Unigames Committee Meeting #40 - 3/12/2020

by Autumn Brough 03/12/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #40 - 3/12/2020


  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Josh
  • Kyle
  • Ash


  • Alice "attacked by birds"
  • Gwen

Meeting scheduled: 6pm

Meeting open: 6:10pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • i have had a week
  • stealthing my report in
  • hah nerds
  • I did do some things but not much

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • that has reminded me to check studentconnect bc they haven't given me a result yet
  • hello everyone im back i have 2 new diagonoses and i have not read any of the minutes for the past 2 weeks
  • i vibed at a unisfa sgm and im officially on soc
  • that's how life be rn

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • finished labelling junk art (thank god) (thank gozz)
  • minor updates on halloween !?!?
  • uh that's it
  • vtuber cherish is coming to life
  • ace attorney committee takeover ongoing
  • account balance: $1,245.94

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • me n keifer organised collab board games nights
  • i did a wpm test and feel proud of my minuting skills

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • dearly beloved whom are gathered here in these minutes, thanks for reading
  • i miss gwen
  • i have been sick all week
  • it's insane i had a sore throat the night of the meeting and the next day i had a virus which implies that on the meeting day i even had the virus then
  • alistair argues with me whether or not i have a virus
  • i bought video game and played it x2
  • i did an action item
  • final thing: if ur still tuned in: ur a star
  • love u so much
  • goodbye

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • "i miss gwen more. just fyi"

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • recovered from tonsillitis again
    • supported Unigames spiritually. Idk how but i was there 😇😇
    • thanks to jackie i am now on a great ace attorney adventure and how have no spare time
  • Gwen:
  • Josh:
    • I met with UWASCA and unisfa for craft wrap up
    • "money's in the" bag
  • Kyle:
    • i refuse to put a report in bc the meeting thing only went up half an hour ago
    • im accidentally fiddling with alistair's bag bc it is in arm's reach
    • ucc has approved the budget, quiz is now done!
    • confirmed emerald got me sick

Past action Items:


Talk to leigh about reporting some small burns that happened - done Camp wrapup activities (along with Jackie) - workin on it Sign us up for oday - done Email jacob about our pretty new best club award - yes, messaged


Label junkart - YEAH NICE 'allo 'allo 'alloween - question mark maybe Camp wrapup activities (along with Alistair) - workin on it Organise a first aid course - still ghosting me??


Talk to keifer about board games collab - done


Make a post discouraging vigilante book repairs - done


Organise a dark heresy 2 oneshot - in the works Sand the OTP terrain - not done Post about dec's donation on the discord - not done Get results out of the quiz subcommittee - done Follow up everyone who hasnt collected their dice - done


Usual Suspects

Board Games

Jackie: Label junkart

  • Fantasy Board Games w/ Unisfa [Next Wednesday 9/12/20 4pm]:
    • Loft is booked, EMP is approved, events are up
    • Autumn can be there but should be at work

Alistair: Attend fantasy board games collab

  • Scifi Board Games w/ Unisfa [Week of 4/1/21]:

Autumn: Do a scifi board games EMP


  • Dark heresy 2 oneshot [Monday 21/12/20]:
    • Let's not do a christmas oneshot lol

Alistair: Set up a dark heresy 2 oneshot

Magic: The Gavining

  • casual holiday commander games

Alistair: Set up some casual commander days


  • OTP Terrain purchase

Kyle: Sand the OTP terrain

  • Terrain donation
    • Kyle has just posted about the leftover terrain now

Fresher Campaigns

  • Alice is not here
  • Emerald's group had a fun game though


Halloween 2019 [26/10/19]:

  • Aoibhinn's been working on halloween
  • We're pretty close to having, most things

Taylor, Jackie: Halloween - The Mollusk

Book Buy [Thursday 1/10, after committee meeting]:

  • Tasha: Currently sitting in tactics (and we can get the special one?)
  • Tayu: Intentionally at emerald's house
  • Path of Waves: Waiting

Emerald: Go pick up tasha's

Quiz Night [Thursday 22/10]:

  • Wrapup
    • Kyle got in contact with everyone and the plan has been accepted
    • We're just waiting on our money

CAMP in 3D [20/11-23/11]:

  • Ern halliday was super nice and cancelled the surprise $220 fee, so we're back in the green!
  • Ern halliday is booked out 12 months from now so no possibility of returning next year
  • Accounting for the inclusion of the fee, Ern is now a bit more expensive in the future and may make camp a bit pricier
  • Reconfirms that Unigames still has a booking locked in for June next year

Jackie: Go through the camp cashbox and figure out what's what

Uncharity Vigil [Ideal date 30-31/1/20]:

  • We should not assume other clubs have people who have done events before
  • Alistair and Josh are our uncharity reps
  • We should consider whether we would like to invite Uwasca (and possibly more broadly rope them into ICONs for a big year planning meeting)
  • Do we want to be having a ticket price?
    • Taylor is against door prices at uncharity because it makes things complicated
    • If other clubs feel strongly we will listen
  • Uncharity is a great opportunity for Unigames to get rid of shit
    • The next 2 months is our opportunity to figure out a list of absolutely everything that's going out the door one way or another
  • The new sticker design (which will be decided at uncharity) should be handled with care
    • Encourage people to put up suggestions ahead of time so we can be on top of things and not strained for time
  • Considerations for stretch goals
    • Expanding bookcase?
    • New table?
    • Increase our savings?
    • Wargaming supplies?
      • We recently did a big wargames buy and also have another purchase already set aside
    • Everyone brainstorm stretch goals!!
    • Michaelangelo the logo onto the ceiling in glow-in-the-dark

Alistair, Josh: Form an uncharity committee

Taylor: Organise an all clubs icon meeting

O-DAY [Friday 19/2/21]:

  • It's booked!!
  • Jackie can't find the receipt

Alistair: Rebook oday

  • Marketing materials
    • We'll need the standard guides, flyers, signup forms and stickers
    • Taylor: I am committing that this year that the guide is NO LONGER in microsoft publisher
    • You are not allowed to make it in a psd either U_U

Fresher Welcome [Thursday 15/2/21 (Week 1)]:

  • Crowding issues
    • We have had issues with capacity for the last 2,3 years
    • Are we content to continue leaning into that way of running things? or book the CCZ?
      • Pros: All our games and snacks and our room is in Cameron Hall, familiarises freshers with the place
      • Cons: Loud, crowded, need to give clubs prior warning, issues with floor spaces and seats
    • A couple years in a row we've had overfill move themselves to the CCZ
    • Booking the whole CCZ is not something we can do. We'd likely end up booking out multiple rooms in the ezone
    • Could we????? book unisfa??????
    • Consensus is to go for Cam Hall. Book the loft, talk to the guild well ahead of time about possibly hiring furniture. Can we borrow stuff from the ref???
    • Could we start it earlier / declare a wider window of time
    • When preparing the welcome speech, we should consider including much of that information in the fresher guide
    • People always show up super early for some reason. We can do a vague welcome deal at 1ish and a proper at 6

Alice: Poll around freshers and fresher campaigns abt their impressions of the fresher welcome, the fresher guide, and general start of year proceedings

AGM [Friday 1pm 26/2/21 (Week 1)]:

  • Alistair has booked the room. H*ll yeah
    • it is decided that "hall yeah" is the new cameron hall cheer
  • "Pleas do not constitutional amendment on my agm"

Room Update:

  • Broken light
    • No udpate


Pending: - $349 to Jackie for a food run


  • Tenancy Reallocations

    • There is a new tenancy chair (Chloe Kam). The old tenancy committee is gone.
    • Any tenancy stuff we should be directing to tenancy hyphen chair at guild etc
  • Elevator

    • No udpate
  • Semester grants

    • Jameson money pwease
    • Semester is over so we are back to begging
  • Best Club award

Alistair: Get jacob to sign our certificate

General Business:


  • Donald is still chipping away at webbed site


  • Space
    • We will move everything off the little arm of the L to free up some space
    • We need to set up specific time to go through the games and pick games that aren't used very often
    • "Every friday afternoon some members of committee will be here to play terrible games" <- hypothetical
  • Dice

    • Kyle has contacted everyone who had not picked up their dice
    • Apparently someone stole someone else's allocation, so Kyle has claimed the leftovers
    • Kyle is absorbing the remainder that weren't paid for
  • Item stamping

    • Taylor cites a situation in which she bought an item at uncharity and then wasn't sure whether it was a library item later
    • We should establish a practice of marking items removed from the library

Member Privacy

Alistair, Taylor: Set up a day for regulation writing next week


  • UWA is into enforcing contact registers in some locations using QR codes
  • UWA is not requiring us to do it
  • Unclear on whether we count as an organisation for WA government purposes
  • Is either the guild going to be putting contact tracing on the building, or do we need to set up a system on the door

Meeting closed: 7:41pm

-- This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Attend fantasy board games collab

Set up a dark heresy 2 oneshot

Set up some casual commander days

Form an uncharity committee (along with Josh)

Rebook oday

Get jacob to sign our certificate

Set up a day for regulation writing next week (along with Taylor)


Halloween - The Mollusk (along with Jackie)

Organise an all clubs icon meeting

Set up a day for regulation writing next week (along with Alistair)


Label junkart

Halloween - The Mollusk (along with Taylor)

Go through the camp cashbox and figure out what's what


Do a scifi board games EMP


Go pick up tasha's


Poll around freshers and fresher campaigns abt their impressions of the fresher welcome, the fresher guide, and general start of year proceedings


Sand the OTP terrain


Form an uncharity committee (along with Alistair)