Unigames Committee Meeting #44 - 08/01/2024

by Joshua Annison 08/01/24

Unigames Committee Meeting #44 - 08/01/2024

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Connor
  • Josh
  • David
  • Gen
  • James
  • Oscar


  • Chris
  • Gibbi
  • Hannah


  • Emerald

Meeting scheduled: 4:00PM

Meeting open: 4:04PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • festive christmas/new years period has hands
  • token actually almost done, will actually be on way to my house next week
  • uhm. i've been talking about wargaming
  • that's it
  • also painting comp

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • Apologies

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • Merry New Year
  • Been up to things :tm:
  • Free from covid hell

Librarian's Report (David):

  • I haven't showered since LAST YEAR (not real)
  • thought about wargaming

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • botc went so wellllll thank you so much for everyone who came along it was a great time
  • uncharity vigil meeting
  • actually investing time into driving (awful horrible hate it)
  • 39 days until I see Taylor Swift

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James, Oscar):

  • Chris:

    • "Auuuuggghhhh" * musically * - Chris, 2023
  • Hannah:

    • Apologies
  • James:

    • Ran BotC event. Great success
    • Going to work out how to move the videos from my phone to my laptop so I can finally edit them
  • Oscar:

    • oof ouch oww my existence is painful
    • judge rooster is always trustworthy and definitely not on the traitor team
    • helped with the setting-up for the bloodbowl league
    • moving house twice in two days is fun

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==15/44 (34.09% WR)== Meeting
    • Jackie's Emerald Impression
      • I had a great time in bali!
      • I am back in perth now
      • find me in the gsc

Past action Items:

Action Items:


  • Continue to merch it up - "Done"


  • Laminate painting guide - Not Done

  • Ravnica: Remastered draft EOI - ???


  • L5R Organisation - Pretty Much


  • Write BotCT noise handout sheet - B) No

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Weekend of Blood on the Clocktower - 6th of January
  • Very Naise
  • Seemed to be really great
  • 20~ish attendance
  • Game up and downstairs
  • Lots of thank you messages <3
  • Lots of fresh players to the club
  • Noise was good
New Year New Boardgames - 11th of January
  • David will nut it out

David: Nut out NYNB


L5R RPG - 23rd of January @ 5PM
  • By turning to god, Curse of Ra shall be repelled, and none of our gm's will die
  • GM's: Merlin, Harlowe and Cam

Josh: L5R Organisation

Arc Oneshot 2: Electric Boogaloo - Week of the 12th of February
  • In February
  • Before Feb Jackie will learn to run arc
  • Jackie will check date with Gibbi


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quick play guide for Otharri in the next week or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so or so (37 "so"s)
  • Im working on it I swear
Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • Ixalan 2/3rds of way through
  • Same with New Capenna
    • +1 box of New Capenna
  • Murders at Karlov Manor is February
  • SNoM coming soon

Pokemon TCG

  • Will bump Tactics today
  • they hate Jackie
  • We think they are deep in the investigation "hole", or they hate Jackie


  • It's coming

Ravnica Remastered Draft???

  • EOI done this fucking week

    Gibbi: Ravnica: Remastered draft EOI


Broader Wargaming Discussion
  • Budget:
    • Idea is to actively support events, take wargaming terrain and make it better
    • Need money for this
    • Flatpack terrain about $220
    • Suggesting a $600 wargaming budget
    • Will this eventually be part of book buy:
      • Maybe, but this is to get wargaming back up to scratch ie think of it as like repairing boardgames budget
      • As well as to make sure there is money set aside for it
    • Connor likes this amount of money
    • Will also open up to general public on facebook and discord
Early January Doubles Warhammer 10e Open w/ Matt - 18th of January @ 8:30am-6:30pm
  • Still spots!
  • Looks like about 10ish attendance atm
  • swag
  • Entry: $45 per pair
  • in Ezone: Giumelli Learning Studio 206
  • Jackie will bring dinks
Painting Competition - (Painting day) 15th of January from 11am
  • 16 signups
  • Starting Monday the 15th
  • You get to keep the mini
  • $5
  • EMP done
  • May have a mid-time one
  • Awards will go to:
    • Most Technical Skill
    • Most Creative
    • Best little guy
  • Confirmed Judges
    • Amelia
    • Cam
    • Lachlan
Bloodbowl League
  • Announcement made
  • Channel created for it
  • People seem hyped
  • Need to do a facebook event
  • $5 to enter the league, can be subsidised, as well as a $5 fee for the WAFFL membership
  • Will continue organising with Cam, make sure to get stuff out quickly

Oscar, Connor: Facebook event put up

Fresher Campaigns

  • Haven't heard much
  • most have wrapped up

Cerberus Camp 2023 - 17th of November - 20th of November

  • Can distribute money NOW!
  • Feedback Form is HERE

40th Anniversary - 20th of October

  • oTL
    • There is boxes
  • Photoshop is open RIGHT NOW
    • Drawing RIGHT NOW
      • Will be enroute to Jackies house before next meeting

All Unigames Members: Ask Jackie if photoshop is open

Jackie: Finish merching it up

Uncharity Vigil - Saturday 3rd to 4th starting at 5PM

  • Approving a bunch of stuff
  • What do we want to raffle/auction
    • Raffle
      • "the ship thing"
      • paintball tickets
      • "Things from Josh's sister"
    • Auction
      • Monopoly
      • Axis and Allies
      • Unigames playmats
  • Advertising up by next week
  • Jackie needs to set up the dragon stuff

Far Future Events

O'Day 2024 - Friday 23rd of February 11:00AM - 3PM

  • Uniprint emailed
    • We now have a quote and timeline
    • submitted a WEEK before O'day

Fresher Welcome - 29th of February from 4PM to late

  • gonna wanna start organising this
  • EMP loft booking advertising
  • Email/Call dominos telling them we are going to have a big boy order
    • "Based" set order
      • some dietary restrictions
  • Pizza for the kiddos

OGM - Tuesday the 16th of January @ 1PM

  • Its been called
  • Make sure to submit any constitutional amendments y'all have
  • Please come
  • We need quorum
  • Jackie will do pints for people*
      • If we make quorum

AGM - 1st of March @ 1PM

  • Jackie has told the other clubs
  • Will announce after OGM because oh lawde

Tokyo Alley - 13th of April from 10am to 5pm

  • Nupdates


  • Approved
  • Pending
    • $471.88 to Jackie for Stickers & Lanyard Keychain
    • $34.08 to Josh for Painting PPE
    • $695.63 to Connor for numerous Joint camp receipts
    • $520 to Jackie for Ixalan Prerelease
    • $177.16 to Josh for 23rd Food Run
    • $209.75 to Connor for 14th Food Run
    • $789.65 to Connor for Book Buy
    • $181.50 to Guild for O'Day Stall
    • $400 to Gibbi for Magic Boxes
  • Unsubmitted



  • We wait for reallocation...

General Business:


  • Welcome to our new gatekeeper:
    • Matthew Dean


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

New Kallax
  • Waiting on Tenancy Allocations
New Printed Banner
  • Waiting on Tenancy Allocations


Book Buy 2: Electric Boogaloo - 4th of December
  • Waiting on:
    • Ink
James' Donations: Tic Tac K.O.
  • 2-4 Players, tic tac toe but with interaction
  • Its very small, easy to learn
  • There is a graveyard
  • David's Thoughts: Looks alright, if a bit simplistic, plenty of room, fills the "tic tac toe niche"
  • Motion to approve the donation of tic tac KO
    • Passes Unanimously
James' Donations: Poker Set
  • Oscar wants them, will abstain
  • If we did accept them, we would have to include a note explaining that we cannot use them to represent real money
  • Poker Club doesn't exist anymore
    • so we are not encroaching on they turf
  • Librarian seal of approval: nah
  • Will postpone motion as the vote was tight, and we have 3 committee members away
David's Archival 'Stuff'
  • Nothing New
BotC Noise
  • Done before BotC Event

    Gen: Write BotCT noise handout sheet

Painting Guide

Gibbi: Laminate painting guide

Food runs

  • Need one, can't do after meeting
  • Josh & James food run.
Chocolate prices
  • Will check chocolate prices


  • Donald working on big update
    • Advanced search coming

Phoenix Revival

  • Josh's Monologue:

    • What is Phoenix?

      • Phoenix used to be a yearly magazine made by Unigames, similar to UniSFA's Piffle. It has had at least 3 iterations, all of which died out with their committees
    • Why do you want to revive Phoenix?

      • Phoenix as a magazine should be revived for two reasons
        1. It creates conversation. By this I mean that within the clubroom, Phoenix as an idea can get the creative juices of our members flowing, and can be a great demonstration of the clubs culture, which can then also be documented over the years.
        2. because we have this demonstration of our culture, we can engage freshers with the club in a way that does not require socialising with random people at O'Day, or through the discord (which not everyone has/uses, and while I believe it shows the clubs culture, it doesn't always show the club culture in relations to the actual club. (Discord shows members what the fanbase is like, but not what we are fans of))
    • Why has Phoenix failed previously?
      • In absence of anyone who actually made previous iterations, I have taken a look at the current 2 versions that I could actually find and thought really hard about it
        1. The last copy that I could actually read was entirely typed out on a typewriter, with some additions of art and the such afterwards, which seem to have been scanned and then printed en masse. This presents a few issues, mainly that it is a lot of legwork requiring probably multiple people to organise and get together, and once you have finished it, you have to start all over again for the next issue.
        2. A lack of user supplied content can seriously stunt the ability to produce the magazine, especially when you are paying for printing costs and the such
        3. The club at the time did not seem very "girls get girlsy" (out of the two copies that we have, one of them has not one but two topless women depicted), in a way that I can only describe as the embodiment of the stereotypes of nerds in the 80's
    • What will we actually be putting in this magazine?

      • Front Page I was thinking of the same situation as UniSFA, some art supplied by a lovely member which we can put on to the template. We can have a "theme" for each booklet (I was thinking possibly in line with the dragon theme for the year e.g. this years version would be "Bare Bones Edition" or something like that) which could influence various sections and topics in the mag
      • President's Address or Whatever A section for a president to talk about the magazine and the club in general over the year, something like what Pelican has
      • Secretary's Address or Whatever I would assume that it would be seen as the sec's territory to be writing this, but really this section could be changed to be dedicated to whoever was the driving force behind the magazine. It could be a VP's, Librarians, any positions address really

      • Campaign's Section The idea I had for this section is as follows. We ask the various fresher GM's of the given year (as well as some possible special guests with non-club campaigns) to give a paragraph or so on their campaigns story and antics. This would obviously not be a requirement, but if there is one things RPGheads love to talk about, it is the crazy thing that happened this week in their campaign. This section would be a good read that I think members would enjoy reading, and especially good for freshers to read. You could show freshers how previous campaigns turned out, and inspire them to interact with the club more, increasing fresher retention.

      • Book-Buy Section This section would be an overview of various games that we had purchased as part of that years 2 book buys, and would be essentially reviews of said games, as given by the general populace. It could be in the form of one-word quotes, or properly done reviews, and could even have a gimmicky little librarians notes on the games that had been purchased (think davids little revali stamps of approval)

      • Article Section This section would be a mix of 2 things, art and articles. The art would/could be submitted by members, as well as the articles, and they could basically range from anything that we can classify as Unigames related. As an example from previous editions of Phoenix, an article was written criticising Gary Gygax (creator of D&D) on a lack of image referencing when referring to the weapons section

      • One-Page RPG This is my most copium idea here, but it would be cool to have a silly, one page RPG written in The Phoenix that people could run straight out of the book. It could be topical, it could be random, but could be a very fun idea. Idk if people would want/like that though. For reference, this idea came from the old Polyhedron magazines, which had various d20 modern RPGs written in that were supposed to be used as short campaigns

      • Committee Thoughts:
        • Timing may be tricky
        • Otherwise very good
        • Will not have one for THIS O'day
        • Iron out logistics ready for next year
        • If we do mid-year then people are in the middle of campaigns, and that will be a better example of what
        • Include trading cards????
        • This is what Gens highschool newspaper did?
        • Maybe we could do stickers instead? (cheaper)

Frosh: Start on Phoenix

Archiving Old Minutes

  • UCC Archive updates as well as porting over old minutes to new website

Frosh: Finish Archiving the Old Minutes Jackie: Update UCC archive

Committee Business

  • Come to OGM
  • Handovers: Start working on them
  • Fresher Guide Quote:

/gavin tav

  • In Pogress

Meeting closed: 5:55 PM