Unigames Committee Meeting #45 - 15/01/2024

by Joshua Annison 15/01/24

Unigames Committee Meeting #45 - 15/01/2024

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Connor
  • Josh
  • David
  • Gen
  • James
  • Oscar
  • Chris
  • Gibbi
  • Hannah
  • Emerald



Meeting scheduled: 4:00PM

Meeting open: 4:11PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • painting comp has started!
  • dragon is literally 15 minutes from being done (sent 13 minutes ago)
  • uhm. idk what else

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • Doing tasks
  • Tasking stuff
  • Otharri Quickplay guide real

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • Covidified
  • Account Balance: $10,712.00

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • House sitting good
  • Have started on my "long term" (bang it out in a day) projects
  • No Tenancy reply yet, but you know what is even more scary?
    • Freddy fives bear

Librarian's Report (David):

  • ran NEW boardgames (nightcage good)
  • chaired uncharity subcom as a fun prank

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • PLease please please let me in uwa please
  • I have painted a cat
  • 32 days until i get to see taylor swift
  • (33) days until I turn 19

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James, Oscar):

  • Chris:

    • Child ^^^
    • "Auuuughhh??" - Chris
    • Happy New Year (Chris was dead last meeting)
    • May become a pokemon professor?
  • Hannah:

    • I’m baaack
    • and also brought chocolate
    • Happy new year (was also dead)
    • Escaped the hell that is unihall
  • James:

    • Escaped the ** that is UniHall. I wonder if they’ll find what I’ve left behind…
    • Too exhausted from moving out to move
    • Dodged Covid (Unlucky Connor)
  • Oscar:

    • we vibin' (call of cthulu deals me emotional damage)
    • time to paint a cat (not yet) (later)
    • moving house #3 complete
    • OGM tomorrow!!! if you don't come i'll be sad
    • Gen has introduced Oscar to sauces (salsa and hungry jack milkshake)???

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==16/45 (100% WR)== Meeting (Only because of the engagement)
    • HiiiiiiIIII
    • Guess who had covid (not david ro connor)
    • Merry christmas and happy new year
    • Sorry haven't been here to say it in person
    • busy getting engaged
      • ( round of applause )
    • 2nigames wedding????

Past action Items:

Action Items:


Finish merching it up - In 15 minutes

Update UCC archive - Long Term in Pogress


Ravnica: Remastered draft EOI - Done

Laminate painting guide - Done


(with Oscar) Facebook event put up - Connor Did


L5R Organisation - Done

Start on Phoenix - Done

Finish Archiving the Old Minutes - In Pogress


Nut out NYNB - I nutted!


Write BotC noise handout sheet - WRITTEN


(with Connor) Facebook event put up - I failed

Usual Suspects

Board Games

New Year New Boardgames - 11th of January
  • David nut it out
  • It went
  • 10 attendees
  • went for 3 hours
  • yeah
  • people like amongus and night cage
  • no 3 hour ti4 game ;-;
Long Term Boardgames - Thursday 8th of February
  • Its back (Chris is also back)

Chris: Talk to Jon Chris: Long term board game organisation

Demand for More BotC Events - Saturday 27th of January
  • James is happy to do more events
  • Lots of people wanted more events
  • Won't be in a bi-weekly spot, James will run them around our set schedule

James: Nut out another BotC event


L5R RPG - 23rd of January @ 5PM
  • Everything is going well so far
  • Curse of ra shall be repelled, and none of our gm's will die
  • GM's: Merlin, Harlowe and Cam
Arc Oneshot 2: Electric Boogaloo - Week of the 12th of February
  • In February
  • Before Feb Jackie will learn to run arc
  • Jackie will check date with Gibbi this week


Magic: The Gavining

  • There will be a quick play guide for Otharri RIGHT NOW IT IS REAL LETS GO (37 or so's until we did it lads)
  • Im working on it I swear
Booster Box Buying Bhenanigans
  • Ixalan 1/2rds of way through
  • Same with new Capenna
    • +1 box of New Capenna
  • Murders at Karlov Manor spoilers start tomorrow (prerelease is on uncharity so we will have to do a release)


  • It's coming

Ravnica Remastered Draft

  • EOI didn't show enough interest for us to really have it be worth it

Club decks: Gibbis Document

  • They are real
  • Jackie wants Gibbi to worry about uncharity more than the club decks
  • Gibbi:
    • Gibbi will finish building/playtesting the club decks
    • Gibbi doesn't think the decks are balanced against each other
    • Hoard mana base is slow
    • The club decks should all teach things
    • Darksteel Forge -> Nev's Disk is "fucked"
      • Agreed
  • Chris:
    • Decks have good variety, may not match up to the rest of the pod
    • Goals are simple but aren't implied by the commander, which can make it a little bit more confusing
  • Alistair:
    • Current decks are "intro friendly"
    • Beginner player w/ good deck won't necessarily beat a seasoned vet with worse decks
    • He hates tutors
    • Be careful
    • Are always going to be weaker than the average members deck
    • There are paragraph descriptions of the full deck list and strategy that exist on the club Archidekt page
      • May need to advertise this link before
    • Hoard mana base is slow (duh its 5 colour)
    • Repeating mistakes is bad, as such I impart my wisdom unto Gibbi, the new keeper of the decks
  • Oscar:
    • Strategy guide with deck in deck box would be pog
  • Gibbi's Plan:
    • Happy to make 3 new club decks
      • With a budget for cards, sleeves, boxes
      • Gibbi is thinking of a per deck price of about $150 + tokens, $20 for sleeves, $15 for deck box
        • As an estimate, one deck in particular is way under this budget
      • Happy to go 50/50
      • Sounds like a good plan
        • Quite cheap
      • No budget approval yet, get a sleeves and deck box budgeted as well as actual deck lists
      • Update us along the way
      • $640 MAXIMUM PRICE MAX
        • Almost definitely lower
      • No new assets until tenancy applications come back
        • Which will be soon right hahahah!
  • Club decks being owned by the club is good so that as members come and go we don't have to keep contact with them, can edit them without permission of people who have moved on from Unigames

Pokémon TCG

  • Tactics got back
  • They do not currently run Pokémon events, they do not have a "Poké professor" (Pokémon equivalent of a judge)
  • Chris is interested :eyes:
  • Will wait until late Feb before doing anymore Pokémon events
  • Feb SAP


Broader Wargaming Discussion
  • Budget:
    • Jack and Cam have been looking into it
    • Will be kept updated
    • Lots of member suggestions
Early January Doubles Warhammer 10e Open w/ Matt - 18th of January @ 8:30am-6:30pm
  • That is this Thursday
  • Spectators are very welcome, you can drop in/drop out whenever you need to, and is a great way to see if you may actually be interested in pursuing Warhammer 40K as a hobby
  • In Ezone: Giumelli Learning Studio 206
  • Jackie will bring dinks
Painting Competition - (Painting day) 15th of January from 11am
  • Started today
  • lots of little guys in front of Jackie
  • Only Gen and Jorja came in to paint today, but people have come in and picked it up
  • Awards will go to:
    • Most Technical Skill
    • Most Creative
    • Best little guy
  • Confirmed Judges
    • Amelia
    • Cam
    • Lachlan
Bloodbowl League - Sign-Ups close on the 18th of January
  • Posts have gone up
  • Signups are still on-going
  • $5 to enter the league, can be subsidised, as well as a $5 fee for the WAFFL membership
  • Cam and Lewis are now "Commissioners" on discord, so you can ping them for all your questions
  • Will continue organising with Cam, make sure to get stuff out quickly

Oscar, Connor: Bump Blood Bowl Sign-ups

Fresher Campaigns

  • Yeah
  • Haven't heard anything since last week
  • They are probably fine

Cerberus Camp 2023 - 17th of November - 20th of November

  • We have given our share, waiting on money
  • Feedback Form is HERE

40th Anniversary - 20th of October

  • 10 more minutes...
  • Mainly just smoothing out the ball stuff for future committees

    Hannah: Write ball handover

Jackie: Finish merching it up

Uncharity Vigil - Saturday 3rd to 4th starting at 4PM

  • Budget Approved Unanimously
  • Subcom didn't want to reduce the budget like we suggested
    • Same deal as charity vigil
    • no concerns about any clubs meeting that amount
  • What do we want to raffle/auction
    • Raffle
      • "the ship thing"
      • paintball tickets
      • "Things from Josh's sister"
    • Auction
      • Monopoly
      • Axis and Allies
      • Unigames playmats
  • Advertising up by this week
  • We are the only auction heads
  • Jackie needs to set up the dragon stuff

Chris: Message tactics about uncharity

Far Future Events

O'Day 2024 - Friday 23rd of February 11:00AM - 3PM

  • Wait for it...
  • O'day people said: Uhhh yeah you did pay us actually we see that now we are sooo sorry for being mean to you Unigames

Fresher Welcome - 29th of February from 4PM to late

  • gonna wanna start organising this
  • EMP loft booking advertising (done by Gen)
    • As well as extra chairs (we can steel tables form UCC)
    • 20~ish chairs
  • Email/Call dominos telling them we are going to have a big boy order
    • Wait for it...
  • Draft up an announcement, but will be announced during o-week (yeah, i got time)

Gen: EMP for Fresher welcome

OGM - Tuesday the 16th of January @ 1PM

  • Welp, that's tomorrow
  • "come" - Jackie
  • "I want quorum" - Jackie
  • "Round of Jugs if we get quorum and have a sub-1 hour meeting" - Jackie
  • "Mainly I just want quorum" - Jackie
  • Chris needs to bring mic because of some sick/late committee members
  • Mandatory coming
  • One of the amendments has been withdrawn

AGM - 1st of March @ 1PM

  • Yep
  • Book that time off if you are able to

Tokyo Alley - 13th of April from 10am to 5pm

  • Nupdates


  • Approved
    • $471.88 to Jackie for Stickers & Lanyard Keychain
    • $34.08 to Josh for Painting PPE
    • $695.63 to Connor for numerous Joint camp receipts
    • $520 to Jackie for Ixalan Prerelease
    • $177.16 to Josh for 23rd Food Run
    • $209.75 to Connor for 14th Food Run
    • $789.65 to Connor for Book Buy
    • $181.50 to Guild for O'Day Stall
    • $400 to Gibbi for Magic Boxes
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $419.35 to Jackie for Foodrun
    • $25.50 to Jackie for Primer



  • We wait for reallocation...

General Business:


  • No new Gatekeepers


  • No new Webkeepers

Room Update

New Kallax
  • Waiting on Tenancy Allocations
New Printed Banner
  • Waiting on Tenancy Allocations


Book Buy 2: Electric Boogaloo - 4th of December
  • Waiting on:
    • Ink
James' Donations: Poker Set
  • Normal playing deck is not sufficient
    • Having the chips is "kinda necessary"
    • tracking with chips is a lotttttt easier than using dice
      • bit of a nightmare
    • Chris: If we are getting a poker set and we aren't gambling then the chips lose their meaning and the game is played differently
      • Hannah: Perfectly fine to play it as a non-gambling game
    • Emerald:
        1. If we support traditional games then we should definitely have a poker set
        1. You can't bet money on any of our games this isn't specific to this (despite the context)
        1. Fake money in the club is good to have around for all sorts of uses, events, games etc
        1. Not really any good reason not to accept this
    • Chris: Has jumped the fence
    • Gen: Chips good
    • We can put a note inside saying not to gamble on UWA property
    • Motion to accept the poker set as a donation vote:
      • Accepted unanimously
SPLAT-Buy Proposal - Flamecraft
  • Posted By Everest, James and Texas
  • Get resources, fulfill wincon, get special mission dragons
  • Good Art
  • There was a lot of hype around it and people were sad it didn't get in so here we are getting splatted
  • David also wants to donate to the splat-buy
  • Flamecraft Passes

David: Contact people about Flamecraft splat-buy

David's Archival 'Stuff'
  • He thought about it at least once
BotC Noise
  • It has been written

    Gen: Print and laminate the BotC noise sheet

Painting Guide

Gibbi: Put painting guide in box

Food runs

  • Jackie and Joshie did it
  • Fine for at least another week
Chocolate prices

Josh: Check choccie prices for 2 weeks straight


  • Donald working on big update
    • Advanced search coming

Phoenix Revival

  • This is a long term project obviously, but will keep the committee updated

Frosh: Start on Phoenix

Archiving Old Minutes

  • UCC Archive updates as well as porting over old minutes to new website

Frosh: Nut out old minutes Jackie: Update UCC archive

Committee Business

  • Come to OGM tomorrow
  • Handovers: Start working on them
  • Fresher Guide Quote

/gavin tav

  • In Pogress

    James: Do gavin tav video

Unigames Members: Ask James if he is editing video

Meeting closed: 5:55 PM