Unigames Committee Meeting #5 - 02/04/2024
by Chris Leak 02/04/24
Unigames Committee Meeting #5 - 2/04/2024
tags: committee meeting 2024
- Josh
- Connor
- Jack
- Chris
- Cooper
- Jeremy
- Nene
- Nix
- Oscar
- Jackie
- Gen
Meeting scheduled: 4:00PM
Meeting open: 4:14PM
President's Report (Josh):
- Did a lot of talking with people this week (in person)
- Have solved as many issues as i have discovered
- i hope everyone enjoys their study break
Vice President's Report (Connyah):
- Morbed at one of the field trips of all time
- Prepared for, ran, and cleaned up after Charity Vigil
- Scrungled through the pizza ordering process
Treasurer's Report (Jack):
- hilarious how much focus has been put into the book, good job gatekeepers and co
- micro-rpgs on friday 🙂
- glass joe can eat boxing glove Account Balance: 12,516.09
Secretary's Report (Chris):
- Whe-hey
- I haven't done much, and action finder be funky
- will email tactics abuot pokemans boxes soon
Librarian's Report (Gen):
- Happy Easter everyone!
- hope you enjoy study week and use it well!
- slowly learning to type with long nails
Fresher Rep's Report (Cooper):
- not a whole lot this week, finalising things with fresher gms and working on the questions for camp quiz
OCMs' Reports (Jeremy, Nene, Nix, Oscar):
- sooo busy 4 assessments in the first week back YAY
- starting to organise dnd oneshots :scaryface:
- fresher campaign is A GO!
- charity vigil happened! i had to leave at 1 am bc i was too eepy from cat sitting my aunts bastard cat who loved to wake me up. but otherwise went well except for all the things that went not so well
- started emp for dexterity board games
- lets see if nenes started their assignment by the time the meetings started
- I haven't
- won fortnite 5 times this week which makes it an exponential pattern i believe. someone who does math help me out
- Still tired from Vigil
- Not attending Warhammer Tournament bc pore
- Procrastinating study
- Pondering getting club Underworlds and Slay the Spire
- camp quiz writing moment
- RIP Adalwin, he died doing what he loved (messing around w a tree)
- the worst part of larp character death is that I have to remake all my notes from scratch…
- I FINALLY GOT MY PLAYMAT LETS GOOOO (attended charity vigil!)
- 74 days til end of semester, 223 days til Halloween, 268 days til Christmas, 10 days til Summit
Immediate Past President's Report (Jackie):
- Jackie has attended: 5/5 (100% WR)== Meeting
- tell u guys what. study break was sorely needed i'm so seepy
- have researched club bank account things, there's some steps we'll need to take, and we should have a bit of a longer discussion + intended use for it
- have updated the window
- will update the unify app later today
- was going to learn how to update the website from donald but the slay the spire board game exists
- had a nice short vigil, thanks everyone for coming ❤
Past Action Items:
Action Items: Josh:
Talk to Tactics about Access boardgames (not done)
Advertise recurring Unigames x Access events (in progress)
(with Connor) Notify Gatekeepers (done)
(With Josh) Notify Gatekeepers (done)
Advertising for Micro-RPGs (done)
(with Jeremy) Redo fridge price list (forgor)
Figure out Pokemon Booster Boxes (not done)
EMP and Advertising for April SAP (not done)
Do March Newsletter (not done)
Repair damaged games (in pogress)
EMP and Advertising for The Good Society (not done)
Make up a Bloodbowl contents sheet (unknown)
EMP and Advertising for DnD One-Shot Night (in progress)
(with Jack) Redo fridge price list (not done)
EMP and Advertising for Dexterity Boardgames (EMP done)
Bump advertising for Wargaming Tournament (done)
EMP and Advertising for Gotta Go Fast Boardgames (in pogress)
Investigate bank account (done)
Usual Suspects
Board Games
A-maze-ing Board Games - Thursday 28/03 @ 4pm (Week 5)
- E.g. Night Cage, Magic Maze, Betrayal, Dungeon games etc.
- Attendance: 5
- Went well!
Gotta Go Fast Boardgames - Wednesday 10/04 @ 1pm (Week 6)
- Oscar can do it early in the week
Oscar: EMP and Advertising for Gotta Go Fast Boardgames
Dexterity Boardgames - Monday?? (Week 8)
- e.g. Hamsterrolle, Junkart, Bamboleo, Tokyo Highway,
Nene: EMP and Advertising for Dexterity Boardgames
Week 10 Boardgames - Week 10
Connor: contact E-Sports about potential collab in week 10
Micro-RPG Oneshot Night - Friday 5/4 @ 4-9pm (Study Week)
- This Friday!!
The Good Society Oneshot Night - Week 7
- 7 people willing to learn to run
Gen: EMP and Advertising for The Good Society
Dungeons and Dragons 5e Oneshot Night - Week 9
- nupdates
- messages coming shortly
Jeremy: EMP and Advertising for DnD Oneshot Night
Spire and Heart One-Shot Night - Week 11
Chris: Contact GMs for Spire and Heart One-Shot
Booster Box Buying Bhenanigans
- Getting a new booster box with the upcoming MTG set.
- nupdates
Chris: Figure out Pokemon Booster Boxes
Magic: The Gavining
Pokemon SAP - April (at some point)
- Chris'll do it
Chris: EMP and Advertising for April SAP
Outlaws of Thunder Junction Prerelease - 14th of April 2024 (Week 6)
Josh: EMP and Advertising for OTJ prerelease Josh: Contact Tactics about Prerelease
Wargaming Tournament - Wednesday 3rd of April @ 8:30am (Study Week)
- It is in EZONE NTH Learning Studio [:109]
- It's tomorrow!
Nix: Bump advertising for Wargaming Tournament
May Warhammer 40k Tournament - Wednesday 29th of May (Exam study week)
- Planning
- Similar details to last tournament
Nix: EMP and Advertising for May Tournament
Potential Painting Event - Week 7
- Planning
Fresher Campaigns
- Some issues resolved
Access Department Partnership!!
- Nupdates
Josh: Talk to tactics about Access boardgames Josh: Advertise recurring Unigames x Access events
Tokyo Alley - 10am to 5pm - Saturday 13th of April (Week 6 (after study week))
- Anime Convention and Artist Market
- We're gonna be running a boardgame chill out zone
- Nick sent an email through
- We are getting four volunteer passes
- need to wear hi-vis for setup and packdown
- No-one is expected/required to attend, but "it'd be really cool if you did"
- Partnership idea is cool, but may swamp announcements with advertisements to little effect
- Loading times
- 7-10am Saturday
- there is a loading dock
Charity Vigil - 29/03 @ 4pm (Week 5)
- It happened
- Attendance: at least 63
- Dominoes also happened
- Dominoes sent the order to malaga instead for some reason
- Still waiting on exact number
- Wrap-up meeting (hopefully last) on friday
- yeah it happened
Last Uncharity Vigil
- Waiting for Distribution now
Far Future Events
Unigames [Redacted] - Not that Soon
- sorting roles
Upcoming Subcommittees/Prospective Reps
- Roleplay 4 Life - Chris, Nix
- Relay 4 Life - Gen, Oscar (vibe it)
- Quiz Night - Jack (Dark), Nix (Light)
- Joint [Redacted]? - Jack, Cooper, Connor
- Uncharity Vigil - Josh, Jeremy
- Dice Bag Workship - Oscar, Gen
- In the future at some point
- Approved
- 147.30$ to Connor for 19/3 Food Run
- Pending
- Unsubmitted
- 25$ to Geniveve for Vzonk
SOCPAC - 26/3
- Club grants policy to be amended (pending approval)
- SPG's - applications open and they close 14th April at midnight
- temporary skip bin behind tav until thurs 28th
- locker applications due by 5pm 22nd April
- Side Panels
- Nupdates
General Business
- No new Gatekeepers
- No new Webkeepers
Room Updates
- Nupdates
- Carpets
- idea 1: small carpet day during study break
- idea 2: big carpet cleaning day during winter break
- New Kallax, Small Shelf, Chairs
- Flamecraft Splat Buy
- update
- unlikely to be in stock until late may
- update
- "Secret Hitler" borrow follow-up
Gen: Repair damaged games Gen: Make up a Bloodbowl contents sheet
Food Runs
- we got more dinsk
Jack, Jeremy: Redo fridge price list
Phoenix Revival
- Going to put out an EOI (expression of interest) to see if people are interested in Phoenix
- Ready to post
Uploading Old Minutes
- Nupdates
- Chris will do that
Chris: Do March Newsletter
Action Items
Committee Business
Club Bank Account research
- Next week we lock in intended use of bank account
Jackie: Talk with clubs who have bank accounts
Meeting closed: 5:48 PM