Unigames Committee Meeting #44 - 07/02/2020

by Donald Sutherland 07/02/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #44 - 07/02/2020


  • Aoibhinn
  • Donald
  • Alistair
  • Colin
  • Kyle
  • Taylor (via Discord)
  • Emerald (via Discord)


  • Elana
  • Amelia
  • Gavin
  • Alaura


  • none

Meeting open: 3:10pm


President's Report:

  • none

Vice-President's Report:

  • I'm back to my usual things of doing emails all the time
  • And no one replying to them
  • Uncharity tomorrow: No sleep beginning

Treasurer's Report:

  • Account balance: $1136.47
  • Went to SOC meeting
  • Wrote up reallocation application for tenancy
  • Accidentally pulled a no-sleep squad
  • Talking to the Tenancy chair on Monday
  • O-Day payment has confirmed gone through
  • Paying for shirts? It is a mystery

Secretary's Report:

  • Handovers, some are starting to be complete
  • Basically done nothing else

Librarian's Report:

  • Overdue items: none
  • As stated, was here until 4:30am yesterday, like a fool
  • Long term borrowing suspended for Fresher Welcome, from the 13th.
  • From the 13th until the 19th, you will be able to overnight borrow things
  • Work order needs to be submitted for the floor, again
  • Went through the auction games, need some input on some things
  • I promise I'm gonna do the shelf
  • Donations:
    • Hoard of the Dragon Queen - D&D Adventure
    • The Ethical Ramifications of Editorial Praxis Concerning the Adaptation of Prejudiced Media: A Lovecraftian Case Study

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • No report

OCM reports:

Colin: - Busy this week, so haven't done all of my action items - Gonna work more on handovers

Emerald: - I ran the LARP event! - I'm fine-tuning Bratz the TTRPG for Uncharity

Elana: - none

Kyle: - Been talking to Jackob Hawkins and there's a few things to bring up - Potential discount for unigames members playing at outpost 6030 - He offered support as a "faculty advocate" - unsure how this would help but it's a thing - Been writing for weekly inq28 - Will go get some brushes tomorrow if we want to get some pre-vigil

Past action Items:

Alaura: - unsure

Write the president's letter for the fresher guide. - not done Ask events to see if anything special needs to be done for WATC - not done Chat with Winslade about future scheduling - not done Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover - not done Start work on the allocation (along with Taylor) - done by Taylor Bother the tenancy chair when they come in about the fire escape hydraulics - done by a lot of people


Draft a memo about AGM gatekeeper turnover - not done Follow up with UCC re. Halloween - some updates Put Mega-Game materials on the Drive - done Bully everyone into writing handovers - kinda did that Make a Feb whenisgood - done


Send feedback to Relay for Life (along with Elana) - done Do pink slip for O-Day - done Talk to events about O-Day placement - not done Check Uniprint balance and get quote for pricing - not done Find out how many fresher guides, sign up forms (300) and stickers and flyers (general and specific) (50&50) we printed last year - not done Do the flyer - not done Check the last two years of pizza orders and test gold coin donation - not done Work on Camp documentation (along with Alistair) - not done Start work on the allocation (along with Alaura) - done Post the stretch goals - done


Give information to Alistair - not done Return prerelease stuff - not done Get Sealed League organising done - not entirely Make an archive guide - WIP Put regulation on website - not done Update website constitution - not done


Distribute sealed league prizes - not done Make a post tagging sealed league winners - not done Work on Mega-game stuff after production week - not done Work on Camp documentation (along with Taylor) - not done Fill out work order for floor and skirting board - not done Organise a storage audit (along with Kyle) - not done Get hinges + other accesseries for the shelf - WIP


Speak to Mum about Jacksons brushes - done Take charge of the Fresher guide! - not done


Send feedback to Relay for Life (along with Taylor) - unsure Harass gatekeepers about O-Day and general help planning - tbd after uncharity


Bring in flood lights - done Email about doors - not done Do food run - done, but we need another


Post about brushes in committee - done Organise a storage audit (along with Alistair) - done



Usual Suspects:


  • Event went well, there were 8 people!
  • Including some freshers!
  • Board games event during O-Week, week of the 17th.


  • There's some at uncharity!


  • Sealed league prizes are still wayyyyyyyyyyyy overdue
  • Donald: Give information to Alistair

  • Alistair: Distribute sealed league prizes

  • Alistair: Make a post tagging sealed league winners

  • Donald: Return prerelease stuff

  • Theros sealed league still on the table for Semester Start
    • O-Day sign up form
    • Have it all ready to go for then
    • Donald: Get Sealed League organising done


  • Started to do writing for skirmish campaigns
  • For when semester starts, getting freshers into it
  • One week "hobby" and one week playing, alternating weekly
  • Alaura: Ask events to see if anything special needs to be done for WATC

  • Beerhammer is coming up again
  • Kyle: Advertise Beerhammer to the group

Fresher Campaigns

  • No updates
  • Start drawing up Fresher Campaign stuff


  • Collab potential: UCC w/ Artemis LAN?
    • Week 3 or 4
  • Aoibhinn: Speak with UniSFA about potential collab


Relay for Life 2019:

  • Reps: Taylor + Elana, Emerald
  • Elana: Send feedback to Relay for Life

Cameron Hall-oween 2019:

  • Reps: Aoibhinn, Amelia
  • We are in the process of getting an invoice from the Tav
  • Aoibhinn: Talk to UCC Treasurer about Halloween money

  • Our share of the profit should be $120.47
  • We have currently recieved $34.80
  • UCC will be dealing with money some time
  • Haven't recieved an invoice from security yet
  • Aoibhinn: Follow up with UCC re. Halloween

LARP2020 - The Summer Unit [1st February]:

  • Reps: Alistair, Emerald, Colin
  • We made a rough $35 loss, but the event was successful!
  • Eight tickets were sold
  • People had fun!
  • Lionel told people about different LARP events

Un-Charity Vigil [8th February]:

  • Reps: Aoibhinn, Kyle
  • Things we need to do:
    • Make a space on the board for logo votes
    • Donald: Post on Uncharity about the magic event

    • Taylor needs to do money things
  • Games for auction:
    • Order of the Stick
    • Unita
    • The Hobbit: Defaut Smaug
    • Timeline
    • Epic Card Game
    • 7th Sea
  • Paintbrushes?
    • We aim to get some paintbrushes with some of the Uncharity money
    • But do we want some for Uncharity to sample?
    • Seems yes
    • Buying three - budget of $25
    • Kyle: Buy good brushes

  • Come to Uncharity!

O-Day 21st Feb

  • Payment confirmed
  • We want to sell drinks!
    • Can drinks for $1
    • Free water for people manning the booth
    • Zooper Doopers for $0.50
    • We'll need ice for it
  • We'll talk with other clubs about tours
  • Taylor: Talk to events about O-Day placement

  • Taylor: Check Uniprint balance and get quote for pricing

  • Fresher guide:
    • Writing deadline: 9th
    • Uniprint deadline: 14th
    • Taylor: find out how many fresher guides, sign up forms (300) and stickers and flyers (general and specific) (50&50) we printed last year

    • Amelia: Take charge of the Fresher guide!

  • Need to figure out events for flyer, do post 2020 vision meeting
    • Taylor: Do the flyer

  • Need to get numbers for sign up forms and then vote on how many we print next week
  • Elana: Harass gatekeepers about O-Day and general help planning

  • Post on main page to help advertise the club on the day

Fresher Welcome:

  • EMP approved for real now
  • We will be doing gold coin donation pizza for first-time members
  • $5 for returning members
  • Blanket ban on board games on the lead up to it
  • Colin: Email about doors

AGM [28th February]

  • The clock ticks closer to midnight

Prosh [18th March]:

  • Olympics on the 10th March
    • We need four people for a team for that
  • Someone on this committee organising Prosh?
    • Colin: Start organising Prosh

[REDACTED] 2020:

  • Confirmed date: 19th-22nd of June 2020
  • Alaura: Chat with Winslade about future scheduling

  • Alaura: Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover

  • Aoibhinn has the mega-game materials
  • Alistair: Work on Mega-game stuff after production week

  • Aoibhinn: Put Mega-Game materials on the Drive

  • Taylor, Alistair: Work on Camp documentation

  • EMP should start getting preliminarily hammered out
  • Do as much work for the next committee as possible


  • Tenancy Allocations:

    • We've submitted
  • Elevator:

    • The university is conducting a feasibility study in Semester 1
  • Grants:

    • No updates, still waiting for SOC to get back to us
  • SOC:

    • SOC meeting happened:
      • CHall Acessibility was discussed
        • They've officially admitted that the building is not accessible
        • They are funding a feasibility study
        • They might boot us from the building in the meantime
        • Management has said that they will help us move if we do move
      • Tenancy dates
        • 4 tenancy consultation meetings
        • 6 busy bees
        • Still ironing out busy bee details
      • Club carnival is on James Oval this year, much more O-Day-y
      • All SOC meetings are being held on Tuesday
      • Some theme weeks?
      • Volunteering are holding a workshop about how to work with charities
        • Taylor is going to look into it more
      • Update on semester 2 grants in a couple of weeks
  • Tenancy:

    - >Aoibhinn: Put up Tenancy meeting dates

    • Cameron Hall locks:
      • When the next tenancy chair comes in, we will be requesting an extension of the opening hours at the very least.
      • Alaura: Bother the tenancy chair when they come in about the fire escape hydraulics

    • Work orders:
      • Tenenacy does not have a work order for our floor
      • Alistair: Fill out work order for floor and skirting board

Room Update:

  • Storage update/audit:

    • Delayed until Alistair gets back
    • Alistair/Kyle: Organise a storage audit

  • Odd jobs:

    • Wargaming shelf:
      • No updates
      • Alistair: Get hinges + other accesseries for the shelf

  • Shirts

    • Shirts are submitted!
    • Waiting on invoice
    • Prices:
      • $25 a limited edition coloured shirt, preorder only
      • $20 for a regular black T-Shirt bought in the clubroom
      • $18 for a preordered regular black T-Shirt
  • Fridge

    • Don't set the fridge too cold; Cans explode
    • Aoibhinn: Make a label for the fridge dial

    • Colin: Make a post about fridge temperature


  • Colin: $128.38 for pre-LARP food run
  • Colin: $8 for Ice
  • Colin: $11.53 for Sausages
  • Emerald: $6, $11, $19.62, $5.90 for Generic LARP stuff

General Business:

  • Embroidery:

    • Ongoing, almost finished
  • Archives:

    • Donald: Make an archive guide

    • No updates
  • Food run:

    • We need one for tomorrow
    • Aoibhinn: Post in gatekeepers for help with Food Run

  • Website:

    • New regulation has been added
    • Donald: Put regulation on website

    • Donald: Update website constitution

  • Handovers

    • Note on handovers:
    • If you run an event, please write a handover for it
    • If you are in charge of a job, please write a handover for it
    • If you have an exec position, please write a handover for it
    • If you are in charge of an ongoing process, please write a handover for it
    • Due end of Februrary
    • Aoibhinn: bully everyone into writing handovers

  • Next meeting:

    • Aoibhinn: Make a Feb whenisgood

Meeting closed: 4:43PM

-- Action Items: Alaura:

Ask events to see if anything special needs to be done for WATC Chat with Winslade about future scheduling Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover Bother the tenancy chair when they come in about the fire escape hydraulics


Speak with UniSFA about potential collab Talk to UCC Treasurer about Halloween money Follow up with UCC re. Halloween Put Mega-Game materials on the Drive Put up Tenancy meeting dates Make a label for the fridge dial Post in gatekeepers for help with Food Run Bully everyone into writing handovers Make a Feb whenisgood


Talk to events about O-Day placement Check Uniprint balance and get quote for pricing Find out how many fresher guides, sign up forms (300) and stickers and flyers (general and specific) (50&50) we printed last year Do the flyer Work on Camp documentation (along with Alistair)


Give information to Alistair Return prerelease stuff Get Sealed League organising done Post on Uncharity about the magic event Make an archive guide Put regulation on website Update website constitution


Distribute sealed league prizes Make a post tagging sealed league winners Work on Mega-game stuff after production week Work on Camp documentation (along with Taylor) Fill out work order for floor and skirting board Organise a storage audit (along with Kyle) Get hinges + other accesseries for the shelf


Take charge of the Fresher guide!


Send feedback to Relay for Life Harass gatekeepers about O-Day and general help planning


Email about doors Start organising Prosh Make a post about fridge temperature


Advertise Beerhammer to the group Buy good brushes Organise a storage audit (along with Alistair)