Unigames Committee Meeting #6 - 08/04/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 08/04/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #6 - 08/04/2021


  • Alistair
  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gwen
  • Ethan
  • Amber
  • Chris
  • Nina
  • Texas
  • Vikrum


Meeting scheduled: 3:00pm

Meeting open: 3:14pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • I have allegedly performed tasks this week
  • None of them have been study related
  • Charity Vigil seemed to go really well, made Ethan shell out $115 for a shirt
  • Went to a fun meeting again this week
  • I have student SLT training tomorrow

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • I've been in the deep south
  • It was nice
  • I've not done a lot of study in the week
  • I hope everyone is doing well
  • It's nice to be back in the room... it's changed a lot
  • Wrote up a Westmarche announcement with Ethan

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • charity vigil happened!! went well (i am proud)
    • betrayal was successfully played by me
    • (thanks texas for forcing me to sit down and play a game)
  • betrayed by the hsm playlist on the food run bc it gave us a very long hsm3 song
    • (i haven't watched hsm3)
  • why did study week go by so fast wtf
  • account balance: $9,889.41

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • Committee meeting at 3pm!?
  • I swear I was going to have the regulations done by the committee meeting... when I thought it was at 7pm
    • I'm sorry assignments have priority
  • If you want to hear about one of the most intense Tuesdays anyone has ever had, hit me up

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • Slept 12 hours yesterday like I'm some goddamn baby
  • Not much on the library front, they just sit there y'know
  • Ran an impromptu oneshot for the gap between oneshots
  • Cursed; some of the kids hadn't played D&D before, Amber killed herself by misquoting memes and they didn't make it past the first encounter
  • Raised a lil money tho and the concept itself is novel and valid, just needs some tuning and also less cannibalising from other clubs
  • Did some West Marches thingos

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • Charity Vigil went
  • Westmarche announcement (35 Signups)
  • 60 % of a Phyrexian in a Ghillie Suit (Thanks Rondelyn)
  • Westmarche loremittee meeting is happening very soon

Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):

  • Amber:

    • Went to Charity Vigil and stayed up for over 35 hours.
    • Helped with Westmarche.
    • Have student leadership training tomorrow.
    • Sorry for putting my minutes in so late.
  • Chris:

    • went to charity vigil. Sheep Stonks
    • got a lot of sleep after charity vigil
    • contacted some gms for star wars, looks like the event will be later in the week, but not confirmed yet (still waiting on some responses)
    • sorry for another late report
  • Nina:

    • went to charity vigil, cooked some food for a demon! Won some prizes!
    • Making the most of study week (resting up, catching up on sleep, being a Gamer)
      • arguments persist about whether Nina is a gamer or a Gamer
  • Texas:

    • went to charity vigil! Good vibes for the time I was there
    • climbed some rocks
    • made FB and discord stuff for the Rootin' Tootin'
    • miraculous, simply the best
    • it's been a week
    • I have 2 dragons

Past action Items:


Contact tactics about Modern Horizons 2 prerelease - done

Milk/energy run for charity vigil (along with Jackie) - done

Make a post about Swancon volunteers - done

Put up the camp names finale poll in committee group - done

Camp (along with Emerald, Jackie) - not done

Bother ICONs about quiz night - done

Contact Chloe about the loft bins - done

Tape down the carpet squares when possible - not done

Contact tenancy about drilling into our wall to mount things - done

Message Pidj about their donation - done

Write those long-term borrowing regulations - not done


Camp (along with Alistair, Jackie) - not done

Research into IKEA cabinets - done


Milk/energy run for charity vigil (along with Alistair) - done

Camp (along with Alistair, Emerald) - not done

Find the coffee table - not done


Update regulations - :(


Book a ticket to Swancon (with receipt) - done


Contact Andrei about mordheim campaign status - not done but it's dine


Contact star wars GMs - done


Put up facebook event and discord ping for rootin tootin board games - done


(Bump Taylor about table - yes, taylor) "oh fuck! i fucking forgot!" - done


  • no updates


  • no updates

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Rootin Tootin Board Games [Week 7 Friday 16/4 5pm]
    • Event is up and EMP is approved
    • Yay


  • Call of Cthulu One Shot [Week 6 5pm Thursday 1st April]

    • 3 games ran
    • It seemed like it went pretty well
    • People has a good time
    • Jack got to show off
  • Week 8 One Shot: Star Wars

    • Chris has contacted GMs with some replies

Chris: Get those Star Wars GMs organised

Magic: The Gavining

  • Strixhaven Prelease [Sunday 25/4]
    • Alistair put in the EMP and stuff for the prelease
    • Then prerelease got delayed, and the EMP was already approved
    • It's all sorted now though
  • Modern Horizons 2
    • we have been pencilled in and will be contacted about costs soon


  • Andrei wants to do an intro to Mordheim event on Wednesday
  • Kyle brought in terrain

Fresher Campaigns

  • No drops this week


Charity Vigil [Probably Sat 3/4/21 - Sun 4/4/21]:

  • Wrap up meeting next Monday
  • Pizza sadness
  • We raised $2058.17 for Charity!
    • YAY
    • Unigames Fridge income: $227.50
    • Our contribution was ~$267 in activity proceeds
  • Waiting for PCS to contribute to the buy in and then UCC will pay the charity
  • Yay for Jackie

Swancon [24/4/21 - 26/4/21]:

  • AListair put up a post asking for volunteers
  • Preferably we have one committee member/gatekeeper there the whole time

Unigames Humans and Humans (Variant) Camp [Friday 16/7/21 - Monday 19/7/21]:

  • Alistair might nut one out tonight to get the EMP and stuff done
  • Our theme: Humans and Humans (variant)
    • YAY

Alistair, Jackie, Emerald: Camp... please

Quiz Night [Probably Friday 20/8 or 27/8]:

Alistair: Keep bothering ICONS about Quiz Night

Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 4/9 - Sun 5/9]:

  • nothing

Relay for Life [October]:

  • nothing

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ 77 Social [Thursday 21/10/21]:

  • nothing

Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [19/11/21 - 22/11/21]:

  • nothing


Pending: - $520.58 for food run to Jackie - $43.44 for carpet tape to Ethan - $209.65 for charity vigil food run to Jackie - $60 for swancon ticket to Vikrum


  • Cameron Hall Update Meeting

    • We are allowed to have an elevator... but Guild is not allowed to have any money for the elevator
    • Also some other issues:
      • Our door is not up to fire code
      • The rafters are too low
      • The hallways are too narrow
      • We have no money for any of this
    • The Guild will fundraise over the 5-10 years to raise money to fix Cameron Hall
      • Guild Master Plan that's actually real now... with a bank account
    • When this evenutally happens lots will change and be shifted
    • This is next next next next.... etc. committee's problem
    • Guild are doing their best
      • No ragging on the Guild
  • Elevator

    • see above
  • Semester grants

    • I wish we had updates
  • O Day Grant

    • Not yet
  • Best Club award

    • no updates

General Business:

  • UWASCA is interested in another collab
    • either dice bags or cloaks

Nina: Talk to Neville about collab

Room Update

  • Cupboards
    • 3 lockable cupboards available, all with glass doors
    • There are hundreds of other cupboards
    • No budget currently - we have lots of money to spend... like a lot
    • Ideal location: Next to the current RPG cupboard

Emerald: Find cupboard options


  • Vikrum has been thinking about tagging
  • We're missing Fog of Love...

Vikrum: Track down Fog of Love


  • no updates


Alistair: Long term borrowing regulations Gwen: Vaccuum regulations on website

Westmarch Campaign

  • Things are happening
  • Loremittee meeting scheduled

Meeting closed: 3:52pm