Unigames Committee Meeting #40 - 10/12/2024
Unigames Committee Meeting #40 - 10/12/2024
tags: committee meeting 2024
- Josh
- Jack
- Gen
- Nene
- Nix
- Oscar
- Jackie
- Connor
- Chris
- Cooper
- Jeremy
Meeting scheduled: 4:00PM
Meeting open: 4:23PM
President's Report (Josh):
- I don't know about you
- but I'm feeling twenty-two
- had a great birthday nap (woke up at 3)
- TCG Extravaganza kinda swag
- Shadowverse Evolved not as terrible as I thought it would be
- Have been Phoenixing super hard
Vice President's Report (Connor):
- Bello! Sorry i’m not there!
Treasurer's Report (Jack):
- my sleep schedule is now fixed but not really
- the natural 6 am wake up after the 2am gmod is a bit funky
- GRANTS ARE HERE !!!! praise be Commbank Balance: $3,950.96 Netsuite Balance: $13,085.69
Secretary's Report (Chris):
- No report given
Librarian's Report (Gen):
- lost 10 player coup
- new sem new boardgames went really well! Attendance of 8
- picked up more bookbuy games, did some more library entry, got a wholeee bunch of sleeves (now just to put card in sleeve)
Fresher Rep's Report (Cooper):
- Attended card game extravaganza and played a lil Yugioh.
- Attended book buy boardgames and played a couple things too.
- Also I hate the shark from Overwatch 3
OCMs' Reports (Jeremy, Nene, Nix, Oscar):
- Jeremy
- No Report Given
- Nene:
- i beat jeremy at pokémon at tcg extravaganza
- im so excited for into the odd you guys don't even know how excited i am
- HATSUNE MIKU IS COMING TO FORTNITE BOYCOTT OVER. still losing bc im shit at fortnite now
- Nix:
- played zoo vadis
- coup 10 players is nuts
- Oscar:
- played way too much legends arceus this week
- coup reformation is so much fun
- six person meeting lets go
- can we kill the sun. can it go explode please
Immediate Past President's Report (Jackie):
Attendance Count - 39/40 (97%) - the practically unemployederr - until another storm happens over east idk or I get my commissions up - have been ratatouille piloting josh to help with phoenix graphic design - unfortunately forgot to do food run but can still do so this week - i can do art for the objective marker now!! - there was another thing but I’ve forgotten I’ll put it here if I remember - did Keyforge at TCG Extravaganza!
Past Action Items:
Action Items:
Message Tactics about Pre-releases (Not Done)
work on MTG club decks (In Progress)
Work on Precon League Administration (In Progress)
Make Streets of New Capenna Draft EMP and Advertising (Not Done)
Talk to Tactics about Blood Bowl tournament sets (Not Done)
(with Connor and Jackie) Do another food run this week (Not Done)
(with Josh and Jackie) Do another food run this week (Not Done)
(with Jackie) Make Bank Transfer Usage Guide (In Progress)
Distribute profit from Dice Bag Workshop (Not Done)
Investigate organisation of old records (Not Done)
Do another Newsletter (Done)
(with Nix) Temporary Blood Bowl miniature protection (In Progress)
Get paint stripper and paints for the club (Not Done)
Go through the metal minis in the monolith (Not Done)
Look for a chess clock on Amazon (Not Done)
Organise Monolith and Kallax (Not Done)
Set up a google calendar (Done)
Build the terrain (Not Done)
(with Gen) Temporary Blood Bowl miniature protection (In Progress)
Talk to Cam about possible painting event (Done)
Email Tactics about the Duskmourn welcome set (On Hold)
(with Josh and Connor) Do another food run this week (Not Done)
(with Connor) Make Bank Transfer Usage Guide (Not Done)
Usual Suspects
Board Games
Book Buy Games Event - Friday 6/12 @ 12pm
- Went really well!
- Played Ra, Zoo Vadis, Coup Reformation
- Everyone seemed to really like the new games
- Attendance: 8
Summer Boardgame Event - Week of the 13/1
- Summer/Heat themed boardgames
- Person in Charge: Cooper > Cooper: EMP and Advertising for Summer Boardgame Event
Into the Mausritter One-shot Night - Wednesday 11/12 @ 2PM
- Previously named Mark of the Odd in prev. minutes
- Systems:
- Into the Odd ran by Nene
- Mausritter ran by Jack (backup)
- Next Wednesday, 2pm
- That's Tomorrow!
Warhammer RPG Oneshot Night - Early January (TBC)
- Maybe GMs: Jack, Cam, Lloyd (tentative), Lewis
- Thinking Feb, no concrete date
Booster Box Buying Bhenanigans
- We are out of Foundations Boxes
- The Gibbi has been contacted
Magic: The Gathering
Good Games Morley Pre-releases
- nupdates > Josh: Message Tactics about Pre-releases
Aetherdrift Pre-release - February
- next year
Foundations Jumpstart - 1pm Tuesday 17/12
- Advertising will be going out tomorrow morning
- $26 entry price
- Gets you four Jumpstart packs, of which you choose two to make a deck with
MTG Club Deck Updates
- Josh is going through final drafts
- progress is being made > Josh: work on MTG club decks
MTG Precon League
- Discord infrastructure and documentation has been ported
- Making slow progress > Josh: Work on Precon League Administration
Streets of New Capenna Draft - Week of the 20th of January
- We have a box of New Capenna in the monolith, will do a draft > Josh: Make Streets of New Capenna Draft EMP and Advertising
Pokemon TCG
Pokemon Decks
- Suggested to put future discussion of deck updates alongside book buy
- We now have the Gardevoir deck!
- Joins the Ogerpon, Charizard, and Clodsire decks
Combined TCG Extravaganza - Wednesday 4/12 @ 4pm
- It happened!
- Attendance of 5
- 3/4 games happening concurrently
- Feedback:
- "Event was poorly timed"
- There's always a better time to run events, but if we always wait for the best time we'll never run anything
- May run a TCG ODay at start of semester
- Event could've been advertised better
- This is true: should probably be advertising earlier/more
- "Event was poorly timed"
- Will ask attendants for feedback
Introductory Painting day - Between Christmas and New Year
- Painting day + potential workshop with Cam
- Currently between Christmas and New Year - very busy period
- May be moved back: will contact Cam and discuss > Nix: Talk to Cam about Painting Day
Next Warhammer Tournament - January 18th
- Waiting for a response from the booking people
- Solo 2k points
- Ticket price will likely be the same
- More details will follow once we iron out the event > Josh: Get Warhammer Tournament confirmation + send EMP
Warhammer Materials
- Unbuilt terrain to be built and stored in the tub under the money box soon
- Nene has taken this over
Nene: Build the terrain
Blood Bowl
- It's finals time!!!!
- Looking at wrapping up pretty soon, within the next month.
- Cam is still willing to paint the minis
- Games Workshop has been distributing tournament sets to Local Game Stores
- We don't know much about the details, so it may be worth contacting Tactics or GW to see if there is a way we can get access to this
- Still waiting on tactics o_o > Gen, Nix: Temporary Blood Bowl miniature protection > Josh: Talk to Tactics about Blood Bowl tournament sets
Wargaming Budget
- Jackie is currently working on Objective Markers > Jackie: Design objective markers
Fresher Campaigns
- "Some are still going, they seem to still be having fun. Some abandoned." - Cooper
Cameron Hall Minecraft SMP
- Nupdates
- reps: Connor, Nene
Cameron Hall Quiz Night - 12/9 @ 7pm @ The Tav
- nupdates
- waiting to be distributed to us
- Unisfa haven't transferred yet
- UWASCA is doing in cash, Jack issue > Jack: Poke UniSFA + UWASCA about Quiz Night distribution
Joint Camp
- Subcommittee Reps are Jack, Cooper, Connor
- Feedback form released last week!
- Go give us your feedback please!
- Budget is being finalised
Dice Bag Workshop - 15/9 at 1-5PM @ Ezone Central 207
- Waiting on receiving money from UWASCA
- Nupdates! > Jack: Poke UWASCA about Dice Bag Workshop distribution
Uncharity Vigil - Early Feb
- We have a meeting. The meeting is tomorrow @ 4:30pm
- Time to start cooking
- Ideas for goals:
- Chair Cushions
- Reps: Josh, Jeremy
Far Future Events
- Received a message from the Convenor for Swancon
- They are looking for a boardgames co-ordinator for their committee for next year, wondering if any of us are interested
- We can make a post about this
- They also are interested in running a boardgames room and are looking for volunteers
- Josh responded.
- "They were like yippee yippee yippee!!!"
Josh: Post about swancon positions Josh: Make gatekeeper excel about swancon
- Approved
- $674.90 to Gen for Tactics Book Buy Order
- $69.90 to Gen for Zoo Vadis order
- $82.90 to Gen for Into the Odd order
- Pending
- $784.00 to Josh for New Chairs
- $600 to Gibbi for Foundations Booster Boxes
- $63.75 to Gen for Card Sleeves
- Unsubmitted
- $43.44 to UWASCA for Dicebag Workshop
- Waiting on Updates from Kelvin regarding Cameras
- still waiting
General Business
- No new Gatekeepers
- Jackie is going to revive the Gatekeeper FAQ document > Jackie: Revive Gatekeeper FAQ document
- No new Webkeepers
Room Updates
- Josh has the Nene Removal List
- Will be doing removaling
- Reorganisation of Mini Shelf (nupdates)
- Current mini shelf flap will be removed soon
- Box of metal minis in the monolith (Nupdates)
- Will be getting paint stripper + stripping these minis
- New club paints
- Will be consulting people who know more about painting than us
- Warhammer terrain storage
- Will be put underneath the long coffee table > Gen: Get paint stripper and paints for the club > Gen: Go through the metal minis in the monolith > Josh: Deal with the random stuff in monolith > Gen: Ask wargamers about new paints > Jackie: Research wargaming storage (under long coffee table)
Donald's Doodads
- Donald has new clock for clubroom
- Clock will double as the Room Open switch
- Switch be connected to the side of the bookshelf next to the photo frame
Busy Bee - Sunday 15/12 @ 11am
- That's this Sunday!
- Have received feedback that the notice for Busy Bees has been kinda sloppy
- We agree: having been working to try and rectify this but have hit a few roadblocks
Sem 2 Book Buy - Wednesday 13/11 @ 3.30pm
- Newly Entered Games:
- Games yet to be entered:
- Kill Team starter set
- High Society
- Games waiting for Tactics:
- For the Queen
Painting the Blood Bowl Minis
- Current team colours:
- Black Orcs: Black and Purple with Gold Metallic Highlights
- Bloodbowl team base painting
- Want this to be done before next Uncharity Vigil > Josh: Try get minis painted before Uncharity
New MTG Welcome Set Starter Decks
- nupdates (waiting for other stuff to settle down) > Oscar: Email Tactics about the Duskmourn welcome set
Upkeep Items
- Chess Clock: Nupdates
- Glue: We have glue! > Gen: Look for a chess clock on Amazon
SPLAT Buy: Bloodbowls Sevens Pitch ($81.89)
- Three members have expressed interest (Lloyd, Jasper, Finn)
- Offering $40 between them
- Different format to regular bloodbowl
- Smaller pitch (Half size)
- Only seven guys on the field
- Games are shorter
- Can fit in the box with the rest of our bloodbowl stuff
- Is currently on sale (would usually be $100+)
- Motion to Accept SPLAT Buy of a Bloodbowl Sevens Pitch:
- Passes Unanimously
Food Runs
- we still need a food run
- Jackie, Jack, Nene(?) will do one on Friday
Phoenix Revival
- Cover is done
- It will be released this week
- that didn't happen: THIS WEEK FOR REALSIES
Uploading Old Minutes
- No updates (Last discussed: meeting #26)
Organising Old Records
- No updates > Chris: Investigate organisation of old records
- Was sent out!
- Will need to do another one > Chris: Do another Newsletter
Committee Business
Implementing Bank Transactions
- Implementation currently waiting on completion of usage guide and transaction log on website > Jackie, Connor: Make Bank Transfer Usage Guide > Everyone: Read through bank transaction guide
Website Updates
- 'About Us' page
- We should update this with new Fresher Guide information
- We should add information about how to suggest SPLAT buys/give donations to the club
- Currently in the Fresher Guide; just need to move it to the website > Jackie: Various website updates
New Meeting Time
- Whenisgood for Holiday Meeting Time
- Waiting on responses
Google Calendar
- Making a google calendar for the committee
- You can subscribe and unsubscribe at will
- Committee that is here is chill with the idea
- Nene will keep it updated
Meeting closed: 6:24PM