Unigames Committee Meeting #51 - 28/02/2022

by Guinevere Sellner 28/02/22

Unigames Committee Meeting #51 - 28/02/2022


  • Alistair
  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gwen
  • Vikrum
  • Gibbi
  • Chris
  • Luna
  • Nina
  • Texas



Meeting scheduled: 5:30pm

Meeting open: 5:41pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Congratulations on making it through a year of committee
  • It's our last meeting :(
  • Did we only miss 1 meeting?
  • AGM is on Friday
  • Everyone needs to pre-write their reports and send them to Gwen
    • "Please dear god please" - Gwen
  • If you're not going to be there prewrite a speech for any roles you want to go for
  • Guess who finally did an action item
    • Wrote them regulations

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • Hi Gwen
  • I hope you're doing well
  • I am in Perth and at the meeting... WOW
  • Did a new alignment chart
  • That's about it
  • It's a good alignment chart
  • Everyone says it's really funny
  • I'm actually pretty sad about COVID because no one is going to see my alignment chart

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • i just remembered I’m a 4th year
    • ew
      • i forgot i wrote the above this morning and had another ew moment
    • Emerald freaked out
  • did oday (ty connor who got ice for us like a king)
  • did a massive cam hall clean for half of yesterday w cowan
    • u have us to thank for visibly cleaner cameron hall no problem
    • ty to jarcus and chase for helpin a bit too <333
  • did a bunch of nice clubroom things (clean money box, whiteboard, window)
  • did (almost all) my action items too
  • account balance: $11,195.82

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • Honours go brrrr
  • Gonna send out a newsletter either today or tomorrow assuming the mailing list updated with the freshers for this year
    • Today, for agenda purposes
  • Used my lunch break to help sprook the club for half an hour
  • Sad to see y'all go, but at least I'll get my Monday evenings back...

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • Don't be sad that's it's over, be happy that a meeting happened 51 times and none of them were 3 hours
  • I sent the book buy invoice to Jackie
    • Available right now: Oceans, Mother of Dragon, Bristol
  • Boy I sure like working and having money, it's very pleasant if I'm honest

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • The final meeting (sadge)
  • Shilled at O-day sunburnt neck (sadge)
  • Covid cases do be a time (sadge)
  • Still havent finished handover (sadge)
  • Fresher Welcome? (sadge)
  • Culled the Freshers but not those freshers (sadge)
  • Made Alistair in Elden Ring (not sadge)

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Luna, Nina, Texas):

  • Chris:
    • welcome back to semester! things sure am happening
    • agm hype
    • last committee meeting sad hours
    • wordle obsession in clubroom today
    • everyone try semantle and suffer
  • Luna:
    • Wow, this is really the last committee meeting with this committee.
    • Surprised we only missed one meeting the entire year.
    • Thank you everyone for making my first year on committee great.
    • Spent O-Day holding the clubroom.
    • Sure lost half my Saturday to mental breakdown.
    • It's fine though, Athena helped.
    • Can Facebook not be a dick and let me change my last name on it.
    • Big props to Jackie and Cowan for cleaning up Cam Hall.
    • Uni sure has started, I am not ready for it. Already exhausted by the very few tasks done.
  • Nina:
    • First week of classes everyone! Hope everyone paces themselves, emotionally, physically, academically - its a marathon, not a sprint
    • It may be the first week of classes, but my honours project has been going on for a good month now
    • Covid is sure on campus, huh? Plz everyone stay safe and dont feel bad for hermitting, so long as you keep in touch with the people who care about you!
    • Also!! Remember to stay hydrated, it is brutally hot out there
    • That's right, it's my last committee report so it's the return of the Essay Length Rambling!
    • I've had an incredible time this past year, in spite of the looming threat of the plague and the pressure of getting into honours. I've really enjoyed being here and getting to know everyone!
    • I'm sure next year is going to be just as amazing, and I know you're all going to be just as amazing on that committee as you were on this one <3
  • Texas:
    • I'm back, made Friends with dolphins
    • happy semester, GL with studies
    • worked on a homebrew world and might do a fresher game which is exciting
    • probably still need to do my speech for AGM since I can't be there oTL
    • 0 dragons

Past action Items:


Respond to Clare - done

Large-scale borrowing regulations - done (yeah for real... WOW)


DnD One Shot EMP, message DMs, book loft - done

Fresher welcome pizza order - done

PROSH sign up - done

Bother Cade about moneys - done

Look into shirt stuff - not done


RPG classification - not done


Draft up fresher campaign sign up form - done

Chairs and tables for fresher welcome - done


  • Need to post a form for new gatekeepers

Alistair: Gatekeeper form


  • Need to post a form

Alistair: Webkeeper form

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Want board games? Come to Fresher Welcome


  • DnD One Shot [Week 2 Friday 11/3 5pm]
    • Jackie gathered 8 GMs

Jackie: Message DnD DMs and put up event

Magic: The Gavining

  • Intro to Magic [Week 3]
    • nextcommitteesproblem


  • Intro to Wargaming [Week 3]
    • nextcommitteesproblem

Fresher Campaigns

  • GM EOI form: https://forms.gle/PTFFQ47rhE2cuMN97
  • Player EOI form needs to go out, either now or with next committee
    • We'll probably put it out on Thursday

Ethan: Release Fresher Campaign EOI


Uncharity Vigil [Saturday 19/02 4pm - Sunday 20/02 4pm]

  • No updates
  • nextcommitteesproblem

DnD with Panto [January??]

  • Alistair spoke to Clare verbally
  • It will be at some point after week 3 onwards
  • Clare has some interested GMs and wants to theme it around panto stuff
  • nextcommitteesproblem

O-Day [Friday 25/02 11am - 3pm]

  • We got 144 O-Day signups! 75 freshers!
    • Quiet O-Day (everyone's numbers were down)
  • We made $737 in signups
  • Thank you to gatekeepers and committee who came to help out

Fresher Welcome [POSTPONED (tentative date: Thursday 10/03 4pm)]

  • There will be 2 square metre rule
  • There is also a concern of multiple on campus exposure sites recently, including some on O-Day
  • We can ask our sister clubs if we can use their rooms and we will use the loft
  • We can also cancel the pizza order (masks off and eating is dangerous)
  • Should we still run the event?
    • Playing board games has a large COVID risk associated
    • We could do the event outside, santise the board games we use before and after, masks on, no food
    • If one person with COVID comes and plays all night, everyone in the building will get omicron (it's incredibly contagious and airborne)
    • Even if we take all the precautions, anyone who attends will still be a close contact
  • There's also questions about the room as a COVID risk, it's a small room with lots of people going through
  • We could postpone the event by a week and see how the cluster evolves
  • We will postpone the event and prepare for a likely online event next week
    • nextcommitteesproblem

Annual General Meeting [Friday 04/03 1PM]

  • This can't be postponed... F
  • We're unsure of the capacity limit of the GCR, it's probably around 30
  • We might need to plan an alternate venue, but this will be difficult
  • An online AGM will be hell
    • Votes will suck, but it is a possibility if absolutely needed
  • Outdoor AGM??
    • Noise is a problem here
    • Also heat and sun
  • The best thing we can do is desperately seek an alternate venue
  • If the AGM is cancelled (worst case scenario) we will remain committee until we can book another AGM
  • Our plan in order of preference:
      1. We do the AGM in GCR (unable to do if GCR has a small capacity)
      1. We do the AGM in an alternate venue (unable to do if uni shut down or no venue available)
      1. We do online AGM

Texas: Book new AGM venue Emerald: Prepare online AGM contingency plan Everyone: Write handovers

PROSH [Wednesday 23/3]

  • Who knows if that's going to happen
  • nextcommitteesproblem


  • Submitted
    • $50 uncharity prizes to Alistair
    • $525 to Alistair for pre-release
    • $251.74 to Texas for food run
    • $498.30 to Jackie for Oday 2022 Printing
    • $4.96 to Alistair for Raffle Tix


  • Best Club Award
    • Cade messaged back saying he can't do anything till Semester 1 grants happen
    • The guild owes us money
  • Semester grant
    • See above
  • Envirogrant
    • ??

Jackie: Email back Cade

General Business:

Room Update

  • Table
    • No updates


  • Classification system

Vikrum: RPG classification

  • Book Buy

Emerald: Book buy stuff

  • Card Sleeves
    • No updates

Food runs

Ethan, Emerald: Wednesday morning food run


Gwen: Newsletter including AGM details and postponed Fresher Welcome


  • Alistair did the large-scale borrowing regulations
  • Committee has approved them

Gwen: Add regulations to website

Westmarche Campaign

  • Feedback form: https://forms.gle/a4XWBRACVYQemuhx9

Shirt Stuff

  • Who knows, we will theoretically get an update at some point

Enviro + Unigames Board Games

  • nextcommitteesproblem

Meeting closed: 6:57pm