Unigames Committee Meeting #44 - 14/01/2025
Unigames Committee Meeting #44 - 14/01/2025
tags: committee meeting 2024
- Josh
- Connor
- Jack
- Chris
- Cooper
- Jeremy
- Nene
- Nix
- Jackie
Meeting scheduled: 4:00PM
Meeting open: 4:08PM
President's Report (Josh):
- I'm back baby
- Tactics deal done
- huge
- Foundations Jumpstart
- here
- Precon League
- it's out there
- it's ready
- Plenty of things being organised and wrapped up
Come to uncharity!
Vice President's Report (Connor):
I did a little bit of stuff and things
- AND did a BIG BIT of food run (suffering) ((we'll need another one))
- I have played these games before!
Treasurer's Report (Jack):
- My netsuite account is disabled for 27 more minutes
- I
Commbank Account Balance: 3,963.58 Netsuite Account Balance: 10,726.89
Secretary's Report (Chris):
- I did some stuff
- Card Sleeved (as well as a whole box of extra sleeves)
- Newsletter is up
- Time to actually get onto my other action item now (for real for real)
Librarian's Report (Gen):
- managed to get quite a bit of stuff done this week before I left! Finished stripping the minis, did a couple EMPs, entered the stuff I needed to into the library, ordered clock and storage, emailed tactics abt paints and went through most of the baking tray minis
- is it strange to say I’ve missed doing EMPs?
- uh if I get my time zones right I am currently at the colosseum
Fresher Rep's Report (Cooper):
- Ran Summer Boardgames, went pretty well with an attendance of 7
- Randomly had an urge to play Seige 🤮, For Honor is way better though
OCMs' Reports (Jeremy, Nene, Nix, Oscar):
- Jeremy
- klonoa
- im so good at printing posters at uniprint
- and doing announcements
- graphic design truly is my passion
- /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ</li>
- Nene:
- i'm da king of da marker
- miku in fortnite just a few days away
- im seated for uncharity vigil. the event organisers are asking me to leave because its 'not february yet' but im simply too seated
- Nix:
- the children yearn for the kitbashing
- tournament this Saturday!!
- time flies. for when you're having fun.
- Oscar:
- we finally back
- Clock is real only to me
- will become real to the club when gen is back
Immediate Past President's Report (Jackie):
Attendance Count - 43/44 (98%) - hey guys, its me, writing documentes againe - i have a million storage option tabs open for the terrain storage - and have had a chat to understand ideal storage - me and gen made a to do list and made notes on the instagram stuff - i'm writing documents - will get onto getting transaction stuff on the website - "I think she's writing documents" - Chris
Past Action Items:
Action Items:
Message Tactics about Pre-releases (done)
EMP and Advertisement for MTG: Foundations Jumpstart (done)
work on MTG club decks (in progress)
Contact GG's about Prizing for Precon League (in progress)
Talk to Tactics about Blood Bowl tournament sets (not done)
Post about swancon positions (not done)
Make gatekeeper excel about swancon (not done)
Book GCR for AGM (not done)
EMP and Advertising for Intro to MTG (not done)
EMP and Advertising for SNoM (not done)
Contact original donators for stuff in monolith we want ridded. (in progress)
Post Phoenix Feedback Form (not done)
Message gatekeepers about volunteering for O-day (done)
(with Gen) EMP and Advertising for RPG O'Day (in progress)
Contact GMs for Variety Oneshot (not done)
EMP and Advertising for Conkus Cthonkus oneshot (not done)
do food run (done)
Decide on system and date for early february RPG event (in progress)
get sleeves for Killian deck (done)
Investigate organisation of old records (not done)
Do another Newsletter (done)
(with Connor) EMP and Advertising for RPG O'Day (in progress)
EMP and Advertising for Unigames Favourite Boardgames (in progress)
Go through Baking Tray Minis (done)
Make Free sign for the Bits Box (not done)
Strip the remaining metal minis (done)
Send Tactics an Email about Valejo Inspiration Colour Set (done)
Enter Kill Team into the libary (done)
Add Sevens pitch to Blood Bowl Description on website (done)
Look for a chess clock on Amazon (done)
EMP and Advertising for Fresher Welcome (not done)
EMP and advertising for Space Boardgames (not done)
EMP and Advertising for TCG O'Day (not done)
Decide on date for Warhammer RPG (in progress)
Talk to Cam about Painting Day and contact external sources for resin printing (in progress)
Reminder post for Warhammer Tournament (done)
Decide on date for kitbashing day (done)
EMP and Advertising for Intro to Wargaming (not done)
contact Cam/Jade about intro to painting (in progress)
Design objective markers (in progress)
Revive Gatekeeper FAQ document (done)
Research wargaming storage (under long coffee table) (done)
Make Instagram Todolist (done)
Various website updates (in progress)
Make sure you are free for the 28th at 1pm for AGM (done)
Review Gatekeeper FAQ document (in progress)
Read through bank transaction guide (in progress)
Usual Suspects
Board Games
Summer Boardgame Event - Monday 13/1 @ 12pm
- Attendance: 7
- Fire writing
Space Boardgames Event - Wednesday 29/1 @ 4pm
- nupdates > Jeremy: EMP and advertising for Space Boardgames
Warhammer RPG Oneshot Night - Date TBC
- GMs: Jack, Winslade, Josh (Backup)
- Switched with Kitbashing day, because couldn't get in touch with all of the GMs
- Maybe next committee's problem > Nix: Decide on date for Warhammer RPG
Mystery Oneshot Night - 7/2 @ 4-8pm
- Mystery RPG oneshot night
- System agnostic, do sleuthing > Jack: Mystery Oneshot Night EMP and Advertisement
Booster Box Buying Bhenanigans
- Box gone
- It is after new years
- Will probably get one moer foundations box before Aetherdrift Prerelease > Chris: Buy a Booster Box (Foundations)
Magic: The Gathering
Tactics Pre-releases
- Result
- Happy to do prereleases for $55 with 4 prize packs per kit from now on
- Turns out we've been accidentally overcharged for the last couple of prereleases so they are willing to help rectify that
Aetherdrift Pre-release - Sunday February 16th @ 11am
- Just a month away!
Foundations Jumpstart - 23/1 @ 5.30pm
- $25 entry price
- Gets you four Jumpstart packs, of which you choose two to make a deck with
- Unigames will be losing a grand total of like $2
MTG Club Deck Updates
- Josh is going through final drafts
- progress is being made
- List should be finished for next meeting
- Kilian deck sleeved
- We've got extras, and by that i mean a box minus one sleeve > Josh: work on MTG club decks
MTG Precon League - Begins 30/1 @ 6pm
- Check in #precon-league-2025 if you are interested!
- Entry is $10
- Have contacted GGs about prizing, awaiting response
Streets of New Capenna Draft - ???
- Next 'mittee's problem
Introductory Painting day - Mid-February
- nupdates
- Perhaps a paid event:
- Paintbrush and mini included
- Cam does a walkthrough with painting the minis
- Perhaps ongoing?
- $8 brush + $66 for 11 orcs (all prediscount) = $14 per person cost
- Perhaps $5 (rest of cost covered by club) entry to make more accessible
- After O-Day as an introductory event? Potential to do twice
- Contact about potentially resin printing for cheaper
- Painting day + potential workshop with Cam
- Talked with Jade, still need to talk with Cam about potential dates
- Will put out an EOI when we have a date
- Will have Imperial Guardsmen to paint > Nix: Talk to Cam about Painting Day and contact external sources for resin printing
Next Warhammer Tournament - Saturday 18/1 @ 8am
- This Saturday!
- Tickets are now closed
- Tickets sold: 13
- Solo 2k points
- Matt needs to update Best Coast Pairings page to be consistent
- specifically about painting requirement, most people already know
- Next Tournament: 1k tournament on 15/3 (TBC with Matt and Next Committee)
- Potentially organise pizza run at the end of the tournament
Blood Bowl
- 1 Half of a Game Remains!
- Cam has taken the minis home to paint
- Games Workshop has been distributing tournament sets to Local Game Stores
- We don't know much about the details, so it may be worth contacting Tactics or GW to see if there is a way we can get access to this
- Still waiting on tactics o_o
- Will talk to tactics again this week
- Over the last couple of book buys we have acquired a whole bunch of minis
- Gen has found a shelving unit on Etsy that seems like it would fit the teams.
- Acrylic windows so the teams are visible
- Each of the boxes is magnetized
- With a discount from Etsy, the total is $189.95
- updated from last week after discovering we could fit multiple teams in the one box > Josh: Talk to Tactics about Blood Bowl tournament sets
- Gen has found a shelving unit on Etsy that seems like it would fit the teams.
- Discussion with commissioners
- Angus noticed that it was a little weird not to face a large majority of the other players in the league
- Probably due to the number of signups
- Should consider splitting the league if future signups are consistent with this number
- For the most part, people have seemed happy with this league overall
- End of league was a little slow but due to people being busy over the break period, games were very spread out
- Should consider for the future policy to include a stricter method of ensuring games aren't held up without reason
- if someone can provide receipts that they tried to get in touch with their opponent unsuccessfully they could be declared the winner, etc.
- Should consider for the future policy to include a stricter method of ensuring games aren't held up without reason
- The scheduling for the blood bowl board was not particularly an issue this season due to most Blood Bowlers having access to their own board
- There was one game in the practice matches before the season where someone had to use a battle map, but this was also before we got our additional board
- A couple of instances of toxicity that were dealt with without major issue
- Should we consider using the Chess clock for the league
- Consensus seems to be no
- Experienced players played noticably quicker this leauge, so including a clock on request would potentially lead to a worse experience for newer players
- Consensus seems to be no
- Next Season: Early-Mid Feb (TBC)
- Not including 2025 freshers in this season due to the time commitment of a Blood Bowl League
- Unigames Code of Conduct Document
- To be created and explicitly used in League environments but will be entirely consistent with already present clubroom expectations
- Unigames League Games are Unigames events and as a result participants need to abide by the Unigames clubroom rules, etc. > Josh: Contact Blood Bowl Commissioners about Commissioner Regulations > Connor: Create feedback form for Blood Bowl League > Josh: Write Unigames Code of Conduct
- Angus noticed that it was a little weird not to face a large majority of the other players in the league
Objective Markers
- nupdates
- Jackie is currently working on Objective Markers
- Jackie is adding borders! > Jackie: Design objective markers
Kitbashing Day - 25/1 @ 1.30pm
- new date
- People seem interested
- fire writing
- Wargamers have some bits other than the minis they have painted > Nix: Advertising for Kitbashing Day
Fresher Campaigns
- "Not a whole lot happening at the moment" - Cooper
Cameron Hall Minecraft SMP
- Will have a closing meeting soon
- otherwise nupdates
- Connor is messaging them RIGHT now
- reps: Connor, Nene
Cameron Hall Quiz Night - 12/9 @ 7pm @ The Tav
- Waiting to be distributed to us
- Unisfa has transferred the shmoney to us
- $17 approximately
- Unisfa has transferred the shmoney to us
Joint Camp
- Profit Distribution is going through
- $4096.89 sent to UCC
- Likely doing one more meeting for feedback
- Subcommittee Reps are Jack, Cooper, Connor
- Feedback form released!
- Go give us your feedback please!
Uncharity Vigil - 1st - 2nd February
- Meeting 4 has happened
- Date decided as 1-2 February
- Also need to make sure we are running enough games throughout the night
- Stretch Goal ideas (e.g. Wargaming budget/chairs):
- Chair Cushions
- Reps: Josh, Jeremy
- Have decided to do breakfast stuff for the people who are here early morning
- Dragon channels are up! Go suggest some dragons > Josh: Whip up door stuff
O-Day - 21/02
- Gatekeepers have been messaged
- need Fresher guides + Stickers
- need people to set up
- Also need to book a card reader > Connor: Message gatekeepers about volunteering for O-day
Fresher Guide
- To be typed and printed:
- Quotes
- Prez Speech
- Frep Speech
- We got time for this, but give it a thought
- Cooper look at previous guides to see what Gen yapped about > Everyone: Start thinking about your quote for the Fresher Guide
Fresher Welcome - 27/02 @ 4pm
- Depends on AGM date
- Coopers last stand > Cooper: EMP and Advertising for Fresher Welcome
AGM - 28/02 @ 1pm
- Depends on when we can get it booked
- We can get it booked (threat)
- Has been fixed
- We can get it booked (threat)
- Early President gets the GCR as they say
- I will also finish up my (stupidly minor) ammendment > Josh: Book GCR for AGM > Everyone: Make sure you are free for the 28th at 1pm for AGM
Far Future Events
- Will Post to Gatekeepers about those interested in the swancon major positions
- Will make a gatekeeper excel sheet for the volunteer positions
Josh: Post about swancon positionsi Josh: Make gatekeeper excel about swancon
Week 2 - week of 3/3
- Monday is labour day (no event)
- RPG O'Day - Contacting people needed
- Before Variety Ideally
- Tuesday 4th starting earlier (1-2ish) > Connor, Gen: EMP and Advertising for RPG O'Day
- Variety Oneshot - Contacting people needed
- Wednesday-Friday, whatever suits gms > Connor: Contact GMs for Variety Oneshot
Week 3 - 10/3
- TCG O'Day - Jeremy
- Tuesday 11/3
- Discuss if you want this, I think this is a good spot for it > Jeremy: EMP and Advertising for TCG O'Day
- Magic: The Gathering - Josh
- Will get the help of others, likely some new committee members
- Wednesday 12/3 > Josh: EMP and Advertising for Intro to MTG
- Unigames Favourite Boardgames (name tbc)
- Decided against social deduction games due to noise concerns regarding early events
- Friday 14/3 > Gen: EMP and Advertising for Unigames Favourite Boardgames
Week 4 - 17/3
- Intro to wargaming - Nix
- Combat Patrol
- Kill Team
- Blood Bowl
- Some wargamey board games
- Root
- Gaslands > Nix: EMP and Advertising for Intro to Wargaming
- Intro to painting - Nix
- Usually just a painting day, but if cam is wanting to run something proper, here would be where we do it
- Do it earlier in the week preferably
- Talk to Cam/Jade about if they are willing to help out with this > Nix: contact Cam/Jade about intro to painting
- RPG - Popular but not D&D (CoC is a good choice) - Thursday or Friday depending on the other two intros > Connor: EMP and Advertising for Call of Cthulhu oneshot
- SNOM - Josh - Sunday 23/3
- Basically just to show freshers when Magic players tend to come in
- Ensure that we have someone who can attend this (I can do it) > Josh: EMP and Advertising for SNoM
- Approved
- Pending
- $84.00 to Donald for Chocolate Blocks
- $4096.89 to UCC for Joint Camp Profit Distribution
- Unsubmitted
- $41.89 to Gen for Sevens Pitch Splat Buy
- $35.04 to Gen for Bunnings Run (Paint stripper, gloves)
- $189.95 to Gen for miniature storage rack
- $28.04 to Gen for chess clock
- $67.38 to Nene for more chalk markers
- $24 to Chris for sleeves
- $510.60 to Connor for food run
- Cameras
- Nupdates
General Business
- No new Gatekeepers
- Jackie is going to revive the Gatekeeper FAQ document > Jackie: Revive Gatekeeper FAQ document > Everyone: Review Gatekeeper FAQ document
- No new Webkeepers
Room Updates
- Josh has the Nene Removal List
- has done some of the removaling
- Other items are things we can maybe auction
- will contact original donators first
- Is now not christmas
- Reorganisation of Mini Shelf
- We have Kill Team now, so we have all the measurement details
- Kill Team is on the shelf
- We will try to use this space for the new Mini Shelves > Gen: Go through Baking Tray Minis > Gen: Make Free sign for the Bits Box
- We have Kill Team now, so we have all the measurement details
- Box of metal minis in the monolith
- have been stripped > Gen: Strip the remaining metal minis
- New club paints
- Valejo Inspiration Colour Set
- Waiting for tactics to get it in
- Valejo Inspiration Colour Set
- Warhammer terrain storage
- Will be put underneath the long coffee table
- Need box to be boxy and flat
- can't really make use of box with weird shapes
- probably no wheels
- Definitely need a lid
- Once it has been put into the new box, will be put under the long coffee table, with a "How to Pack" guide inside
- A bit of clearance for the terrain would be good
- Options:
- IKEA Rykta box
- Stackable, good size and shape
- Kmart 52L storage tub
- concerned about durability
- Kmart linen look storage bag
- not box enough
- IKEA Rykta box
- We've decided to get two IKEA Rykta boxes at $20 each > Jackie: Research wargaming storage (under long coffee table > Josh: Contact original donators for stuff in monolith we want ridded.
- 2023 Ball Photo to be printed and put up on the side of the fridge
- has been sent to officeworks for printing
Sem 2 Book Buy - done
- Newly Entered Games:
- Kill Team starter set
- Games waiting for Tactics:
- For the Queen
Painting the Blood Bowl Minis
- nupdates
- Current team colours:
- Black Orcs: Black and Purple with Gold Metallic Highlights
- Cam has these and they are being painted
- Imperial Nobility: To be decided
- potentially for this upcoming Uncharity Vigil
- Black Orcs: Black and Purple with Gold Metallic Highlights
- Bloodbowl team base painting
- Want this to be done before next Uncharity Vigil
New MTG Welcome Set Starter Decks
Oscar: Investigate MTG Welcome Set Starter Decks
Upkeep Items
- Chess Clock is here (not here here, but here in spirit)
- Got new liquid chalk markers for the window
- "I'm not a real chalkhead" - Josh
Food Runs
- Done, need to do another one
- not urgent, but we probably need more cans > Jeremy: Do Food Run
Phoenix Revival
- Feedback form will come out This week > Josh: Post Phoenix Feedback Form
Uploading Old Minutes
- Nupdates (Last discussed: meeting #26)
Organising Old Records
- Gonna do it (threat) > Chris: Investigate organisation of old records
- Was sent out
Committee Business
Instagram Account
Todolist made with Gen
- with the other documents sent by Jackie
- May need to refilm how to get to clubroom videos
2025 calendar has been updated with university weeks
Implementing Bank Transactions
- will be put on the website
- Implementation currently waiting on completion of usage guide and transaction log on website
- Draft has been sent to Committee to review
- Potentially worth editing point about no microtransactions during vigils
- maybe allow transactions over $10
- Jackie will brainstorm > Everyone: Read through bank transaction guide
- Potentially worth editing point about no microtransactions during vigils
Website Updates
- Nupdates
- 'About Us' page
- We should update this with new Fresher Guide information
- We should add information about how to suggest SPLAT buys/give donations to the club
- Currently in the Fresher Guide; just need to move it to the website > Jackie: Various website updates
- Start writing yer' handovers
- Upload them to the drive when finished > Everyone: Write handovers
Meeting closed: 6:10PM