Unigames Committee Meeting #42 - 18/12/2023

by Joshua Annison 18/12/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #42 - 18/12/2023

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbiee
  • Connor
  • Josh
  • Oscar
  • Chris
  • James


  • David
  • Gen
  • Emerald


  • Hannah

Meeting scheduled: 4:00PM

Meeting open: 4:20PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • ~~poptropica is being shut down on dec 31st :(((~~
    • i have been lied to i'm sorry for spreading misinformation
    • they are not being shut down
  • christmas is not in a week you're lying to me its in At Least 40 days
  • i have allegedly done committee stuff

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • Snore mimimi
  • Been working on uncharity vigil
  • In the RPG mines
  • Had a good booked buy

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • Sad food run :((
  • Heavy book buy :||
  • Me when I have to spray acid on my Kid because I got bored :))
  • Account Balance: $14,191.65

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • Flying gliders is fun
  • Had a hot girl meltdown (cut my hair)
  • Will be updating regs after this meeting
  • Unigames Bus When?

Librarian's Report (David):

  • Awkward silence

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • Gen has sent in apologies but this is what she said last week
    • 14 days til christmas ?? (holy shit)
    • i love the dentist

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James, Oscar):

  • Chris:

    • " exhaling angry sounds " - Chris
    • Has returned
    • has "stuff" to do (will do it while sitting here)
  • Hannah:

    • somehow made it to Germany without forgetting something
    • hope the heat is bearable so far bc I’m freezing over here
  • James:

    • Finally got film editing software downloaded for video
    • Working on BotC venue
    • went on food run
  • Oscar:

    • the book hath been buyed
    • look i didn’t realise the lootbugs can fly now okay
    • christmas is not a week away they are lying to you no god oh please god no

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==15/43 (34.88% WR)== Meeting
    • Jackie's Emerald Impression
      • Make sure to get some holiday gifts before christmas!
      • Make sure to enjoy yourself and relax

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • (with Gibbi) Organise Arc but slower - In Pogress

  • Read tactics response to see if Pokemon prerelease is real - Waiting on Response

  • Continue to merch it up - In Poggers

  • Wait for Tokyo Alley activity form response - Done


  • (with Jackie) Organise Arc but slower - In Pogress

  • Laminate painting guide - Gotten by "the schniffles"


  • 10 hour doubles tournament EMP and announcement - EMP submitted

  • Update regulations on both websites - Immediately After Meeting


  • Write BotCT noise handout sheet - In Poggers


  • Worldbuilding games loft booking emp and announcement - LOOK IM TRYING

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Chris' Worldbuilding Games - 19th of December @ 1PM-4PM
  • It's there! It's tomorrow!
  • Come play the games that fit the category such as
  • Mappa Imperium, Microscope, Betrayal at Baldur's those kinds of games
Weekend of Blood on the Clocktower - 6th of January
  • Trying to sort a venue currently along with times
  • Would prefer not the loft but if we must....
Long Form Boardgames - Week of the 8th
  • It's Chris (AGAIN!)
  • Ain't even done it yet
  • Have chatted with Jon about "stuff"


L5R RPG - Early Week of the 22nd January
  • It is coming i promise

Josh: L5R Organisation

Arc Oneshot 2: Electric Boogaloo - February
  • In February


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quick play guide for Otharri in the next week or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so (35 "so"s)
  • Probably done by end of ~~week~~ ~~sem~~ year
  • Im working on it I swear
Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • Ixalan half way through
  • New Capenna half way through
  • Murders at Karlov Manor is February
  • Ravnica Remastered in January, will ask the people about a possible draft
  • SNOM coming soon

Pokemon TCG

  • Will update when response is received


Early January Doubles Warhammer 10e Open w/ Matt - 18th of January @ 8:30am-6:30pm
  • Will put up announcement after this just finishing off a poster
  • PoggyWoggy
Painting Competition
  • Jackie Will get this organised (not yet though)
  • Confirmed Judges
    • Amelia
    • Cam
    • Lachlan
Cam's Bloodbowling
  • Cam has a website that we should use for the Bloodbowl league
  • will make his job easier
  • $5 league entry fee per person per year, can be subsidised
  • can charge an entry fee, but can also have trophies???
  • We can also host for "the cam league"
  • Will make some Bloodbowl channels maybe
  • Little ping-able commissioner role
  • Connor is "happy to help"
  • Oscar is also happy to help

Fresher Campaigns

  • For all we know they are having a "festive time"

Cerberus Camp 2023 - 17th of November - 20th of November

  • Motion to accept the camp distribution
    • Passes Unanimously
  • Feedback Form is HERE

40th Anniversary - 20th of October

  • HOLY SHIT Jackie FUCKING warehouse room
    • There is boxes
    • Thats it
  • STILL need to produce the token
  • Message Jackie to bully her into doing her job
    • Ask if photoshop is open
    • Keep doing this
    • more people have gotten to bullying! yippee!
    • Will be done by this week we PROMISE

All Unigames Members: Ask Jackie if photoshop is open

Jackie: Continue to merch it up

Uncharity Vigil

  • Everyone got their reps in now
  • will start organising a meeting date/time
    • Our reps are Gen and Gibbi

Far Future Events

O'Day 2024 - Friday 23rd of February 11:00AM - 3PM

  • UniPrint emailed
    • We now have a quote and timeline
    • submitted a WEEK before O'day


  • Approved
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $471.88 to Jackie for Stickers & Lanyard Keychain
    • $34.08 to Josh for Painting PPE
    • $695.63 to Connor for numerous Joint camp receipts
    • $520 to Jackie for Ixalan Prerelease
    • $177.16 to Josh for 23rd Food Run
    • $209.75 to Connor for 14th Food Run
    • $789.65 to Connor for Book Buy
    • $181.50 to Guild for O'Day Stall
    • $400 to Gibbi for Magic Boxes



  • We wait for reallocation...


Semester Grants
  • Final result:
    • $6000
  • We got it
    • 6 bags
      • For a bus????

General Business:


  • No new Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

New Kallax
  • Waiting on Tenancy Allocations
New Printed Banner
  • Waiting on Tenancy Allocations


Book Buy 2: Electric Boogaloo - 4th of December
  • It's done
  • we have some games in:
    • Twilight Imperium 4
    • Brass Birmingham
    • Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space
    • Cyberpunk Red
    • Bloodbowl 2nd Season
  • Waiting on:
    • The Night Cage
    • Ink
David's Archival 'Stuff'
  • Nupdates (on account of not in Australia)
BotC Noise
  • In Poggers

    Gen: Write BotCT noise handout sheet

Painting Guide

Gibbi: Laminate painting guide

Food runs

  • We did one
  • Kid named inflation:
Chocolate prices
  • This is just a reminder


  • Donald working on big update
    • Implementing preferred name functionality
  • Chris has something webkeeping adjacent
    • Putting all committee stuff in one spot
      • Gozz has suggested putting everything in discord
      • Will need a wider discussion about this, possibly with webkeepers as well

Committee Business

  • OGM whenisgood will be happening
  • Starting filling it out now (mid December)
  • Will be January-bound

Tokyo Alley - 13th of April from 10am to 5pm

  • Form submitted
  • But that is a next committee problem

/gavin tav

  • Is recorded
  • Will be edited at some point

Meeting dates

  • We don't want Christmas or New Years day meetings
    • Except Jackie maybe
  • Will put up a quick whenisgood (I LOVE WHENISGOODS)
  • Online meeting as well
  • "You can always turn up" - Jackie

Meeting closed: 5:22 PM