Unigames Committee Meeting #42 - 17/12/2020

by Autumn Brough 17/12/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #42 - 17/12/2020


  • Alistair
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Josh
  • Gwen


  • Kyle
  • Ash


  • Taylor

Meeting scheduled: 6pm

Meeting open: 6:23pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Taking advantage of the fact that I can stealth my reports into the minutes
  • Tenancy happened yesterday, good progress
  • Mostly been watching UniSFA move their library around and playing Hades
  • It's been a week

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • Went to tenancy consultation and it was amazing and not even in the trainwreck way it usually is
  • Made a poll to get the ICON 2021 prep meeting going
  • Learned how to play Tayu.
  • Discovered everyone has been playing Tayu wrong.
  • Learned how to play Tayu but for real this time.
  • spent 45 seconds trying to determine if I submitted this report under the correct committee position

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • taylor if u write ur report in the trez section i'm gonna cry
  • taught ash how to do food run!!
  • apparently didn't buy enough mepis
  • did a deposit today
  • i haven't been able to reimburse myself yet bc i need two exec signatures that aren't me (LMAO)
  • haven't been able to do a final camp wrap up meeting yet
  • account balance: $1,545.94

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • i'm being steamrollered by my last week of work but at least im doing activities and actions

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • i'm picking up path of waves monday! i've been busy with work ok i'm sorry its not here yet
  • as a career update i can now say I'm a professional reindeer (Prancer)
  • I'm planning on more library repair january!! idk if anyone is excited about this but me
  • ok love you happy holidays!!

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • Started a fun loose draft on the new fresher guide.
  • Felt sad over my fresher campaign.
  • Remembered I hate Christmas. (anyone want a candy cane?)
  • Merry Christmas Guys.
  • Also i consulted the freshers about the fresher guide

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • went food run
      • got bbt
    • witnessed mums wedding (it was nice)
    • still in Northam helping with aftermath but will be in meeting in spirit πŸ₯ΊπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ
  • Gwen:
    • I'm back nerds
  • Josh:
    • Alistair Langton
    • I feel like I timeskipped forward from last committee to now
    • If i smell like diesel, motor oil, rosemary, and emerald, there are reasons
  • Kyle:
    • Alistair Langton
    • dabbing emoji
    • got started on sanding but its slow-going because i dont know where my dremmel is
    • dm'd andrei re:minis

Past action Items:

Alistair Langton

Check in with the unigames mtg community abt prerelease vs uncharity - done Chase quizmittee for our quiz money (along with Kyle) - not yet Have a camp wrapup meeting (along with Taylor, Jackie) - not done Be uncharitable (along with Josh) - ongoing Book Oday stall - not done Inform ICON about our plans for fresher welcome and AGM - done Fill out the AGM EMP - not done Write up new clubroom rules and post them - done Communicate with uwanime about room allocations (along with Taylor) - done Get impressions from the member base about room allocations (along with Taylor) - started Get jacob to sign our certificate - no response Meet for a privacy regulation day (along with Taylor) - not done

Taylor Home:

Hello ween (along with Jackie) - in the works Have a camp wrapup meeting (along with Jackie, Alistair) - not done Rewrite the fresher guide (along with Alice) - alice is handling Write an EXHAUSTIVE definition of procedure for signing up members on o-day - not done Have a big think about election procedure - not done Communicate with uwanime about room allocations (along with Alistair) - done Get impressions from the member base about room allocations (along with Alistair) - started Ask soc about semester grants - done Meet for a privacy regulation day (along with Alistair) - not done

Jackie Shan:

Hello ween (along with Taylor) - in the works Have a camp wrapup meeting (along with Taylor, Alistair) - not done Do a food run (along with Ash) - done


Do a scifi board games EMP - not done

Alice Rosario:

Check in with the freshers about the fresher guides - done Rewrite the fresher guide (along with Taylor) - in the works! Book the loft for the fresher welcome - not done Update the campaign whiteboard and post a reminder about its existence - not done

Kyle Barrow:

Sand the OTP terrain - in the works Contact Andrei about terrain - contacted! Chase quizmittee for our quiz money (along with Alistair) - ongoing

Joshua Moncaster:

Be uncharitable (along with Alistair) - in the works

Ashleigh Saringer:

Do a food run (along with Jackie) - done


  • Gatekeepers applications are now open to nonstudents
  • Alice is trying to explain the concept of gatekeepers in the fresher guide: "We're always looking for new gatekeepers"

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Scifi Board Games w/ Unisfa [Week of 4/1/21]:

Autumn: Make a scifi games EMP and book the loft BEFORE GUILD CLOSES


  • Dark heresy 2 oneshot [Monday 21/12/20]:

    • Good to go
  • First oneshot of the year [Probably Week 2]:

    • No udpate

Magic: The Gavining

  • Commander Night [4pm Friday 18/12/20]:

    • Tomorrow!
    • Please come!!
  • Kaldheim Prerelease [Sunday 31/1/21]:

    • This is going to be the morning after uncharity vigil
    • Alistair checked with the members and they seemed to be mostly fine with it


  • OTP Terrain purchase

Kyle: OTP Terrain purchase

  • Terrain donation

Kyle: Terrain donation

Fresher Campaigns

  • They're doing pretty good! (Sorry your game alice died)


Halloween 2019 [26/10/19]:

  • UCC got their eventbrite sales, so theoretically we just need to divide the $195.91 between the clubs

Taylor, Jackie: Halloween's well in love and war

Book Buy [Thursday 1/10, after committee meeting]:

  • Emerald is gonna pick up Path of Waves and Call to Adventure on Monday

Quiz Night [Thursday 22/10]:

  • Wrapup
    • Alistair has been bugging UCC about it, since he don't have access to the planning info

Emerald, Kyle: Quiz night wrapup

CAMP in 3D [20/11-23/11]:

  • Wrapup
    • Everyone everyone's been pretty distracted this week
    • We have shared the distribution information, we need to get it approved and distributed

Alistair, Taylor, Jackie: Camp wrapup

Uncharity Vigil [Ideal date 30-31/1/20]:

  • Alistair is aiming to have a meeting next week
  • Josh (adventurer voice) is going to be there

Alistair, Josh: Be uncharitable

O-DAY [Friday 19/2/21]:

  • Fresher guides
    • Alice has put her fresher guide draft in the google drive
    • Committee members please submit thoughts and edits
    • Alice is taking inspiration from Unisfa's backpage challenge: give away free sodas for completing club related challenges
    • Jackie and Alice are working on putting some illustrations in
    • "i think we should make it in the shape of a heart"
    • Alice has listed the committee and gatekeepers
    • QR code to gavin

Jackie, Alice: Work on the fresher guide

  • Signup forms
    • Donald's website might be able to replace signup forms
    • We need to design a signup form regardless, and the readiness of the website will inform whether we get lots or just a few backups

Fresher Welcome [Thursday 25/2/21 (Week 1)]:

Autumn, Alice: Book the loft for the fresher welcome

AGM [Friday 1pm 26/2/21 (Week 1)]:

Alistair: Do the AGM EMP

  • What's on the agenda?
    • Reports
    • Elections
    • Anything else?

Club Carnival [Probably Tuesday Week 2]:

  • no udpate

PROSH [Probably]:

  • no udpate

Room Update:

  • Broken light

    • Maybe it'll get fixed with a new tenancy committee
  • Clubroom rules

    • New quarantine rules are up and functional
    • A lot of people are using the app! And we have paper register too
  • Campaign whiteboard

Alice: Post about campaign whiteboard


Pending: - $349 to Jackie + $501.15 for food run = $850.15


  • Tenancy Reallocations

    • Tenancy meeting happened! It went pretty well
    • We have until 10/1/21 to submit our new allocation application
    • Alistair chatted with Mark (uwanime president) after the meeting - they are bracing for the possibility of being moved to a different room
    • Alistair informed Mark that room 184b is on the cards for unigames
    • Now we're onto a stage of gauging the memberbase sentiment
  • Elevator

    • There have apparently been unofficial updates that we havent been told about
  • Semester grants

    • Theoretically got sent out today-tomorrow
    • Money soon
    • πŸ™Œ
  • Best Club award

General Business:


  • Guest star donald, in the house
    • Donald has been tinkering away building a new website/library/membership database for us
    • Membership database:
      • Has approached us with some questions regarding member information - what to store, and for how long
      • Alistair: Our updated policy is that things are going to get removed after 2 years, if membership is not renewed
      • Anyone who is not a member can contact us directly to get their details removed then and there
      • For members: we need an email and phone number on signup. We only need home address for library borrows, so that is only collected on borrowing forms
      • What about library records?
      • Should be options to hold onto library records, and to delete them
      • Who should be able to see data?
      • Gatekeepers can see lists of names, committee can see member contact info
      • The hidden mobile numbers would really only be relevant in the uncommon situations where a person isn't readily available on facebook/discord
      • Who should be able to access notes on members?
      • It can be case by case. We have the option to log records of when users have looked up private notes
      • Gatekeepers should be able to look up library data to figure out where our books are
      • Donald is expecting to have this deployed and ready to go by O-DAY (!!!!!!)
      • Donald proposes the very first Unigames all-digital o-day
      • We would still have paper signups as a backup
    • Library database:
      • Donald's ideal is that any gatekeeper can borrow out books using a webapp instead of touching the borrowing book at all
      • Would the club be willing to invest in a little tablet dedicated to this?
      • It would otherwise be very reasonable to expect gatekeepers to use their own device, this can be incorporated into the signup process
      • Donald demoes the library webapp to us, what webkeepers would use
      • Proposal to splat buy "; DROP TABLE Books"
      • We learn about all the tags like Dungeons and Dragons, Unborrowable, etc
      • When can we start adding items to the library? When it's ready. The database side is filled out, the borrowing forms are in the works
    • Archives
      • We were keen on an archive to serve as a reliable record
      • We can have the option to hide different files from different people
      • Donald could put effort into a web interface or we could keep using cyberduck
    • Wishlist (future things that we could do maybe)
      • In an effort to get the club's infrastructure off facebook: A calendar and events system
      • We could input events, include information, toggle visiblilty, and send out reminders
      • Something like a blog!
      • Discord integration: Automatically post calendar/blog updates to the server
    • Donald immortalises himself as the unigames website and thus will never leave the club


  • No udaptes
  • Emerald forsees a future

Member Privacy


  • New clubroom rules have been implemented
  • Please read the info on the door and do it!!!!!

Food run

  • Occurred (happened)
  • Eat up my children

3D Printing and more

  • No updates

Meeting next week

  • Do we want to have a meeting next week?
  • Maybe committee will have a cute little meeting
  • No meeting the week after

Meeting closed: 7:49pm

-- This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Camp wrapup (along with Taylor, Jackie)

Be uncharitable (along with Josh)

Do the AGM EMP


Halloween's well in love and war (along with Jackie)

Camp wrapup (along with Jackie, Alistair)


Halloween's well in love and war (along with Taylor)

Camp wrapup (along with Taylor, Alistair)

Work on the fresher guide (along with Alice)


Make a scifi games EMP and book the loft BEFORE GUILD CLOSES

Book the loft for the fresher welcome (along with Alice)


Quiz night wrapup (along with Kyle)


Work on the fresher guide (along with Jackie)

Book the loft for the fresher welcome (along with Autumn)

Post about campaign whiteboard


OTP Terrain purchase

Terrain donation

Quiz night wrapup (along with Emerald)


Be uncharitable (along with Alistair)