Unigames Committee Meeting #7 - 15/04/2019

by Donald Sutherland 15/04/19

Unigames Committee Meeting #7 - 15/04/2019


  • Aoibhinn
  • Taylor
  • Donald
  • Alistair
  • Amelia
  • Brett
  • Jasmine
  • Elana


  • Alaura
  • Gavin


  • none

Meeting open: 3:05AM


President's Report:

  • Brett immediately leaves
  • Who thought teeth were a good idea, they're only good for pain
  • Worked on more camp, RMP is done and code of conduct will be up today
  • Filled out the SwanCon sheet, only put myself down for one day, but free for all days if needed.

Vice-President's Report:

  • I found a bunny in the Guild easter egg hunt
  • That's exciting
  • Nothing else, it's been three days

Treasurer's Report:

  • Account balance: $2362.08
  • I have done some stuff for quiz night
  • Honestly mostly been studying for some tests
  • I've seen the latest game of thrones, but I won't spoil it because I'm not an asshole

Secretary's Report:

  • I am official on Wheel for real

Librarian's Report:

  • Overdue items: None
  • Continuing tradition of committee hecking the borrowing book, Amelia hecked it
  • Tried to update the counter, but I couldn't get it to
  • Donald: Investigate Library counter

  • Whenisgood for the book buy is up
  • SwanCon good
  • Sign up yes

Fresher Rep's Report:

  • The freshers that I gave Will were not able to be free at the same time

Past action Items:


  • Get involved with website updating (along with Taylor, Donald) - not done
  • Talk to Scitech about feedback - don't know
  • Update our email on the club exec directory - don't know
  • Try and organise a Cameron Hall first aid course - don't know


  • Train Jackie - done
  • Talk to website designer friend - done


  • Get involved with website updating (along with Alaura, Donald) - not done
  • Make sure Quiz Night event goes up today (along with Alistair) - done
  • Go to officeworks for more supplies - not done
  • Process reimbursments - not done
  • Sell Stickeez - not done


  • Get involved with website updating (along with Alaura, Taylor) - done
  • Start working on poster for Camp - not done
  • Find out what's up with mailing lists - not done
  • Draw up a form for large-scale borrowing - not done
  • Write new regulations - not done


  • Make sure Quiz Night event goes up today (along with Taylor) - done
  • Make a whenisgood for Book Buy meeting from 1st - 8th May - done


  • Sort out committee photos - not done


  • Donald: Add forms to database (free free to help)


Usual Suspects:


  • Access board games went well
    • We had non-Unigames people there, which is very good
  • Classics Board Games night is the 6th May
  • UWADU is on the 2nd May


  • Cthulhu one-shot w/ UniSFA is happening on Wednesday!
    • Both of us are keen
  • Do we want to have a board game night and a one-shot on the same week since there will be a gap?
    • Week 11
    • Something earlier in the week.
    • Numenera perhaps? and/or The Strange?
    • Plenty of time to find GMs


  • The new set looks real nice!
  • Draft / Commander night happening on the 25th April
  • And prerelease happening on the 28th!
  • Posters should be out around campus now


  • Correcting the minutes from last meeting.
  • Mordheim is continuing on Monday nights
  • Inquisimunda is now Necromunda, and is happening on Thursday nights now
  • Painting day happening on the 24th of April
  • Alistair: Retrieve Inquisimunda book and yell at people about that.

Fresher Campaigns

  • There's a few time conflicts in Will's campaign
  • And Amelia hasn't heard from Szymon


Scitech - After Dark [April 6th]

  • Alaura: Talk to Scitech about feedback

SwanCon [19th-22nd April]:

  • People have started registering to be meeples
  • We'll pin the post for the registrations
  • No updates on transport of games
  • Worst case scenario is Amelia can do it

    Alistair: Create list of games to bring to SwanCon

Quiz Night [10th May]:

  • Event is up!
  • Unigames has sold two tables already!
  • Guild posters are being patched up and will be posted around campus
  • You can buy tickets in the clubroom or online!
  • UniSFA has agreed the ammendments for the subcommittee regs need work
  • Taylor also spoke to UniSFA about prizes
    • The situation has been resolved

CAMP - Fiends and Fae (Redacted) [21st-24th June]:

  • Alaura tried to see events, and Leigh was not there, RIP
  • The RMP is done, the EMP is done
  • We're just waiting for an approval meeting
    • Leigh wants to approve all documents before that meeting happens
    • The plan is to get everything ready to go, so that once we get approved, everything can go out
    • At least a week probably
  • Donald: Work on Camp posters

Harry Potter LARP:

  • No updates


  • FilAus Incident:

    • Still waiting for a meeting to be scheduled
  • Tenancy allocations:

    • Taylor needs to finish the appeal
    • Cross checking policy etc.
    • Jasmine: Follow up with Gavin on due date for appeal

  • Accessibility

    • No meeting has happened yet, still to be organised
  • Tav Boardgames Stuff

    • Aoibhinn: Ask Tav about whether they want suggestions

Room Update:

  • Soft plastic recycling:

    • The club generates quite a bit of soft plastics, maybe make a bag to store/recycle them?
    • Aoibhinn: Make a post reminding people about bin-can-redemption

  • Fridge/freezer chaos

    • No updates on fridge/freezer sales
  • Fridge Whiteboard:

    • Brett has no updates
  • Noodles:

    • Alaura still hasn't been to Clark Rubber for replacement noodles


  • Taylor: Process reimbursments

  • Donald: $705.65 for food run
  • Finley Hoskins: $10.24 for metholated spirits and cleaning vinegar for busy bee
  • Alistair: $35.61 for paints
    • Delayed, so it can be paid via transfer, not cash.

General Business:

  • Food run:

    • We've just had one!
  • Change to committee meeting time:

    • This is the new meeting time!
  • Seperate mailing lists:

    • Donald: Find out what's up with mailing lists

  • Cameron Hall first aid:

    • Alaura: Try and organise a Cameron Hall first aid course

  • Leadership training:

    • April 23rd and 24th is Leadership training
  • Selling the stickeez:

    • No updates from Gumtree
    • Taylor: Sell Stickeez.

  • Committee photos:

    • Brett has no updates
    • Brett: Sort out committee photos

  • Book buy:

    • Whenisgood has been made
  • Large scale borrowing

    • Donald: Draw up a form for large-scale borrowing

    • Donald: Write new regulations

  • Library update:

    • Jasmine had a fresher ask about which games we had
    • Is the new library system up to date?
    • We don't know
    • Alistair: Look into Libib stuff

Meeting closed: 3:58PM (wow, shortest meeting this year)

Action Items:


  • Talk to Scitech about feedback
  • Try and organise a Cameron Hall first aid course


  • Ask Tav about whether they want suggestions
  • Make a post reminding people about bin-can-redemption


  • Process reimbursments
  • Sell Stickeez.


  • Investigate Library counter
  • Add forms to database (free free to help)
  • Work on Camp posters
  • Find out what's up with mailing lists
  • Draw up a form for large-scale borrowing
  • Write new regulations


  • Retrieve Inquisimunda book and yell at people about that.
  • Create list of games to bring to SwanCon
  • Look into Libib stuff


  • Sort out committee photos


  • Follow up with Gavin on due date for appeal