Unigames Committee Meeting #48 - 04/02/2021

by Autumn Brough 04/02/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #48 - 04/02/2021


  • Alaura
  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Josh
  • Ash
  • Gwen
  • Kyle


Meeting scheduled: 6pm

Meeting open: 6:08pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Uncharity Vigil was really good apart from that one portion
  • We raised a massive amount of money and I'm very proud of everyone
  • I went home and when I woke up we'd been thrown into lockdown so that was a nice surprise
  • Meant to put up the AGM event but I got distracted by everything so that hasn't happened yet
  • On the bright side, I sorted out my enrollment and am official a student this year

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • Between uncharity and sudden lockdown this week has been an absolute hot mess and I kind of have no idea what's going on
  • addendum to my action items:
    • I have made a start at looking into custom tables

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • ah shit, here we go again
  • already rewatched hsm1&2 so You Know
  • the Universal Experience of going home and taking the post uncharity nap and waking up to a lockdown
  • ok but uncharity vigil was v fun!
  • to my best estimates (i didn't have time to do a full count of all the unigames money before the event started) we raised ~1.4k for the club (not including entry + pizza)
  • i would give better notes but my calculations are in the finance tracker in the clubroom l o l
  • almost spent too much money on the auction
  • i also left like 4 separate things in cameron hall (whoops)
  • i was going to do finance things on tuesday but (gestures)
  • (remove this if taylor says it) bee nice roll dice 2021
  • the unigames milk...........
  • account balance: $6,790.05

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • attended uncharity for a bit (sleepy girls car)
  • thinking about handover and newsletters

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • emerald forgets to unmute herself
  • it's been a week
  • i was supposed to be on island time right now so i'm playing minecraft instead

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • alice forgets she is on push to talk
  • Written a fresher rep handover, started on a flyer, ran an event, did some posts, went to uncharity (shit that feels like it was weeeks ago).

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • remembers immediately she is on push to talk
    • uncharity was vv fun, and caused much confusion when sleep deprived me found out about lockdown pt 2
    • uhh basically napping all day to kill isolation
    • :3
    • hope everyone is safe 💜
  • Gwen:
    • online board games were good fun (thanks Alice)
    • I won every game I played thus I can still keep my discord nickname ("Gwen (Winner)")
      • taylor proposes "Gwinever"
  • Josh:
    • ive played so much minecraft over the past three days
      • ive started playing blocks in my sleep
    • woke up to two separate apocalypses but things are keeping me going, yknow
  • Kyle:
    • couldn't go to rottnest :(
    • started skating!! (skateboarding) (not second daddams)
    • the end

Past action Items:

This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Phone campus management/security about bathrooms tomorrow if needed - not done

Write president's address - mostly

Investigate our tables that we have in the Loft - investigated

Work on member privacy regulations (along with Taylor) - (grimsby voice) imagine

Work on interclub regulations (along with Taylor) - maybe more


Look into how the new website is set up in terms of signup forms - done

Measure the width of the new room corridor - not done

Work on member privacy regulations (along with Alistair) - ditto

Work on interclub regulations (along with Alistair) - ditto


Hunt down unisfa uniprint halloween receipts - postponed

Hypothetical halloween distribution plan - postponed

Do a milk food run for uncharity on the day - done

Finish those little fresher guide sketches - not done

Get an itemised quote from Uniprint for all of the O'Day printing (200xfresher guides, 50xflyers, 50xsignup forms, 300xforms, stickers) - done

Ask Uniprint about O'Day printing deadline - done

Ask Uniprint if last minute on the day printing is possible - done

Find the 2020 fresher welcome pizza receipt for pizza purposes - done


Draft the O'Day newsletter - not done


Send the list of sellable things to committee - done

Contact old unvigil prize winners - oh well


Ask Unisfa who their PROSH marshall is - done


(All) Start thinking bout that handover - BE THINKING


  • no updates (unsurprising)
  • We should think about getting people to reapply ahead of new committee

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Online board games 3/2/21
    • Thank you alice for running an emergency lockdown games night
    • People seemed pleased to lose themselves in the board games


  • DND Oneshot Night [Wednesday 03/03]
    • GMs still sorted
    • Probably need furniture for this as well as the fresher welcome

Alice: Email Leigh about furniture for the fresher welcome and the dnd oneshot

Magic: The Gavining

  • Prerelease [Sunday 7/2/21]
    • Theoretically running??? But no positive word
    • Tactics said they should be able to get the cards for this weekend, WOTC haven't indicated any more delays
    • Unless a case shows up in the next 24 hours, we might be able to run it???
    • We need to email Guild asking if they give a thumbs up for this event
    • And make an announcement on Saturday at the latest

Alistair: Email tactics and guild about prerelease urgently

Alaura: Pick up prerelease product following mark's instructions

  • Intro to Magic [Friday 12/3 Week 3]
    • Alistair did the EMP!


  • Painting day [12-3pm Tuesday 9/3, Week 3]
    • Jackie has started the EMP

Jackie: Painting day EMP

  • Intro to Wargaming [Week 4]
    • Kyle has been writing a How To Run Wargames doc, unsure of own involvement for next year
    • Big hand for handovers
    • Gwen can potentially try to wrangle boys into being wargamers

Gwen: Attack intro to wargaming

Fresher Campaigns

  • GM Signup
    • It would be nice to have GMs locked in nice and early but their availability will not be remotely reliable at this point
    • We could do signup sheets now, and then availability sheets later
  • Player signup
    • Will be happening during the semester

Alice: Prepare Fresher Campaign GM and player expression of interest and availability forms


Halloween 2019 [26/10/19]:

  • No update

Book Buy [Thursday 1/10/2020, after committee meeting]:

  • Path of waves - no update

Uncharity Vigil [Sat-Sun 30-31/1/21]:

  • It happened!!!
    • We did the event!
    • Roughly $1.4K profit
    • Thank you taylor for your bounteous dollars
      • "I just really wanted uggtect"
    • Oneshots
      • Fired OK, got good engagement
      • The GMs were not told to keep a separate donation jar so they could know how much they individually raised
      • Cooperation rather than competition for this year
      • Return of the king (gavin ran midnight maid)
    • Board games
      • People played them!
      • Monopoly happened at 5am??
    • Magic
      • People liked alistair's wacky format
      • Money was raised
    • Auctions
      • Raised ~$700
      • Dice stonks
    • Door and Pizza
      • A single pizza mixup occured, and then we had to go get 1 more pizza bc of dietary restriction mixup
      • $62/club raised (number also includes debates)
    • Printing
      • We spent $2
    • Finances are locked up on campus
    • Any feedback from committee to wider subcommittee?
      • Thumbs up for unprogramming competition, could do with better communication
      • Confusion happened around unisfa pay-for-screening, disparate lengths of media were flying around
      • Chess event in the loft used up two large tables, which meant that multiple small tables had to get combined to play board games. Space for optimisation

O-DAY [Friday 19/2/21]:

  • Fresher guides
    • Aaallmost done
    • Just waiting on sister club descriptions, jackie illustration and map, and alistair message
    • Label "Old Unigames" and "New Uniagmes" on the map, include a note about moving over the course of feb-march

Jackie: Work on fresher guide and pamphlet illustration

Taylor: Review the fresher guide

Alice: Finalise the fresher guide

Alice: Include a note about moving in the fresher guide

  • Signup forms

    • Jackie has received a quote from uniprint:
      • 50 signup forms = $23 dollars, 300 signup forms for $28
      • 200 fresher guides = $170
      • 50 flyers = $25
      • 3x150 Stickers = $30.80
    • Order will need to be made by the 12th
    • (200xfresher guides, 50xflyers, 50xsignup forms, 300xforms, stickers)
    • Info about electronic signups:
      • If you are a new member, you fill out all your info
      • If you are a returning member, the system remembers who you are, so fewer steps are involved
      • Therefore, returning members are super easy to do on a gatekeeper's laptop/phone
      • "Fast lane signup" for returning members
      • Utilise space at the back, let people stand in the shade while we sign them up
      • Need to make plans to accomodate power supplies, portable chargers
      • Wifi can be provided by hotspot
    • Make the judgement about physical/digital signups by the 12th, get our printing submitted
  • Shirts

    • Some got bought at uncharity

Jackie: Inventory of the shirts

  • FB event
    • We can promo our stall to the FB group
    • encourage members/gatekeepers to wear their unigames shirt

Alistair: Oday fb event

Fresher Welcome [Thursday 25/2/21 (Week 1)]:

  • Pizza
    • Jackie has done the reading
    • Past 2 years, we have spent ~$200
    • Using the same basic order

Jackie: Email dominos about fresher welcome pizza

AGM [Friday 1pm 26/2/21 (Week 1)]:

  • Event

Alistair: Put up an FB event for the AGM

  • Autumn to send out an email on the 12th informing members that committee nominations are open

Club Carnival [Tuesday 2/1, Week 2]:

  • No update

PROSH Olympics [1pm Tuesday 16/3/21]:

  • No update

PROSH [24/3/21]:

  • Cam is confirmed Unisfa marshal
  • UCA (Chess) is apparently interested
  • Alice and Cam will need to formulate a theme and properly register us as a team
    • Theme needs to be something easily accessible that people will happily engage with
    • We have had a crafting day in the past
    • Ideas: bugs and bunnies, the monstars, ???, maybe more

Alice: Organise PROSH with CAM

Charity Vigil [Probably Sat 3/4/21 - Sun 4/4/21]:

  • next committee's problem

Swancon [24/4/21 - 26/4/21]:

  • next committee's problem

Unigames "H" [REDACTED] [Friday 16/7/21 - Monday 19/7/21]:

  • next committee's problem

Quiz Night [Probably Friday 20/8 or 27/8]:

  • next committee's problem

Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 4/9 - Sun 5/9]:

  • next committee's problem

Relay for Life [October]:

  • next committee's problem

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ 77 Social [Thursday 21/10/21]:

  • next committee's problem

Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [November]:

  • Alistair, Jarcus and Merlin are pencilled in as preliminary subcommittee, to hand off later

Room Update:

NEW ROOM (pending appeals):

  • Guild has not finished assessing appeals

  • Taylor has pulled some strings and has some numbers to call regarding custom tables

    • Priorities: identifying costs
    • We have uncharity money, semester grand money, and best club money
    • We are also applying for an SPG
    • So we are in a position to potentially drop a few grand on a fancy table
    • Gozz has broached the topic of chipping in for a new table
      • Gozz brims with animosity towards our current table
      • Anti values the craftmanship

Taylor: Pursue custom tables and share links to noncustom tables with committee

  • Uwanime furniture swapsies
    • We will do our own research before approaching them

Taylor: Find our original aircon receipt


    • Jackie: $384.60 for the food run + $59.30 for uncharity milk run = $443.90


  • Tenancy Meeting

    • Issues have cropped up surrounding security and insurance of lockboxes and cupboards
    • Taylor believes we not banned from having lockboxes, we just need to worry about them prohibiting lockboxes in convenient locations
  • Tenancy Reallocations

    • We have apparently been allocated a locker.
      • They have renumbered all the lockers and given us an ambiguous description
      • We believe it's locker 11 in the Cam Hall walkway
      • Proposed plan to ask to swap to 1 (our current cupboard), at least for the length of our room
      • Discussion
      • We commit to that plan.

Taylor: Contact guild about our supposed cupboard

  • Elevator

    • No updates
  • Semester grants

Jackie: Bump email with Aiden about semester grant

  • Special project grant

    • To be tackled in the future
  • Best Club award

    • Still waiting

General Business:

Student Leadership Training:

  • Jackie, Emerald and Alice have all been signed up for the Feb session
  • Please reach out if you are interested in this


  • Website

    • Theoretically good to go
    • Wait another week and see its status at the end of the week to decide if we can use it oday
  • Newsletter

Autumn: Write up an AGM email to go out on the twelfth

Autumn: Write up a day one newsletter


  • Alice proposes doing writeups specifically for online events

All: Start writing your bloody handovers


  • Member privacy regulations
    • No update
  • Interclub regulations
    • No update

Review of meeting without notice (31/1/21)

  • Committee had a meeting during uncharity to discuss a proposed logo design
  • Minutes have been published on the website. Heed the trigger warning at the top of the minutes
  • Consensus was to remove the proposed design, and allow people who put money behind it to redistribute. An explanation of the situation satisfied everyone involved, one issue was raised and resolved quickly.
  • The situation is done now. This is a good opportunity to analyse how we got to that point and how we can change that going onwards.
  • Taylor's thoughts on how committee discusses and argues ideas
    • Committee members are friends and discuss things in a casual way
    • Things are taken seriously in an interclub setting, "If it's not written down it never happened"
    • We have to take a similar attitude to unigames business
    • We can't assume people know things about committee's thinking. We have to communicate with the memberbase in order to do the right thing by the people who trust us to make decisions for them
    • Our memberbase ranges from 17 to 30s something, experiences are not universal, anything obvious to us is not visible to everything
  • Taylor's thoughts on defusing a potentially harmful situation
    • One of the reasons this didn't come up until as late as it did was becuase the risk was not discussed until it was a near certainty that it was going to occur
    • We're familiar with the EMP system and guild events. That mindset to risk management needs to extent to the rest of committee business
    • Even if there's a slim chance of a problem unfolding, it needs to be brought up asap, rather than leaving us to do damage control
    • The advantage of being on a committee is having a wide range of experiences and perspectives. Even if something is minor, bring it up in a meeting, and if it's a 90 second convo where we write it off, it's still important and worth discussion.
    • When something needs fixing, that highlights problems in the system as a whole
  • The concerns had been loosely thrown around but never explicitly brought up amongst committee. Be direct. Listen to the concerns of others - if it sounds minor but they had the guts to speak up then it deserves your attention. Even if it is not immediately actionable.

Meeting closed: 8:31