Unigames Committee Meeting #51 - 26/02/2021

by Autumn Brough 26/02/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #51 (Last one!) - 26/02/2021


  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Josh
  • Gwen


  • Emerald
  • Kyle

Meeting scheduled: 11am

Meeting open: 11:15am


President's Report (Alistair):

  • last meeting!
  • huzzah!
  • congratulations everyone on oday
  • I did a lot of oday stuff and paid the price
  • fresher welcome went really well
    • we had a lot of people around
  • uncharity money has all been sent out, that's sorted!
  • presidents had a meeting about joint [REDACTED]
  • well done everyone :3 congratulations on a good year

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • I went to oday!
  • I called a carpenter and made a bunch of wood jokes
    • **wood jokes were not made to the carpenter
  • fresher welcome things
  • regulations!!!! (TRIUMPHANTLY)
    • donald: what do you mean??? regulations
    • taylor: we fixed 'em
  • has moved a lot of furniture
  • shrugging at all gatekeepers asking where various objects exist
  • have written 2 sentences of my AGM report
  • the clock is ticking to when I'm no longer on committee and I don't know what's going to happen after that

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • helped out on oday a bunch! also won the unofficial competition of not getting sunburnt
  • me @ all my committee: haha white 👈
  • i've spent too many late nights at uni these past two weeks y'all
  • fresher welcome went good, did pizza, have notes and thoughts about it
  • pros: somehow got last minute furniture thank u leigh and gsc
  • cons: didn't get to play betrayal :((
  • completed SLT!!! didn't bitch out to sit and hold the room open (sorry anyone who couldn't get in the room)
  • counted ALL the money in the clubroom and then realised i could have gotten 10k in account balance for unigames seconds before this meeting started
  • account balance: $9,903.31

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • did newsletters! and mailing list stuff
  • helped run fresher welcome!
  • ready for a nap
  • the new room is gorgeous and i'm excited about how many freshers we have
  • need to collect all 9 committee member reports to empower me to write my own

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • have been spending a lot of time sleeping and fresher welcoming
  • fielded many questions from freshers (largely directing people to the loft tap)
  • Have done Student Leadership Training
  • has finally failed an action item
  • alice finally comprehends that leigh is traditionally a masculine name as well
  • got sunburnt at oday

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • moving and uni is not a good combo
    • vibed a little at fresher welcome, lots of new faces (◕‿◕✿)
    • there was some interesting plays in hamsterolle, and did win fluxx once, which is a good note to end committee on slnafhje
  • Gwen:
    • gwen makes a very sad face because alistair tried to skip over her
      • :((((
    • helped out for all of O day with advertising out in the sun in front of the stall, had a really great time and met a lot of freshers who I'm super excited to get to know!
    • online board game handover has been written
    • did a food run 🙂
  • Josh:
    • mmmmmm my car still smells like pizza from last night
    • hopefully I’ll be there soon ❤️
  • Kyle:
    • kyle's work didn't give him the day off even though he asked
      • f react in the chat
      • hole react in the chat
      • (the committee emoji has finally been set to hole)

Past action Items:

This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Make a post for new form - done

Print SafeWA code for stall - done

Make the nominee and absentee vote post - done

Email "Who Gives a Buck" about free research - not done

Make form for webkeeper applications (along with Taylor) - done

REGULATIONS! (along with Taylor) - done


Demand printing from UniPrint tomorrow morning - unnecessary

Finish O-Day guide - done

Get in contact with custom furniture people - done

Make form for webkeeper applications (along with Alistair) - done

REGULATIONS! (along with Alistair) - done


Do O-Day float - done

Call dominoes - done

Email Guild for new invoice and prepare O-Day grants - done

Email Aidan about Semester grants - done


Send out newsletter over the weekend - done


Message Leigh - 50% complete (Ps get degrees)

Ask current fresher GMs if they want to reapply - in progress


(All) Sign up for accounts in database - done??

(All) Write your bloody handover - PLEAASE


  • rush applications are currently to current gatekeepers

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Fresher welcome has happened!!

Next Committee: Assign someone to organise Week 3 board games


  • DND Oneshot Night [Wednesday 03/03]
    • Wednesday week 2 (next week)
    • GMs: Alistair, Emerald, Josh, Gavin (the guy from the videos), Winslade and Vikrum
    • It's happening next week!

Alice, Next Committee: Create a facebook event for D&D oneshot

Magic: The Gavining

  • Intro to Magic [Friday 12/3 Week 3]
    • Happening in two weeks!

Next Committee: Create a facebook event for Intro to Magic


  • Painting day [12-3pm Tuesday 9/3, Week 3]

Next Committee: Create a facebook event for Painting Day

  • Intro to Wargaming [Week 4]
    • We will need kyle's compendium of wisdom

Next Committee: Get wargaming OCM to work on Intro to Wargaming

Fresher Campaigns

  • GM Signup

    • We've had two more!
    • Alice is going to roll in the new fresher rep with fresher campaign organising activities
  • Player signup

Next Committee: Fresher rep to post about fresher campaign player signups


Halloween 2019 [26/10/19]:

  • Donald explodes into laughter at the mention of the event
  • o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7
  • Every other committee forgot about halloween 2019. But we did it
  • I never have to come up with another halloween pun action item again

O-DAY [Friday 19/2/21]:

  • Went really well!
  • We got a bunch of signups!
    • We got 184 signups, including 105 fresher signups, at our stall!! 2 more freshers than last year

Fresher Welcome [Thursday 25/2/21 (Week 1)]:

  • Went really well
  • Have discovered that if we are going to start at 2, we will need to order the pizza earlier. We had an issue with leftover pizza (even with people going wild)
  • Alistair issued the order: descend
  • Dietary requirements were very clearly communicated, we ended up needing to do one extra order for a gluten free vego

AGM [Friday 1pm 26/2/21 (Week 1)]:

  • It's in an hour!!!!!!!!!
  • 2 absentee votes and 1 absentee question have been submitted

Club Carnival [Tuesday 2/1, Week 2]:

  • Next tuesday!!!
  • We're all signed up

PROSH Olympics [1pm Tuesday 16/3/21]:

  • No updates

PROSH [24/3/21]:

  • Marshal Training

Alice, Next Committee: Handle PROSH marshal training

Charity Vigil [Probably Sat 3/4/21 - Sun 4/4/21]:

  • next committee's problem

Alistair, Next Committee: Email Who Gives A Buck about charity vigil

Swancon [24/4/21 - 26/4/21]:

  • next committee's problem

  • We got a swancon email!!

    • Asking if we want to bring volunteers and games
    • They are apparently running a mass Pandemic (board game) event and are interested in using our copy and recruiting veteran players

Next Committee: Get in touch with Swancon

Unigames "H" [REDACTED] [Friday 16/7/21 - Monday 19/7/21]:

  • next committee's problem

  • EMP needs to be done soon soon

Quiz Night [Probably Friday 20/8 or 27/8]:

  • next committee's problem

Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 4/9 - Sun 5/9]:

  • next committee's problem

Relay for Life [October]:

  • next committee's problem

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ 77 Social [Thursday 21/10/21]:

  • next committee's problem

Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [19/11/21 - 22/11/21]:

  • Presidents have had a chat
  • Unisfa will book manjedal for 19/11 - 22/11
  • UCC will pay the deposit because they have a real bank account
  • Deposit will be split evenly ($330/$330/$340) (we pay the extra ten dollars)
  • If it ends up flopping (unlikely) (not jinxing it) we will reschedule it to the usual unigames camp spot next year, pay back the rest of the deposit to the other clubs, and keep the booking for ourselves

Room Update:

  • Many updates to come

  • Taylor and Alistair have had a chat about the envisaged final form of the room, and prepared some points for nextmittee

    • The current big table in the room is 4ft * 8ft (standard wargaming size)
    • We should have a wargaming size table in the current spot. so if we get a shiny new one, we should bump this one back upstairs
    • We currently have the couches in a mid-room U shape. Taylor is proposing an L-shape configuration facing the door (meaning we ditch 2 gross couches and get 1 nicer one), the addition of a second duplicate coffee table and bosnai to match. More storage options
    • For the door end of the room, up against the library, we can get a smaller table, maybe extendible
    • The fridge and freezer need to be moved closer to the door to avoid the dreadful choke point between the fridge and the couch
    • Cabinet for committee stuff can be put in the fridge/freezer's current spot, since that will be opened infrequently, so won't pinch
    • Overall: make sure we don't get stuck with narrow spaces that inhibit the usage of the club, keep the room flexible
    • When it comes to buying new pieces of furniture, it will need to be done in stages. Get one new big thing, arrange everything around it, make sure it works, and THEN start considering the next big thing. e.g. figure out couch/coffee tables before we start going for library-side table
    • We need to clean up and restick (carpet tape) all of the carpet squares. Damaged/stained squares should be swapped out, let's ask uwanime where they got them from in the first place.
    • Back corner webcam is getting knocked down frequently so we should submit a maint request to drill into that wall.
    • Emergency kazoo should go in between the mtg lesbians


  • Submitted (pending)
    • Taylor: $37.88 for bunnings stuff
    • Jackie: $223.85 for fresher pizza
    • Jackie: $245 for oday printing
    • Emerald: $8.40 for oday ice
    • Gwen: $591.77 for food run


  • SOC Meeting

    • Next one is in March
  • Tenancy Reallocations

    • Finished!
  • Elevator

    • No update
  • Semester grants

    • New treasurer will need to get on Aiden's case about past semester grants
  • Special project grant

    • No update
  • Best Club award

    • No update on award money

General Business:

  • Final salute for General Business

Student Leadership Training:

Alice: Confirm SLT completion with Leigh

  • Next SLT is in April


  • Donald updates committee on some fun new admin tools he added to the website (transfer committee, revoke membership, label gatekeepers and webkeepers)

    • Taylor requests a button to execute order 66
  • Webkeeper applications

    • Form needs to be set up
    • This will be very simple

Alice: Create webkeeper application form before AGM

  • Website

    • Donald is continuing to work on it!
  • Newsletter

    • Post AGM newsletter to announce new committee and Fresher Campaign Player Signups

Autumn, Next Committee: Create a post-agm newsletter with the new sec

  • Library Cataloguing
    • Next committee's problem
    • Semiserious suggestion: we get a set of scales and add the mass as a new database field


  • Path of waves (Book Buy Thursday 1/10/2020)
    • no update. i would really like my path of waves book :1234:
  • Fire of the velvet horizon (Splat buy from earlier in the year)
    • still missing. Should have been en route to shadow committee headquarters
  • Bananagrams (Christmas slash housewarming slash gift from Taylor and Gozz to Unigames)
    • Taylor has brought it in.
  • The Wisdom of Taylor:
    • "Path of waves is our new halloween 2019"
    • "Taylor is retiring here's a banana"


Taylor: Taylor specifically please write your handover


  • Member privacy regulations
    • DONE (thank you Alistair and Taylor)
  • Interclub regulations
    • DONE (thank you Alistair and Taylor)
  • New committee will approve the fresh regulations (currently exist on the google drive as a draft)
  • Exciting change: Regs have been swapped from dot points to numbered lists
  • Taylor shares her proposed privacy regulation with the committee, outlining the responsibilities of the committee and the expectations/restrictions on committee/gatekeepers/webkeepers, and a time limit on how long data should be held for
  • In general, no one should be looking at personal data when not "required by the law or the constitution".
  • In general, data recorded post-database creation will be automatically scrubbed following a certain time limit. We're not obliging ourselves to go back and redact paper records for now
  • The president has also been given the power to lend their key
  • Roles have been completely rewritten:
    • Defines procedure for committees to assess applications
    • Expectations of gatekeepers have been more cleanly defined
    • Webkeeper role is now also defined
  • Library strikes clarified
  • Interclub regulations have been added into the Unigames regulations as an addendum stating which version we are beholden to

Meeting closed: 12:33pm