They're irrelevant
  • Gatekeeper applications are frozen


Usual Suspects:


  • Dominion night
    • Tomorrow 7pm
    • Come play dominion
  • Online board games

Autumn: Run a dominion night


  • Microscope
    • Event went really well!
    • 15 people, 3 games of 5
    • The three leaders succeeded in teaching the game and we have three lovely worlds created
    • Autumn is persecuted for crabposting
    • Roleplaying scenes caused some difficulties, both because it was hard and because doing it over discord with strangers is harder
  • Online RPGs
    • What kind of schedule do we want to set for future online RPGs/boardgames?
    • Historically we have alternated week-by-week
    • We defs shouldn't do two events per week, like this week
    • Sticking to the usual schedule sounds like a good plan
    • Merlin broaches running Call of Cthulu
    • Cam recommends Zoom for RPGs
    • We can give it a try! ... But the free version only works for 40 mins at a time, after which you're kicked and you've gotta remake the room
    • Zoom has lovely whiteboard features... something to look at
    • Full account is $21 pp/month - not feasible

Gwen: Organise call of cthulu for next week (talk to merl/jack kay/ellie/cam locke)

  • Roll20
    • Is it a great system? Yeah
    • Is it accessible? Of course
    • Is it something Unigames should have an account for? no
    • Board games are ~possible~, organising multiple parallel board game play areas is a huge headache for multiple GMs/organisers
    • The GM (Unigames) would have to be in the server and aaaaaaa
    • Emerald recommends GMs people playing RPGs online DO use roll20 and gives it a glowing review, but unigames shouldn't have its own account


  • Selling of stock
    • We got rid of one of the boxes!
    • Simon sadly did not lucky
    • Alistair got some neat stuff (Merlin is good at cracking packs)
  • Online magic
    • There is apparently a program called cockatrice which can be used to play mtg online
  • Magic is mostly on hold :(

Alistair: Investigate cockatrice for MtG if you want


  • Online wargames (vassal?)
  • Kyle and Josh are both at wedding
  • Emerald has collected a fresher wargamer :o

Fresher Campaigns

  • Autumn has created signup forms for both GMs and players
    • Taylor has requested a small change to how dates are listed so apparently otherwise approved

Autumn: Finalise the signup form

Alice, Autumn, Taylor: Actionise the frallocations process


  • Artemis
    • We should ask ucc if running another artemis is something they're interested in

Alistair: Ask UCC about another artemis


Halloween 2019:

  • Jackie messaged the halloween chat, asking if there was a full financial report
  • There were was a report written before all the finances were finished
  • We've worked out how much needs to be passed between each club for liquidation ($14.28)

Jackie, Taylor: The Fight Against Halloween Never Ends


  • New Prosh has gone up
  • No engagement yet
  • Needs to be in by next thursday

    Ash: Promote Prosh in the discord

Charity Vigil [11/4, Sat W6]:

  • Our reps left right before we got to this

[REDACTED] [19/6 - 22/6]:

Alistair: Reschedule for next year

Escape Room:

  • Not happening right now


  • We don't know if Josh has made progess

Pandemic Management:

  • Room is closed.
  • Stay safe and wash your hands

Room Update:

  • No updates


  • Nothing can be processed right now
  • Pending:
    • Emerald once she brings her receipt
    • Kyle: $104.22 once Guild lets us make withdrawals


  • Tenency business has been frozen for six months due to various shut downs
    • Appeals period will recommence when that stops

General Business:

Committee Poster:

  • Not really a priority, no one is in the room.

Meeting closed: 6:10PM


This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Email manjedal to reschedule camp booking, check with presidents chat

Investigate cockatrice for MtG if you want

Ask UCC about another artemis

Reschedule for next year


Actionise the frallocations process (along with Autumn, Alice)

The Fight Against Halloween Never Ends (along with Jackie)


Solve the mystery of the game dumper

The Fight Against Halloween Never Ends (along with Taylor)


Run a dominion night

Finalise the signup form

Actionise the frallocations process (along with Taylor, Alice)


Actionise the frallocations process (along with Taylor, Autumn)


Organise call of cthulu for next week (talk to merl/jack kay/ellie/cam locke)


Promote Prosh in the discord


(Make us a roll20 account and investigate whether we could run club events - investigated into it) roll20 would be mediocre for us to do card games; roll20 would be bad if we wanted to lend out an account for GMs to use