Unigames Committee Meeting #40 - 06/12/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 06/12/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #40 - 06/12/2021


  • Alistair
  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gwen
  • Vikrum
  • Ethan
  • Texas
  • Amber
  • Chris


  • Nina


Meeting scheduled: 5:00pm

Meeting open: 5:13pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • I have 1 more week of work left
    • I have connected in my head that work is closing down in 2 weeks but I'm not working the last week cuz panto prod week, but then I realised that prod week is in a week. It's fiiiiine
    • Screaming
  • Time for lots of work still
    • $420 last week
  • Claire messaged me about panto dnd thing

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • Dearest Guinevere, I'm sorry I didn't write a report
  • I went to a meeting
  • And that's about all I've done this week... this fortnight even... several meetings
  • Christmas is in 19 days
  • Homies far and wide, please don't forget to buy Christmas gifts for your loved ones
    • This PSA brought to you by me, Emerald Aindow
  • I hope everyone is having a lovely summer and gets out to a body of water
    • Like a beach or a river or something
  • I'm so tired and hungry
    • Emerald thought there was caffeine in Solo

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • i am the sleepiest motherfucker in the whole world
    • not doubt? doubt?
  • i have wargaming things to say (later)
  • did a food run just then
  • i woke up this morning to two commission requests so who even needs to go job hunting
    • (i'm still job hunting)
      • It only counts if she charges reasonably for a commission
      • Please Jackie
  • (reminded by emerald's report) oh yeah i did camp meeting too
  • account balance: $8,269.10

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • Been a busy week so I haven't done website updates yet, nor talked to Gozz and Donald about it
  • Holy shit dnd is getting intense
  • Holy shit it's December

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • Hello
  • I read one book (Torchbearer) and am reading another one if needed for the next one-shot (Worlds Without Number)
  • Started cataloguing stuff, it's actually not that bad, thanks Jackie for helping out <3, still need a fair bit of help though
  • Torchbearer one shot is tomorrow! Come early if you wanna make a character, otherwise come use the forbidden skittles
  • oh god I'm so busy and I have to operate on canberra times to do things help me

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • Finished making Sandwhich (the computer)
  • My laptop is thrilled about this development
  • Made 6 Sandwhiches today (the food)
  • Made about 4 pieces of ikea furniture in the last week
    • God I don't need to see an IKEA instruction manual any again
  • Vibin
  • Discovered that games can run above 13 FPS and look good :O

Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):

  • Amber:
    • Magic brain shifted to D&D brain
    • Did many Westmarche things
    • Torturing my Westmarche players with minor lore drops and subtle hints
    • Got Alistair with a Lightning Bolt
    • Made the mistake of playing competitive Pokemon again
  • Chris:
    • held the smallest boardgames event i've seen
    • 4 people total, only 3 for most of it
    • the unofficial stardew valley rpg sure is being written
    • I have 2 dragon
  • Nina:
    • holy shit dnd is getting intense
    • panicked squawk
    • it's been a big week
    • margaret river chocolate factory here i come!
  • Texas:
    • dnd is getting high stakes
    • converted another bystander to team stabby
    • food run today
    • (reminded by Emerald) I went to a camp meeting
    • I have 0 dragon turns in chair Christopher

Past action Items:


Email Genghis Con people - not done

Large-scale borrowing regs - not done


Website updates - not done


Torchbearer one shot - done

Library classification - in progress

IGA dump snack chats - not done


Poke cameron hall-o-ween discord - done


  • no updates


  • no updates

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Dungeon Crawls and Tavern Brawls – Fantasy Boardgames [1pm Wednesday 1/12/21]
    • Smol
    • 4 people
    • Was fun
    • Played magic maze, 5 min dungeon, red ragon inn, dungeon mayhem
      • not call to adventure though


  • Torchbearer One-shot [Tuesday 07/12/2021]
    • Tomorrow!
    • Come for dungeon fun
    • Come early if you want to make your character!

Magic: The Gavining

  • No new set till late January
    • It's time for neon weebs
    • Cyberpunks?


  • Primarch day
    • January
  • Amelia is painting our new wargame terrain
    • The terrain is currently cringe
    • She is sorting into scifi and fantasy and stuff
    • She would like us to get some boxes for storage
    • Jackie wants to throw out old terrain
      • More space in clubroom!?
    • Maybe we could buy little magnets to help stick terrain together, also primer and other wargamer stuff
      • This can be what we use our extra wargaming $151 for (also for storage boxes)
      • Discussions will need to be had about how the magnetising will work with experienced people

Jackie: Talk to Kyle or Quin about wargamer terrain throw out Jackie: Put together wargame budget

Fresher Campaigns

  • No updates


Cameron Hall-o-ween @ The Tav [Thursday 21/10 7pm]

  • Discord was poked

Pyramid Camp 2021 [5pm Friday 19/11/21 - 10am Monday 22/11/21]

  • Meeting last Friday:
    • Manjedal hasn't sent projector invoice
      • They are unlikely to
    • Still waiting on a receipt from Jarcus
    • Next week Jackie will have final financial statement and distribution plan

Jackie: Do camp financial statement and distribution plan

Unigames goes to Christmas Panto - Rudolph the One-Eyed Pirate [6pm Friday 17/12/21]

  • Promo code for cheap ticket: PromoHoHo
  • If you like pantomimes, you'll love out pantomimes
  • It's a charity kids show, so come for charity and family-friendly fun

Gwen: Unigames goes to panto event

DnD with Panto [January??]

  • There are few details in the email
  • There are concerns with running a dnd oneshot with panto since we already get so many people at out one dnd oneshot we run
    • In the holidays it'll probably be better

Jackie: Email back panto and ask for more details

Genghis Con [21/1/22 - 23/1/22]

Alistair: Email Genghis Con people


  • Submitted
    • $315 to Alistair for pre-release
  • Unsubmitted
    • $326.75 to Jackie for food run


  • Semester grant
    • No updates
  • Envirogrant
    • No updates
  • We need to do O Day registration

Alistair: O-Day registration

General Business:

Room Update

  • Table
    • No updates


  • Classification system
    • Committee keep helping with classification system
  • Book buy post will go up soon
    • It will be 4 weeks for submissions

Vikrum: Book buy post Everyone: Classification system

Food runs

  • Food run happened
    • Hurray

IGA Dump Snacks

Vikrum: IGA dump snack chats


Gwen: Webste updates


Alistair: Large-scale borrowing regs

Westmarche Campaign

  • Form for GMs:
    • https://forms.gle/DvqCNr3uMY2WD4Sr9

Meeting closed: 5:53pm