Unigames Committee Meeting #49 - 18/02/2025
Unigames Committee Meeting #49 - 18/02/2025
tags: committee meeting 2024
- Connor
- Jack
- Gen (late)
- Cooper (online)
- Jeremy (late)
- Nene
- Nix (online)
- Oscar
Meeting scheduled: 4:00 pm
Meeting open: 4:21 pm
President's Report (Connor):
- Fuck Ballajura, Freshwaters is my new home
- I've accidentally become important at my job
- Yapped with some other clubs
- Have done some shmemails
- O'Day time O'Day time !!!!
Treasurer's Report (Jack):
- i got woken up by the toilet paper man
- i am still fuming
Guild Acc Balance: $10,726.89 (still a mystery...)
Commbank Balance: $4,753.69
Secretary's Report (Chris):
- None submitted
Librarian's Report (Gen):
- new hair new me (praying I’ll be done in time to make meeting on time)
- food ran!
- have done various other library things
Fresher Rep's Report (Cooper):
- I am Connor's noblest Knight
- I LOVED going to lovey dovey boardgames to be filled with hatred. But im still the boldest
- Precon league finito, prizes given
OCMs' Reports (Jeremy, Nene, Nix, Oscar):
- Jeremy
- prerelease has been released, well done david our winner our king
- stupid uni course why why why
- •_•
- Nene:
- the newsletterer
- the minuteser
- what is this, migraine city?
- Nix:
- im so tired guys
- woohoo we got o'day and sem soon!!
- the ezone booking has harmed me once more
- Oscar:
- we love having to spend hundreds of dollars on textbooks
- picking up MtG Welcome Decks tomorrow
Immediate Past President's Report (Jackie):
Attendance Count - 48/49 (98%)
- say it ain’t so… semester starting soon
- writing documents as always
- officeworks quest failed (no laminator)
- was gonna do website updates before the meeting and then I slept in - they’ll be done tonight (for actual) (RIGHTT NOW ALSO)
- worked on code of conduct
- terrain storage will be done and announced tomorrow
- i have been instamoded
Past Action Items:
Advertising for RPG O'Day (along with Gen) (not done)
Contact GMs for Variety One-shot (not done)
EMP and advertising for Call of Cthulhu One-shot (not done)
EMP and advertising for SNoM (not done)
Order cards for Club Decks (not done)
Email both Tactics and Good Games about prereleases (not done)
Book room for next Warhammer Tournament (in progress)
Write Unigames Code of Conduct (along with Gen, Jackie) (in progress)
Go to IKEA to get chair cushions and LED strips (in progress)
Book a card reader for O-Day (done by Nene)
Remind Gatekeepers about O-Day (done)
Message Gatekeepers about Fresher Welcome (not done)
Talk to Alex and James T about Blood Bowl team colours (in progress)
EMP and advertising for Quick and Easy Boardgames (not done)
Advertising for RPG O'Day (along with Connor) (not done)
Write Unigames Code of Conduct (along with Connor, Jackie) (in progress)
Get stationery box (not done)
Go to Tactics to get 2 new battle maps (done)
Go through Baking Tray Minis (in progress)
Build the new shelves (done)
Magnetise the minis (in progress)
Respond to Tactics about the paints (done)
Create guide for the chess clock (not done)
Investigate pricing for Phoenix print copies (not done)
Advertising for Fresher Welcome (done)
Put out the GM form for Fresher Campaigns (done)
Let the Fresher Campaign GMs know their campaigns are now regular campaigns (done)
Advertising for Intro to MTG (not done)
EMP and advertising for TCG O'Day (not done)
EOI for TCG O'Day (done)
Do a food run (done)
Announce AGM in the January newsletter (done)
Look at conference microphones to buy (done)
Redo Open/Close sign (in progress)
Send out newsletter which will include AGM announcement (done)
Do welcome newsletter for the Monday after O-Day (not done)
Tabulate the event attendance for each event over the year (done)
Confirm dates with Cam (not done)
Contact Matt about next Warhammer Tournament (done)
EMP for next Warhammer Tournament (done)
EMP and advertising for Intro to Wargaming (not done)
Contact Tactics about MTG Welcome Set Starter Decks (done)
Unigames Info-poster (in progress)
Write Unigames Code of Conduct (along with Connor, Gen) (in progress)
Go to Officeworks to get whiteboard markers and laminator (in progress)
Make Instagram post about O-Day (done)
Post AGM announcement on Instagram (done)
Revive Gatekeeper FAQ document (in progress)
Announce new terrain storage and packing guide (in progress)
Various website updates (in progress)
Review Gatekeeper FAQ document (in progress)
Read through bank transaction guide (in progress)
Write handovers (in progress)
Usual Suspects
Board Games
Lovey-Dovey Boardgames - Friday 14/02 @ 4pm
- It happened!
- Attendance: 12
- Went well, went for a while
- Was enjoyed by many (or just whoever we asked)
Quick and Easy Boardgames - Week 3, Friday 14/03
- No updates (it's still a few weeks away (down from a month!))
Gen: EMP and advertising for Quick and Easy Boardgames
Social Deduction Boardgames (?) - Week 5, week of the 24th
- Newmittee will handle this, just a placeholder for now
RPG O'Day - Week 2, Tuesday 04/03 @ 2pm
- Contacting people needed
- EOI has 8 responses so far
- Had 12 responses on the first RPG O'Day in comparison
Connor, Gen: Advertising for RPG O'Day
Connor: Message people who may be interested in RPG O'Day
Variety One-shot - Week 2, Thursday 06/03 @ 4pm
- Sent messages to GMs
- They have been invited to a discord server for communication
- We want more GMs than less, this event was very popular last year
- No reservations, people can just show up and find a game
- Asking Freshers to sign up for one-shots would probably be intimidating
Connor: Contact GMs for Variety One-shot
Call of Cthulhu One-shot Night - Week 4
- Thursday or Friday depending on the other two intros
- EMP will be submitted this week
Connor: EMP and advertising for Call of Cthulhu One-shot
Magic: The Gathering
Booster Box Buying Bhenanigans
- Aetherdrift box is out
- As in it's out in the clubroom
- It's still well stocked!
Aetherdrift Release - Sunday 16/02 @ 11am
- It happened!
- Attendance: 8
- Ran well
Oscar: Return Prerelease boxes
MTG Precon League - Mondays @ 6pm
- It's over!
- If we did it again we would adjust certain things
- Wording of the challenges (some loopholes)
- Everyone got a prize, first two victors got two choices
- Less successful than the first one, may be due to the time of year?
- Last one was ran during semester
- People who played are excited for another one (perhaps after (redacted)?)
- Or after semester
- We will be putting out a feedback form
Cooper: Feedback form for Precon League
Intro to Magic: The Gathering - Week 3, Thursday 13/03
- Jeremy will do the advertising
Jeremy: Advertising for Intro to MTG
SNoM - Week 4, Sunday 23/03 @ 11am
- Connor will handle this event
Connor: EMP and advertising for SNoM
MTG Club Deck Updates
- Gibbi has updates to some of the other club decks
- We'll be consolidating the card orders so we spend less money
- Connor is handling this now
Connor: Order cards for Club Decks
New MTG Welcome Set Starter Decks
- These decks are 30 Card single colour decks that are designed for players, brand new to Magic, to learn with
- Email was sent today!
- Some boxes were put aside for us, when deciding how many sets we want we decided on two
- This means players can practice the same colour of decks against each other
- The decks are not allowed to be sold so we will be getting these for free (yay!)
MTG Sponsorship Feedback
- Had feedback from Gibbi, Xane, Everest, James, and Ash on discord
- The feedback can be found in a thread in the #feedback discord channel, the thread is named 'sponsorship sourcing of mtg'
- They feel we are prioritising Tactics over Good Games even though Good Games may be better for MTG specifically
- Tactics has messed up some of our pricing in the past
- We could use Good Games for MTG and Tactics for things like Book Buys, we don't have to use one sponsor for everything, both sponsors have their own merits
- We definitely need to improve our communication with both sponsors, especially through proper channels (emails)
- We would use Good Games for prereleases but that doesn't mean we never do anything related to MTG with Tactics again
Connor: Email both Tactics and Good Games about prereleases
Other TCGs
TCG O'Day - Week 3, Wednesday 12/03 @ 1 pm
- Jeremy sent out the EOI form
- 2 responses so far
- If you're interested in showcasing any non-MTG TCGs please reply to the form even if you think someone else may have covered it!
Jeremy: EMP and advertising for TCG O'Day
Jeremy: Post about TCG O'Day on Facebook
Introductory Painting day
- Cam is free on Saturdays!
- EOI put out once we have some more Freshers around
- Tentatively $5 entry
- Idea proposed of two types of events, structured and non-structured, so that we can run painting days without Cam
- Structured would be like an instructive course style event, non-structured would just be painting
- This is because Cam's schedule is a little rough
Nix: Confirm dates with Cam
Warhammer Tournament - Saturday 15/03 @ 8am
- Waiting to post advertisement in a couple of weeks
- 1k tournament
- Potentially organise pizza run at the end of the tournament
- Gen could organise the pizza run
- EMP has been submitted but the resource booker is down (presumably because classes are being sorted out)
- Venues have been contacted but they have not responded yet
Nene: Bump venues about Warhammer Tournament booking
Intro to Wargaming - Week 4
- Running games like:
- Kill Team
- Blood Bowl
- Some wargame-y board games
- Root
- Gaslands
Nix: EMP and advertising for Intro to Wargaming
Blood Bowl
- Round 2 of Blood Bowl is currently underway
- "Blood up" - Nix
Connor, Jackie, Gen: Write Unigames Code of Conduct
Collaborative Events
Cameron Hall Minecraft SMP
- Should probably close the server so next committee can make a fresh one if they want
- We would recommend future committees don't get involved with collaborative minecraft servers
- Reps: Connor, Nene
Wonderful Wargaming
- Sam from Wonderful Wargaming reached out to us to organise an event/collaboration
- Wasn't clear on what kind of event/collab
- Wonderful Wargaming is an LGBTQ+ Tabletop Gaming Club that meets South of the river twice a month, and runs Warhammer 40K tournaments quarterly
- They don't do just wargaming despite the name! The twice monthly meet ups are boardgames and RPGs
- We will reply to them asking how they would like to collaborate
- Eg: are they interested in joint tournaments, regular game collabs, painting days
- We can give ideas of the kinds of events we run already, and boast our library
Nene: Write email to Wonderful Wargaming
Major Events
Joint Camp
- Profit distribution is going through
- $4,096.89 sent to UCC
- Need to follow up with Guild Finance to see if money is going/has gone through
- Still waiting on Guild Finance
Uncharity Vigil - 1st - 2nd February
- Wrap-up meeting has happened!
- Gary of UCC fame has been actioned to do the profit split
- Feedback form has gone out! Please give us your feedback
- One more meeting will be had to discuss this feedback
- Shmoney Made: $1,140.80
- Stretch goals we reached:
- 8 new chair cushions
- New paints
- These have been paid for but we won't receive them until March (likely)
- New stationery box
- Laminator
- New Eunigames playmats for the clubroom (Commission)
- 4 playmats
- We could work with Good Games to do this, would have to email them and discuss
- We want to commission Jackie
- Jackie did our last playmats and they are very very good
- This requires a larger discussion, we will wait a bit on this
- Can open up for pre-order as well, this was done last time
- Couch LED strips (IKEA) - Connor
- Stretch goals we have acquired:
- Whiteboard markers
- 2 new battle maps
- One big one small
- We'll probably get rid of one that's in bad condition because we've now got two new ones
- Reps: Connor, Jeremy
- Feedback form will be coming out next week
Jackie: Go to Officeworks to get the laminator
Connor: Go to IKEA to get chair cushions and LED strips
Gen: Get stationery box
O-Day - Friday 21/02 @ 11am-3pm
- Need people to set up, we want this to happen an hour in advance
- Nene got the card reader
- Booking has been submitted but is not approved yet
- Hi everyone this is Nene at 9:37 pm, before the minutes are posted, it just got approved lolll
- Materials we need:
- Esky (Jackie and Connor are fighting over who can bring their esky)
- Ice (Oscar will get this)
- Water bottles
- Some cans and sports drinks
- Set up:
- Tables
- Clipboards
- Marquee
- Fresher guides and stickers
- We want people at the front shilling Unigames and a couple of people behind signing members up
- Should mention O-day "Golden Ticket" in Instagram post
- Contributes $5 to one club membership for a fresher
- One per person
- We have contacted Gatekeepers about O-Day
AGM - 28/02 @ 1pm
- Booking submitted
- Still not approved yet
- Nominations are up! Please submit any nominations to the Facebook post in our AGM event (on Facebook)
Fresher Zone
Fresher Welcome - Week 1, Thursday 27/02 @ 4pm
- Need to message Gatekeepers to let them know when it is being run
- Bump advertising after O-Day
- We need to organise the pizza order
- Gen could do this, Gen has the Good Numbers
- Pizzas will be at about 6
- We'll just need someone to pick it up
- A couple of us have cars
Cooper: Message Gatekeepers about Fresher Welcome
Gen: Call Dominoes about Fresher Welcome pizza order
Fresher Campaigns
- "Yes, uh, the GM form is out" - Cooper
- This is the last we heard of Cooper before he presumably was dunked in a fish tank
- Mic quality so badddd
- GM form for semester 1 Fresher Campaigns has been put out
- 2 responses so far
- People in the Fresher Campaign discord server have been told that their campaigns are now regular campaigns and not Fresher Campaigns
Fresher Guide
- Printing guide is done! Jackie will be picking it all up soon
- Got Fresher Guides, flyers, and stickers
Far Future Events
Charity Vigil
- Our sweet event that's always forgotten and rushed
- We should get nominees and easy stuff done before Newmittee, and then hand over and swap nominees once Newmittee is here
- We would be getting the EMP and date done, mainly
- We will present this idea to the other clubs we do this event with, they may say no, they may say yes
- Connor will talk to ICONs about it at the next meeting
- ICONs meeting was had on Saturday
- The weird Study Break dates have bungled us but this does mean we don't need to have everything prepared as early
- Reps will be sent in the night of the UCC AGM (start of week 3)
- $210 to Gibbi for MTG Foundations Booster Box
$160.30 to Oscar for Aetherdrift Boosters
$19.80 to Oscar for water bottles
$40 to Oscar for terrain storage boxes
$68 to Josh for objective markers
$60 to Josh for Uncharity prizes
$24 to Josh for Uncharity breakfast
$332.42 to Jackie for O-Day printing
$8.99 to Jackie for chess clock batteries
$15.23 to Jackie for Ball photo printing
$400.65 to Jack for food run
$93.78 to Jackie for Uncharity Goals/Ball photo adhesive
$204 to Gen for Vallejo paint set
$102 to Gen for battlemaps
$10.30 to Gen for adhesive magnets
$28 to Gen for Pepsi run
$308.20 to Gen for food run
$80 to Cooper for MTG Precon prizing
SOCPAC Meeting - Week 1, Tuesday 25/02 @ 6pm
- Next Tuesday
- "LeBron" - Connor
- He was probably talking about LeBron James, but we can't be sure
- Connor is planning on talking to SOCPAC about the Guild Master Plan and the renovations
- We (and other clubs) need to know when this will happen
- Not knowing this date means we can't make more permanent changes in the club room (like new carpet tiles)
- We don't want to put cool, permanent things in the room if we can't keep using the room
General Business
- No new Gatekeepers
- We will be sending out a 2025 Sem 1 Gatekeeper form for our current Gatekeepers soon
- It's only for current Gatekeepers so that Newmittee isn't swamped with applications, as these all get done meeting 0
- We encourage Gatekeepers only to fill it out if they need to be holding the room open in the first week post-AGM
- Jackie is working on new Gatekeeper FAQ documents
- One is a 'landing page' style document that includes common Gatekeeper questions, but also has relevant links to past guides to consolidate information and make finding old guides easier
- The other one was originally a 'questions members may ask you' document that is now being made accessible to general members, rather than a reference guide for Gatekeepers
- On whether this would be identical to the Unigames FAQ on our website, that is more of a general 'about Unigames'
- We should update that title and add the document Jackie is working on once completed as a FAQ page accessible via the website
- Jackie is still still working on the documents
- Ideally they are up before the AGM
- Jackie will also be updating our 'how-to-O-Day' guide, which is the guide we give to Gatekeepers and committee members on O-Days that have instructions on how to shill the club/information people might want
Oscar: Unigames Info-poster
Jackie: Revive Gatekeeper FAQ document
Jackie: Update how-to-O-Day with Unigames and send it to Gatekeepers
Nene: Send out new Gatekeeper form
Everyone: Review Gatekeeper FAQ document
- We will be sending the 2025 Sem 1 Webkeeper form out soon
Nene: Send out new Webkeeper form
Room Updates
Reorganisation of mini shelf
- Two of the three shelves are currently on the bookshelf and have minis in them!
- They are kind of dark and gloomy (but they are functional)
- Gen still needs to move the shelf up so the other shelf can be put on top
- She also wants to put the Blood Bowl book on that shelf (it will fit), so that everything is together
- This will leave some space with Bloow Bowl and Kill Team that she will sort out
- Magnetising the minis went a bit poorly due to bad adhesive
- We have been recommended Green Stuff from Tactics
- We need better magnets but will need to research this (and will start by asking around at Tactics and the Warhammer store)
- The Baking Tray Minis are still in the Monolith. Everything still in there is either too big to display or broken
- Some of our display minis have been put in the mini white bookshelf where our Best Club Award is
- Jackie will be bringing in her label maker to label the shelves
Gen: Go through Baking Tray Minis
Gen: Magnetise the minis
Gen: Sort out Kitbashing box
Gen: Move the mini shelf
Oscar: Get Green Stuff
Oscar: Ask about magnetising the Minis at Tactics and the Warhammer store
Jackie: Bring in label maker to label the mini shelves
New club paints
- Funded by Uncharity
- We decided on getting Valejo Inspiration Colour Set
- Tactics have emailed Gen back, they have said they'll have the set available in March
- They have been paid for so we're just waiting to receive them
Warhammer terrain storage
- Packing guide finished
- Small amount of feedback provided
- Will be printed out and laminated once we get the new laminator
- Need to make an announcement to the wargamers about the new terrain storage
Jackie: Announce new terrain storage and packing guide
2023 Ball photo
- It is up on the fridge now!
- Yahoo
- If you see it fall down please contact Jackie
Conference microphone
- A conference microphone is a device that you can both speak into and hear out of, commonly used in offices for meetings
- Nene has found a suitable conference microphone!
- It is the EMEET OfficeCore M1A, it is portable, has good reviews, and is plugged in via USB
- This would be good to use at things like Roleplay 4 Life (for our stream) as well as committee meetings
- Motion to budget $150 towards buying a conference microphone:
- Motion passes unanimously
Nene: Purchase a conference microphone
Open/Close Sign
- Now that we have a new dragon, Nene will be redoing the current open/close sign to feature the lemon dragon instead of the dragonfruit dragon
- It is in progress, everyone likes it so far
Nene: Redo Open/Close sign
Sem 2 Book Buy - done
- Games waiting for Tactics:
- For the Queen
Oscar: Ask about For the Queen at Tactics
Painting the Blood Bowl Minis
- Current team colours:
- Black Orcs: Black and purple with gold metallic highlights
- Cam has these and they are being painted
- Imperial Nobility: To be decided
- Black Orcs: Black and purple with gold metallic highlights
- Cam has taken the minis home to paint
- Has finished painting the team chosen by Lily, and is partway through finishing the other team
- Connor has spoken to Alex and James about the team colours
- So far the vibes are red and white
Connor: Talk to Alex and James T about Blood Bowl team colours
Objective Markers
- Jackie forgot to bring them in
- She's hoarding them at home
- We decided to have three in each terrain (once they're here)
Chess Clock
- It has been entered into the library for short-term borrowing
- Gen will be creating a guide for the chess clock because it's a bit finicky to use
- Gen has decided it's intuitive enough to not need a guide
- Kakerlaken Poker
- Gen forgot again
Gen: Bring in Kakerlaken Poker
Food Runs
- Gen and Jeremy did one
- Committee applauds
- Got so much water and cans
- They're soooo strong and brave
- We don't need another this week
Phoenix Revival
- Will print some copies!
- Going to check pricing and availability of printing before we confirm this
- Gen investigated and neither Officeworks nor Kmart are suitable
- UniPrint can print glossy magazine styles but they have no pricing displayed, so we'll have to contact them
Jackie: Ask Uniprint about Phoenix print copies
- January newsletter was put out!
- Ignore that it has the wrong dragon on it
- A 'welcome' newsletter will be published the Monday after O-day for new Freshers
- Aimed at new members but still the February newsletter
Nene: Do welcome newsletter for the Monday after O-Day
Committee Business
- As a club we can not share or encourage pirated materials (due to our affiliation with the UWA Guild)
- This means it cannot be shared in the Discord
- Discussion of piracy is fine, just not the sharing of pirated materials
- We will send a message to Gatekeepers saying this and to discourage sharing of pirated materials if they see it
Nene: Message Gatekeepers about piracy
Connor: Update the Discord rules with a rule against piracy, and the Instagram link
Uploading Old Minutes
- Next committee problem
Organising Old Records
- Next committee problem
Event Attendance Tabulation
- Nene did this
- It's soooo good everyone said so
- It was shared directly to Gibbi, and anyone who has the link can view it
- This will be shared to regular members before the AGM, as that is when all event attendance will have been tabulated
- If you know statistics feel free to analyse it, Nene is doing an Arts degree and is not competent enough to do this
Instagram Account
- To-do list is done
- We just have some things to do before the beginning of the year
- Things will be put in a handover about Instagram specifically so we can continue using it well
- Instagram will also become a part of our standard advertising, same as Discord and Facebook
- Vertical formatted 'how to get to the clubroom' video will be filmed and uploaded soon
Jackie: Fresher Welcome advertisement for Instagram
Cooper: Do the Week 1 and 2 summary announcement posts
Implementing Bank Transactions
- Jackie is ready to send this out to Gatekeepers!
- This means things like memberships, merch, booster packs, and event tickets can be bought via bank transfer
Jackie: Send out bank transfer guide to Gatekeepers
Website Updates
- Jackie is updating the FAQ page that is currently on our website, it will be renamed to the 'About Us' page
- New FAQ page will follow
- Please read the 'Gatekeepers' section for more info on this!
- Jackie will also add regulation updates relating to the Commissioner role
- Donald has done some things:
- Reimplimented the form where you can get data on everyone who signed up on a particular day (useful for grants)
- Fixed the committee update form for changing positions in cases where the positions may be left open after
- Like how Connor became President but we didn't instate a Vice President in his place
- The discord bot now searches for the words 'open' or 'closed' in the #door-status channel on discord and updates it accordingly on the Unigames website!
- You can find this at https://unigames.asn.au/door/
- This requires the word 'open' or 'closed' to actually be in the message, which we need to alert Gatekeepers to
- The 2025 lemon dragon is now featured on the website, replacing the 2024 dragonfruit dragon
Jackie: Various website updates
- OCM handovers are changing a little bit to focus on being more general to committee than being about OCMs specifically
- The information in there is valuable to all roles, not just OCMs
- Will also be including a section on Wargaming tournaments specifically so these events can continue to be ran
- Handovers should be shown to all committee for proofing
Everyone: Write handovers
Everyone: Transfer ownership of your files to the Unigames account so it stays on the drive forever
Meeting closed: 6:18 pm