Unigames Committee Meeting #42 - 20/12/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 20/12/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #42 - 20/12/2021


  • Alistair
  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Vikrum
  • Ethan
  • Nina
  • Texas
  • Amber
  • Chris


  • Gwen


Meeting scheduled: 5:00pm

Meeting open: 5:12pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Jesus Christ 3 weeks of packed bullshit
    • 1 week of christmas things
    • Panto Went pretty well?
      • Mayhaps profit
    • L Jackie
      • Thought post panto cafe visit was a dinner date
    • Gonna be a busy boi
    • Unofficially unemployed :(

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • Dear Gibbi,
  • Merry Christmas and seasons greetings to all
  • Hope you've done your christmas shopping cos christmas is this saturday
  • Been to mandurah too much o7
  • Went on site visit
  • Closed section things
  • Waiting on floor plan email from ern halliday
  • Jackie's notebook got omnomed by the void

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • just did a food run
  • did site visit to ern halliday (it's very cool and sexy)
  • soon will have a job????
  • i still have commissions to do lol
  • did library shenanigans
  • account balance: $9,544.85
    • Debate on the best way to burn all the unigames money

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • On holiday

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • Hello
  • Last in-person meeting :( o7
  • Moving :)/:(
    • W new job
    • L no placement
  • Still doing Library Stuff
    • TY Jackie been doing gods work o7 (claps)
  • Christmas One-shot stuff is/was good, I thought it was fun, ty for coming up with it Ethan

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • Finished Spire
  • Wrote Chrismarche
  • Enjoying playtesting with Vikrum Gming
  • Gonna miss myguyVikrum (someone)
  • Thought about handover
  • Have enquiries about hot chocolate

Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):

  • Amber:
    • Loathing having to do dishes.
    • Obtained card sleeves for Westmarche purposes.
    • Met a high school friend on Friday.
    • Accidently slept past midnight twice this week.
    • Apparently this week is the week of forgetting things in Unigames.
    • Need to figure out what I'm doing for Christmas and by extension New Years.
  • Chris:
  • westmarches going good
  • been without a light for like a week and only put in a new globe yesterday (shoutout to my brother for not being short)
  • Drakewarden is absolutely the best ranger subclass and nobody can tell me otherwise
  • I have 1 dragon (hehe)
  • Nina:
  • Ern Halliday looks FAMCY
  • DnD hiatus until the new year crying face
  • Goodbye Vikrum wailing face
  • Texas:
  • submitted emp for boardgames during last meeting
  • it also happened before meeting
  • 1 person came
  • Westmarche character got approved
  • Went to Ern Halliday.
  • after being manager for several months, I finally got keys to work
  • food run
  • test ran a very small portion of Christmarche oneshot
  • 1 dragon

Past action Items:


Large-scale borrowing regs - Not Done


Poke Emerald and Jarcus about site visit - Yes

Finish camp financial statement - Yes

Food run - Yes

Talk with Emerald about closed business - Yes


Firefly oneshot - Not Done

Website updates - Not Done


Write guide for adding the library to the system - Not Done

IGA dump snack chats - Not Done


Proposal for board game card sleeves - Sorta


Festive board games - Done


  • 1 Application


  • no updates

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Festive board games [20/12 Monday]
    • One person showed up
      • We have no Christmas boardgames in our library - Texas 2021
    • Played regular boardgames in festive spirit


  • Next one shot: Firefly [Thursday 06/01/22]

Gwen: Firefly oneshot

Magic: The Gavining

  • No updates
  • Fish go Glub
  • Neon Genesis Kamigawa 2077
    • Cyberpunk Feudal Japan


  • Primarch day
    • January
  • Terrain
    • Amelia still kinda busy

      Jackie: talk to amelia about wargaming shopping list Jackie: talk to older wargaming member about old terrain

Fresher Campaigns

  • Would like to start applications for Fresher Gm's post new year


Cameron Hall-o-ween @ The Tav [Thursday 21/10 7pm]

  • Almost done, waiting for ucc

Pyramid Camp 2021 [5pm Friday 19/11/21 - 10am Monday 22/11/21]

  • Hi, subcom approved distribution and financial statement
    • Then mayhaps talk about Ern Halliday
  • Distribution & financial statement approved by Unigames unanimously
  • Ern Halliday
    • Large Grassed Area for LARP
    • Nice Bathrooms
    • New buildings
    • BBQ
    • And Outdoor handwashing area
    • Dorms have ceiling fan vewwy based
    • Universal access bathrooms
    • Limited Parking
    • Close to shops
    • Close to Cam Hall
  • Debate on the importance of Camp differentiation and identity.
    • Camp identity is important and having joint camp at a different location makes it feel distinguishably different to Unigames camp and means that it doesn't feel like camp 2 electric boogaloo
    • Unanimous vote for joint camp being at Ern Halliday
      • Emerald will see everyone next year
  • Manjedal is good in Winter.

Unigames goes to Christmas Panto - Rudolph the One-Eyed Pirate [6pm Friday 17/12/21]

  • 3 people came
  • It was good
  • Jackie enjoyed it :)

Uncharity Vigil [January/February]

  • Chris and Alistair are on the Job

Alistair: Bother Gresidents about Uncharity

DnD with Panto [January??]

  • Alistair mentioned DND gremlin concerns
  • No response still

Genghis Con [21/1/22 - 23/1/22]

  • They emailed us back

Alistair: Email Genghis Con back


  • Submitted
    • $326.75 to Jackie for food run
  • Unsubmitted
    • $385.55 food run (20/12/211) to Jackie
    • $1028.05 Pyramid Camp food runs to Jackie
    • $36.14 Pyramid Camp supplies to Emerald


  • Semester grant
    • We have POSSIBLY received sem 2 grant: $1,602.50
      • Jackie has to ask for a breakdown for both semesters of this years grants
      • Jackie has to ask about 2019 sem 2 corrections
      • and 2020 Best club award

        Jackie: ask soc trez for corrections & best club award Jackie: ask for Sem Grant Breakdowns (1&2)

  • Envirogrant
    • No updates

General Business:

Room Update

  • Table
    • No updates


  • Classification system
    • Jackie Chad did boardgame entry
  • Book buy post went up
    • There's 2 weeks left
    • Go suggest some games and rpgs and more
  • Fog of love is missing pieces

    • Emerald suggests auctioning Fog of Love at Uncharity Vigil
    • Repleacement FOL costs $85 pre discount
      • $72.25 post discount
    • 2 player game
    • Rp Boardgame
    • Relationship exploration with the other character
      • Endorsed by Alistair
    • Club members have not had time to form an opinion to test public opinion
    • Replacement boardgame seperate from book buy
    • Can be held off until uncharity vigil
  • Card Sleeves

    • Things to consider:
      • Does it benefit from sleeving
      • Ease of sleeving
      • Amount of usage

        Vikrum: Write guide for adding the library to the system Everyone: Library entry Amber: Proposal for board game card sleeves

Food runs

  • Food run has been done this week

IGA Dump Snacks

Vikrum: IGA dump snack chats


Gwen: Website updates


Alistair: Large-scale borrowing regs

Westmarche Campaign

  • Christmarche Event [4PM Thursday - 23/12/2021]

    • Gibbi requests the ability to make hot chocolate in clubroom just for this event and only during this event.
      • Is willing to pay out of pocket just for this session
      • Vikrum and Gibbi could manage and supervise.
      • If anyone spills hot chocolate they must clean until Alistair is satisfied.
  • Form for GMs:

    • https://forms.gle/DvqCNr3uMY2WD4Sr9

Meeting closed: 6:41pm