Unigames Committee Meeting #8 - 22/04/2019
by Donald Sutherland
22nd Apr 2019
Unigames Committee Meeting #8 - 22/04/2019
- Aoibhinn
- Taylor
- Donald
- Alistair
- Amelia
- Brett
- Jasmine (via Discord)
- Elana
- Alaura
- Gavin
- none
Meeting open: 3:30PM
President's Report:
- She doesn't have a report she's been sick.
- Don't have wisdom teeth kids.
Vice-President's Report:
- I've been doing a lot of Panto stuff
- Happy easter people
Treasurer's Report:
- Account balance: $2268.43
- I've done a number of things and don't remember any of them.
- I've been running around after horrendously behaved dogs.
- Get your wisdom teeth checked.
- Yay all of the money is accounted for!
Secretary's Report:
- My laptop has a charger again
- I fixed the library counter
- Working on numerous things, but I've been busy and gotten distracted from all of them
Librarian's Report:
- Overdue items: No.
- When you return a game, please get it signed in.
- For real, when you return a game, please get it signed in!
- SwanCon was pretty good
- I checked out the Libib, I'm pretty sure Nadia got all of the way through the board games, but not the RPGs
- I'll be able to look at everything at the same time, and check damaged things.
- Book buy is happening soon-ish
- Thanks to everyone that helped at SwanCon, especially Elana.
Fresher Rep's Report:
- Everyone is mostly alive
- Talking with Amy from UniSFA about Fresher tables for quiz night
Past action Items:
- Talk to Scitech about feedback - not done
- Try and organise a Cameron Hall first aid course - not done
- Ask Tav about whether they want suggestions - not done
- Make a post reminding people about bin-can-redemption - not done
- Process reimbursments - done
- Sell Stickeez - Gumtree ongoing
- Investigate Library counter - done
- Add forms to database (free free to help) - not done
- Work on Camp posters - ongoing
- Find out what's up with mailing lists - not done
- Draw up a form for large-scale borrowing - not done
- Write new regulations - not done
- Retrieve Inquisimunda book and yell at people about that - not done
- Create list of games to bring to SwanCon - done
- Look into Libib stuff - done
- Sort out committee photos - not done
- Follow up with Gavin on due date for appeal - done
- >Donald: Add forms to database (free free to help)
Usual Suspects:
- Still need to make the event for 6th May Classics society >Brett: Make event for classics society
- Jasmine needs to meet up with UWADU and make an event for 2nd May >Jasmine: Make event for UWADU
- There was a collab, Aoibhinn was sick and couldn't make it.
- The event was not attended well.
- One game happened, but the movie was great
- Week 11 One-Shot feat. Numenera and The Strange
- >Jasmine: Organise GMs for Week 11 one-shot.
- Draft / Commander night happening on the 25th April
- And prerelease happening on the 28th!
- Product is available to collect from Tactics.
- >Donald: Collect product from Tactics.
- Continuing as usual.
- Painting day on the 24th April.
- Alaura was supposed to look after that, but might not be able to.
- >Alistair: Retrieve Inquisimunda book and yell at people about that.
Fresher Campaigns
- No updates from last week
- >Amelia: Sort out Will's campaign
- >Amelia: Sort out Szymon's campaign
SwanCon [19th-22nd April]:
- Was pretty good
- Played some games with the lads.
- We took up half the games table.
- We didn't have that many people say they could help
- A lot of people came twice on different days, which is great
- We have new suggestions for the book buy as well, which is kind of the point.
- Feedback for us: Put volunteering thing out earlier.
- Feedback for SwanCon: Probably not much they can do, but the Con being in Fremantle was not great for most of our volunteers.
- >Alistair: Contact SwanCon about feedback
- Because Alistair spent the whole time volunteering this convention, the ticket for the librarian approved in our regulations was not purchased this year.
Quiz Night [10th May]:
- We have not sold any more tickets in the clubroom
- >Taylor: Shill tickets to Unigames page and gatekeepers
- >Taylor: Try emailing about Quiz Night
- >Donald: Get the poster up and around campus
- >Taylor: Make a whenisgood for week-before meeting
CAMP - Fiends and Fae (Redacted) [21st-24th June]:
- Leigh has agreed to a meeting on Thursday or Friday this week
- Likely not Thursday because it's ANZAC day.
- Alaura has to be there
- >Aoibhinn: Schedule meeting + do Camp stuff + ask if Alaura has to be there
- >Donald: Keep working on camp posters
Harry Potter LARP:
- No meeting has been had
FilAus Incident:
- Still waiting for a meeting to be scheduled
Tenancy allocations:
- We submitted an addendum to our "appeal"
- Still waiting on an official response from Tenancy.
- No meeting has happened yet, still to be organised
Tav Boardgames Stuff
- >Aoibhinn: Ask Tav about whether they want suggestions
Bin Liners:
- >Aoibhinn: Ask about bin liners
Room Update:
Soft plastic recycling:
- Maybe contact the Enviro department? See if they can do anything?
- >Amelia: Contact Enviro department
- >Aoibhinn: Make a post reminding people about bin-can-redemption
- Some cans exploded
- Brett turned the temperature up in the fridge.
- >Taylor: Ask Gozz to 3D print a thing to prevent cans from touching the back element
- Taylor will refresh gumtree posts
- >Taylor: Refresh Gumtree ads
Fridge Whiteboard:
- UniSFA will be getting their own
- We'd ideally want a magnetic whiteboard
- >Brett: Look into fridge magnetic whiteboard
- Alaura still hasn't been to Clark Rubber for replacement noodles
Busy Bee:
- There's a busy bee on the May 4th
- We don't know if there's an associated Tenancy meeting
- Gotta keep the room clean
Wargaming shelf
- >Taylor: Put a label on the wargaming shelf
- >Alistair: Look into making a small door for the shelf.
- Alistair: $35.61 for paints
- Delayed, so it can be paid via transfer, not cash.
General Business:
Food run:
- Should do another one this week
Seperate mailing lists:
- >Donald: Find out what's up with mailing lists
Cameron Hall first aid:
- >Alaura: Try and organise a Cameron Hall first aid course
Leadership training:
- April 23rd and 24th is Leadership training
Committee photos:
- >Brett: Sort out committee photos
Book buy:
- Date should be set soon
- >Taylor: Do financial breakdown before book buy
Large scale borrowing
- >Donald: Draw up a form for large-scale borrowing
- >Donald: Write new regulations
Splat buy
- Unigames has voted against pledging $50 for the CoC campaign "Masks of Nyarlathotep" >Alistair: Speak with Jack about this
Taylor: Contact a member about behaviour
Meeting closed: 4:59PM
Action Items:
- Try and organise a Cameron Hall first aid course
- Schedule meeting + do Camp stuff + ask if Alaura has to be there
- Ask Tav about whether they want suggestions
- Ask about bin liners
- Make a post reminding people about bin-can-redemption
- Shill tickets to Unigames page and gatekeepers
- Try emailing about Quiz Night
- Make a whenisgood for week-before meeting
- Ask Gozz to 3D print a thing to prevent cans from touching the back element
- Refresh Gumtree ads
- Put a label on the wargaming shelf
- Do financial breakdown before book buy
- Contact a member about behaviour
- Add forms to database (free free to help)
- Collect product from Tactics.
- Get the poster up and around campus
- Keep working on camp posters
- Find out what's up with mailing lists
- Draw up a form for large-scale borrowing
- Write new regulations
- Retrieve Inquisimunda book and yell at people about that.
- Contact SwanCon about feedback
- Look into making a small door for the shelf.
- Speak with Jack about this
- Sort out Will's campaign
- Sort out Szymon's campaign
- Contact Enviro department
- Make event for classics society
- Look into fridge magnetic whiteboard
- Sort out committee photos
- Make event for UWADU
- Organise GMs for Week 11 one-shot.