Unigames Committee Meeting #41 - 15/01/2020

by Donald Sutherland 15/01/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #41 - 15/01/2020


  • Aoibhinn
  • Donald
  • Alistair (via Discord)
  • Amelia
  • Emerald
  • Colin
  • Kyle (via Discord)


  • Elana
  • Taylor - sweden
  • Gavin


  • Alaura

Meeting open: 3:23m


President's Report:

  • Alaura has not submitted a report
  • Too sick to leave house

Vice-President's Report:

  • Very busy
  • I've been getting shifts, and might be getting a second job
  • Also a rental property thing
  • But I did all my action items, so yay
  • I got new dice, and also got a new dice bag to hold those dice

Treasurer's Report:

  • Account balance: Netsuite doesn't like us
  • Aoibhinn did a deposit, nothing else to report

Secretary's Report:

  • I printed more posters
  • Also I completed my UCC vaccine Gaming machine
  • That's about it

Librarian's Report:

  • Overdue items: none
  • I have given Emerald instructions on how to do things
  • Assuming nothing got borrowed, there are only six things you have to worry about
  • I put up some LARP2020 stuff
  • My flight was terrible

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • A bit of a heckin week
  • I'm getting to the fresher guide, large chunks of text are intimidating

OCM reports:

Colin: - My trip was good and relaxing - I'm gonna put up the foam pads after the meeting

Emerald: - Almost worked in a youth riot - Didn't get hurt

Elana: - I made nice price list

Kyle: - Started to look into beerhammer events at morley - I'll go to the next one by myself - Looking into a Unigames goes to for the one in Feb

Past action Items:


Chat with Winslade about future scheduling - ??? Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover - ??? Bother the tenancy chair when they come in about the fire escape hydraulics - ???


Do the deposit - done Notify Cam and go over gatekeeper things - done Babysit the 9th of Janaury board games night - done Organise Panto D&D with Panto - done Do the EMP for the AGM - done Work on Mega-game stuff after production week (along with Alistair) - ongoing Make a post for T-Shirts: main group and gatekeepers group - done Make a whenisgood for the next committee meeting - done


Send feedback to Relay for Life (along with Elana) - not done Send details of Relay stuff to Elana - ??? Work on Camp documentation (along with Alistair) - ??? Post the stretch goals - ???


Put up the prerelease event - done Get in contact with Winslade to discuss holiday and early Sem 1 Artemis LAN (along with Alistair) - done Make a poster for Un-Charit - done Make the AGM event - not done Follow up with James Arcus about constitutional ammendment - done Make an archive guide - not done


Distribute sealed league prizes - no details Make a post tagging sealed league winners - no details Get in contact with Winslade to discuss holiday and early Sem 1 Artemis LAN (along with Donald) - a little Make a "save-the-date" event for LARP2020 - done Look at games to auction off - done a bit, no list Work on Mega-game stuff after production week (along with Aoibhinn) - not done Work on Camp documentation (along with Taylor) - not done Get hinges + other accesseries for the shelf - not done Make a post about student card borrowing - not done


Work on a poster (along with Emerald) - ongoing Take charge of the Fresher guide! - done Bring in the Mini storage boxes - done When she can, take the speakers to the tip - not done


Send feedback to Relay for Life (along with Taylor) - undoable presumably Harass gatekeepers about O-Day and general help planning - ???


Work on a poster (along with Amelia) - ongoing


Draw up a collab procedure document - done


  • no updates


Usual Suspects:


  • One happened
  • People didn't seem keen to play game :-(
  • Informal board games day will happen on the week of the 20th


  • Panto D&D is tonight!
  • Three GMs are confirmed!
  • Next one?
  • I'm happy to not do one, cause a lot of people are busy and it is hard to organise
  • Especially since we're recruiting GMs for Uncharity
  • Carry-over suggestions:
    • Homebrew testng day
    • GM networking day
    • player networking day
    • other RPG related social events
  • to happen over the holidays, that don't require people don't commit to a one-shot


  • Sealed league prizes are still wayyyyyyyyy overdue
  • Alistair: Distribute sealed league prizes

  • Alistair: Make a post tagging sealed league winners

  • Theros sealed league still on the table
  • Theros prerelease: Happening on the 19th
  • Donald: Collect prerelease stuff from Tactics

  • Theros looks sweet!
  • Donald: Make a post advertising Prerelease!


  • Kyle wants to do a Painting day whne he's free
  • Week of the 20th probably
  • Beerhammer is technically wargaming - Kyle is looking into it

Fresher Campaigns

  • Summer games seem to be going ok
  • Roy has adotped a Summer game
  • No other updates
  • Amelia is mentally preparing to be assigning people to fresher games


  • D&D Panto as above is happening, Aoibhinn and Alistair are actioned for that.
  • Collab potential: UCC w/ Artemis LAN?
    • Will likely be a semester one things, needs people density for it be successful
  • Collab procedure:
    • Procedure document is on the drive
  • Aoibhinn is organising an inter-club large event scheduling meeting
    • Forcing them to communicate


CAMP - Fiends and Fae (Un-Redacted!) [21st-24th June 2019]:

  • Alaura: Chat with Winslade about future scheduling

  • Alaura: Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover

Charity Vigil [28th/29th September]:

  • Reps: Colin, Taylor
  • Awaiting handover

Relay for Life [12th/13th October]:

  • Reps: Taylor + Elana, Emerald
  • Taylor, Elana: Send feedback to Relay for Life

  • Taylor: Send details of Relay stuff to Elana

Cameron Hall-oween [26th October]:

  • Reps: Aoibhinn, Amelia
  • Our profit should be $120.47
  • We have currently recieved $34.80
  • UCC will be dealing with money today
  • Haven't recieved an invoice from security yet

LARP2020 - The Summer Unit [1st February]:

  • Reps: Alistair, Emerald, Colin
  • Prescott court is all but confirmed
  • EMP has been approved
  • Schedule has been drawn up from Emerald
  • Tickets will be $5, all cash
  • Gold coin donations for food/drink
  • Prepurchasing tickets should happen
  • Emerald, Amelia: Work on a poster

  • Amelia: Print off posters once completed

  • Colin: Post about tickets being available in gate, regular, and event

  • Emerald: Post schedule in event

Un-Charity Vigil [8th February]:

  • Reps: Aoibhinn, Kyle
  • Unigames event has gone up
  • Part of a schedule has been made
  • Once filled out, it will be posted
  • We do need people to help clean up in the morning
  • Aoibhinn: Post in gatekeepers to recruit people for cleaning for Uncharity

  • Colin: Talk to Emily about Vintage cube

  • Posters are up!
  • Alistair: Look at games to auction off


  • Not much updates
  • They haven't gotten back to us yet
  • We've asked to be near the other C-Hall clubs
  • Tours will be neat
  • We will also have to pay for a bunch of stickers and leaflets and booklets
  • Fresher guide:
    • Same template as last years
    • General re-read and edit
    • We'd like a map of how to get to Cameron Hall
    • Update the library
    • The logo, post Un-charity
    • Amelia: Take charge of the Fresher guide!

  • Elana: Harass gatekeepers about O-Day and general help planning

Fresher Welcome:

  • EMP submitted
  • Closer to the date, we'll have to decide how we want the Pizza to be organised, considering our current financial situation


  • EMP is submitted and approved
  • Donald: Make the AGM event

  • James Arcus has withdrawn his proposed constitutional change

[REDACTED] 2020:

  • Confirmed date: 19th-22nd of June 2020
  • Aoibhinn has the mega-game materials
  • Aoibhinn+Alistair: Work on Mega-game stuff after production week

  • Taylor, Alistair: Work on Camp documentation

  • EMP should start getting preliminarily hammered out
  • Do as much work for the next committee as possible


  • Tenancy Allocations:

    • Full reallocation is happening!
    • Must be submitted by February 7th
    • Currently Taylor and Alaura are on it
    • That might change next meeting
    • Membership numbers are up to date
    • Alaura: Start work on the allocation

    • Taylor will be back in time to help with that
  • Elevator:

    • Currently trying to organise next meeting
  • Grants:

    • There's been clerical errors
    • They're going through everyone's grants again to make sure they're all correct
    • We will also be getting a full breakdown
    • How long this will take is a mystery
    • No further updates
  • SOC:

    • Next SOC meeting: Feb
  • Tenancy:

    • Cameron Hall locks:
      • When the next tenancy chair comes in, we will be requesting an extension of the opening hours at the very least.
      • Alaura: Bother the tenancy chair when they come in about the fire escape hydraulics

    • Work orders:
      • Reminder to re-state current work orders to next tenancy chair
      • Alistair has emailed tenancy chair about the floor

Room Update:

  • Storage update/audit:

    • Delayed until Alistair gets back
    • Alistair/Kyle: Organise a storage audit

  • Speakers:

    • Amelia: When she can, take the speakers to the tip

  • Odd jobs:

    • Pole pads
      • Adhesive was quoted for $6.50, but was actually $5
      • Colin will put it up after the meeting
    • President's picture
      • Colin will put up the president's picture after the meeting
    • Wargaming shelf:
      • No updates
      • Alistair: Get hinges + other accesseries for the shelf

    • Big lump of wood to put on the floor
      • Alistair has a big lump of wood to put on the floor
      • Merlin will be bringing in the big lump of wood to put on the floor today hopefully
      • Colin+Aoibhinn: Get the big lump of wood to put on the floor

  • Budget things

    • Taylor: Post the stretch goals

    • Current things we need money for:
      • Storage for minis
      • Shirts
      • Speakers
      • New table
      • Pole pad adhesives
  • Shirts

    • Donald: Post about shirt deadlines

    • Shirts deadline is in two days!
    • Five shirts have been preordered
    • Deadlines:
      • 17th January: Cut off for members to order shirts through
      • 20th Janaury: Cut off for us to send orders to Guild
      • 22nd Janaury: Hard deadline for Guild
    • Prices:
      • $25 a limited edition coloured shirt, preorder only
      • $20 for a regular black T-Shirt bought in the clubroom
      • $18 for a preordered regular black T-Shirt


  • Donald: $50.40 for storage boxes - awaiting exec
  • Donald: $502.60 for the food run - awaiting exec
  • Colin: $5 for liquid nails

General Business:

  • Embroidery:

    • Ongoing, almost finished
  • Archives:

    • Donald: Make an archive guide

    • No updates
  • Board games guide:

    • No updates
  • Food run:

    • Food run happened
    • We're good for now
    • Mini food runs as needed for LARP, uncharity
    • Next major one O-Day?
  • Website:

    • No updates
    • Donald plans to make a webmaster regualtion happen at the next committee meeting
  • Handovers

    • Note on handovers:
    • If you run an event, please write a handover for it
    • If you are in charge of a job, please write a handover for it
    • If you have an exec position, please write a handover for it
    • If you are in charge of an ongoing process, please write a handover for it
    • Due end of Februrary
  • Next meeting:

    • Wednesday 4pm seems to be working

Meeting closed: 4:35PM-- Action Items: Alaura:

Chat with Winslade about future scheduling Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover Start work on the allocation Bother the tenancy chair when they come in about the fire escape hydraulics


Post in gatekeepers to recruit people for cleaning for Uncharity Work on Mega-game stuff after production week (along with Alistair) Get the big lump of wood to put on the floor (along with Colin)


Send feedback to Relay for Life (along with Elana) Send details of Relay stuff to Elana Work on Camp documentation (along with Alistair) Post the stretch goals


Collect prerelease stuff from Tactics Make a post advertising Prerelease! Make the AGM event Post about shirt deadlines Make an archive guide


Distribute sealed league prizes Make a post tagging sealed league winners Look at games to auction off Work on Mega-game stuff after production week (along with Aoibhinn) Work on Camp documentation (along with Taylor) Organise a storage audit (along with Kyle) Get hinges + other accesseries for the shelf


Work on a poster (along with Emerald) Print off posters once completed Take charge of the Fresher guide! When she can, take the speakers to the tip


Send feedback to Relay for Life (along with Taylor) Harass gatekeepers about O-Day and general help planning


Work on a poster (along with Amelia) Post schedule in event


Post about tickets being available in gate, regular, and event Talk to Emily about Vintage cube Get the big lump of wood to put on the floor (along with Aoibhinn)


Organise a storage audit (along with Alistair)


(Make a post for T-Shirts) main group and gatekeepers group - done