Unigames Committee Meeting #9 - 02/05/2022

by Ethan Gibson 02/05/22

Unigames Committee Meeting #9 - 02/05/2022

tags: committee meeting 2022


  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Texas
  • Gibbi
  • Luna
  • Hannah
  • Chris
  • Connor
  • David
  • Jazz
  • Alistair



Meeting scheduled: 5:00Pm

Meeting open: 5:27 Pm


President's Report (Emerald):

  • Hi Gibbi
    • It's been a week in Emerald city
    • Did [ redacted ] EMP
    • Sent some Emails
    • pffft (shakes head)
    • Apparently start leaving the house more early
      • I didnt have to minute this
      • Emerald now has to deal with rush hour traffic
      • Thats why she was late to meeting
      • Also she has to close up the house to make it safe for her Cat

Vice-President's Report (Jackie):

  • submitted [redacted] emp
  • s4ea collab board games evening is ready to rumble tomorrow
  • oh yeah i went to the socpac
    • that was an event
  • Added a Snom emoji

Treasurer's Report (Texas):

  • 4 (5) unit hell
  • did food run
  • food run notes: Skittles on sale were 3.50 so
  • joint [redacted] meeting 1 this week, wednesday. need to read subcom regs again
  • hi friends ty for reading minutes
  • acc balance: $4,973.56**
  • **its this in the netsuite but it didnt go through yet bc funky bank things

Secretary's Report (Gibbi):

  • Found out there are 9 spire sourcebooks
  • Bought all 9 spire sourchebooks
    • Also bought copies of Sin and Strata for the club if you guys want
    • Also bought slay the spire which isnt at all related to spire but its funny
  • Got BEE Shirts
  • Did Subcom wrap up
  • Bene grinding that Uni content
  • Wrote up SNOM things and photoshopped SNOM

Librarian's Report (Luna):

  • Lost the privilege of walking.
  • And hands privilege.
  • Like, my grip strength is so weak that therapeutic grip strength exercises would injure me.
  • Also brain fog, I have been in bed for more than 48 hours since Saturday and am still not thinking properly.
  • Working through social services is hell.
  • On a related note I have done no work this week.
  • Also received the wildest email from Guild Finance which looks like a scam email.

Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah):

  • It me
  • lectures are piling up as usual been working on it down to 5.5 instead of 8
  • assignment hell is encroaching my free time because its week 9
  • otherwise I voted for the name and that’s that

Reports de la OCM (Chris, Connor, David, Jazz):

  • Chris:
    • aaaaaaahhhhhh
    • cursed assessment still cursed
    • fresher campaign session 0 sure has happened
  • Connor:

    • Ran Spire oneshot night :)) (success, even if smol whoops)
    • Fresher campaign sessions: 1, Tabaxis: 0
    • Assignment hell over.. for now
    • Ow
  • David:

    • So do you ever, like, go home and then once you're home you realise that you have a committee meeting and then you have to go back to uni? No? Just me?
    • They are out of stock of carpet tape at Claremont bunnings. No further Carpet Tile Quest Odyssey updates.
    • Stæmer peeps
  • Jazz:

    • returned prerelease
    • they did not have sleeves at tactics
    • went on food run
    • GMs contacted, EMP and booking done for CoC
    • thank you emerald I would die for prima in a heartbeat he's just a little guy :sob:
    • my mother endorsed me spending money on magic (she really just: no I think buying a commander deck or two soon is fair)

Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==8.75/10== Meetings
    • He is still looking at mounting the wall pinboard
    • Should be done by next thursday

Past action Items:

Action Items:


Do advertising for S4EA + Unigames Board Games - Done

finish grant handover - Done

put up general memberbase shirt announcement tonight - Done


food run this week! bring someone! bring emerald's flybuys card! - Done


SNOM 2 EMP, event etc - Done


bring blue yeti microphone next week- Done


contact CoC GMs, CoC EMP & loft booking. - Done

return new capenna prerelease product to tactics - Done

check for standard american sleeves @ tactics - Done


[REDACTED] names (thread in discord) pleaseeeeeee - Done

Usual Suspects

Unigames goes to Panto - [20/05/2022]

Jackie: Organise Unigames goes to Panto

Board Games

S4EA + Unigames Board Games - [Tuesday 03/05/2022 4:00pm]

  • Happening tomorrow afternoon ccz production room


  • Spire Oneshot Night - [Week 8 - Tuesday 26/04/2022]
    • Attendance was about 7
    • Was succesful
  • Call of Cthulhu Oneshot Night - [Week 10]
    • Jazz is still talking to GMs but is on top of it

Jazz: Keep working on call of cthulhu Event

  • One Page RPG Oneshot Night - [Week 12]
    • Chris to do announcement and EMP

Chris: Do expression of interest announcement and EMP for one page RPGs

Magic: The Gavining

  • New Capenna Prerelease - Weekend before week 8 [Sunday 15/05/22 at 11am]
    • Product returned
  • SNOM 2: Chromatic Boogaloo - [Week 10 - Sunday 08/05/22 at 2PM]
    • Is this weekend at 2pm
    • Is also mothers day
    • SMothers DAY (SMOM) - Suggested by Jazz

Fresher Campaigns

  • Gms have been talking to themselves otherwise no updates

Upcoming Events:

Charity Vigil - [16/04/2022 - 17/04/2022]

  • Had a wrapup meeting
    • Still waiting on total

Unigames [REDACTED] "I"

  • Emp has been submitted

Jackie: To work on advertising for [REDACTED]

Far Future Events

Quiz Night


Roleplay for Life

Relay for Life



Uncharity vigil


  • Approved
    • $22.09 to David for Carpet tape
  • Pending
    • $560.00 to Jazz for Pre-release
    • $229.15 to Texas for Food run
  • Unsubmitted


Best Club Award

  • No Updates

Semester grant

  • Will be working with Jackie on it


  • Will be working with Jackie(2021) on it

General Business:

Quinn's Marketing Project

  • Never heard back


  • No Updates


  • No Updates

Room Update

  • Carpet sure is carpeting
Air Conditioning
  • People are looking at it


  • We will probably have to pay that soon
  • Give it 1 more week till we send them the other half of the money


  • No Updates
Sleeving Cards
  • No Updates
Classification system
  • Waiting on Vikrum

Food runs

  • We did one
  • Texas notes that sales skittles are $3.50
  • If we want skittles, we need to raise the price
  • Texas suggests updating the price from $3 to $3.50 so that it is at cost
    • Motion passes unanimously


  • Newsletter hasnt been done yet probably will be done in a fortnight

Shirt Stuff

  • Dont forget that shirts are still on sale in the clubroom
  • Come and get one if you want one

Committee Business

Connor: Purchase carpet tape

Chris: Ungreenify the committee poster

Gibbi: Write up Intermediate Magic Primer for committee

Meeting closed: 6:09PM