Unigames Committee Meeting #49 - 12/02/2024

by Joshua Annison 12/02/24

Unigames Committee Meeting #49 - 12/02/2024

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Gibbis
  • Connor (Online Technically)
  • Josh
  • David
  • Gen
  • Oscar
  • Hannah
  • James


  • Chris


  • Emerald

Meeting scheduled: 4:30PM

Meeting open: 5:00PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • what a week
  • jackie it's only monday
  • rpg oday and variety oneshot eoi forms up, including oday bump for gatekeepers
  • the wargamers keep on trying to make me have massive minis
  • "Rawdogging is when you eat the subway without the wrapper" - Jackie

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • 18 days remaining
  • also also ran prerelease (just normal release for karlov manor)
  • come playtest club decks on tts!

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • No more teeth chittering emoji
  • Account Balance: $9,900.51

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • Tenancy Reallocations! Yippee!
  • uhhhhh MKM was... weird.
    • Centaurs wahoo!
  • Wargaming event organised, announcement soon
  • I have just been on turbo secretary mode recently don't mind me

Librarian's Report (David):

  • working 9 to 5
  • eepy

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • 4 days!!! Until I see Taylor Swift!!!!
  • this is all that is going on in my life rn

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James, Oscar):

  • Chris:

    • "auuugh???"
    • On a plane probably
  • Hannah:

    • finally on holiday
    • I’m back to working on the ball handover now that exams are done
    • McDonalds got order wrong (grrr)
  • James:

    • "Running BotC atm"
      • Could be upstairs having fun, but instead he is down here playing this social deduction game
  • Oscar:

    • variety oneshot form up
    • busy doing larp homework
    • im sorry david ive not seen the tawny frogmouths yet im gonna get a photo for you tonight (it is so dark at 1am when there aren't streetlights)

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==16/50 (32.00% WR)== Meeting
    • Emerald would probably say something like...
      • I'm at work
      • I helped with packing merch
      • I'm gonna be lifting soon
      • Wear sunscreen everyday, even if its cloudy, clouds dont stop UVB

Past action Items:

Action Items:


Arc advertising - Done

Message Gatekeepers about oday - Done

start updating fresher guide and dragon design - In Pogress

Contact Matt about Intro to Wargaming - Done

Update UCC archive - Not Done


EMP for SNOM - Guild hates him

Bring in painting guide - Forgor


Make phoenix come - Phoenix come next week

Nut out old minutes - I did some more minutes


Long term boardgame Advertising - Done


Write ball handover - In Pogress


Do gavin tav video - In Pogress


Contact people for variety oneshot - Done (In form form)

Usual Suspects

Board Games

Long games - Friday 9th of February @ 1PM
  • Advertising up!
  • Attendance was 3 people
||Innuendo|| Boardgames - Tuesday 20th of Feb @ 6PM
  • Everything has been done
  • Make sure to come next week
    • ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
BotC Events w/ James - Monday the 12th of February @ 11am-4pm
  • Happening right now
  • James wishes he was upstairs
  • They are having so much fun


Arc Oneshot 2: Electric Boogaloo - Thursday the 15th of February @ 5PM
  • Make sure to come along!
RPG O'Day - Tuesday 5th @ 3PM (Week 2)
  • We have an expression of interest form here
  • If you have a system you would like to share with a new audience, this is the event for you!
Variety Oneshot Night - Week 2
  • We have an expression of interest form here
  • Feel free to apply if you think you know about how the club works, and think you can provide a welcoming presence to our freshers!


Magic: The Gavining

Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • Burchased Karlov Manor Booster Box
  • Keeping New Capenna for a draft

SNOM - Sunday 25th of February @ 11AM

  • Gibbi will do an emp (guild hates him)

Gibbi: EMP for SNOM

Murder! at the Karlov Manor Release - Sunday 11th of February @ 11AM

  • New play boosters
    • Are different
    • not sure if better or worst
  • 9 Attendees
  • Seemed like people enjoyed it

Club decks: Gibbi's Document

  • Will pick up deck boxes this week
  • Come play TTS if you would like to play them and test them out

Pokémon TCG

  • Chris asked the people about how club members feel in regards to Pokémon TCG
    • Will talk about this when Chris gets back
  • Also now Chris shall be referred to as "Professor Leek"


Broader Wargaming Discussion
  • Budget
    • Jackie has talked with cam and jack about this, but we will discuss out of meeting first as there is a fair bit to go through
Painting Competition
  • It's done
  • In the process of judging
  • Jackie has left the judges chat to let them come to their conclusions.
Bloodbowl League
  • It is happening right now, in the clubroom even

Fresher Campaigns

  • GM interest form out tonight

40th Anniversary

  • Merch is now in the clubroom!
  • If you bought some at the ball come in and pick it up from a gatekeeper
    • if not, message Jackie and we can figure out a way to get it to you
  • Excess merch is being sold in the clubroom
    • $4 per sticker, 1 of each sticker design is $10 for a set of 3
    • $5 for double sided token
    • $10 lanyard keychain
    • $15 for velvet dicebag

Hannah: Write ball handover

Uncharity Vigil - Saturday 3rd to 4th starting at 4PM

  • Feedback meeting happened
    • Advertising up earlier
      • Subcom should be put together at beginning of December
      • Not necessarily meetings, but just all allocated and the such
        • Jackie suggests first meeting is based off of weeks
    • The Square is good, possibly try getting one for another club
    • Subcom should have a spreadsheet to calculate surcharge
      • Thanks James and Gen for calculating these by hand like its the olden days
    • Cormac says: $1000? Holy shmoly
  • Subcom have decided that subcom members should not be forced to pay for attendance, but that it should be encouraged
    • Unigames disagrees:
      • We think it is an abuse of power that is quite exploitable
      • Even if you are running an event, you are still attending the event
      • should be hardline, all members pay or no members pay
      • Ultimately, subcom is voluntary work, you are expected to volunteer
      • Subcom members should enjoy running the event we are a part of
    • This will have to be discussed at the next subcom (charity vigil?)

O'Day 2024 - Friday 23rd of February 11:00AM - 3PM

  • Committee: Make sure to block it off
  • set up 9:30 latest, preferably earlier
  • Next Friday!
  • We don't need a bigger esky, just a medium esky
  • Connor has an esky, and can bring it with ice for wa'er bo'les
  • Jackie will dig up how to O'Day things and clipboards
    • Has also posted to gatekeepers about it
  • Get excited!

Fresher Welcome - 29th of February from 4PM to late

  • Jackie is gonna send Gen the pizza order
  • Will need to assign pizza man
  • Jackie and Gen will need to do a speech
  • gold coin for freshers, $5 for returning members (for pizza)

AGM - 1st of March @ 1PM

  • Put in nominations!!!
  • In the GCR as per usual
  • Will be in the room to lead freshers to their destiny

Far Future Events

Meowdy future secretary, you can deal with this stuff VVV

Fresher Guide

  • GET YOUR "stuff" IN FRFR
  • Jackie need to make Vectors of the images
  • Printing deadline 15th of February
  • Committee discord for final designs of dragon

Jackie: start updating fresher guide and dragon design

Week 2

  • RPG Oday - Contacting people next week
  • Variety Oneshot - Contacting people needed
  • Admin for this next week

Oscar: Contact people for variety oneshot

Week 3

  • Card games week
    • Magic - Gibbi Thursday 3PM
    • Pokemon - Chris probably Tuesday 3PM
  • and boardgame (social deduction??)

Week 4

  • Intro to wargaming - Matt, has been contacted
  • Intro 2 painting - :) (its a painting day)
    • RPG - Call of Cthulhu - Contact GM's next week
    • SNOM

Jackie: Contact Matt about Intro to Wargaming

Tokyo Alley 12 adventure- 13th of April from 10am to 5pm

  • Nupdates


  • We need a deposit done
  • Approved
    • $49.72 to James for Uncharity Vigil Raffle Prizes
    • $218.60 to Connor for Food Run
    • $50.70 to Connor for Milk and Red Eye Run
    • $49.30 to Connor for Additional Red Eyes Run
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted


SOCPAC - Tuesday 30th of January @ 6PM


  • We got our allocation!
  • We have been given our current room back!

General Business:


  • Will be putting up an updated gatekeeper form for sem 1
  • No new Gatekeepers


  • Will be putting up an updated webkeeper form for sem 1
  • No new Webkeepers

Unify App

  • We have been reached out to about Unify, an app that is intended to help students connect with clubs and events on campus
  • we_have_seen_this_before.jpeg
  • We may as well give it a try, no harm done in trying it

Access Department

  • Asked if we would like to collaborate for one of their events
  • Event is called Community Chats :)
  • They have expressed interest previously

Room Update

  • Will need some more carpet tape
  • David might get some on his way home
New Kallax, Small Shelf and Chairs!
  • If we want to do this, it needs to be done before freshers
  • Josh will look into it

Josh: Look into small shelf stuff Jackie: Look into new chairs

New Printed Banner
  • We want Jackie to do this but she is soooooooo busy
Ice Cube Tray
  • Gen
    • It gets hot at uni :O
    • We have a lot of freezer space
    • It needs:
      • Lid (Doesn't spill)
      • Scoop (Sanitary)
    • Has sent one
  • Everyone else:
    • It looks cool
    • Free delivery if we order it soon (also gets here mid week 1)
    • Colour Vote (n-1):
      • Blue: Unanimous
      • Green: 0
      • Pink: 2
    • We have thumbs uped it


Book Buy 2: Electric Boogaloo - 4th of December
  • Waiting on:
    • Ink
SPLATBuy - Flamecraft
  • Still waiting
David's Archival 'Stuff'
  • Nupdates
  • Sorry to my successor

Painting Guide

Gibbi: Bring in painting guide

Food runs

  • We need one done
  • Josh can do one with maybe James?
  • slay
  • 12PM


Phoenix Revival

  • I will have an update next week or so

Frosh: Make phoenix come

Archiving Old Minutes

  • I have done more
  • Almost an entire years worth

Frosh: Nut out old minutes Jackie: Update UCC archive

Committee Business

  • Handovers: Should be in pogress by now

/gavin tav

  • In Pogress

James: Do gavin tav video

Unigames Members: Ask James if he is editing video

Meeting closed: 6:33 PM