Unigames Committee Meeting #47 - 31/01/2022

by Guinevere Sellner 31/01/22

Unigames Committee Meeting #47 - 31/01/2022


  • Alistair
  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gwen
  • Ethan
  • Chris
  • Luna
  • Texas


  • Vikrum


  • Nina

Meeting scheduled: 5:30pm

Meeting open: 5:36pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Enrollment hell
  • Got uncharity and magic stuff done though
  • Yes that's most of what I've done
  • T-posed on Jarcus

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • I've been in hospital alllllll week, I'm good though
  • I'm sorry I didn't write a report, or go to tactics
  • I've been in hopital

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • imagine disliking me, how u let a bitch w no license piss you off
  • still waiting on shirt producers to respond to me oTL
  • annoyed halloween subcom
  • tentative meeting time w Kieran for wargaming terrain
  • account balance: $9,614.50

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • Ruined the chance to have an all in person meeting because of the house hunt
    • I am sorry, I wish I wasn't spending every weekday working 7-3 then going to 3 house inspections
  • Sent out the newsletter last week, things were a little fucky wucky so I'm not sure if it went through to everyone
  • Go play the newsletter game, it's a particulary hard one this week
  • Bothered Kieran to message Jackie back. You're welcome. bows
    • Thanks Kieran

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • Is hob-nobbing
    • hob-nobbing = networking (apparently)
  • Something?
  • idk
  • Grad reunion?

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • Moi names Atlas and I aim to be fucking slow
  • Gave a player the ability to give inspiration
  • Started working on Handover
  • Looked at Fresher GM's
  • Thought about fresher welcome EMP

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Luna, Nina, Texas):

  • Chris:
    • Stardew valley rpg sure is ready to playtest
    • attended subcom meeting
    • i now have a system other than dnd that i can probably gm, so i can say in full confidence that dnd bad
  • Luna:
    • 60% of my life is consumed by work.
    • Atlas failed to hold up the world.
    • My arms feel like wet noodles and I haven't even had my COVID shot (which I will have tomorrow)
    • I have made the discovery that 8 years ago, I started puberty, and this year, I started puberty.
    • So I have boobs now, they are sensitive.
    • Hit my players with a monster that does Int damage, made a player hit 1 Int, almost killed her
  • Nina:
    • Probably sleeping
  • Texas:
    • if i had a nickel for every dnd character ive had who stole a powerful magic item from people way more powerful than them id have 2 nickels
    • evil westmarche things
    • might have to kill Paranoia
    • told a fresher about stabby
      • He wasn't a fresher
      • Texas then claims she is a fresher
      • Texas is also not a fresher
    • 2 dragons

Past action Items:


EMP for Magic - done

Bother Alaura - done

Large scale borrowing regulations - not done

Get the committee to make a vote - done


Card sleeves and nail polish - not done


Meet with Kieran - in progress

Chase up clubs for Hall-o-ween budget - done

Camp booking - done

Email UniPrint about sticker printing times - done


Get Kieran to message back Jackie - done

Newsletter - done


Book buy stuff - in progress


Organise Paranoia One Shot - attempted


(Everyone) Library data entry - in progress


  • no updates


  • no updates

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Next board games: fresher welcome??


  • Next one shot: Paranoia [Week of 7/2]
    • Texas tried
      • Ellie can't do it, Jack hasn't replied, Alistair is the only GM that's free
      • Might can it

Magic: The Gavining

  • Neon Dynasty Kamigawa 2077 Pre-release [Sunday 11am 13/2/22]
    • EMP is done, loft is booked, Discord event has been made!
      • That's right, there's discord events now
      • "Idk how they work, I'm not a zoomer"
    • There's spoilers that keep coming, and it's looking pretty cool
    • Come to pre-release! Be weeb!


  • Primarch day [Saturday 10:30am 5/2/22]

    • Auction happened on Saturday, the results are all up
    • The event itself is this Saturday!!
    • There are at least 2 pregens that got made with decent ranks
      • Message Winslade if you couldn't make the event but wanna still play
  • Terrain

    • Tentative meeting time this Saturday morning

Fresher Campaigns

  • There are continued GM submissions
    • Maybe Alistair will run some CoC
  • GM EOI form: https://forms.gle/PTFFQ47rhE2cuMN97


Cameron Hall-o-ween @ The Tav [Thursday 21/10 7pm]

  • Jackie made a budget
    • We approved it!

Uncharity Vigil [February some time]

  • There is a budget
    • Pizza is our only cost which we always make money on
    • $5 entry
    • $50 per club shared raffle
    • We require about 27 people to break even
      • Alistair fixed the number of people to break even calculator, it's been broken for so long
      • He did it, and Vikrum wasn't even here to see
    • It will be the usual even split for raffle stuff and inidividual club profits kept for themselves
  • Jarcus will be doing EMP tonight
    • Alistair T-posed on him

DnD with Panto [January??]

  • Clare posted in panto today asking for Panto GMs, so things are moving along
    • I spelt Clare without an i for the first time


  • Submitted
    • $454.32 food run (17/01/22) to Jackie
    • $100.72 terrain painting supplies to Jackie
    • $28.16 terrain painting supplies to Amelia
    • $181.50 Oday stall to Student Guild
  • Unsubmitted
    • $36.14 Pyramid Camp supplies to Emerald


  • Semester grant
    • No updates
  • Envirogrant
    • No updates

General Business:

Room Update

  • Table
    • No updates


  • Classification system

Everyone: Library entry

  • Book Buy

    • Pending
    • Waiting on reply from Tactics
  • Card Sleeves

Emerald: Card sleeves and nail polish

Food runs

  • We need forks and plates


  • Donald has been doing more bits and pieces
    • He updated the library screen, it looks good


Alistair: large scale borrowing regulations

Westmarche Campaign

  • Form for GMs:
    • https://forms.gle/DvqCNr3uMY2WD4Sr94
  • Please can GMs write up their session times on the board!!
  • Things are happening

Shirt Stuff

  • Jackie has all the preorders
  • We're just waiting on a reply from the shirt people
    • Hopefully they reply soon

Meeting closed: 6:02pm