Unigames Committee Meeting #5 - 02/04/2020

by Autumn Brough 02/04/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #5 - 02/04/2020


  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Josh
  • Gwen
  • Kyle

Meeting scheduled: 5pm

Meeting open: 5:08pm (goddamn it taylor)


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Talked to the other clubs about camp and their plans for winter 2021
  • Emailed Manjedal about rebooking and transfer of deposit
  • Mentioned Artemis to UCC
  • Special magic cards I have been waiting for for weeks have been delayed until June at least
  • happy the babies are learning how to play magic
  • Haven't been sleeping that well with quaratine schedule so sorry if I'm out of it
  • ¯\ (ツ)

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • Mandated week off has mostly consisted of sleeping 14+ hours a day and screaming at ridiculous plot lines in OG Star Trek.
    • the screaming has been high quality
  • Somewhere in all this, my household made three seperate complaints to UWA.
  • Good to know I’m predictable.
  • Took a bird to hospital

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • i REALLY miss being able to hug people in cameron hall
  • nothing's happened with HALLoween, will give them a nudge tomorrow and ask if there's anyway i can help
  • nothing new on mysterious game dumper
  • if people have action items they want help with, please let me know
  • in my isolation i've picked up a gacha game that i dropped last year and have started ranking high in the current event
  • account balance: $1,493.57

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • Sent out a newsletter
  • Helped run dominion night

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • God i miss people
  • People who dont list the measurements of furniture on gumtree dont deserve human rights
  • The games that aren't in the library (short of the dumped one?): vibing
  • Fresher campaign: firing
  • The kirby board game by wendys: Shot down

Emerald: Contact people with games out

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • The freshers are alive. Or at least, like, the three of them I've talked to today are.
  • Dominion night was very fun - my group was mostly freshers (except for Autumn <3) [editor's note: ily] and they were engaged and happy and liked the existence of unigames through quarantine etc. So. Good stuff.
  • Until Jackie reminded me Cameron Hall is closed, which is not good stuff.

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • Did the Prosh announcement in discord - no submissions yet as of meeting
    • Have lost all awareness of time
    • Hung out at dominion night.
    • had two others in my group that hadnt played but it went well
    • Animal crossing is the only thing saving me at this point rip
  • Gwen:
    • Call of Cthulhu Oneshot is going ahead on Friday with Merlin, Cam and Matt and GM's
    • I can't actually make the full oneshot, but it was the day that worked best for the GMs, so I've asked Josh if he can help out. I'll be there for the start.
    • Please can this COVID thing be over soon
  • Josh:
    • Trying to get empires up and running, will hopefully have a form for people to fill out by the end of today. 4 gm's which is good
    • My microscope from 2 weeks ago went well, and I was wondering if people had feedback(gwen and autumn)
    • Started playing magic, this isolation is killing me (ghost of britney)
    • Interested in signing up a new member while we are quarantined
    • Empires will hopefully be running by next meeting
  • Kyle:
    • I miss playing 40k going to try playing on vassal,
    • Cant order some minis i was waiting until after the wedding for.
    • based on vassal testing i might be making up some helper docs and start planning a play on vassal event
    • got married

Past action Items:


Email manjedal to reschedule camp booking, check with presidents chat - done Investigate cockatrice for MtG if you want - didn't do, vaguely talked to tim chapman who described it as inferior to TTS Ask UCC about another artemis - done Reschedule for next year - irrelevant

Taylor: has been very sick we love you taylor

Actionise the frallocations process (along with Autumn, Alice) - sent some feedback The Fight Against Halloween Never Ends (along with Jackie)


Solve the mystery of the game dumper - still a mystery The Fight Against Halloween Never Ends (along with Taylor)


Run a dominion night - done Finalise the signup form - no progress Actionise the frallocations process (along with Taylor, Alice) -


Actionise the frallocations process (along with Taylor, Autumn) - no progress


Organise call of cthulu for next week (talk to merl/jack kay/ellie/cam locke) - done, happening tomoz!


Promote Prosh in the discord - done!

Ash: Bump prosh again


  • They're irrelevant
  • Gatekeeper applications are frozen


Usual Suspects:


  • Dominion happened
    • It's fun!
    • We figured it out pretty well
    • Very low turnout of unigames regulars - all freshers and committee
    • That's the way with our board games nights
    • Dominions works very well online
  • Online board games next week
    • Return of deception board games
    • They're less board intensive
    • For a werewolf style game we could just play over discord?
    • Town of Salem is werewolf online for free
    • It's a bit video gamey
    • Getting people set up is pretty achievable
    • Resistance and secret hitler are discord viable, if you have a moderator
    • Board Game Arena and Yucata are also options for online board games

Ash: Make a deception board games night


  • Call of Cthulu
    • We got some CoC happenin tomorrow
      • Jackie is scandalised
    • Gwen is running! (She has to dash off halfway through and Josh can be repsonsible)
    • Our GMs are Merlin, Cam and Matt!
    • GMs have been asked to make some pregen chars when they mentioned that chargen takes a while
    • Ellie: "Character gen is pretty quick"
    • Lots of interest!!
  • Future RPGs?
    • Monster of the week - autumn wants to run
    • Masks? We have a few people with experience - need a good GM
    • NWOD could be alright? Doesn't require complex maps
  • We should base our oneshots around what people want to run instead of what we think would be cool to have as an event
  • We had intended to do a may 4th star wars day - we should consider if we still want to do that

    • Doing star wars dice using dice bots would be unintuitive
    • There must be tools that let us do this online - even streaming TTS
  • If we keep making emerald run oneshots then they'll become every fresher campaign


  • Why have multiple committee members started playing magic
  • RIP


  • People have been using the wargames voice channel pretty frequently
  • Nobody knows what for though??
  • Have they been playing a game or sitting on a call
  • TTS is godawful for playing wargames on
  • Apparently cam has been playing around with age of sigma on TTS
  • Kyle has been sinking his teeth into Vassal and has been planning to develop a unigames pack to distribute

Kyle: Ask the wargamers what they've been doing

Kyle: Work with Vassal

Fresher Campaigns

  • Once the GM form is ready to go, it should be posted publicly (facebook and discord)
  • Also message people who applied last time to save them having to fill out the form and being confused
  • Give it a week for GMs to get their responses in
  • Give GMs a choice to specify their actual intended game
  • After gathering GMs, then put out the form for players (that way, we can account for if all the GMs overwhelmingly prefer an option and taylor the form)

Autumn: Finish the GM signup form Alice: Distribute the GM signup form to Facebook and discord and email Alice: Potentially communicate with other GMs


Halloween 2019:

  • No updates

Jackie: Bug the Halloween Oldmittee. Get them to step through the spreadsheet which should exist


  • No one has submitted anything to the meme competition
  • Ash is vibin
  • Following schedule

Charity UnVigil:

  • Things that need to be confirmed
    • How we doin' it
    • What's the charity
    • When are we doin'
    • Which clubs are doin' it
  • On top of the event happening over multiple nights
    • Do we they need to be successive nights?
  • We should try to keep a donation period open for the whole week
  • Could we make Artemis a part of this?
  • Do we want to have people making actual microdonations throughout the night, or just keep a number running and each person does one big transaction at the end of the night?
    • every action i do is a trans action
    • We can talk to ucc about adapting their code to do that?? Not sure how viable
    • Prepaid donations??
  • How do we pick charities? We look at different charities and pick the one we like best
    • There are probably plenty of charities that really need money for a good cause RN

Autumn, Kyle: Have a meeting

[REDACTED] 2020:

  • Rip Ghost camp


  • Josh has recruited four GMs!!
  • We have 24 players out of a goal of 26, based on the number of GMs
    • Taylor just made it 25
    • Alistair considers making it 26
    • Oh wait it's 30 now
  • GMs are roy, david F, lewis price, henry
  • Game will have started by next meeting - hopefully

Josh: Make Empires happen

[REDACTED] 2021:

  • Manjedal got back to us - asked for three preferred replacement dates to push our booking back to
  • Our preferred dates are 18/6/21 - 21/6/21 (start of winter break) and 16/7/21 - 19/7/21 (end of winter break)
  • Merlin: Unisfa has no plans
  • If UCC is going to run camps again then this is in their timeslot kinda
    • If they try to clash with us we can argue that we should have the time

Alistair: Oversee camp

Room Update:

  • No updates hahahahahaha


  • Everything is on pause - if people want to be reimbursed, jackie can do it out of her pocket and take on the debt
  • Pending:

    • Emerald for Oday Ice once she brings her receipt
    • Kyle: $104.22 once Guild lets us make withdrawals
  • Someone wants to sign up to the club: how can we take their money and details?

    • Jackie can take the member's money and include it next time a deposit happens
    • Should we regulate how much money Jackie can hold onto?
    • Motion: The treasurer shall be allowed to hold up to $50 of club income at any given time, until the restrictions on Guild Finance due to COVID-19 have been lifted.
      • Motion passed unanimously
    • In the future, have a section in the treasurer's report of Funds Held By Jackie

Jackie: Sign up a new member


  • Everyone is frozen in blocks of ice (this is not true)
  • No response on Tenancy matters

General Business:


  • All dice have stopped production so this is on pause
  • We can ask for a refund if it takes unimaginably long

Meeting closed: 6:38pm

- Working from home is so hard

This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Oversee camp


Bug the Halloween Oldmittee. Get them to step through the spreadsheet which should exist

Sign up a new member


Finish the GM signup form

Finish the GM signup form (along with )

Have a meeting (along with Kyle)


Contact people with games out


Distribute the GM signup form to Facebook and discord and email

Distribute the GM signup form to Facebook and discord and email (along with )

Potentially communicate with other GMs

Potentially communicate with other GMs (along with )


Ask the wargamers what they've been doing

Work with Vassal

Have a meeting (along with Autumn)


Make Empires happen


Bump prosh again

Make a deception board games night