Unigames Committee Meeting #45 - 14/01/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 14/01/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #45 - 14/01/2021


  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Josh
  • Gwen
  • Kyle


  • Autumn

Meeting scheduled: 6pm

Meeting open: 6:05pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Pretty much all the paperwork stuff is done
  • Sorted out the O Day issues
  • Learned you can add an email chain as an attachment to a different email
  • Tenancy things actually got done promptly which is wild

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • Nutted out an application (tenancy), we got it!
  • Slept for 48 hours, then thought about response of tenancy application
  • Tenancy

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • said i'd do halloween and then immediately got a job (whoops)
  • some shelves at the job are too high for me to reach lol
  • reimbursements have gone through!
  • i gotta hunt some ppl down for camp stuff
  • account balance: $6,756.41
  • also i want to (finish) watching sky high

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • Thank you Gwen for minuting

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • Hey Gwen, congrats on being secretary, welcome to hell.
    • President's Note: Emerald is bad and naughty and does not prepare reports
  • Delaney stopped being in God prsion and is now in literal hell (an upgrade?)
  • Helped Alice with fresher guide
  • Looked at games to put up for auction
  • Thank you all very much, I love you, good bye

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • May or may not be currently at a JB Hi-Fi

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • brr brr whee-ooo (various computer crashing sounds)
  • Gwen:
    • cowboy board games went good. We played deadwood (the third pretty book game) which people seemed to enjoy
    • there were lots of awful and even somewhat decent accents and hats.
    • thank you Alice for helping out when I had to disappear for a couple of hours
  • Josh:
    • aaaaaaa help, very busy
  • Kyle:
    • been crazy busy trying to balance my life so havent really done much

Past action Items:


Follow up on gatekeeper application - done Uncharity business (along with Josh) - done


Ultimate assault on halloween (along with Jackie) - not done Organise a day to work on fresher guides next (along with Alice) - not done Talk to gozz about readying the logo for a fresh lick of paint - in the works Write tenancy application and run past committee - DONE! Coordinate an inter club planning meeting - done


Ultimate assault on halloween (along with Taylor) - not done


Submit scifi boardgames contact tracing information - done Send out a newsletter - not done


Find some stuff to auction at uncharity - done


Organise a day to work on fresher guides next (along with Taylor) - not done Fresher welcome EMP - started


Bring OTP terrain to uni and find a place to stash it - not done (but for good reason)


Uncharity business (along with Alistair) - done


Do EMP and loft booking for yee haw board games on Wednesday - done


  • no updates

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Yee haw board games [Wednesday 13/1]:

    • Lots of people and hats and accents
    • Most accents were not that good, but people tried and that's what counts
    • Texas said that the accents were fine, so we're clear
  • Next board games

    • Will be busy moving in February so we'll leave next board games to next committee


  • D&D Oneshot [Probably Week 2]:
    • Alice is in process of gathering DMs
    • There are 6.5 DMs (one is a maybe)

Magic: The Gavining

  • Alistair's EDH [Friday 22/1 4pm]:

    • FNM - means Friday night Magic
      • Apparently half of committee didn't know this so Alistair has just been saying random letters at them for weeks
    • It is scheduled, come along :)
  • Kaldheim Prerelease [Sunday 31/1/21]:

    • All sorted.
    • Come along!
  • First MtG event of semester [Probably Week 3-4]:

    • No updates


  • OTP Terrain

    • Still waiting for somewhere to put it
  • First wargaming event of semester [Probably Week 3-4]:

    • No updates

Fresher Campaigns

  • No updates


Halloween 2019 [26/10/19]:

  • No updates (just in case you hadn't heard, Jackie got a job)

Taylor, Jackie: Meet up to discuss Halloween

Book Buy [Thursday 1/10, after committee meeting]:

  • Path of waves (big sad)

Uncharity Vigil [Sat-Sun 30-31/1/20]:

  • Events are up and posters will be up soon

O-DAY [Friday 19/2/21]:

  • Fresher guides

    • Emerald and Alice went through it
    • Latest version up on drive

      Taylor, Alice: Work on Fresher Guide

  • Signup forms

    Jackie: Update Signup forms

  • Shirts

    • We should advertise we have them
    • We should push sales at Uncharity
      • We should post about it in advance with sizes available
      • We are sold out of 3XL

        Alistair: Contact Will about his shirt

Fresher Welcome [Thursday 25/2/21 (Week 1)]:

  • Need to book furniture from somewhere
    • We need to know what and how much we need
      • Chairs!
    • Capacity for Loft+Room+Unisfa = 54 (yikes!)
      • UniSFA mentioned we might be able to use their room so Alistair can follow up on that

Alice: Fresher welcome EMP

AGM [Friday 1pm 26/2/21 (Week 1)]:

  • No update

Club Carnival [Probably Tuesday Week 2]:

  • No update

PROSH [Probably]:

  • No update

Unigames "H" [REDACTED] [July]:

  • No update

Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [November]:

  • We can sort out an exact time on Tuesday and get UCC to book it
  • We need to figure out who is paying for it

Room Update:

  • The room has been updated, pending appeals
  • We have been allocated room 184b (currently UWAnime)
  • Biggiegames (or Hugiegames)
  • We are not appealing (for obvious reasons)
  • Taylor has a diagram of chain of movement. We are in the middle of a long chain of moving.
    • It's okay, Taylor has a gameplan that will let us move as soon as possible
    • First to move will be the Women's Department
  • We will yeet everything in as quickly as possible, and then sort through it in the new room
  • New room = no cupboards

Taylor: Talk to Chloe about move schedule


Completed: - $850.15 to Jackie + $923.91 for camp refunds = $1774.06 - $200 to Tylor for camp tickets - $181.50 to Guild Finance for oday bookings


  • Tenancy Reallocations

    • See room update
  • Elevator

    • no update
  • Semester grants

    • Still waiting on breakdown
    • Will be brought up at SOC meeting (20/1)

      Alistair, Jackie, Emerald: Attend SOC meeting

  • Best Club award

    • no update

General Business:

Student Leadership Training

  • It'll happen. Sign up if you want to do it
    • Go to guild website
      • Don't type "guild website" in google though

Year planning meeting

  • Happening next Tuesday


  • Website

    • Donald has given D&D inspired updates
    • Donald and Gozz have met up to do things. Gozz touched it and it became better but also more complicated.
      • It's been a long ride
    • Donald and Gozz just need to figure out things, but they will meet up to do that
  • Newsletter

    • Still needs to be done

Autumn: Send out a newsletter

Member Privacy

  • No update

Moving Plans

  • First priority: a method for securely storing the keys and locking up stuff (like sharps and money) that can't be accessible to everyone
    • We need to start to figure this out now
    • Approval from tenancy is required to get a wall mount for the keys
    • It's possible we will have the cupboards a little longer, but if not we'll have to leave keys with Guild
  • From start of semester we want the room to be functional for use (tables and chairs set up)
    • How are we going to set up the room?
    • We probably need to buy a new table and chairs
      • We should contact Aiden whether we can submit an SPG for things we already bought
      • Something like a table is vital to the club and so we should be able to get funding for it
      • Chairs are definitely a neccessity. We did have 19 chairs at some point.
    • A a table we can draw on would be ideal, but could be a hastle
      • We've got to think about price and practicality
      • We need to start looking into what's out there and prices
    • Moving our current table into the new room will require completely disassmebling it
      • We could also just use our tables in the loft
    • New webcams possibly needed
      • Leave this for after we access to the room
  • We should also talk to UWAnime about their airconditioner
    • Leave this to next week
  • Maps need to be redone for fresher guides and flyers
  • We'll stop buying perishable frozen foods so moving the freezer will be easier
  • Committee learns of the tragic tale of Morris and Borris
  • Microwave shenangians are discussed
    • Jackie isn't allowed to use the microwave anymore

Jackie: Contact Aiden about how SPGs work

Meeting closed: 7:11pm

-- This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Contact Will about his shirt

Attend SOC meeting (along with Jackie, Emerald)


Meet up to discuss Halloween (along with Jackie)

Work on Fresher Guide (along with Alice)

Talk to Chloe about move schedule


Meet up to discuss Halloween (along with Taylor)

Update Signup forms

Attend SOC meeting (along with Alistair, Emerald)

Contact Aiden about how SPGs work


Send out a newsletter


Attend SOC meeting (along with Alistair, Jackie)


Work on Fresher Guide (along with Taylor)

Fresher welcome EMP