Unigames Committee Meeting #8 - 22/04/2021

by Guinevere Sellner 22/04/21

Unigames Committee Meeting #8 - 22/04/2021


  • Alistair
  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Gwen
  • Ethan
  • Amber
  • Chris
  • Nina
  • Texas
  • Vikrum


Meeting scheduled: 7:15pm

Meeting open: 7:20pm


President's Report (Alistair):


  • everything is awful
  • my weekend is so busy, thanks wizards of the coast for being delayed
  • swancon is this weekend
    • should be good
    • we need to put together a list of games
  • SOC meeting happened
  • theoretically other things have been done in the past week

Vice-President's Report (Emerald):

  • dear guinevere
  • it has been quite the week
  • i have done my best to fulfill my unigames oblications
  • namely i made that post i had too
  • also i weighed in on some westmarches stuff
  • also i cleaned the room a bit
  • I've not looked much into furniture though
  • did a food run
  • i hope you, and all of our lovely members, are doing well
  • i love you and miss you everyday, Emerald

Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

  • charity vigil money has been donated to PICYS!
  • somewhere on the webcam archive there's an image of me trying desperately with a broomstick to reach a bottle of mustard stuck behind the freezer
  • went to the SOCPAC meeting and am still feeling the psychic damage
  • oday grants came in!
  • SPG info dropped
  • sent in withdrawals for last week + testing and tagging
  • account balance: $8,980.84

Secretary's Report (Gwen):

  • GM'd some Star Wars
    • It was a really good night and everyone seemed to have fun
    • Twiggy MVP
    • Gosh I miss GMing
  • Fought for Fesus
  • Swancon this weekend hype
    • Gonna teach some board games

Librarian's Report (Vikrum):

  • ladies and gentlemen, we got em (em being fog of love and also it isn't here yet, but they said they'll bring it in soon!)
  • When I'm done with this big assessment, the work™ will continue on my tagging system
  • Swancon is this week, looking forward to see what swans have been up to this year
  • grad applications are a battle royale and the short-term prize is speaking to a human, the long-term prize is employment
  • the books and board games continue to not move of their own volition, will provide update if this changes

Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan):

  • Went on Foodrun
  • Wrote the cooperative boardgames night event
  • Signed up for Swancon
  • Helped chris with star wars annoucnement a lill
  • Had a debate about fantasy catholicism
  • missed 0 catapults

Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas):

  • Amber:

    • Accidently stole some people away from Rootin Tootin boardgames by methods of Spirit Island.
    • Monday was smoke day, I did not like it.
    • Wondered how long it has been since we changed the filter on our aircon.
    • Jackie T-Posing on the Engineering tables.
    • Had some surprisingly productive days this week, unfortunately nothing to do with club stuff.
    • Got my I'm Alert certificate.
    • Maia got me into reading Worm, read Worm https://parahumans.wordpress.com/
      • Vikrum suggests watching One Piece instead
    • It is becoming increasingly apparent to me that I remember to write these minutes in bursts, as such often has everything I do on one day then nothing that happened on two others.
  • Chris:

    • Star Wars was fun!
    • Ate some mangoes
    • forgot to submit report again, sorry Gwen
  • Nina:

    • Went on my first food run on Friday!
    • Thanks to Emerald and Gibbi for showing me the ropes!
    • Spent the week mainly finalising the process of withdrawing from one of my units without penalty and finally got confirmation today that I can/did! [Partying emoji]
  • Texas:

    • Rootin Tootin boardgames happened! tried to coup Vikrum as the only exec present
    • jackie is best committee member sorry to everyone else
    • head empty, only fear for my dnd character
    • city of Perth as a whole should have more parking
    • i have 2 dragons

Past action Items:


Bother Leigh - not done

Keep herding cats (ICONS) - done

Regu...lations... regulations... do them - not done


Make gatekeeper reminder post for codes - done

Become furniture woman - not done


Figure out the library catalogue in any way you want - ongoing


Make week 9 board game event - not done


Make Star Wars One Shot Event - done

1 page RPG night EMP - not done


Talk to Neville about collab - not done


(Everyone) Get some qualifications - Amber did


  • no updates


Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Rootin Tootin Board Games [Week 7 Friday 16/4 5pm]

    • was fun
    • Texas took no psychic damage
    • About 15 people were there :)
    • good vibes
    • there was rootin, there was tootin and there was shooting... Vikrum
  • Cooperative Board Games [Week 9 Wednesday 28/4 5pm]

  • Event will be up tomorrow
  • There are enough games
  • hype

  • Next board games [Week 11]

    • Theme: Monsters
  • Study break during the day board games

Texas: Week 11 board games organisation things


  • Week 8 One Shot: Star Wars [Week 8 Wednesday 21/4 6pm]

    • it went well
    • 10 players showed up
    • Gwen successfully annoyed Kieran with jizz music (it is canonically spelt this way in star wars)
  • Week 10: 1 page RPG night [Week 10 Friday 7/5]

Chris: EMP for 1 page one shot night

Magic: The Gavining

  • Strixhaven Prelease [Sunday 25/4]
    • This Sunday!

Alistair: pick up prerelease packs


  • Week 11 painting day [Monday 10/5 2pm]

Ethan: Week 11 painting day EMP

Fresher Campaigns

  • No new signups


Charity Vigil [Probably Sat 3/4/21 - Sun 4/4/21]:

  • UCC submitted the donation

Swancon [24/4/21 - 26/4/21]:

  • This weekend!
  • 8 volunteers!
  • We need to make a list of games we want to take

Alistair: put toether SwanCon schedule Vikrum: Make list of SwanCon games to bring

Book Buy

Vikrum: make book buy post

Unigames [Redacted] [Friday 16/7/21 - Monday 19/7/21]:

  • First aid course in the holidays

Quiz Night [Probably Friday 20/8 or 27/8]:

  • Alistair contacted ICONS
  • UniSFA, Panto, UCC and PCS are very interested in being involved
    • UWASCA has expressed interest in wanting to join as well
    • This could lead to problems with organisation and things
    • But we should at least try it out for this year
    • UWASCA wants to get involved in more collab events, and this would be a bridge

Collab [REDACTED] 2021 [19/11/21 - 22/11/21]:

  • Subcommittee struggles
  • Not going to be a meeting for like another 2 weeks at least

UWASCA collab

Nina: Talk with Neville about collab

Far Future Events:

Roleplay for Life [Probably Sat 4/9 - Sun 5/9]:

Relay for Life [October]:

Cameron Hall-o-ween @ 77 Social [Thursday 21/10/21]:


Complete: - $520.58 for food run to Jackie - $43.44 for carpet tape to Ethan - $209.65 for charity vigil food run to Jackie - $60 for swancon ticket to Vikrum

Pending: - $42.90 for testing and tagging to Guild


  • Elevator

    • Guild's master plan is at work
  • Semester grants

    • Nothing :(
  • O Day Grant

    • We got it!
    • $481.50
  • Best Club award

    • Theoretically we are owed money for this
  • SOCPAC meeting

    • New SLT dates (May 23-26)
    • Mental Health First Aid is a thing (6th May and other dates)
      • Gwen is doing 6th May
    • Wait till next semester to apply for SPG
      • We're still waiting on table information
    • They are developing an envirogrant to encourage sustainable practices in clubs
    • Tenancy consultation next week Friday

Jackie,Emerald: Tenancy consultation

General Business:

Room Update

  • Tables

Alistair,Emerald: Message/poke Taylor about tables

  • Cupboards
    • We don't have a tape measure which makes measuring hard

Ethan: Buy 2x tape measure Alistair: Measure cupboard things with new tape measures

  • Coffee Table

Emerald: Look into coffee tables


  • Extend freeze on borrowing until Tuesday
  • Alistair tells us about the good old days of dishing out strikes

Vikrum: Dish out some strikes


Gwen: Send out newsletter


Alistair: Long term borrowing regulations

Westmarch Campaign

  • Talks about gods have been happening
  • Fesus debate happened
    • Stands for fantasy Jesus
  • Ethan and Chris have been working together to get rid of fantasy vatican city
  • Ethan has been writing Westmarche regulations which will be completed next week

Meeting closed: 8:00pm