Unigames Committee Meeting #7 - 16/04/2020

by Autumn Brough 16/04/20

Unigames Committee Meeting #7 - 16/04/2020


  • Alistair
  • Taylor
  • Jackie
  • Autumn
  • Emerald
  • Alice
  • Ash
  • Josh
  • Gwen
  • Kyle
  • and.... Alaura :D
  • alaura is a nerd

Meeting scheduled: 5:00pm

Meeting open: 5:08pm


President's Report (Alistair):

  • Got an email from Manjedal confirming dates
  • Emailed Tactics to ask about Magic products
  • Got a message from PBW about the 40th, talking to him now
  • Stooped to new levels and I’m watching Greys Anatomy
  • Slowly going mad my dudes
  • Wanna be in Cameron Hall

Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

  • Appearance of a wild emerald has improved mood significantly
    • Doing living room committee meetings with the minutes on the TV
  • Time has ceased to have any meaning
  • Stop examplify!

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • oooh boy i'm really feeling it
  • helped out with the deception boardgames event!
  • ran werewolf on the fly and died just a little
  • we now have a very simple werewolf/mafia bot that committee has tested!
  • go wild kids play werewolf/mafia on the discord server
    • Test game just occurred: not impressed but use it if you want
  • also wrote an email to jameson about spg grants!
  • account balance: $1,493.57
  • cash on hand: $7

Secretary's Report (Autumn):

  • girls ive gotta say we're really in it now
  • charity unvigil meeting, have a big update to deliver on that
  • worked on recruiting motw GMs
  • talked to alice about fresher games
  • im posting through it

Librarian's Report (Emerald):

  • moved into taylor and gozz's!!
  • went to ikea, couldn't enter because everyone was there?
  • helped jackie write the letter to jameson
  • toying with the idea of making a random task generator for goose larp

Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

  • The freshers are alive. I think.
  • Poked a bunch of people about fresher games!
    • Alistair is wrathful towards his copy/pasted invitation

Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

  • Ash:
    • Currently in the bathroom
    • Had board games night on Friday
    • Ran from 5 to around 7
    • Chonky thanks to Gwen, Jackie, Josh for helping run the night and explaining rules and games and such <3 <3 <3
    • Extra shoutout to Jackie for the on the fly werewolf game, it went really well, especially for a first time on the fly <3
    • Had issue with tos, turns out you have to pay if you have a new account (oof), and logging in was a struggle (OOF)
    • Mainly played secret hitler, little bit of coup, and werewolf.
    • god i miss irl interaction
  • Gwen:
    • Deception board games was great fun. Big shoutout to Jackie for doing werewolf last minute.
    • Made some GM tips, feel free to suggest more if yall think of any. Also I think we should be sending them to all one shot GMs before a oneshot (just in case).
    • Gosh I can't wait for all this pandemic stuff to be over.
  • Josh:
    • Attended deception board games: first half was a bit rough but thank you to jackie for reining it in
    • Stalked other discords and took inspiration of what a good organisation might be
  • Kyle:
    • Ran painting day! Happy to run the event again in future
    • Tackled vassal but had difficulty dealing with the user interface

Past action Items:


Revise the fresher signup form (along with Autumn, Alice) - no Increase the capacity of the halloween wrath pipeline (along with Jackie) - wrath is being diverted towards the university Think about Ghost Camp (along with Emerald) - had thoughts!


Increase the capacity of the halloween wrath pipeline (along with Taylor) - nope Email Jameson to ask about the status of TTS SPGs - done!


Organise MOTW and track down GMs and advertise - work in progress Revise the fresher signup form (along with Taylor, Alice) - it's happening


Think about Ghost Camp (along with Taylor) - yeah!


Revise the fresher signup form (along with Taylor, Autumn) - done Keep collecting GMs for fresher campaigns - done Open up player signups for fresher campaigns - not done


Make a Community craft hour event - done Find a friend for wargames - done Think about the future of wargaming (assets and purchases) (along with Josh) - done


Think about the future of wargaming (assets and purchases) (along with Kyle) - got upset with this action item, done Writeup your proposed new order for the Discord channels - done


Be responsible for making a GM reference doc - done


(All) Consider which charities we would like to support - nominations approved (All) Brainstorm ideas for discord activities - thoughts have happened


Usual Suspects:


  • Deception board games [Last Friday]
    • First half was rough, we should work to do better that the programs we use are understood
    • Secret Hitler was difficult to join
    • Town of Salem had issues where brand new users couldn't play for free
    • Coup and Werewolf worked particlarly well with a GM running it
    • After a human-run game happened, we installed a bot to run the game, but it doesn't seem nearly as nice
  • Next board games event, week after next week
    • Taylor advocates for codenames as an online game
    • Alaura points out that if one person has a physical copy they can stream the board
    • Could we run a Quarantine Experimentation Game Night where we take submissions ahead of time and see if we can run games online?
    • Try to get a proper TTS chat going
    • Could we have TTS-specific nights, and focus the regular boardgames nights on non-TTS games?
    • So RN we're planning two boardgames nights: a TTS night when committee are free to host it, and our proper fortnightly boardgames night
    • TTS nights should have a few days warning at least, and we should look to make it a set day of the week if we can. Multiple committee members are keen to be in the organisation for that.

Emerald: Be responsible for TTS Tuesdays!


  • Monster of the Week
    • GMs are Autumn, Emerald, Vikrum and Merlin (text only)
    • Emerald has very very kindly offered to rearrange her fresher game so we can run on Friday next week (23/4)

Autumn, Emerald: Get set for MOTW night

  • The subsequent RPG
    • Alice is familiar with the Star Wars systems and can try to get that organised for May the Fourth!
    • Taylor: Check with unisfa if they're also doing something for may the fourth

Alice: Organise star wars rpg night

  • GM reference doc
    • Thank you Gwen!!
    • Everyone who is interested in GMing games online please give it a read
    • Should we provide a big resources post? Combining all the links in one place
    • Idea of putting all of this information in one big doc but that can be very intimidating
    • Alaura: If we make a masterlist then we should share it to reddit to get feedback


  • The new set comes out on MTG arena today/tomorrow
  • Donald posted a state of the game update about arena
  • Alistair talked to tactics:
    • The commander decks are coming out on 15/5 along with the physical product of the set
    • They can be preordered from tactics and delivered to you for $60
  • Can we use discord for having MTG arena online matches?
  • Apparently Max posted a mod for TTS that allows for a simulacrum of MtG
  • Reminder that cockatrice exists - do we want to officially support a tool like this?
  • Should we have an MTG night? Magic mondays? Friday night magic?


  • Painting day
    • Kyle is happy to continue doing painting days
    • We had low turnout for this last one, but it was nice
    • Let's do at least once more and see how it goes
    • This one didn't have a lot of notice
    • Kyle would love Wargame wednesdays but that clashes with the charity unvigil meeting
    • Would a craft event be more appropriate to do during the day on the weekend?
    • "Stanley Knife Saturdays" - emerald's attention is captured by the utterance of sksks

Fresher Campaigns

  • GM signups
    • We have 11 GMs signed up
  • Fresher signups
    • The player signup form has been edited but needs to be sent out
    • Alice is very insistent on being yelled at

Taylor, Autumn, Alice: Send out fresher campaign player signups


Halloween 2019:

  • No update

Jackie: Get in touch with Aoibhinn


Charity UnVigil:

  • Update
    • PCS has joined the crew, bringing our number to 4
  • Charities to Support
    • We have realised that Friends with Dignity is primarily QLD focused and are prioritising the WA based charities
  • Activities on our night
    • Plan for D&D oneshots and parallel boardgames
  • Activities on the collab night
    • Discussion of Artemis Lan
      • All clubs are keen but there are many technical challenges
      • Artemis is difficult to install/distribute and also to communicate between each other when the teams aren't in rooms together
      • Gozz has apparently heard of a possible alternative to artemis?

Taylor: Ask Gozz about an Artemis alternative

  • Budget
    • Draft budget is currently that each of the four committees will chip in $100 for prizes
    • We can approve the numbers between all clubs and potentially approve later changes
    • The one requirement we could impose is that at minimum X% of that money goes towards thing useful to people in quarantine - this could just be a nice recommendation
    • Over the next week, think about what we want to think about our prize budget
  • Raffle prizes
    • We should ask Tactics about whether they would like to support this event
    • We should also plan out if we would like to spend any money on 1-to-2 player games from tactics
    • We can also distribute TTS keys as prizes

Autumn: Phone tactics and ask if they would like to support charity unvigil


  • There's been a few people who have failed to follow up and need to be bugged

[REDACTED] 2020: Ghost Camp:

  • Untitled Goose LARP
    • This was our concept for an around-the-home scavenger hunt
    • Emerald has brought up the idea of a random task generator to put together household objects into goosely tasks
  • Taylor would like to look into methods of doing a quiz or quiz-adjacent activity
    • Kahoot quizzes?
    • We cannot simply transfer our usual quiz format into online
    • Alice: Could we make a quiz where we expect people to cheat?
    • Could we angle the quiz towards things that you can't just google? Table-round-style creative prompts?
    • Having a combination of completely open ended creative stuff, questions that require lateral thinking, and trivia that needs to be answered quickly
    • Family Feud??

Alistair: Look into kahoot/quiz options

  • There is an assassins-esque type of game that taylor has encountered
    • Everyone gets a word, and needs to find a way to drop it into conversation naturally without being detected
    • Could this work in an online format?
    • Maybe make the game about call and response codephrases
  • Debates
    • Yelling on discord
    • This could be stressful but doable for people who like

Taylor: Mastermind Ghost Camp (Become the Ghost)

[REDACTED] 2021, hopefully:

  • We have received confirmation that our booking has been bumped to 19/6/21-22/6/21, which is our first preference

Room Update:

  • lol


  • Pending:
    • Emerald for Oday Ice once she brings her receipt
    • Kyle: $104.22 once Guild lets us make withdrawals
    • Jackie: -$7


  • Special Projects Grants
    • Jackie sent an email to Jameson asking about TTS grants
    • No updates yet
    • Emerald raises the idea of asking the TTS developer for a discount

Emerald: Email the tabletop creators to ask for a discount

General Business:


  • Current website:
    • Committee needs to be updated
    • The FAQ needs to be updated to reflect the following revelations from Peter Brian Williams:
      • The truth is that the Simulation society went defunct and did not merge into the Wargames society decades ago
      • This means that Unigames is not the age we thought, and this is actually our 40th anniversary year
    • Autumn said she would update the website earlier this year - a lot of information needs revising and the Webkeepers should be involved
    • Both the website and the facebook page have the wrong colour dragon

Taylor: Contact Frames to find out where the lie began

Alaura: Help us find the right coloured dragon for the FB banner

Taylor: Get in contact with Webkeepers about the status of the website

  • New website:
    • Most library databases are suited to either books or not-books
    • We will be therefore be getting a homemade database
    • Taylored
    • to our specifications
    • Priority 2: Ability to electronically track our borrowing. Would require maintaining a database of our membership
    • Priority 3: Wrapping those up into a nice pretty website that's easily accessible
    • Concept of a "Catdog style interface" where both the frontend and backend are a frontend
      • i.e. the librarian interface is very user friendly
    • There are many grand plans and irons in the general orbit of fires
    • We have an understanding of how it is done based on our previous work with the professional computing unit


  • Josh presents his proposed new layout for the discord
  • Also has prepared a notification message to let people know about the change
  • There is also a notification of the concept of our weekly post games
  • Committee learns that "LFG" stands for "Looking for games" and not "Let's fucking go"

Alistair: Implement changes to the Discord

Book Repair

  • With the return of library books back to safekeeping, Emerald is now keen to repair library books during the closure
  • Has assembled a $10.37 shopping list of book repair supplies
    • Budget approved unanimously
  • This would require some degree of visiting the clubroom to grab/drop library items

Alistair: Email Jacob/Elanor to get permission for Emerald to enter the building for short spans

Emerald: Repair books (yeah!!)

Meeting closed: 7:02pm

- Alaura has no rights

This Week's Action Items: Alistair:

Look into kahoot/quiz options

Implement changes to the Discord

Email Jacob/Elanor to get permission for Emerald to enter the building for short spans


Send out fresher campaign player signups (along with Autumn, Alice)

Ask Gozz about an Artemis alternative

Mastermind Ghost Camp (Become the Ghost)

Contact Frames to find out where the lie began

Get in contact with Webkeepers about the status of the website


Get in touch with Aoibhinn


Get set for MOTW night (along with Emerald)

Send out fresher campaign player signups (along with Taylor, Alice)

Phone tactics and ask if they would like to support charity unvigil


Be responsible for TTS Tuesdays!

Get set for MOTW night (along with Autumn)

Email the tabletop creators to ask for a discount

Repair books (yeah!!)


Organise star wars rpg night

Send out fresher campaign player signups (along with Taylor, Autumn)


Help us find the right coloured dragon for the FB banner