Unigames Committee Meeting #6 - 12/04/2019

by Donald Sutherland 12/04/19

Unigames Committee Meeting #6 - 12/04/2019


  • Alaura
  • Aoibhinn
  • Taylor
  • Donald
  • Amelia
  • Brett
  • Jasmine
  • Elana


  • Alistair


  • Gavin

Meeting open: 10:46AM


President's Report:

  • I have done my civil duty
  • And got rejected for Jury duty
  • Other than that, I've done some work with Taylor on Guild stuff
  • I went to the SOC meeting
  • And after this I'm going to sort out the Camp meeting with Events

Vice-President's Report:

  • Been organising the collab w/ UniSFA
  • They're very keen
  • And by "they're" I mean Annique
  • I helped to organise things with Scitech, and then was too sick to go to Scitech

Treasurer's Report:

  • Account balance: $2362.08
  • Hi
  • I came in on Monday to do some quiz night stuff
  • And then I was stuck in bed until this morning
  • On the plus side I got to look after dogs

Secretary's Report:

  • Prerelease posters are uparound CHall
  • Soon will be up around campus
  • I did a pass on outdated information on the website

Librarian's Report:

  • Overdue items: None
  • But something was returned late!
  • SwanCon thing is happening right now
  • Still need to make a time to figure our book repair skills

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • Organised two new fresher campaigns
  • Freshers are alive
  • Quiz Night table is still in the works

Past action Items:


  • Talk to UniSFA in person about Quiz Night prize philosophy (along with Taylor) - not done
  • Try and organise a Cameron Hall first aid course - on the backburner


  • Get tickets out tonight for Quiz (along with Taylor) - thanks Taylor


  • Contact SOC about O-Day grants - Alaura did it
  • Talk to UniSFA in person about Quiz Night prize philosophy (along with Alaura) - not done
  • Get tickets out tonight for Quiz (along with Aoibhinn) - done
  • Sell Stickeez. - not done


  • Make Draft/Commander event - not done
  • Update committee email address on website - done
  • Find out what's up with Mailing Lists - not done


  • Make a whenisgood for Book Buy meeting from 1st - 8th May - not done
  • Tell Jack our reasons for declining the splat - done


  • Continue looking at fridge whiteboards - done


  • Make a Google Sheet for meeting scheduling - done


  • (Everyone) Fill out that google sheet - done


  • Jackie Shan is approved as a gatekeeper
  • Aoibhinn: Train Jackie


Usual Suspects:


  • Acess board games night is tonight!
  • Location is in the CCZ
  • Brett spoke to Classics society
    • Week 9 was proposed
    • No nailed down date, likely to be the 29th April or 6th May
    • We just don't want to too close to Quiz Night
  • James Arcus talked to Alaura about the photography club collab
    • James didn't know anything
  • UWADU has a collab on the 2nd May
    • That should be a popular one
  • Tav is getting in board games in the Tav
    • Currently that means CaH and Exploding Kittens


  • Cthulhu one-shot is being organised
  • 17th of April is the date
  • Aoibhinn has 4 potential GMs
  • UniSFA will screen something Lovecraftian, and then we'll play Call of Cthulhu


  • Magic draft/commander event on the 25th
  • Along with prerelease on the 28th
  • Should be good!


  • Matches have started for the 40K tournament
  • Mordheim has moved to Thursday evenings
  • Inquisimunda continues
  • Painting day scheduled for the 24th of April

Fresher Campaigns

  • Two more games are running, and have started?
  • Others seem to be running


Scitech - After Dark [April 6th]

  • It happened, and it was good!
  • We learned a bit from it
  • There was only a handful of people that were interested
  • And a lot of them were a bit put off by the time committment
  • Idea for potential next time: have staggered games, with advertised start times (e.g. "The next game will start at 8:30pm")
  • We had a couple of extra sign-ups from it, held back a little by outdated information on the website.
  • Donald, Alaura, Taylor: Get involved with website updating

  • Aoibhinn: Talk to website designer friend

  • Alaura: Talk to Scitech about feedback

SwanCon [19th-22nd April]:

  • How convienient, Laura is here
  • Alistair has put up a form for volunteers
  • Long term borrowing is temporarily restricted to one-day until SwanCon
  • Transporting games to SwanCon - who's driving?
  • Alaura might have some plastic tubs to transport games in

Quiz Night [10th May]:

  • Meeting tonight
  • Tickets now on sale, come and buy your tickets!
  • Taylor will contact Tactics this week about prize collection
  • Taylor, Alistair: Make sure Quiz Night event goes up today

  • UniSFA proposed some subcommitee regs ammendments:
    • We approve of what the ammendments are trying to do, but the wording can allow for some exploitation in their current form.
    • Voted against changing them for now.

CAMP - Fiends and Fae (Redacted) [21st-24th June]:

  • Alaura is going to events after this meeting
  • Cost of Manjedal: $22 per person per night, one night minimum.
  • Considering that, how much do we want to make tickets?
    • Committee consensus is $90 per person for early bird price, which includes a $5 snack budget
    • Non-early-bird ticket price is $100, with no included snack voucher
    • Early bird ends 3 weeks before camp because of Manjedal's requirements
  • Donald: Start working on poster for Camp

Harry Potter LARP:

  • A meeting has happened, and Taylor is keen
  • Concept: A day at Hogwarts, four different classes
    • Quidditch (easy, Harry Potter club already does this)
    • Defense against the Dark Arts (involves duelling with band guns)
    • Potions (we could hire out a room in Bayliss and literally have a chemistry class)
    • Care of Magical Creatures (we hire a petting zoo)
  • Opt-in hogwarts feast in the evening, maybe in the Tav for Alcohol (so 18+)
  • This is obviously really expensive
    • Taylor wants to get a Lion Nathan grant for such an event
    • Send in a dream budget with a lot of notice
    • Hopefully we get it approved
    • There are backup plans in place if we don't get the Lion Nathan
  • Date-wise, finding a spot for it will be hard
    • Septemberish is the current
  • This is very much still in the concepting stage
  • Current reps:
    • Taylor and Jasmine
  • Committee is keen, as long as the budget has a close eye on it at all times


  • SOC meeting happened on Wednesday

    • O-Day grants were supposed to include stall costs, and if they didn't it was a mistake
    • UWA Fringe is happening, and PAC is offering grants to run things at it
    • Events is slammed right now, because Liam has left
  • FilAus Incident:

    • Taco has just tarted a full-time job, so things will be slow
    • Alaura checked in with Taco in person
    • No updates, a meeting still needs to be scheduled
  • Tenancy allocations:

    • Nothing is official, they want appeals in before the allocation meeting so they can avoid a second meeting
    • There will still be an appeals window before changes are made
  • Accessibility

    • Cameron Hall presidents have organised an action plan along with Taco to have a meeting with Guild and University higher-ups
  • Executive directory

    • There exists a master list of club executives, their student numbers, and their emails
    • Some concerns were brought up
    • Taco has assured that you can opt-out, and names can be changed on the list if they would prefer
    • Alaura: Update our email on the club exec directory

Room Update:

Taylor: Go to officeworks for more supplies - Fridge/freezer chaos - No updates on fridge/freezer sales

  • Fridge Whiteboard:

    • 91cm x 61cm wrap costs $30 + $15 shipping
    • Would fit our fridge pretty well
    • We'll check with UniSFA to see if they want in on it
  • Noodles:

    • Alaura still hasn't been to Clark Rubber for replacement noodles


  • Taylor: Process reimbursments

  • Finley Hoskins: $10.24 for metholated spirits and cleaning vinegar for busy bee
  • Alistair: $35.61 for paints
    • Delayed, so it can be paid via transfer, not cash.

General Business:

  • Food run:

    • Brett and Donald can do one tomorrow
    • Committee have approved a large food run
  • Change to committee meeting time:

    • Committee meeting time will be changed to 3PM-5PM on Mondays
    • There will be a committee meeting this coming Monday to transition to this new timeslot
  • Seperate mailing lists:

    • Donald: Find out what's up with mailing lists

  • Cameron Hall first aid:

    • Alaura: Try and organise a Cameron Hall first aid course

  • Leadership training:

    • April 23rd and 24th is Leadership training
  • Selling the stickeez:

    • No updates from Gumtree
    • Taylor: Sell Stickeez.

  • Committee photos:

    • Brett offers to complete this
    • Brett: Sort out committee photos

  • Book buy:

    • Alistair: Make a whenisgood for Book Buy meeting from 1st - 8th May

  • Large scale borrowing

    • Taylor suggests a large scale borrowing form so that people can request certain games for certain events
    • Would be good to document everything, and to get things officially scheduled
    • Donald: Draw up a form for large-scale borrowing

    • Donald: Write new regulations

  • Caution policy:

    • We've decided to use the term "caution" as the step before a dooring for minor unwanted behavoirs, such as littering in the clubroom.

Meeting closed: 1:26PM


Action Items:


  • Get involved with website updating (along with Taylor, Donald)
  • Talk to Scitech about feedback
  • Update our email on the club exec directory
  • Try and organise a Cameron Hall first aid course


  • Train Jackie
  • Talk to website designer friend


  • Get involved with website updating (along with Alaura, Donald)
  • Make sure Quiz Night event goes up today (along with Alistair)
  • Go to officeworks for more supplies
  • Process reimbursments
  • Sell Stickeez.


  • Get involved with website updating (along with Alaura, Taylor)
  • Start working on poster for Camp
  • Find out what's up with mailing lists
  • Draw up a form for large-scale borrowing
  • Write new regulations


  • Make sure Quiz Night event goes up today (along with Taylor)
  • Make a whenisgood for Book Buy meeting from 1st - 8th May


  • Sort out committee photos