Unigames Committee Meeting #49 - 11/02/2021

by Autumn Brough 11/02/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #49 - 11/02/2021


  • Alaura
  • Alistair
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Josh
  • Ash
  • Gwen
  • Kyle


  • Taylor

Meeting scheduled: 6pm

Meeting open: 6:10pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • did some tenancy things
  • sorted out uncharity money
  • drafted up a nominations post for the AGM
  • Oh yeah I ran the prerelease

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • finished fresher guide illustrations
  • redrew cam hall and UWA map
  • (thankfully not from memory)
  • (but i could totally do cam hall from memory)
  • also made some sticker/facebook banner mockups with new logo
  • bumped email w aidan
  • shilled unigames to an incoming fresher friend hehe
  • account balance: $8,980.05

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • finally not working full time next week

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • I wish all my members a very happy mask
  • I've begun my handover and its a beautiful monstrosity
  • i'm miss my bf gym
  • o day next week!!!
  • uni start week after oTL oTL oTL
  • remember to get your sleep schedules in order and read any prereading before semester start folks~<3!!
  • went to a prerelease

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • Did my action items
  • Joined a gym o//
    • alice post routine
  • Joined twitter after much complaint from Cormac
    • U_U
  • Went to the museum and saw some lovely crabs and frogs.
    • follow me @Protagonist0002 to see photos

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • big breath
    • brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    • i've also forgotten that uni starts soon
  • Gwen:
    • nya
    • oh gwen actually said "here" but i'm keeping this
  • Josh:
    • Alistair Langton
    • went to the prerelease
    • plYed more minecraft
  • Kyle:
    • this far away from :(
    • @alice post routine and post goals

Past action Items:

Alistair Langton:

Email tactics and guild about prerelease urgently - done Oday fb event - not done Put up an FB event for the AGM - done

Taylor Home:

Review the fresher guide - not done Pursue custom tables and share links to noncustom tables with committee - not done Find our original aircon receipt - done Contact guild about our supposed cupboard - done

Jackie Shan:

Painting day EMP - done Work on fresher guide and pamphlet illustration - done Inventory of the shirts - done Email dominos about fresher welcome pizza - not done Bump email with Aiden about semester grant - done


Write up an AGM email to go out on the twelfth - not done Write up a day one newsletter - not done

Alice Rosario:

Email Leigh about furniture for the fresher welcome and the dnd oneshot - done Prepare Fresher Campaign GM and player expression of interest and availability forms - done Finalise the fresher guide - done Include a note about moving in the fresher guide - done Organise PROSH with CAM - done

Guinevere Sellner:

Attack intro to wargaming - started :)

Alaura Evans:

Pick up prerelease product following mark's instructions - done


(All) Start writing your bloody handovers - please


Alistair: Make a post about gatekeepers needing to reapply soon

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • fresher welcome is covering this
  • this is fine


  • DND Oneshot Night [Wednesday 03/03]
    • This event and fresher welcome both need furniture
    • Leigh will deal with... after oday

Alice: Contact leigh about dnd furniture

Magic: The Gavining

  • Prerelease [Sunday 7/2/21]
    • 17 people attended!!
    • Thank you to Unisfa for letting us use their room for a game
    • We need to return the excess product to Tactics
    • Event was really good! People were satisfied
    • Alistair didn't get the card he wanted :(

Jackie, Emerald: Return excess Kaldheim product to tactics

  • Intro to Magic [Friday 12/3 Week 3]
    • Venue is confirmed booked


  • Painting day [12-3pm Tuesday 9/3, Week 3]

    • Jackie has completed the EMP!
  • Intro to Wargaming [Week 4]

    • Kyle's wargaming how-to is basically finished!

Fresher Campaigns

  • GM Signup

    • Alice posted the expression of interest!
    • 7 expressions of interest received so far (including two maybes)
  • Player signup

    • Alice has prepared the form
    • But no freshers yet


Halloween 2019 [26/10/19]:

  • Ground to a spooky halt due to lockdown
  • Jackie you have 2 weeks left
  • it's 2 oreos away from being done

Book Buy [Thursday 1/10/2020, after committee meeting]:

  • Path of waves - no update
  • Gaslands - arrived! we have it!

Uncharity Vigil [Sat-Sun 30-31/1/21]:

  • Wrapup meeting
    • Final budget has been produced
    • Each club gets $61.05 profit from shared money
    • Total unigames profit clouded due to mixing moneybox money with uncharity money, but is ~$1.4k :D
    • Financial statement is approved by committee

O-DAY [Friday 19/2/21]:

  • Fresher guides
    • Fresher guide should be uploaded to the website
    • Fresher guide is in need of edits from whole committee

All: Finalise the fresher guide

  • Signup forms

    • We shouldn't need too many signup forms, the website is functional :)
    • Previous members will need to be input to the new website
  • Shirts

    • Jackie has updated spreadsheet with latest inventory
    • We have 23 shirts left!
      • "Yeah, theyre here"
    • Also Will has not responded about the shirt we owe him :/
  • FB event

Alistair: Share the Guild event to the unigames event and promo us and our shirts

  • Esky

    • We should bring one!
    • Jackie to bring her esky on oday
    • And we should also get some ice (and not lose the receipt) (you know who you are) (<3)
  • Printing

    • We would like to send off the order tomorrow
    • Committee workshops the sticker design
    • At the same time, committee workshops the facebook banner
    • Finish the fresher guide tonight
    • Jackie's previously received quote:
      • 50 signup forms = $23 dollars, 300 signup forms for $28
      • 200 fresher guides = $170
      • 50 flyers = $25
      • 3x150 Stickers = $30.80

Alistair: Submit oday printing to uniprint on Friday

Fresher Welcome [Thursday 25/2/21 (Week 1)]:

  • Venue

    • Booking has been confirmed
  • Pizza

Jackie: Email domions about fresher welcome pizza

  • Furniture
    • discussed in D&D oneshot

AGM [Friday 1pm 26/2/21 (Week 1)]:

  • Event

    • Alistair has prepared an explainer post about nominations, and committee roles (constitutional obligations). Alistair will direct questions to committee members
  • Email

    • Email to go out with two weeks notice
    • Inviting agenda items, either emailed to alistair or autumn or committee, and requiring seconds

Autumn: Send out an email on Friday abt AGM in two weeks

Club Carnival [Tuesday 2/1, Week 2]:

  • No update

PROSH Olympics [1pm Tuesday 16/3/21]:

  • No update

PROSH [24/3/21]:

  • Alice has checked in with Cam
  • The theme is Bugs and Bunnies
  • The signup website seems to be nonfunctional so far

Alistair, Alice: Sign us up for Prosh

Charity Vigil [Probably Sat 3/4/21 - Sun 4/4/21]:

  • next committee's problem

Swancon [24/4/21 - 26/4/21]:

  • next committee's problem

Unigames "H" [REDACTED] [Friday 16/7/21 - Monday 19/7/21]:

  • next committee's problem

Quiz Night [Probably Friday 20/8 or 27/8]:

  • next committee's problem

Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 4/9 - Sun 5/9]:

  • next committee's problem

Relay for Life [October]:

  • next committee's problem

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ 77 Social [Thursday 21/10/21]:

  • next committee's problem

Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [November]:

  • no update, we are all very distracted

Alistair: Talk abt collab camp

Room Update:

  • Hopefully Chloe will post the final allocations tonight

    • Alistair has had a chat and hopefully we will be able to hold onto a cupboard for the time being
    • It can be reallocated later. This should be Sorted

      • they didn't change the lightbulb though

NEW ROOM (pending appeals):

  • Tables

    • No update from taylor
  • Uwanime furniture swapsies

Alistair: Get in contact with Mark about Uwanime swapsies


    • Jackie: $443.90
    • Whoever pays for prerelase: $595


  • SOC Meeting

    • We have one next week
  • Tenancy Reallocations

    • As above, should be done tonight
    • Hopefully we can move soon
  • Elevator

    • No updates
  • Semester grants

Jackie: Email Aidan about semester grants

  • Special project grant

    • To be tabled until we get a table
  • Best Club award

    • I'd like that money please c:

General Business:

Student Leadership Training:

  • Sign up for that as soon as possible if you are interested and want to do it with the gang


  • We should advertise to other clubs that they can borrow our board games
    • We will do this after the library catalogue is digitised

Emerald: Rally the troops to digitise the library


  • Website

    • Donald is here!
    • The website is mostly live
    • Committee is free to add library items in
    • Donald is still squashing bugs
    • Wherever we move the website, our data will move with us
    • Donald is prioritising features (adding gatekeeper privileges)
    • Library borrowing for members is done
    • Membership and library catalogue should be breezy
    • Get excited for a digital o-day
    • To save us hours of data entry: Copy paste the membership db spreadsheet into the website database
    • Committee affirms that webkeepers are allowed to see the membership database for purposes of webkeeping
    • There are definitely some individuals missing from the current spreadsheet
    • Donald will tackle the big shift tomorrow
    • When a returning member tries to sign up on oday, we look up their name in the search bar and doublecheck their details. If they're missing from the DB then we can sign them up fresh and untick the Fresher attribute
    • Donald will write up a nice how-to
    • Minutes are a low-priority job, are being considered
    • Thank you donald
  • Newsletter

    • Newsletter to be sent out on Monday of week 1, once freshers are added to mailing list

Autumn: Prewrite a day one email


All: Write your bloody handover

  • Alistair declares himself exempt from writing a handover
    • For sinister reasons
      • For legal reasons this is a joke


  • Member privacy regulations
    • No update
  • Interclub regulations
    • No update

Meeting closed: 7:10pm

-- This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Make a post about gatekeepers needing to reapply soon

Share the Guild event to the unigames event and promo us and our shirts

Submit oday printing to uniprint on Friday

Sign us up for Prosh (along with Alice)

Talk abt collab camp

Get in contact with Mark about Uwanime swapsies


Return excess Kaldheim product to tactics (along with Emerald)

Email domions about fresher welcome pizza

Email Aidan about semester grants


Send out an email on Friday abt AGM in two weeks

Prewrite a day one email


Return excess Kaldheim product to tactics (along with Jackie)

Rally the troops to digitise the library


Contact leigh about dnd furniture

Sign us up for Prosh (along with Alistair)


(All) Finalise the fresher guide

(All) Write your bloody handover