Unigames Committee Meeting #7 - 18/04/2022

by Ethan Gibson 18/04/22

Unigames Committee Meeting #7 - 18/04/2022

tags: committee meeting 2022


  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Texas
  • Gibbi
  • Luna
  • Hannah
  • Chris
  • Connor
  • David
  • Jazz


  • Alistair


Meeting scheduled: 5:00Pm

Meeting open: 5:07Pm


President's Report (Emerald):

  • Good evening everyone, hello gibbi
    • isolation 2!
    • i've done very little i've been stuck at home,,
    • i sent my email, i helped the dice-flation
    • i will enter the clubroom wednesday!!!
    • Hath been playing a lot of elden ring

Vice-President's Report (Jackie):

  • helped out w setting up charity vigil
  • attended charity vigil
    • me and amelia now own fog of love
    • piss forge also
  • s4ea emp is ready to submit just need to double check w amelia
  • my sister's coming home from melbourne tonight :))) !!!
    • (the one who gave jackie long cat)

Treasurer's Report (Texas):

  • went to charity vigil, spent money, watched unigames dice inflation
  • pizza opinions
  • also we raised so much for charity (like 2.5ish k )
  • made a food based trade with emerald earlier today
  • will be last exec with slt bc im doing it tomorrow and wednesday (rip study break)
  • discord themes are v cool
  • account balance: $5,325.30

Secretary's Report (Gibbi):

  • Ran charity vigil emphasis on the Running
  • Organised Connyah
  • Started writing pitch for battle decks
  • Made a motion for d6 auction cos thats too much for dice
  • Made infernal pact with the ipp to get help carrying prerelease stuff

Librarian's Report (Luna):

  • Exhausted.
  • Library is fully updated.
  • Went to Charity Vigil, lasted the entire night.
  • Finished Superhot VR in an hour.
  • Have been in Uni for all four days of this public holiday, and never entered Cam Hall on Sunday.
  • My body is a ball of pain.
  • Friends and cute animals keep me going.

Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah):

  • went to charity vigil and had a lot of fun
  • been helping the gms with figuring out the schedules and such
  • fresher campaign :skull:

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Connor, David, Jazz):

  • Chris:

    • attended charity vigil, it was indeed quite enjoyable
    • early morning phandelving sure was funky fresh
    • "I'm just a little meow-meow" - me, defending my underestimation for world record hot-dog times
      • (he refuses to admit this in words: that he thought that it took people just over a minute to eat 75 hot dogs)
      • Look I was just taking a guess - Chris 2022
      • Look I deny this - Chris 2022
  • Connor:

    • Went to and helped run charity vigil
    • Yo and yes Connyah happened
    • Dice prices increasingt exponentially
    • Went to subcom meeting
    • Spire one shot night happening
      • Big iff True
  • David:
    • sleepless and vigilant (but for charity)!
    • made the greatest raffle ticket investment of my life
    • mom found the piss forge
    • stay gamer peeps
  • Jazz:
    • went to charity
    • went on milk run
    • had garlic bread stolen twice (2)

Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==6.75/8== Meetings
  • It's me boy, I'm the IPP.
    • Had a look at mounting the pinboard but its not going to be trivial. The metal struts I would need to drill into are too far apart to support the wall mount part of the board. Will have to either look into getting muliple screw in the centre and rotation buffers on the ends OR mount a wood beam or similar across the wall then mount the board onto that. Will have to look into whether thats feasible.
    • You can locate the struts yourself by gently holding on the the rectangle magnets and moving it along the wall until you feel it pull.
  • Helped Gibbi carry the prerelease stuff to the hall
    • Alistair didnt say this but I did - Gibbi

Past action Items:


(with Jackie) camp EMP - Not Done

Send an Email to Quinn - Done


Do EMP and CCZ booking for s4ea boardgames - In Progress

(with Emerald) camp EMP - Not Done

do gaetekeeper training for lorenzo - Done

Finish Grant handover - Not Done


Do Milkrun on charity vigil - DOne


Write a intermediate magic primer for committee - Doing

Put up announcement and event on facebook and discord for prerelease - Done

Poke texas about milkrun - Done

Update Regs on the website - Not Done


Approve form for large scale borrowing (s4ea boardgames) - Done


Print and Laminate Committee Poster - He hath yet to repent for his sins (he hasnt done it yet)


Contact GMs for Spire oneshot - Done

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Tabletop Tuesdays
    • Chris and Emerald will talk about it this week

Chris, Emerald: Talk about tabletop tuesdays

S4EA + Unigames Board Games - [03/05/2022]

  • Emp needs to be approved by Amelia
  • Otherwise should be going ahead


  • Spire Oneshot Night - [Week 8 - Tuesday 26/04/2022]
    • Is happening
    • Connor has 2 Gms
      • Gibbi
      • Chris
    • Gonna be on the 26th of that week so tuesday

Connor, Jackie: Do spire loft booking and get event up

Magic: The Gavining

  • New Capenna Prerelease - Weekend before week 8 [Sunday 24/04/22 at 11am]
    • Is happening this weekend at 11
    • Event is up
    • Entry is $45
    • We have the product in the monolith
    • We hope to see you there

Fresher Campaigns

  • Hannah screams into the void
    • Peopleare having problems following their submitted schedules
    • Mental breakdown is imminent too much spreadsheet
    • Gms have been lovely lovely people
      • Vikrum is a reassuring lad
    • Otherwise nothing to report
  • Jackie: This is probabbly due to the current time in semester

Hannah: Continue on the fresher campaign strugglebus

Upcoming Events:

Charity Vigil - [16/04/2022 - 17/04/2022]

  • It was this weekend
  • Connor raised 341.35 by dressing up as a cat maid
  • We had a total attendance of about 55
    • We raised estimated amount of 2.6K (final count not done yet)
    • Pizza run thoughts
      • Texas: Dont give people options
        • Only give 5 options
        • Several times where we were like
        • bestie we dont know what chicken supreme looks like
      • Jackie: Suggest cutting the list down
        • Give value range
        • and 1 veggie option
        • basically cutting down to distinguisable pizzas
      • Gibbi: We allowed traditiona and value due to discount vouchers
      • Connor: Had a dietary thing on it
        • We didnt have any vegan option
        • So connor had to go find vegan option
      • Emerald: Historically done it with an off the menu way
        • Where people can ask for specific things by paying extras
      • Jazz: Agrees with Emerald
      • Jackie: Having the google form is good for these big events
        • Where as for refresher or roleplay we can just use a blank google sheet
        • Having google form as an option is good
        • However cutting down the form so that it is obvious which pizza is which
        • so that they are distinguishable at a glance
      • Gibbi: Dominoes does in fact accept discount codes for alrge orders
    • Raffle and Auction thoughts
      • Lorenzo gave some feedback on raffle and auction
      • Jackie: Their point was that having both detracts from the raffle
        • Because of the way its set up we lose money because people hold on to money for auction
        • Jackie thinks this is really valid and that this is unusual
        • The only reason we did this last year was because we had 1 auction item
        • Having 7 auction items detracts far more
      • Emerald: the hybrid system was largely due to the lack of uncharity this year
        • And the fact we had a lot of valubable items that were too valuble to raffle away
      • Jackie: They also didnt like how our silent auction system works
        • Would like us to run a vicat auction system
        • Where sealed envelope is given to an organiser
        • and then the highest bid pays the second highest amount
      • Emerald: No thats far too low and not practical for our events as we rely on a bidding war
      • Gibbi: This is very complicated for our system
      • Luna: My counterpoint is that we sold all our raffle tickets, so I don't think the auction took away from the raffle since raffle was at 100% capacity, I don't think the auction was detracted from given how much some of those items sold for. So from a financial/money gain perspective I don't think they actually detracted from each other.
      • Gibbi: we sold 400 tickts and we sold the out last year with the same number
        • We could potentially add more ticketrs in future
      • Jackie: Has two perspectives on this
        • If we have too many then people can monopolise the raffle easier
        • The prize cap counteracts this somewhat but it still go againsts what we want from the raffle
      • David: Counterpoint if people want to spend more money thats fine
      • Texas: This slows down the raffle and doesnt feel good
      • David: Enquires about a buy limit
      • Gibbi: We have not had a buy limit
        • not currently a problem, last years highest buys were ~80 tickets each, this years highest buy was 40 total
      • Emerald: We could perhaps move up to the upper limit of 500
      • Gibbi: we had people who arrived later that didnt get any tickets as were were out
      • Texas: If we had 500 raffle tickets we could save a booklet specifically for entry
        • So you could still buy up to 400 raffle tickets
        • Lock the last book for entry late and till the last hour for general purchase
        • Emerald - Likes this idea
      • Jackie: If we were to add an extra book then we wouldnt be really adding tickets
      • Emerald: at the moment we have 400 total were as with the suggested system then we would have an addtional 100 - the amount of attendees for the last hour
        • Generates more interest in the raffle
        • Should come with an announcement
        • Guarantees a ticket for people
      • Jackie: Is happy with increasing it by 100 tickets with this system
        • Should be brought up at subcom and added to handover
    • Dice
      • Gibbi: We had high auction prices for dice this year so exorbitantly that we added a new set
        • Winslade suggested committee doing a new run of dice
        • I have thoughts on how we give out our existing d6s regardless
          • essentially in future we should give out a couple sets of 2d6 at raffles and larger amounts at auctions like 4d6 or even 6d6
          • this would complement a new run of dice
      • Gibbi: thinks that $100 per d6 is essentially extortion so we should give them away higher
      • Jazz: I was going to purchase dice but then you look at it and see the auction dice is worth like 6 sets from tactics you kinda just yikes.
      • Jackie: I have 6 of these bad bois
        • Personally pro increasing the amount we give out per event
      • Emerald: we're not going to let this happen again
        • Hopes connor is out of the running now that he has dice

Unigames [REDACTED] "I"

  • Emerald: we dont know yet
    • Thats it
  • Jackie: would like to think about name and advertising
    • Jackie is happy to do poster
    • but we should vote on name now

Emerald: write up redacted name poll

Everyone: Come up with new fresh names and vote in the poll (Entries must have I)

Far Future Events

Quiz Night


Roleplay for Life

Relay for Life



Uncharity vigil


  • Approved
    • $236.51 to Ethan for Food Run
    • $44.00 to Texas for Milk Run (cash)
  • Pending
    • N/A
  • Unsubmitted
    • N/A


Best Club Award

  • should get a reply this week

Semester grant


Jackie: Please do handover for Texas's sake


  • Still waiting for handover
  • Will probably copy and paste envirogrant from last year
  • Maybe they won't trash it this time

General Business:

Quinn's Marketing Project

  • No updates
  • We are sitll waiting for a response


New Gatekeepers Approved: - Merlin Hoskins


Room Update

  • Jackie: Carpet squares should be reactioned
    • Emerald suggestrs 3 layers of rugs for nigtmare fuel
    • David: needs more carpet tape

David: Go on Carpet Quest Odyssey

  • Jackie: We should also clean the fresher campaign white board

Hannah, Jackie: Write white board announcement

Air Conditioning
  • No updates
  • Please new aircon thank you
Leaky Fridge
  • Texas: it might be a blocked drain thing
    • This we require the fridge to be unplugged so texas could do things
  • Emerald: we'll keep an eye on it and if it happens again then we'll try the unplug thing

Dice Buy

  • Emerald doesnt think we should do that since it was just for our 40th anniversary
    • we shouldnt do it till our 50th anniversary
    • Flooding the market should be fine so we definetely shouldnt order more dice
  • Tabled till next meeting


  • O TABLE! Idk its being made - Emerald 2022
  • Gamer moment - David + Jackie 2022
  • End of discussion


  • All of those things have been added
Classification system
  • Still waiting on Vikrum

Food runs

  • We are good


  • GIBSON should do the regs

Shirt Stuff

  • They should be on the way
  • Jackie: Hopefully sometime this week
    • Not anything today due to public holidays
    • Jackie will pick it up in her car

Committee Business

Emerald, Jackie: Camp Emp

Jackie: do emp and ccz booking for s4ea boardgames

Gibbi: Write intermediate magic primer for committee

Gibbi: Update Regs Meeting closed: 6:18 PM