Unigames Committee Meeting #43 - 23/12/2020

by Autumn Brough 23/12/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #43 - 23/12/2020


  • Alaura
  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Kyle


  • Gwen
  • Josh

Meeting scheduled: 5pm

Meeting open: 5:05pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • uhm
  • i had an uncharity meeting, did some paperwork
  • we're doing all of these live, in the spirit of the holiday
  • put up room discussion

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • i was very much preparing myslef for the world's most stress-free christmas but i have a surprise family christmas happening at the same time as gozz's family christmas
  • i wish to be officially declared the winner of goose larp, with emerald finally finding the last gnome
  • i've been engaging in room discussion
  • have not done much more than watch supernatural. what a year

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • i am melting. i love dying and being dead
  • i did baking
  • donated drinks to unigames as a christmas present
    • merry fucking christmas, i got mepis
  • current balance: $1545.94

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • done some organising for scifi boardgames
  • got roasted for my baking skills

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • polar express time! polar express time~!!
  • made a visit to tactics to pick up gear
  • merry fucking christmas i guess
  • gooselarp is over. congratulations to ghost carp, the longest camp unigames has ever legally had
    • the last gnome was within a box within another box at the top of the wardrobe

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • did a lot of baking
  • got angry at autumn for not having a rolling pin
  • attempted to book the loft and was forced to fight soc
    • this is the second time in six months theyve made up an excuse about why guild doesn't book the loft

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • came back from northam that was fun
  • Gwen:
  • Josh:
  • Kyle:
    • couldn't attend dark heresy but it fired
    • got the elves out of the room

Past action Items:


Camp wrapup (along with Taylor, Jackie) - partially

Be uncharitable (along with Josh) - done

Do the AGM EMP - done


Halloween's well in love and war (along with Jackie) - not done

Camp wrapup (along with Jackie, Alistair) - not done


Halloween's well in love and war (along with Taylor) - not done

Camp wrapup (along with Taylor, Alistair) - not done

Work on the fresher guide (along with Alice) - not done


Make a scifi games EMP and book the loft BEFORE GUILD CLOSES - done and not done

Book the loft for the fresher welcome (along with Alice) - done


Quiz night wrapup (along with Kyle) - done


Work on the fresher guide (along with Jackie) - done

Book the loft for the fresher welcome (along with Autumn) - done

Post about campaign whiteboard - not done


OTP Terrain purchase - in the works

Terrain donation - done

Quiz night wrapup (along with Emerald) - done


Be uncharitable (along with Alistair) - done


  • Gatekeepers applications are now open to nonstudents

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Scifi Board Games w/ Unisfa [Monday 4/1/21]:
    • This is happening in the new year! Week after next


  • Dark heresy 2 oneshot [Monday 21/12/20]:

    • 8 or 9 players present, it was good
  • D&D Oneshot [Probably Week 2]:

Alice: Get D&D oneshot GMs

Magic: The Gavining

  • Commander Night [4pm Friday 18/12/20]:

    • Pretty good
    • People showed up!
    • Alistair throws shade @ specific committee members who flaked
  • Kaldheim Prerelease [Sunday 31/1/21]:

    • No update


  • OTP Terrain purchase

Kyle: Sand OTP terrain

  • Terrain donation
    • Kyle has sold the excess materials for $65 revenue

Fresher Campaigns

  • rip cam's campaign, everyone apparently deleted the discord server


Halloween 2019 [26/10/19]:

  • No update
  • Looming spectre of MULTI Next Committee's Problem

Book Buy [Thursday 1/10, after committee meeting]:

  • Path of waves - no updates
  • Call to adventure - we got it!

Quiz Night [Thursday 22/10]:

  • Wrapup
    • We received our $2.30!
    • Wrapup is wrapped up <3

CAMP in 3D [20/11-23/11]:

  • Wrapup
    • We need to have an actual meeting in the new year
    • But our finance breakdown is done

Uncharity Vigil [Sat-Sun 30-31/1/20]:

  • Confirmed: We are going to be running on 30/1 and we are going to be charging entry
    • We are already required to have someone checking people in at the door so we will take probably $5 per person
  • Chess Association need to approve the subcommittee regulations

O-DAY [Friday 19/2/21]:

  • Fresher guides
    • No update

Jackie, Alice: Please work on the fresher guides

  • Signup forms
    • Unconvinced abt digital versus paper forms
    • Wait and see how donald's website shapes up

Fresher Welcome [Thursday 25/2/21 (Week 1)]:

  • Loft is booked
  • EMP is not completed

AGM [Friday 1pm 26/2/21 (Week 1)]:

  • No updates

Club Carnival [Probably Tuesday Week 2]:

  • no udpate

PROSH [Probably]:

  • no udpate

Room Update:

  • Broken light
    • Has to wait until holidays are over

Taylor: Email tenancy about the outstanding maintenance

  • Campaign whiteboard

Alice: Remake the campaign whiteboard and post about it

  • Microwave
    • Guild has noted our high-up microwave as a health and safety risk

Taylor: Send an email about the microwave


Pending: - $349 to Jackie + $501.15 for food run = $850.15


  • Tenancy Reallocations

    • We have not submitted our application. It will be pretty quick to do when we want
    • Uwanime were surprised that we posted about their room due to miscommunication, we talked it out though
    • Alistair made a post about applying for 184b (big room) to gauge feedback
      • Major issues included noise and frontage
      • Twice as much room = 2x people = 2x noise
      • Offset by carpet and different acoustics (less glass)
      • Some people have issues with noise in the current room
      • Alanna has suggested acoustic foams
      • Keifer suggested splitting the room in two with a big shelf
      • The issue could be boiled down to noise control generally
      • Even during covid, with reduced capacity, we still hit noise issues
      • It always escalateswhen people try to talk over each other. The solution is noise policing
      • Perhaps with quiet times or quiet events
      • Taylor raises concerns about having centre-room bookshelves: theyre a pain to move when theyre full. Proposes dividers as an alternative, can be folded away during casual hours
      • We could take inspiration from uwanime's thirds approach, with two table zones and a comfy seating zone
      • Semi-joking suggestion of a decibel alarm
      • Gatekeepers will need to be disciplined to control noise
      • A lot of us are forgetting that our current room has only been ours for like 4 years - we were in oldeygames for decades
      • The club is flexible and we've seen it
      • Big room is notably soundproof, while current room has a lot of sound leak in and out via the glass
      • People seem enthused at the prospect of 2 campaigns running in the room. People are already regularly moving to a quieter space (CCZ)
      • (Alaura arrives and then leaves bc the room is at capacity)
      • People will use both spaces, people who need quiet are still not guaranteed it in the room, this is already the case. This is a public space
      • The prospect of dividers raises concerns of gatekeeper visibility
      • If we are going to let non-gatekeepers have free run of a private area, it will have to be one with no valuables
      • Donald has noted that frontage loss can be softened with signage and advertising
      • Loss of frontage is taylor's biggest concern. We will lose attention from both random passersby, and people on their way to another room
      • Taylor proposes a strategy of applying for an SPG to make some BIG posters to put around the corridor. We would have to talk to tenancy about what we can get away with
      • The haunting of dead anime ghosts
      • Colin has asked us to consider what we would do if we had no room to start, and we are still leaning towards big room
      • The aircon in big room belongs to uwanime. We may have to negotiate for it
      • Josh: anime ghosts are called stans
      • Big room is prepared for webcams to be set up
      • Merl raised concerns about vibe harms
  • Elevator

    • No updates
  • Semester grants

    • No updates
  • Best Club award

    • No updates

General ChristmasπŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„:


  • Website
    • Gozz has got in touch with Donald abt partial deployment
    • We would really like to have a members system and library before our new member intake


  • Hopefully we can put it on Donald's database soon
  • Taylor brings up the idea of custom-designing our own gameboxes, and also decorating the room using cuttings from the old boxes

Member Privacy

Meeting next week

  • No

Group Camp

  • Cam is here to make a pitch, based on the fact that campsites are booked up for next year
  • Cam is proposing that our timeslot booked for Unigames camp in July could be another shared club camp
  • Taylor: Our camp is one of our biggest moneymakers and splitting that money three ways is concerning. This is one of our most successfuly events, has an established structure, and has dedicated regulars. If we were to share with another camp, and a similar person cap was in place, then it would be at the expense of Unigames members
  • Cam: This is mostly a financial argument, and Unigames got its slush fund back. Unigames is not losing a camp here, joint camp has more in common with Unigames than any other camp. Joint camp 2020 was a success. Even if Unigames does half of the work, then Unigames is being saved half of the work
  • Emerald: We were only able to have a camp in 2020 thanks to Unisfa's olive branch.
  • Josh: Let's check the numbers: we profited $100 per club at 3D camp, and a couple times that at the last Unigames camp. Worth noting that this is very dependent on the person cap
  • Emerald: Unigames umm'ed and ahh'ed a lot about joining in with Unisfa, and it paid off bigtime with a fun camp. It's time we pay back the olive branch and give the opportunity
  • Alice: Let's consider the available beds. The space we have booked at Manjedal has ~90 beds, but we are planning to designate a chillout zone, dropping the number of beds closer to maybe ~50. Minimum to run an event is 30.
  • Current committee can only present a recommendation to 2021 committee
  • Jackie: I'm very pro joint camp because it's fun. Unigames committee made a specific decision earlier this year that 2021 would be just a Unigames camp. This is next committee's decision though
  • Taylor: Unigames is the camp with the most identity to lose. The other two clubs have been drifting more and more into the territory of not having financially sustainable camps. Unigames camp has the most legacy. Unisfa and UCC have the most to gain, whereas Unigames will gain ehh.
  • Alice: The possibility of adjusting profit distribution percentages
  • Cam: Financially, there still stands to be a couple hundred dollars earned for each club
  • Emerald: When we had this conversation a long time ago, I originally had some anger at the idea that Unigames would deign to help the other clubs. Having attended that camp and had a fantastic time, I can't believe that we are back to being so venemous at the possibility of helping out our fellow clubs. We are the most fortunate of these few clubs in this moment, and we are not able to get off our high horse to help.
  • Alistair: Reminder that this discussion is not just abt Joint Camp, but Joint Camp at the expense of Unigames Camp
  • Josh: Joint camp is nice, but the focus of unigames camp is something special. If our club activities could be benefited from merging together, we would just merge into one large club
  • Taylor: Almost all of our large events are collabs with our neighour clubs. We ran into issues this year with guild deciding we should be smooshed into the same room. We booked this camp, for us, two years ago. Our relationships with the other clubs are important, and we need to cultivate them, but we are constitutionally bound to do what is best for Unigames. Most of committee are cross-club members, but there is no denying that there are Unigames members with no interest in the other clubs.
  • Cam: I don't believe that Unigames camp is a draw to the club for members. i.e. there are no members who are specifically buying their sticker for the camp
  • Alistair: I just checked the Manjedal availabilities and it's wide open?
  • Taylor: I'm wholly in favour of a group camp in summer
  • Cam and Taylor: If we were regularly running both Unigames and Joint camp, then Cam would choose to go to joint camp, and Taylor would choose to go to unigames camp
  • Cam: Merry christmas fuckers

Meeting closed: 6:48pm

This Week's Action Items: Taylor:

Email tenancy about the outstanding maintenance

Send an email about the microwave


Please work on the fresher guides (along with Alice)


Get D&D oneshot GMs

Please work on the fresher guides (along with Jackie)

Remake the campaign whiteboard and post about it


Sand OTP terrain