Unigames Committee Meeting #47 - 28/01/2021

by Jackie Shan 28/01/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #47 - 28/01/2021


  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Josh


  • Autumn
  • Ash
  • Gwen
  • Kyle

Meeting scheduled: 7pm

Meeting open: 7:06pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • lmao at Tenancy who thought we'd let them finish the meeting in an hour
  • My hairbrush broke rip
  • Uncharity is sorted among other things
    • we have toilets!
  • Congratulations to my Committee Mum Gavin for getting engaged

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • Congrats to IPIPP Gavin on his engagement
  • "delegates legal next of kin rights to gavin" - rebecca (probably)
  • Table hunt is incomplete but now involves a bunch of nepotism
  • Tenancy consultation vibe check; vibes: excellent, wording: to be fixed later

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • big congrats to gavin!!! i'll vote for u (for gavin) anyday dude
  • got called "middle aged" and "old" by people who were only a year younger than me at work
  • emailed soc trez aidan again
  • longingly stares at LED gaming table
  • got coins (for myself but also for the club if needed) out for uncharity!!!
  • come to uncharity!!
  • i did a food run also!
  • account balance: $6,790.05
  • also i'm minuting today

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • did a newsletter
  • thank you [insert name] for minuting
    • it's me (jackie) minuting
  • Congratulations to Donald for solving the newsletter puzzle

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • hello everybody!! feeling tired!! working hard!! (jackie please put the flex emoji in here)
    • 💪
  • will be able to be overnight fr uncharity!! changed plans!! quit my shitty job!!
  • did my action item (when you read this, unigames member, it will be true!)
  • congratulations gavin, can't wait for all of committee to be your bridesmaids
  • xoxo lots of love, yours truly, me :3

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • I contacted GM's for the dnd oneshot, found a date for the dnd oneshot, and wrote an EMP for the dnd oneshot.
  • I applied for student leadership training.
  • Stay tuned for new updates, like: updating my calendar for all the new dates, working on the fresher guide with Taylor, and other fun and interesting things ill get up to.
    • Updates: yes, no, no.

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • uh got burnt and lost voice
      • sunburnt? roasted?
      • vicous mockery trauma?
    • hoping it goes the frick away before uncharity (it's this week!! Wowsers!!)
  • Gwen:
    • I'm on an island playing board games currently. It's a good life
  • Josh:
    • finally brought Delaney back to life to stop emerald complaining
    • wowzee weezee I got a packed weekend
  • Kyle:
    • (apologies)

Past action Items:


Orchestrate kaldheim prerelease - done Intro to Magic FNM EMP - not done Email leigh about borrowing chairs for fresher welcome - not done Send our updated AGM to SOC - ??? Email tenancy about maintenance - not done (but it's fine) Work on member privacy regulations (along with Taylor) - lmao


Save the world of halloween (along with Jackie) - not done but jackie did Make sure the lineart for the dragon is good to go by Monday (along with Jackie) - not done but jackie did Writeup the oday howto guide for taking money etc - not done Monday fresher guide writing (along with Alice) - not done Confirm moving schedules - in progress Research gaming table as SPG goal - in progress Update the committee on subcommittee regulations regarding banned members (along with Alistair) - lmao Work on member privacy regulations (along with Alistair)


Painting Day Week 3 EMP - in progress Save the world of halloween (along with Taylor) - super in progress 2 oreos away Hunt down UCC halloween receipts for sport - done Make sure the lineart for the dragon is good to go by Monday (along with Taylor) - done Do a food run - done Email about the 2019 grant correction - done


Send out notice of AGM as part of a newsletter - done Send out a newsletter - done Pre-draft a newsletter to go out in week 1 - not done


Sign up for SLT - done


Contact GMs and organise D&D oneshot - done Draft up signup forms for Fresher Campagin GMs - done Monday fresher guide writing (along with Taylor) - not done Update the fresher welcome EMP to fourteen hundred hours - done


Organise Intro to Wargaming - unsure


  • no updates

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • fun fact: there'll be board games at uncharity!
  • Come To Uncharity


  • fun fact: there'll be rpgs at uncharity!
  • Come To Uncharity
  • DND Oneshot Night [Wednesday 03/03]
    • date has been confirmed!

Magic: The Gavining

  • fun fact: there'll be magic at uncharity!
  • Come To Uncharity
  • prerelease should be going ahead on the 7th
    • Alistair will let people know if we get shafted by WotC again


  • fun fact: we have not scheduled wargames for uncharity :(
    • "for legal reasons chess is a wargame"

Fresher Campaigns

  • signup sheet draft has been started


Halloween 2019 [26/10/19]:

  • I have hunted down basically all the receipts
  • the only things missing are uniprint (posters + tickets)
  • and also a discrepancy in the cocktail ingredients, but i've looked everywhere so it doesn't exist
  • next step is to bully unisfa for uniprint and then to do a hypothetical distribution plan!

    Jackie: hunt down unisfa uniprint halloween receipts Jackie: hypothetical halloween distribution plan

Book Buy [Thursday 1/10/2020, after committee meeting]:

Uncharity Vigil [Sat-Sun 30-31/1/21]:

  • people have been emailed, hopefully bathrooms will be unlocked and bathroom escorts will be avoided

    Alistair: phone campus management/security about bathrooms tomorrow if needed

  • flood light discussion
    • BYO torch event
  • logo base has been uploaded for people to make mock-ups
  • what do we have available to sell?
    • emerald doesn't have the list with her right now

      Emerald: send the list of sellable things to committee Emerald: contact old unvigil prize winners


    Jackie: do a milk food run for uncharity on the day

O-DAY [Friday 19/2/21]:

  • Fresher guides

    • almost done, mockup has been sent
    • waiting on president's address, friend clubs and jackie's art

      Jackie: finish those little fresher guide sketches Alistair: write president's address

  • Signup forms

    • website is being deployed
    • problems with electronic only: power supply, unreliable connection
    • if we were to use electronic forms only we'd have to analyse how doable it is with to do with phones, and bring power banks, laptops and a backup 4g connection
    • this is a matter of going full on paper forms or full on electronic, essentially
      • if we need backup paper forms, we will need to print out the full amount anyway

        Taylor: look into how the new website is set up in terms of signup forms Jackie: get an itemised quote from Uniprint for all of the O'Day printing (200xfresher guides, 50xflyers, 50xsignup forms, 300xforms, stickers) Jackie: ask Uniprint about O'Day printing deadline Jackie: ask Uniprint if last minute on the day printing is possible

  • Shirts

    • we have many shirts left
    • buy them at Uncharity! it'll go towards voting on the 2021 logo!

Fresher Welcome [Thursday 25/2/21 (Week 1)]:

  • Loft is booked, EMP is done, everything is good for that!
  • Jackie (me) has been educated about how to do the pizza stuff, by Taylor
    • we need to remind people on O'Day/newsletter before the event to tell us about their dietary requirement

      Jackie: find the 2020 fresher welcome pizza receipt for pizza purposes

  • (the sound of us losing quorum as alice leaves)

AGM [Friday 1pm 26/2/21 (Week 1)]:

  • Event will be put up After uncharity
  • Anybody who wants to submit anything to the agenda has to submit it by 19th Febraury (O'Day)
  • Finalised agenda has to go up on 21st February (Monday Week 1)
  • Nominations post will go up 2 weeks before the AGM
    • We should have brief descriptions for each of the roles to put into this post

Club Carnival [Tuesday 2/1, Week 2]:

  • waiting for registration to go up

PROSH Olympics [1pm Tuesday 16/3/21]:

  • no updates

PROSH [24/3/21]:

  • we need to register and decide a theme
  • we will be with unisfa! with our arms open to our friend clubs

    Alice: ask Unisfa who their PROSH marshall is

Charity Vigil [Probably Sat 3/4/21 - Sun 4/4/21]:

  • next committee's problem

Swancon [24/4/21 - 26/4/21]:

  • next committee's problem

Unigames "H" [REDACTED] [Friday 16/7/21 - Monday 19/7/21]:

  • next committee's problem

Quiz Night [Probably Friday 20/8 or 27/8]:

  • next committee's problem

Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 4/9 - Sun 5/9]:

  • next committee's problem

Relay for Life [October]:

  • next committee's problem

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ 77 Social [Thursday 21/10/21]:

  • next committee's problem

Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [November]:

  • next committee's problem

  • but also we're going to form a subcommittee so we can have a booking and make subcommittee decisions

Room Update:

  • jackie (me) keeps on almost tripping on the hole in the floor 🕳️
  • kelvin came in to take photographs of all the work orders in our room
  • next tenant's problem (pending appeals)

New Room Furniture (pending appeals):

  • normie ass tables of specific dimensions that we need are Hard To Find
    • current options: expensive ass gaming table or custom table
  • Taylor has found some Australian options, but no WA options for gaming tables
  • She is also looking into getting a quote for a custom table made for the new room
  • Taylor will be comitting acts of carpentry investigation after Uncharity Vigil
  • Table needs to be able to actually get into the new room

    Taylor: measure the width of the new room corridor

  • What about our current table?
    • We can easily get the current table out of the room without dissasembly, but we cannot get it into the NEW room without dissasembly
    • If a custom table is feasible in terms of cost, we could get two new custom tables?

      Alistair: investigate our tables that we have in the Loft

  • We need to make a goals list for new room furniture, for Uncharity
    • table, whiteboard(s), mayhaps a couch, cabinet, more shelves
    • (sound of alistair opening IKEA)


    • Jackie: $384.60 for the food run


  • Tenancy meeting happened today!

    • Contracts were discussed
      • unigames is the model (best) club and/or our contract was on the top of the pile of examples
    • Non-student access was discussed
      • We have threatened to send Many EMPs in
  • Tenancy Reallocations

    • Guild is still working on appeals, should be done by tomoz (fingers crossed)
    • Women's Department is still waiting for things before they can start moving
    • Storage movements could be happening before room movements
      • This is inconvenient for us because we'd have to move all our things into the room, and also lose access to the room key
      • We will discuss with the people getting our cupboards, to make sure things work out
      • We need to arrange with Chloe when she needs to inspect the room, check the key etc for us to be officially out of the current room
  • Elevator

    • No update
  • Semester grants

    • Still waiting on a reply from Aidan confirming if our 2019 Semester 2 Grant was paid out or not
  • Special project grant

    • Need to know which table we want before we can do anything on this
    • I am ready to SMASH an SPG application out LITERALLY anyday
  • Best Club award

    • Still waiting on that prize

General Business:

Student Leadership Training:

  • Jackie, Emerald and Alice have all been signed up for the Feb session


  • Website

    • They are experiencing the Plague Of Egpyt (Bugs)
    • Attempt at deployment occured, it wasn't ready, there are problems, but now we can fix the problems
  • Newsletter

    • Autumn has sent one out!

      Autumn: Draft the O'Day newsletter


  • WRITE THEM (please)
  • Taylor has grand intentions and wants to write a big nice handover for all events
    • Taylor also needs to write a to-do list

      All: Start thinking bout that handover

Regulation Work

Alistair, Taylor: Work on member privacy regulations Alistair, Taylor: Work on interclub regulations

Meeting closed: 8:42pm

- sorry everyone for my Need to type in lowercase Only

This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Phone campus management/security about bathrooms tomorrow if needed

Phone campus management/security about bathrooms tomorrow if needed (along with )

Write president's address

Write president's address (along with )

Investigate our tables that we have in the Loft

Work on member privacy regulations (along with Taylor)

Work on interclub regulations (along with Taylor)


Look into how the new website is set up in terms of signup forms

Look into how the new website is set up in terms of signup forms (along with )

Measure the width of the new room corridor

Work on member privacy regulations (along with Alistair)

Work on interclub regulations (along with Alistair)


Hunt down unisfa uniprint halloween receipts

Hunt down unisfa uniprint halloween receipts (along with )

Hypothetical halloween distribution plan

Hypothetical halloween distribution plan (along with )

Do a milk food run for uncharity on the day

Do a milk food run for uncharity on the day (along with )

Finish those little fresher guide sketches

Finish those little fresher guide sketches (along with )

Get an itemised quote from Uniprint for all of the O'Day printing (200xfresher guides, 50xflyers, 50xsignup forms, 300xforms, stickers)

Get an itemised quote from Uniprint for all of the O'Day printing (200xfresher guides, 50xflyers, 50xsignup forms, 300xforms, stickers) (along with )

Ask Uniprint about O'Day printing deadline

Ask Uniprint about O'Day printing deadline (along with )

Ask Uniprint if last minute on the day printing is possible

Ask Uniprint if last minute on the day printing is possible (along with )

Find the 2020 fresher welcome pizza receipt for pizza purposes

Find the 2020 fresher welcome pizza receipt for pizza purposes (along with )


Draft the O'Day newsletter

Draft the O'Day newsletter (along with )


Send the list of sellable things to committee

Send the list of sellable things to committee (along with )

Contact old unvigil prize winners

Contact old unvigil prize winners (along with )


Ask Unisfa who their PROSH marshall is


(All) Start thinking bout that handover