Unigames Committee Meeting #51 - 26/02/2024

by Joshua Annison 29/02/24

Unigames Committee Meeting #51 - 26/02/2024

tags: committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie
  • Connor
  • Josh
  • David
  • Gen
  • Oscar (Late)
  • Hannah
  • James
  • Chris
  • Gibbi



  • Emerald

Meeting scheduled: 4:30PM

Meeting open: 4:39PM


President's Report (Jackie):

  • i forgot about the gender split in software engineering. help
  • welcome to unigames to all our freshers!! already met a bunch of y'all :3
  • going to be updating the github constitution this week
  • and writing a long to do list hopefully for next committee/president
  • uhm.
  • yeah

Vice President's Report (Gibbi):

  • Clubbed deck burchasing in poggers
  • Clubbed deck sleeves are in
  • Head is full of tasks
  • 4 days Remaining

Treasurer's Report (Connyah):

  • Hello to all the freshers! Hope y'all are havin a great transition into Uni !!
  • Last shmitty shmeeting
  • Made new How to get to Unigames videos :)) (there are easter eggs >:))
  • Account Balance: $14,925.51

Secretary's Report (Josh):

  • It is really cool to see how many freshers have been in the clubroom already!
  • AGM, less than a week away
  • Have spent most of the last week morbing
  • I did phoenix stuff

Librarian's Report (David):

  • What am I gonna say on my last report?
  • "Caw"

Fresher Rep's Report (Gen):

  • helped with o-day, ran a boardgame night and did the last organisational bits for fresher welcome!
  • it's lovely to see so many new faces around the club
  • i can't believe this is our last meeting! i love all of yall xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Hannah, James, Oscar):

  • Chris:

    • "aeegh???"
    • Great job all of y'all, it has been a year :thumbsup:
  • Hannah:

    • Welcome back to uni everyone!!
    • somehow managed to already forget my student ID at home but that’s okay
      • Shut out to my barista putting in my student number
    • otherwise enjoy the nice weather and take it easy this week
    • It sure has been a year
  • James:

    • Back to English Countryside living. It’s calm, cozy, and comfortable and the weather is surprisingly pleasant (it’s also boring and lonely but why focus on the negatives)
    • My editing software has stopped working so I couldn’t finish editing the “Where to find Unigames” videos
    • See y’all in approx 4 months when I’m back in Perth for a 3 week holiday
  • Oscar:

    • I forgot to submit my LAST REPORT
    • Continued working on variety oneshot night stuff
    • have been at uni for 3 hours and am already so tired
    • 4 days till death

Immediate Past President's Report (Emerald):

  • Emerald has attended: ==16/52 (30.77% WR)== Meeting
    • Emerald has put 1 morbillion guild stickers on student cards this week

Past action Items:

Action Items:


EMP for RPG O'Day - Done

Contact Matt about Intro to Wargaming - Already

Look into new chairs - Not Done

Update UCC archive - Probably an IPP job for Jackie


EMP for Intro to Magic - List2Do


Bring Esky to O'Day - Done


Pick up EFTPOS - Jackie did that

Intro to painting EMP - Done

Look into small shelf stuff - Looked into it...

Make a template for phoenix and put it on the committee drive - Done but upload will need to be done

Nut out old minutes - Failed to nut


Contact CoC GM's - Forgor'd


Take a look at Pokemon Booster boxes - Not Done (Gotta wait a lil bit)

EMP for Intro to Pokemon - Not Done


Write ball handover - (Almost) Done


Do gavin tav video - Connor Stole it


EMP for variety Oneshot Night - Working on it

Contact people for variety oneshot - Done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

||Innuendo|| Boardgames - Tuesday 20th of Feb @ 6PM
  • It happened!
  • Really fun, even had some freshers!
  • 11~ish people in attendance
  • Had to finish event because Gen needed to go

Fresher Welcome - 29th of February from 4PM to late

  • That's this Friday
  • Everyone will be there at some point
  • Gibbi will drive
  • Gen called, pizza place was chillin'

Connor: Fresher welcome float


RPG O'Day - Tuesday 5th @ 4PM (Week 2)
  • Moved back to 4PM
  • List of Games Repped:
    • Lewis: torchbearer + mouse guard
    • Seraph: print weaver
    • Chris: mutants & masterminds + spire/heart
    • Winslade: 13th age + hero kids
    • Gwyn: masks + pbta
Variety Oneshot Night - Friday the 8th of March @ 5PM
  • Games that will be there:
    • Angus: Call of Cthulu
    • Chris: Heart
    • Winslade: Hero Kids / Fate
    • Gwyn: ICRPG
    • Nene: Monster of the Week
    • Josh: Paranoia
    • Gen: Call of Catthulu
    • Jack: Mausritter
Call of Cthulu Oneshot - Week 4

Gen: Contact CoC GM's


Magic: The Gavining

Booster Box buying Bhenanigans
  • Nextmittee Problem
  • Keeping New Capenna for a draft
  • Fallout here soon
  • Tactics and Good Games is slay
SNOM - Sunday 9th of March @ 11AM
  • Gibbi did EMP

Murder! at the Karlov Manor Release - Sunday 11th of February @ 11AM

  • Still needs to be returned
  • Jackie will return

Club decks: Gibbi's Document

  • Sleeves in
  • List given to GG's
    • Fairly lengthy, order should be in by the end of the week
    • Anything we cant get from GG's we will get from CK
  • Gibbi WILL finish quickplay guides by the end of the week

Pokémon TCG

  • Nupdates

Chris: Take a look at Pokémon Booster boxes


Broader Wargaming Discussion
  • Budget
    • Waiting on Matt to make possible deals/discounts
Painting Competition
  • Announcement done by this Wednesday
Bloodbowl League
  • Believe it is going well
  • Difficulty with people being away/scheduling
    • Otherwise smooth
    • This is bound to happen (Campaignitis)

Fresher Campaigns

  • Still looking for fresher GM's
  • Will rebump the link to sign up for fresher gm
  • Fresher campaign link will be posted this week!

40th Anniversary

  • Merch is in the clubroom!
  • If you bought some at the ball come in and pick it up from a gatekeeper
    • if not, message Jackie and we can figure out a way to get it to you
  • Excess merch is being sold in the clubroom
    • $4 per sticker, 1 of each sticker design is $10 for a set of 3
    • $5 for double sided token
    • $10 lanyard keychain
    • $15 for velvet dice bag

Hannah: Write ball handover

Uncharity Vigil - Saturday 3rd to 4th starting at 4PM

  • Getting financial statement together
  • Once the final statement has been put together and approved

O'Day 2024 - Friday 23rd of February 11:00AM - 3PM

  • It happened!
  • Went quite well we think!
  • Good number of signups!
  • O'Day grants due soon
  • Will receive exact numbers soon
  • EFTPOS worked well, was used quite heavily
  • 80~ish Signups in cash

AGM - 1st of March @ 1PM

  • This Friday!
  • Reports in by 12PM 1st of March >:(
  • Please come!
  • Nominations post is up! Nominate yourself if you are interested!

Far Future Events

Meowdy future secretary, you can deal with this stuff VVV

Week 3

  • Card games week
    • Magic - Gibbi Thursday 3PM
    • Pokemon - Chris probably Tuesday 3PM
  • and boardgame (social deduction??)

Chris: EMP for Intro to Pokemon Gibbi: EMP for Intro to Magic

Week 4

  • Intro to wargaming - Week 4 Wednesday the 20th @ 5PM
    • With Cam and Matt
  • Intro 2 painting - Josh will do this
    • RPG - Call of Cthulhu - Contact GM's next week
    • SNOM
  • PROSH is in there

Jackie: Contact Matt about Intro to Wargaming Josh: Intro to painting EMP Gen: Contact CoC GM's

PROSH - Wednesday Week 4

  • We have a sign up link
  • Won't know who the marshal is
  • ProshGATE
    • Baldur's Gate???
    • We suggest very heavily to the next committee to go with Baldur's Gate as a theme

Tokyo Alley 12 adventure- 13th of April from 10am to 5pm

  • Nupdates
  • Will contact soonish

SWANCON - April 20th-21st

  • Nextmittee skissue


  • Approved
  • Pending
  • Unsubmitted
    • $46.38 to David for carpet tape
    • $8.80 to to Connor for paper towels
    • $268.18 to Connor for 21/02 food run
    • $332.31 to Gibbi for O'Day
    • $240 to Gibbi for Karlov booster boxes
    • $96 to Gibbi for new deck boxes


SOCPAC - 27th of February @ 6PM

  • Jackie and Josh and Gibbi? will be there


  • Side panels
    • Nupdates
  • Tenancy Appeal, great success
    • 3 more years of Unigames
    • Contract printed and signed either today or tomorrow

General Business:


  • Updated gatekeeper form done, released
  • No new Gatekeepers


  • Updated webkeeper form done, released
  • No new Webkeepers

Unify App

  • We have been sent a how to use it list

Access Department - Tuesday 5th of March 11am-1pm

  • Response:
    • We need to email them with our members and games that we can recommend, as well as our logo and some advertising
      • :thumbsup:
      • More people seem to be available to run this. (Jackie and Josh)

Room Update

  • Nextmittee
  • We have more tape so it can just happen whenever
New Kallax, Small Shelf and Chairs!
  • Nextmittee
  • Small Shelf: Nextmittee
  • Chairs: Nupdates

    Josh: Look into small shelf stuff Jackie: Look into new chairs

New Printed Banner
  • Nextmittee
Ice Cube Tray
  • It's here!
  • When you empty make sure to fill back up!
  • there is a lid
  • there is a sink in the loft
  • don't spill
  • use the scoop


Book Buy 2: Electric Boogaloo - 4th of December
  • Waiting on:
    • Ink
SPLATBuy - Flamecraft
  • Still waiting
Nextmittee's Archival 'Stuff'
  • Nextmittee problem

Painting Guide

  • Jackie will force Alistair to take it home tomorrow

Food runs

  • Last one of the mittee!
  • Jackie and Joshie run! Wahoo!


Phoenix Revival

  • I will post it in the committee chat to look at so i can make any changes committee think of, then will put it on the drive

Josh: Make a template for phoenix and put it on the committee drive

Archiving Old Minutes

  • I have NOT done more

Frosh: Nut out old minutes Jackie: Update UCC archive

Committee Business

  • Handovers: Should be DONE VERY SOON

/genkie tav??


  • Nextmittee issue

First week announcement

  • Welcome to Unigames
  • Fresher welcome
  • fresher campaigns
  • AGM
  • Could be worth doing tomorrow morning

Meeting closed: 6:14 PM