Unigames Committee Meeting #43 - 03/01/2022

by Guinevere Sellner 03/01/22

Unigames Committee Meeting #43 - 03/01/2022


  • Alistair
  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gwen
  • Vikrum
  • Ethan
  • Nina
  • Texas
  • Amber
  • Chris



Meeting scheduled: 3:00pm

Meeting open: 3:07pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Apparently my dad just went to Albany last week?
    • He didn't communicate this until the morning he left
    • The dog and its vomit isn't my problem
  • It's been the week
  • That's all

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • Whoa guys I haven't been to a single meeting all year!
  • The only committee business I have done since last we 'met' is vehemently refuse a christmas meeting
  • i succeeded :33
  • Lets start thinking about book buy and uncharity ok!

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • i have done. so much library entry
  • don't worry guys it'll only take a weekend cmon in and out done before christmas
  • talked to kieran irl about old terrain
  • bullied ucc in their own committee chat about joint camp
  • i'd be unstoppable if i woke up before 11am and we will see if this is a correct theory or not when i start having work at office hours daily

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday period
  • Thought I had cold/flu symptoms... turns out it was just weirdly timed allergies and an antihistmine fixed it all. Sorry I'm a dumbass and have to discord in.
  • Completely forgot to post last meeting's minutes. I'm sorry, I forgot there was even a meeting.
  • Just been in Firefly mode
  • One shot EMP was submitted and event was made a little while ago
  • I'll send out a newsletter when I'm not writing a LARP and a one shot

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • hullo (from 3 hours in the future)
  • moving sure is a pain, but I'm settled in for the mo
  • no work this week so primary goal is to sort out book buy for next week
  • jackie has kinda been crushing the library entry, me not so much, I'll start tagging em though
  • v proud of Amber's work on sleeving card research, she's done

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • Bought a parking ticket on a public holiday
  • Nothing else to report

Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):

  • Amber:
    • Happy New Year.
    • Had Birthday Westmarche.
    • Spent New Years Eve playing Westmarche and being with Lilly.
    • We are out of the liminal space between Christmas and New Years where nothing happens.
    • New job (thank you Texas)
    • Jazz got me a choker.
    • E obtained.
    • Feeling feelings that I don't know how to deal with.
    • Figured out recent depressive moods may be because of new meds.
    • Refilled and sorted the chaff box.
    • About to start a new campaign?
  • Chris:
  • Sup
  • amn't dead
  • started writing a westmarche session, realized it was essentially just fnaf with warforged instead of animatronics, started rewriting westmarche session
  • starting playing binding of isaac, and am suffering
  • Nina:
  • happy new year everyone!!!
  • went to commistmas (committee christmas) it was lovely and cool
  • dnd this week!! And one of our long lost, presumed dead (this is a joke) members is coming back!!!!
  • Texas:
  • ate and suffered through a Carolina reaper sosig (hottest pepper you can get)
    • why? funny
  • attended a westmittee meeting
  • made Alistair a vriska shirt for Commissmas
  • funny Ikea meeting with emerald and Jackie
  • shattered my phone
  • slowly conquering committee through capitalism
  • stole our last campaign combat for a oneshot
  • 0 dragons :(

Past action Items:


Bother Gresidents about Uncharity - in progress

Email Genghis Con back - not done

Large-scale borrowing regs - not done


Talk to amelia about wargaming shopping list - not done

Talk to older wargaming member about old terrain - done

Ask soc trez for corrections & best club award - done

Ask for Sem Grant Breakdowns (1&2) - done


Firefly oneshot - done

Website updates - not done


Write guide for adding the library to the system - not done

IGA dump snack chats - rip


Proposal for board game card sleeves - done


(Everyone) Library entry- Jackie king


  • Josh (little Josh, not big Josh) is now a gatekeeper


  • no updates

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Next board games: [Week of 17/01/22]

Nina: Board games


  • Firefly One Shot [Thursday 06/01/22 5pm]

    • This Thursday!
    • Gwen is the only GM but is confident
  • Next one shot: TBD

Magic: The Gavining

  • Neon Genesis Kamigawa 2077
    • Unknown pre-release date
    • It looks bonkers
    • Excited for daddy jin


  • Primarch day
    • Winslade was supposed to message, we might get his message later. This is Alistair's fault probably.
    • Winslade is still nutting out how he wants to run it
  • Terrain

Jackie: Organise old terrain with Kieran Jackie: Talk to Amelia about terrain

Fresher Campaigns

  • Going stale
  • New year will do that


Cameron Hall-o-ween @ The Tav [Thursday 21/10 7pm]

  • Waiting on UCC

Pyramid Camp 2021 [5pm Friday 19/11/21 - 10am Monday 22/11/21]

  • Waiting on UCC

Uncharity Vigil [January/February]

  • Alistair is currently setting up discord server
  • Unigames, PCS, UniSFA will be involved
  • Panto will not be involved

DnD with Panto [January??]

  • Haven't heard back

Genghis Con [21/1/22 - 23/1/22]

  • No reply yet
  • It's kind of close, we need to get stuff together


  • Completed
    • $326.75 for food run to Jackie
  • Submitted
    • $385.55 food run (20/12/21) to Jackie
    • $1028.05 Pyramid Camp food runs to Jackie
  • Unsubmitted
    • $36.14 Pyramid Camp supplies to Emerald


  • Semester grant
    • Waiting for reply (UWA is closed technically)
  • Envirogrant
    • No updates

General Business:

Room Update

  • Table
    • No updates


  • Classification system
    • Jackie king
    • Committee ask Jackie or Vikrum how to do library entry

Everyone: Library data entry

  • Book buy

    • Next week
  • Card Sleeves

    • Amber made a proposal for board game cards that need to be sleeved on discord
    • There are some games which Amber doesn't have a very informed opinion on so is unsure of the need for sleeving
    • Should we sleeve dominion?
      • Space is a potential issue, but Gwen has a sleeved dominion so it can allegedly be done
      • Might not be possible with opaque sleeves
    • Unfortunately some games cannot be sleeved due to room in the box
      • We could remove dividers of some games to make room for sleeving
    • We should consider coating cardboard piece edges with clear nail polish to help them last longer
      • We will do this! We are committed to edging this club
    • Anger at non-standard card sizes
    • We can start with a couple packs of sleeves and try sleeving things we're not sure about before buying sleeves for everything
    • We will start with 300 card sleevs and clear nail polish all together coming to $32

Emerald: Buy card sleeves and nail polish

Food runs

  • Will determine when the next one will be when we require it


Gwen: Website updates Gwen: Newsletter


Alistair: Large-scale borrowing regs

Westmarche Campaign

  • Christmarche Event [4PM Thursday - 23/12/2021]

    • Happened
    • People appreciated the chocolate
    • Gibbi made a mess
  • Form for GMs:

    • https://forms.gle/DvqCNr3uMY2WD4Sr9

Meeting closed: 4:28pm