Unigames Committee Meeting #46 - 21/01/2021

by Autumn Brough 21/01/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #46 - 21/01/2021


  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Josh
  • Gwen
  • Kyle


Meeting scheduled: 6pm

Meeting open: 6:12pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Straight up having a time right now
  • Will hopefully be able to resolve it next week
  • Hopefully
  • Screaming
  • Wizards of the Coast is being bad with shipping again
  • Still working on some Uncharity details

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • went to interclub timetable planning
  • worked on subcommittee regulations
  • was too sick to make it to my first soc meeting as a soc ocm
  • evap aircon should be illegal in australia
  • in addition, gozz went out and bought an aircon for our house (identical to unigames' and unisfa's)
  • worked on halloween

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • tried to force my way through halloween finances with taylor, and it’s still a mess
  • emailed aidan about both table spg and 2020 grants
  • also updated the sign up forms through a definitely too complicated process involving photoshop
  • signed up for SLT in february
  • cosplayed as cherish hehe
  • account balance: $6,756.41
  • also unrelated but we should take a 2020mittee photo together bc we forgot to take one at the agm

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • i'm doing self care at gunpoint. the sleep comes soon i promise
  • transitioning is a part time job u__u

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald affectionately addresses the committee and member base
  • Tommyinnit may be dead I have not seen the finale livestream yet and I’m thinking about it a lot
  • I went to the soc pac meeting it was cute
  • I’ve devoted myself to embroidering banana grams
  • i love you all thank you for reading the minutes

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • This week i did an emp. Gonna fix it before meeting hopefully. (5am - 10am XD)
  • I left my charger in the room last Thursday only figured out where I'd put it by Tuesday after my planned meetup with Taylor and multiple panics.
  • Nikolai.
  • Uhhhhhhhhh the girls at koorong (christian bookstore) said i was the coolest person they'd ever met
    • (strained) christians can be cool
    • Editor's note: the more detail alice gave to this story, the less cool it becomes
    • Editor's grievance: Alistair and taylor make a classic but very over-used joke
  • Think that's all.

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • uhh jan is picking up in speed
    • weeeeeeee wooooooooo
  • Gwen:
    • I technically ran a "parlour larp" which was cool
    • hehe busy January
  • Josh:
    • I am so tired
    • I promise I wont flake on magic tomorrow
  • Kyle:
    • So busy and yet I got nothing done
    • broke my ass at tactics (you're welcome tactics) (also broke tactics with ass)

Past action Items:

-- This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Contact Will about his shirt - done

Attend SOC meeting (along with Jackie, Emerald) - done


Meet up to discuss Halloween (along with Jackie) - done

Work on Fresher Guide (along with Alice) - done

Talk to Chloe about move schedule - not done


Meet up to discuss Halloween (along with Taylor) - done

Update Signup forms - done

Attend SOC meeting (along with Alistair, Emerald) - done

Contact Aiden about how SPGs work - done


Send out a newsletter - not done


Attend SOC meeting (along with Alistair, Jackie) - done


Work on Fresher Guide (along with Taylor) - not done

Fresher welcome EMP - done


  • no updates

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Fresher welcome will be our big intro board games

  • Board games Week 3


  • D&D Oneshot [Wednesday 3/3, Week 2]:
    • Day after club carnival is preferred

Alice: Contact GMs and organise D&D oneshot

Magic: The Gavining

  • Alistair's EDH [Friday 22/1 4pm]:

    • Come to friday night magic!!!!
  • Kaldheim Prerelease [Probably Sunday 7/2/21]:

    • Wizards of the coast have delayed the release :////

Alistair: Orchestrate kaldheim prerelease

  • Intro to MtG [Friday 12/3 Week 3]:
    • Friday Night Magic

Alistair: Intro to Magic FNM EMP


  • OTP Terrain

    • no udpates
  • Prelude to Painting [12-3pm Tuesday 9/3, Week 3]:

    • Painting during common lunch hour

Jackie: Painting Day Week 3 EMP

  • Intro to Wargaming [Week 4]:

Kyle: Organise Intro to Wargaming

Fresher Campaigns

Alice: Draft up signup forms for Fresher Campagin GMs


Halloween 2019 [26/10/19]:

  • Jackie and taylor found a lot of evidence this week!!!!
  • They acquired a not-quite-final, but very detailed, spreadsheet
  • The spreadsheet referred to a lot of mystery receipts. Most receipts have now been found
  • Is now viable to check that the numbers are actually correct
  • Jackie has identified one mistake
  • Still need to make sure all expenses have either been reimbursed or waived
  • Had a big panic about lots of different numbers not lining up before realising they were looking at 2018 docs
  • 36 DAYS REMAIN (scary clock town theme plays)

Taylor, Jackie: Save the world of halloween

Jackie: Hunt down UCC halloween receipts for sport

Book Buy [Thursday 1/10, after committee meeting]:

  • Path of waves - it would be nice if we had it

Uncharity Vigil [Sat-Sun 30-31/1/20]:

  • Subcommittee has set out most of the schedule, it's going to go out tomorrow, pending people who said they would run one-shots
  • Here's the 411:
    • Pizza run is 7
    • Magic at 9
    • Alistair to schedule oneshots
    • Auctions to close at midnight
    • Sleep deprived debates at 2am
    • Will gavin run midnight Maid? Will joshua run midnight Maid?
  • Ed has said he is going to donate to make people play monopoly
  • Dragon colouring-in template will be provided in advance

Taylor, Jackie: Make sure the lineart for the dragon is good to go by Monday

O-DAY [Friday 19/2/21]:

  • Apparently a bunch of clubs still haven't booked their oday stalls. Give us the good spot please :3

Taylor: Writeup the oday howto guide for taking money etc

  • Fresher guides
    • No update for this week

Taylor, Alice: Monday fresher guide writing

  • Signup forms

    • Jackie has been editing it in photoshop
  • Shirts

Fresher Welcome [Thursday 25/2/21 (Week 1)]:

  • EMP has been submitted and amended
  • Timing
    • People show up from 4, and earlier
    • Let's start by 2
    • Have us show up around lunchtime to start preparing

Alice: Update the fresher welcome EMP to fourteen hundred hours

  • Furniture
    • We need to book rental furniture from libcal
    • Talk to leigh about chairs

Alistair: Email leigh about borrowing chairs for fresher welcome

AGM [Friday 1pm 26/2/21 (Week 1)]:

Autumn: Send out notice of AGM as part of a newsletter

Alistair: Send our updated AGM to SOC

Club Carnival [Tuesday 2/1, Week 2]:

  • No update

PROSH Olympics [1pm Tuesday 16/3/21]:

  • Date confirmed

PROSH [24/3/21]:

  • Date and theme confirmed
  • We need to pick our own club theme. Ppl wanna do highschool musical but there are risks of everyone else wearing perth wildcats
  • Unisfa is a yes, Uwanime is a maybe, UCC are a probably not

Charity Vigil [Probably Sat 3/4/21 - Sun 4/4/21]:

  • Soft date confirmed

Swancon [24/4/21 - 26/4/21]:

  • Date confirmed
  • Unigames involvement: encouraged

Unigames "H" [REDACTED] [Friday 16/7/21 - Monday 19/7/21]:

  • Dates have been moved! Due to realising it clashed with panto production week
  • Editor's Grievance: Same as before

Quiz Night [Probably Friday 20/8 or 27/8]:

  • Soft dates confirmed

Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 4/9 - Sun 5/9]:

  • Soft date confirmed

Relay for Life [October]:

  • Guessing this will be 9/10 - 10/10

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ 77 Social [Thursday 21/10/21]:

  • Free bookings on thursdays!
  • Soft date confirmed

Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [November]:

  • General preference for 26/11 - 29/11 as our dates. That gives two and a half weeks between last day of exams and the first day of camp.
  • Second preference for a week prior. Big break after exams seemed preferred.
  • Christmas panto isn't until 5 weeks into the holidays.

Room Update:

  • hahaha updates your room

Taylor: Confirm moving schedules

  • Apparently some other clubs are negotiating to shuffle themselves around still, but it doesn't affect us that much. We still want to move as fast as possible.
  • Floor hole (yaaaay hole all my homies love hole)
  • Alistair has learned of a legendary new tenancy maintenance email address

Alistair: Email tenancy about maintenance


  • No updates

Jackie: Do a food run


  • SOC Meeting

    • There was a SOC meeting
    • Vouchers
      • Fun new thing: A whole bunch of freshers, when they go to get their guild stickers, are going to be given vouchers for club membership (up to the value of $5)
      • We need to treat it like a $5 that guild will reimburse us for
      • We're all good to charge our usual amount with this system
  • Tenancy Reallocations

    • There's a meeting next thursday at 5. Hopefully Taylor and Alistair will be able to get to our meeting for 6 but it may be late.
    • Officially reschedules next week's committee meeting for 7pm
    • Unlikely that anything affecting us will change
    • Taylor predicts that by the end of Friday next week, appeals will have been finalised and we will be able to start moving
    • Lockers movement info will need to be clarified at the meeting
    • We've been informed we don't get storage (intentional on our part) but the realllocations have not been decided
  • Elevator

    • No update
  • Semester grants

    • We have just just received the detailed breakdown
    • For the 2020 Sem2 Grant we applied for $10.8k
    • We were allocated $5.9k (55%)
    • Apparently close to the cap
    • The 2019 correction has not been included. THIS WAS WHAT WE WANTED TO KNOW

Jackie: Email about the 2019 grant correction

  • Special project grant
    • Confirmed Table SPG is a go
    • Everybody have a group discussion abt tables to buy. We want to get our new table sooner raher than later
    • Reconfirm that wargaming requires 4ft x 6ft

Taylor: Research gaming table as SPG goal

  • Best Club award
    • Still waiting on that one

General Business:

Student Leadership Training

  • Jackie has signed up for SLT in February! Sign up with her if you want SLT, it is very useful for being a committee meeting!
  • Also dates in April

Emerald: Sign up for SLT

Year planning meeting

  • It happened!
  • We have put soft dates for pretty much every major event
  • We really can start booking venues now and adding dates to the minutes
  • Taylor reads out the calendar to the committee. I add Unigames relevant events to the minutes
  • God look at all those soft dates :D
  • Taylor also has some updates subcommittee regulations to share with committee
  • The big remaining question mark from the meeting was a wanting to include a clause about people who are banned from clubs

Taylor: Update the committee on subcommittee regulations regarding banned members


  • Website

    • No updates
    • Gozz is musing on buying a second 3d printer
  • Newsletter

Autumn: Send out a newsletter

Autumn: Pre-draft a newsletter to go out in week 1

Member Privacy

Alistair, Taylor: Work on member privacy regulations

Meeting closed: 7:45pm